Smart Recruitment System
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.823-828, Apr-2019
Nowadays a lot of organizations are in a constant lookout to simplify their hiring process so that they can scout the best talent in a minimum time frame. The proposed system tries to simplify the manual work by automating the entire hiring process. The system helps to clean, parse and classify the large amount of resumes, that the hiring managers’ receive on a daily basis, using SVM (support vector machine algorithm in python).The system would cover some repetitive manual procedures like the aptitude test using JavaScript and the audio HR interview using natural language processing and sentiment analysis. This would ensure that the HR managers would not have to ask the same questions repeatedly thus preventing them from losing good candidates due to lack of interest towards the end of the interview. The system also provides detailed analysis in the form of a bar graph which gives a score count of the analysed tone parameters on the basis of the audio interview provided by the candidate.
Key-Words / Index Term
Natural Language Processing, Support Vector Machine, Tone Analysis, Resume, Classification, Sentiment Analysis.
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Siddhi Khanvilkar, Suparna Shetty, Disha Solanki, Sarika Davare , "Smart Recruitment System," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.823-828, 2019.
A Study on Applications of Wi-Vi Technology
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.829-834, Apr-2019
A popular technology called Wi-Fi is nothing but the information carrier between transmitter and receiver. Through this paper, we show that Wi-Fi can also extend our senses, enabling us to see moving objects through walls and behind closed doors. So can we use Wi-Fi signals to identify people in a closed room with their relative location? Yes, we can achieve the identification of objects in closed rooms through a technology called Wi-Vi. One can also identify simple gestures and combine a sequence of gestures behind the wall to communicate messages. This introduces two main innovations. Initially, it uses MIMO interference nulling to eliminate the static object reflections and target the focus on moving objects. Next, it shows how one can track a human by treating the motion of a human body as an antenna array and tracking the resulting RF beam. It helps in various applications which are given in the papers that helps the human to save life in critical conditions.
Key-Words / Index Term
[1] Sudarshan Adeppa, “Detection of Objects across the Walls with Wi-Fi Technology”, International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 2015.
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[6] M Murugan, Mr. G Sathish “See-through wall using Wi-Vi” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 4, April-2018
[7] Manupalli Uma Maheshwar Rao, Bala Brahmeswara kadaru” A study on future scope of Wi-Vi technology” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2017
[8] Arpitha Shankar S I “MIMO Cognitive Radio with Low-Cost Reception Using Beam Forming and Antenna Sub Array Formation” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE), 2016
Vidyasagar S D, Seema, "A Study on Applications of Wi-Vi Technology," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.829-834, 2019.
Maximum Power Extraction from PV System Using Fuzzy Logic
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.835-840, Apr-2019
One of the most popular renewable energy is solar energy due to its large availability. Major benefit of PV system for adopting solar energy is due to less maintenance cost, no moving parts and small limitations for installation. However, photovoltaic system has poor conversion efficiency as output performance of PV system is dependent on solar irradiation and temperature which are not consider as constant input source to system. The main objective is to extract maximum power from PV system Various techniques are to be used as mechanically as well as electrically to extract maximum power. Conventional Perturb and Observation (P&O), incremental conductance, adaptive Perturb and Observation, fuzzy logic based algorithm has implemented for extraction of maximum power. Boost converter is used for power interface as well as to step up the output voltage. Fuzzy logic based algorithms finds successful role to track maximum power even in rapidly changing climatic conditions. The proposed model has been implemented in MATLAB/Simulink and validated with experimental data of commercial PV panels.
Key-Words / Index Term
PV(photovoltaic) module, Mathematical Modeling, Maximum power extraction, Perturb & Observation, Incremental conductance, Adaptive Perturb and Observation, Fuzzy logic algorithm, Simulation.
[1] Trishan Esram, Patrick L. Chapman, “Comparison of Photovoltaic Array Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques”, IEEE Transaction on Energy conversion, 22(2), 439–449, 2007.
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Dhruv M. Dhivar, M.B. Jhala, M. K. Kathiria, "Maximum Power Extraction from PV System Using Fuzzy Logic," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.835-840, 2019.
