YouTube Comments Analyzer Using Natural Language Processing And Artificial Intelligence
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.12 , Issue.12 , pp.1-14, Dec-2024
The exponential growth of online video content has propelled YouTube to the forefront of digital media platforms, where creators and viewers converge in a vibrant ecosystem. However, amidst the proliferation of videos, the accompanying surge in viewer comments poses a significant challenge for content creators and researchers alike. Manually sifting through this deluge of comments to gauge sentiment and understand audience feedback is increasingly untenable. To address this challenge, this manuscript introduces an automated tool, the YouTube Comment Analyzer, designed to efficiently extract and analyze comments on YouTube videos, categorizing them based on sentiment.
Key-Words / Index Term
Natural language processing, Analyze, Real-time Data acquisition, Human Sentiments, YouTube, Comments, Videos, Digital Media Creators
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Trupti Lonkar, Tejali Katkar, Manasi Karajgar, Ganesh Lonkar, Shradha Shelar, "YouTube Comments Analyzer Using Natural Language Processing And Artificial Intelligence," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.12, Issue.12, pp.1-14, 2024.
Exploring the Impact of Explainable AI on Software Maintenance and Testing: A Systematic Mapping Study
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.12 , Issue.12 , pp.15-24, Dec-2024
This study systematically maps the integration and impact of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in software maintenance and testing, covering research published between 2019 and 2023. Through the analysis of 18 primary papers, we identify trends and applications of XAI in these domains. Our findings reveal a growing interest in leveraging XAI to enhance the transparency and interpretability of AI models used in software maintenance and testing. Key insights include the distribution of studies over the years, the main tasks where XAI is applied, the types of XAI models used, their goals, and the various forms of XAI implementation. This systematic mapping provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research and highlights potential areas for future exploration.
Key-Words / Index Term
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI); Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC); Software Maintenance; Software Testing
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Muna Alrazgan, Hala Almukhalfi, Manal H. Alshahrani, Mashael Aljohani, Nada Almohaimeed, Ruba Almuwayshir, Zamzam Alhijji, "Exploring the Impact of Explainable AI on Software Maintenance and Testing: A Systematic Mapping Study," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.12, Issue.12, pp.15-24, 2024.
Advancements in AI/ML Algorithms and their Integration with Data Science for Enhanced Decision-Making and Automation
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.12 , Issue.12 , pp.25-32, Dec-2024
This article delves into the rapid advancements in AI/ML algorithms and their integration with data science practices to drive enhanced decision-making and automation. Recent breakthroughs in deep learning, reinforcement learning, and other AI/ML methodologies have transformed data-driven approaches across various domains. The paper emphasizes the fusion of AI/ML algorithms with core data science tools, including predictive analytics, big data processing, and automation frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn. Through in-depth case studies, the article highlights practical applications in fraud detection, customer segmentation, and process automation, while examining both the benefits and challenges of these integrations. Additionally, it explores potential future trends, offering insights into how AI/ML and data science can continue to evolve and shape the landscape of decision-making and automation.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data Systems Design, Data Development, Business Intelligence (BI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Predictive Modelling, Pattern Identification, Outlier Detection, Cloud Technology, and Distributed Systems
[1] Brown, G., & Smith, J., Advancements in AI/ML algorithms for data-driven decision-making. Journal of Data Science, Vol.15, Issue.3, pp.345–367, 2020.
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[3] David, R., & Johnson, T., Challenges and solutions in AI/ML integration with data science. Journal of Big Data, Vol.18, Issue.4, pp.495–511, 2021.
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[6] Lee, S., & Wang, X. Automation frameworks in AI/ML-driven data science. Journal of Automation and Robotics, Vol.11, Issue.3, pp.367–382, 2019.
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[10] Wang, L., & Zhang, T., The role of AI/ML in improving customer segmentation and decision-making. Business Analytics Journal, Vol.12, Issue.1, pp.123–139, 2020.
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Chandrasekhar Rao Katru, Sandip J. Gami, Divya Valsala Saratchandran, "Advancements in AI/ML Algorithms and their Integration with Data Science for Enhanced Decision-Making and Automation," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.12, Issue.12, pp.25-32, 2024.
