A Review on Genetic Algorithm Operations and Application in Telecommunication Routing
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.7 , pp.373-377, Jul-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i7.373377
Genetic algorithm is a powerful tool and wide class of global optimization methods. It belongs to the large class of evolutionary algorithm and an efficient way to get optimal solutions. There is a large class of optimization problems that are quite hard to solve by conventional optimization technique but genetic algorithm (GA) is very efficient in that case too. Genetic Algorithm is used to solve many real world problems, some applications are as automotive design, Robotics, Optimized Telecommunications Routing, Biometric invention, Trip-traffic and Shipment routing, Computer gaming, Gene expression profiting, Marketing and Merchandising, etc. The main goal of this work is to solve the telecommunication routing problem by using Genetic Algorithm.
Key-Words / Index Term
Genetic Algorithm, Telecommunication Routing, Optimization Technique, Evolutionary Algorithm
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Cloud Security Based on PaaS Model
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.7 , pp.378-385, Jul-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i7.378385
Paas provide consumers easier way to produce and deploy software and cloud infrastructure [4], thus Paas doubtless occurs the best impact over any other aspect of cloud computing because it brings custom software development to the cloud. National Institute of Standards and Technology describes Paas as: “The capability provided to the consumer to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages and tools supported by the provider.”[2]. Thus Paas security which is based on framework, environment, interface and different elements with connected data security. In this paper a secure model is proposed with is based on tokenization and masking technique with key management system. This paper conjointly fulfils the SPI service delivery model and FISMA ACT for PAAS security problems in any cloud service.
Key-Words / Index Term
Paas[1], SPI Model[5], Framework Security[7], FISMA[6], Component Security[8], Security[10], Tokenization of sensitive data[13], Interface Security[11], Sensitive Data, Trusted Compute Pools[12].
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Saroj Kumar, Santosh Kumar, "Cloud Security Based on PaaS Model," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.7, pp.378-385, 2019.
A Medical Expert System for Tropical Diseases Diagnosis
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.7 , pp.386-390, Jul-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i7.386390
In Nigeria, tropical diseases such as Malaria and Typhoid are prevalent because of insects such as mosquitoes and flies, which are the common carriers of these diseases. Therefore, there is need for an expert system to help the inadequacy of the medical personnel in the diagnosis of these diseases. This paper presents the design of an expert system that aims at providing the patient with background for suitable diagnosis and treatments (Especially typhoid and malaria diseases). The system is able to give appropriate diagnosis and treatment for two diseases namely; typhoid and malaria. Fuzzy logic type 2 has proved to be the remarkable tool for building intelligent decision making for approximate reasoning that can appropriately handle both the uncertainties and imprecisions. The proposed methodology is composed of four stages: the first stage is receiving the symptoms from the patient, second stage, it uses information from the patient to make some analysis and investigation to improve correct decision in the diagnosis and the third stage, is performing diagnosis on patient according to information supplied by the patient (symptoms, analysis and investigation). The system was able to diagnose tropical diseases by the different symptoms using the fuzzy logic rule. The need to arrive at the most accurate medical diagnosis in a timely manner that reduces further complications is the main outcome of the system.
Key-Words / Index Term
Expert system, fuzzy logic, typhoid and malaria, tropical diseases, diagnosis
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Plant Disease Detection Methods using Image Processing
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.7 , pp.391-395, Jul-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i7.391395
The image processing is the technique which can process the information stored in the form of pixels. The disease of the plants can be detected using the methods of image processing. The plant image has various types of noises which can affect accuracy of plant disease detection. In this work, various image de noising methods are reviewed and analyzed in terms of certain parameters
Key-Words / Index Term
Plant disease detection, De noising, feature extraction
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