Innovative Idea for Playerelection using Support Vector Machine(Svm)
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.841-843, Apr-2019
Player Selection is one of the most important tasks for any sport. The success or failure of any team lies in the skills and abilities of the players that comprise the team. The performance of the players depends on various factors and characteristics of a player. The team management select required players for each match from a squad of 7-20 players. Depending on different sports they analyze different characteristics and the statistics of the players to select the best players for each match who can shine on international stage. The process of player selection and team formation in multilayer sports is a complex multi-criteria problem where the ultimate success is determined by how the collection of individual players forms an effective team. The proposed system is formulated that takes into account various available performance data of players gives an optimize and balance team without any human interference which is limited to entering performance data. This system proposes Machine learning technology by implementing Support Vector Machine(SVM) algorithm for efficient player selection. Our system thus can effectively take into account all factors involved and give the optimal team, without human interference.
Key-Words / Index Term
Machine Learning, SVM (SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE), Player Selection.
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Farhana Siddiqui, Hasan Phudinawala, Chetan Davale , Soham Pawar, "Innovative Idea for Playerelection using Support Vector Machine(Svm)," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.841-843, 2019.
Analysis the Breast Cancer using Back Propagation with Deep Neural Network
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.844-847, Apr-2019
Breast cancer is one of the leading diseases among the worldwide disease; the breast cancer is occur will both gender but it is very rare for man. The breast cancer is an unwanted tissue is growth on the breast. The survival rate has increased above 500,000 around the world. When detected early, the five-year continued existence rate for breast cancer exceeds 80% of cases. Early analysis of breast cancer is serious for the continued existence of the patient. It is formed the multiple cells which may it occur on benign and malignant. The malignant is a cluster of cells and it is irregular shape. The benign tumor is oval shaped and smooth surface. In our approach, the medical microwave imaging technique is an innovative technology for detecting cancer it is avoiding for the patient uncomfortable feelings and screening is very easy. It is analysis the tissue by using the radio-frequencies and differentiates either benign or malignant. The deep learning is an important role for bio-medical images, classification and gains the human approaches. The grey level co-occurrence matrix is a feature extraction to reduce the noise detection and apply the grey color for differentiate the cancerous tissue and non-cancerous tissue . The back propagation algorithm is trained the network randomly and minimized the error rate. For each classifier, the presentation factor such as sensitivity, specificity and accuracy are computed. It is observed that the proposed scheme with classifier outperforms specificity to classify microwave images as normal or abnormal.
Key-Words / Index Term
breast cancer, medical microwave images, grey level co-occurrence matrix(GLCM), Back propagation.
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K. Anastraj, T. Chakravarthy, "Analysis the Breast Cancer using Back Propagation with Deep Neural Network," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.844-847, 2019.
Extended Information Hiding Procedure in Cloud Computing Environment using Random Security Codes
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.848-853, Apr-2019
Growth in the cloud computing evidenced in the recent past has accentuated the need for higher levels of security for obvious reasons. Various algorithms and techniques have been developed by the researchers to provide the security at multiple ends in multiple locations of the cloud data. The researchers have attempted to provide the security using various methodologies developed over time. However, there are frequent breaches of security in the recent times observed globally. Though the use of finger reference key in the security of data over the cryptography algorithm has enhanced the level of security, yet there are still loopholes in the framework providing opportunity for hackers for unauthorized access. In this paper, we propose a methodology to enhance the security by introducing the random security codes on the existing security framework. We establish that this procedure is more robust as compared to only using the finger reference key suggested by previous researchers and analysts.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Computing, Random Security Code, Data Hiding
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Arvind Kumar, Ayush Gupta, "Extended Information Hiding Procedure in Cloud Computing Environment using Random Security Codes," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.848-853, 2019.