Artificial Intelligence in Credit Risk: Identifying and Preventing Credit Washing
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.12 , Issue.12 , pp.33-39, Dec-2024
Credit repair is the process of fixing a credit history that has one or more problems, such as errors, identity theft, or actual delinquencies and similar issues. Credit report inaccuracies can be disputed easily with the credit bureaus and at the same time whenever a consumer is affected by identity theft would require an extensive amount of investigation and steps to fix the same. As per Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, consumers are protected and have rules in place to dispute any fraudulent activity in their credit report. This loophole is being exploited by bad actors and credit repair companies to falsely raise a dispute on the recent activities of new tradlines, new mortgage, or fraudulent activities with the only aim to remove such activities from their credit file and boost their credit score which in turn they will use it to get more loans or open new tradelines. This process of intentionally raising false disputes to mislead the lenders and financial institutions is called Credit Washing.In other words, Credit Washing is the act of working with the credit bureaus to dispute legitimates charges with the intention of improving a previously reported low credit score, either by falsely disputing incorrect items (yourself or with the help of a company) or by falsely correcting certain financial behaviors. This journal discusses the basic understanding of Credit washing,its impacts on financial markets,risks associated,current measures to monitor and control credit washing, proposed enhanced methods of advanced predictive machine learning and AI capabilities to improve detection of credit washing in order to protect the financial interests of millions of people who are genuinely impacted by false reporting and also to safeguard consumer rights.
Key-Words / Index Term
Credit Washing, Machine Learning, AI, Automated Fraud Detection, Identify Theft, Predictive Modelling, Credit Score Manipulation, Behavioral Analytics
[1] Mohsin Ali Farhad, “Consumer data protection laws and their impact on business models in the tech industry”, Telecommunications Policy, Vol.48, Issue.9, pp.1-8, 2024.
[2] Victoria Prussen Spears, “Editor’s Note: Here’s What’s Happening in Arbitration”, Dispute Resolution Journal,Vol.78, Issue.2, pp.123-126, 2024
[3] Jeremy Burke, Julian Jamison, Dean Karlan, Kata Mihaly, Jonathan Zinman, “Credit Building or Credit Crumbling? A Credit Builder Loan’s Effects on Consumer Behavior and Market Efficiency in the United States”, The Review of Financial Studies, Vol.36, Issue.4, pp.1585-1620, 2022.
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[5] David Burnes, Marguerite DeLiema, Lynn Langton, “Risk and protective factors of identity theft victimization in the United States”, Preventive Medicine Reports, Vol.17, Issue.1, pp.1-8, 2020.
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[7] Rahul Singh, Deepti Gupta, "Enhancing Interpretable Anomaly Detection: Depth-based Extended Isolation Forest Feature Importance (DEIFFI)", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.12, Issue.5, pp.59-67, 2024.
[8] Abowd, J. M., Dwork, C., Karr, A. F., Nissim, K., Reiter, J., Slavkovi?, A. and Vilhuber, L, “On Privacy and Public Data: A study of”, Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, Vol.3, Issue.1, pp.51-65, 2011.
[9] Indra Setiawan , Humiras Hardi Purba, “A Systematic Literature Review of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Implementation”,Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research,Vol.1, Issue.3, pp.200-208, 2020.
Vijay Arpudaraj Antonyraj, "Artificial Intelligence in Credit Risk: Identifying and Preventing Credit Washing," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.12, Issue.12, pp.33-39, 2024.
Interactive Data Quality Dashboard: Integrating Real-Time Monitoring with Predictive Analytics for Proactive Data Management
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.12 , Issue.12 , pp.40-45, Dec-2024
The "Interactive Data Quality Dashboard" integrates real-time monitoring with predictive analytics to enhance proactive data management and support high standards of data governance. In response to the exponential growth in data generation across modern organizations, this dashboard provides a critical solution for maintaining data quality, integrity, and consistency. Leveraging predictive analytics, the system forecasts potential data quality challenges, allowing users to address issues before they escalate. By enabling early detection of data inconsistencies, this platform fosters a preventative approach to data management that significantly reduces risks associated with data discrepancies. Designed with user-friendliness in mind, the dashboard provides intuitive interfaces and real-time feedback mechanisms that simplify the visualization, assessment, and management of data quality. Users are equipped with actionable insights that support continuous improvement in data accuracy, completeness, and consistency across various data environments. Additionally, the automation of data validation processes minimizes manual effort, streamlining workflows and increasing operational efficiency. This proactive approach not only enhances decision-making capabilities but also supports strategic data-driven initiatives within organizations. By continuously analyzing and visualizing real-time data quality metrics, the dashboard ensures that data remains reliable and ready for effective use. The integration of predictive algorithms allows organizations to adapt to emerging trends and address future data challenges, fostering resilience and adaptability in data management practices. For organizations aiming to uphold high standards in data governance and quality control, the Interactive Data Quality Dashboard offers a powerful tool that combines advanced analytics with real-time monitoring to drive sustainable data quality management.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data Quality, Predictive Analytics, Real-Time Monitoring, Data Integrity, Proactive Data Management, Data Validation, Data Consistency, Operational Efficiency
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Sandip J. Gami, Kevin Shah, Chandrasekhar Rao Katru, Sevinthi Kali Sankar Nagarajan, "Interactive Data Quality Dashboard: Integrating Real-Time Monitoring with Predictive Analytics for Proactive Data Management," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.12, Issue.12, pp.40-45, 2024.