Active Authentication on Mobile Device using Stylometry
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.854-858, Apr-2019
Behavioural biometrics takes the authentication one step further, requiring the user to not only have the right fingerprint to logon, but to prove that they are the same person whom they claim to be throughout the duration of the session. This takes into account the way in which a person interacts with a device, such as the force with which they hit a key, the angle they use to swipe a touch screen, or their typing speed. Tracking and analyzing these areas allows users to safely use the same password their behaviour for every login. We need to change the way we think about security across passwords, static and behavioural biometrics. Since virtually every authentication technique can be compromised, user should not rely solely on any single control for authorizing, but adopt a layered approach to security, combining the various available authentication technologies to improve both accuracy and user experience.
Key-Words / Index Term
Android, Sensors, API, SQLite, Java
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Shikha Agarawal, Ashwin Gujarathi, Abhilash Dhumane, Pramil Bhosure, Mangesh Vinchankar, "Active Authentication on Mobile Device using Stylometry," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.854-858, 2019.
Blood Group Detection using Image Processing Techniques: A Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.859-863, Apr-2019
Assurance of blood classification is critical before managing a blood transfusion in a crisis circumstance. Right now, these tests are performed physically by specialists in the lab, when the test is taken care of with a substantial number of tests, it is dreary to do and it might prompt human mistakes. In this paper, the proposed thought is to supplant the manual work in clinical research centers for distinguishing the blood gathering. The proposed framework expects to build up an inserted framework which utilizes Image preparing calculation to perform blood tests dependent on ABO and Rh blood composing frameworks. The proposed framework intends to build up an implanted framework which utilizes Image handling calculation to perform blood tests dependent on ABO and Rh blood composing frameworks. In this paper different existing methods are reviewed and their performance are evaluated so that it can help the researchers in their work.
Key-Words / Index Term
Antigen, Blood Samples, GPU, Histogram, LBP (nearby paired example), Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Image Processing, Pattern Matching.
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A Security Mechanism to Mitigate DDoS Attack on Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) using MAC with SSID
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.864-869, Apr-2019
In Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), the clients can speak each other by using the Access Point [AP] easily. Since it uses wireless medium for words there are lots of security challenges exists. WLANs provide speed equal to wired LANs and allow wireless devices to be mobile. Even though it is very useful, there are lots of security attacks specially it is vulnerable to distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks, this leads to unavailability of a service or resource by how of either crashes a service or by flooding the network with unwanted traffic to slowing down the delivery of service to the client. A distributed denial of service attack is the one in which the attacker attacks the victim by many sources. In this paper, we deployed WLANs in infrastructure mode as the extension of wired local area network. It was done in experimental approach to detect and prevent DDoS attack by using Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) and Machine Authentication Code(MAC) with Service Set Identifier (SSID) was studied and simulated utilizing OPNET 17.5 simulator. The IDPS on the server distinguishes legitimate users from the illegal user by the registered MAC. If the client is illegal, then it withdraws the user from the connection. And the access point will not show SSID. The SSID should be hidden by the Admin and will be given to only the registered users with MAC Address. Our Proposed solution can enhance the security of DDoS and can secure the WLAN from the Attackers.
Key-Words / Index Term
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS), Intrusion Detection and Prevention System( IDPS), OPNET ,Service Set Identifier (SSID), Machine Authentication Code(MAC) and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs).
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A Hybrid System Using CNN and AE for Noisy Image Classification
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.870-875, Apr-2019
With the use of deep learning networks image processing tasks has improved due to the development of learning feature illustration from images. Generally, in the real world scenario, these images available to classify is prone to noise and other deformities. According to many types of research in the past, the deep neural networks (DNNs) are found effective for image classification problems, but they suffer from the same real-life problem of noise and other deformities in an image. Noise is common occurrences in real life situations and many studies have been carried out in the past few decades with the purpose to remove the effect of noise in the image data. In this paper, the aim was to examine the DNN-based improved noisy image classification model. We have used a hybrid of denoising autoencoder, convolutional denoising autoencoder then using a classifier which is a combination of two different architectures one is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and the other is extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBOOST). This technique gives progressively better outcome by incorporating CNN as a trainable element for feature extraction from the image in input and XGBoost used as an identifier at the last stage of the model for outcomes.
Key-Words / Index Term
Blurry Images, Image Classification, Noisy Images, Supervised Classification, Unsupervised Classification, Image Denoising
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