A Study on Bluetooth Security Connection and Attacks
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.1-4, May-2019
Increasing popularity of wireless communication systems, Bluetooth has become one of the most widely used short range wireless protocols. Unfortunately, due to the nature of wireless communication networks, Bluetooth has security vulnerabilities particularly through eavesdropping. Despite newer and more secure versions of Bluetooth being released, older versions such as Bluetooth four.0 and 4.1 are still widespread all over the world. After thoroughly exploring the current Bluetooth security model and reasons for potential vulnerability, this report performs a comparative analysis of different Bluetooth security attacks, extending them and applying them to readily accessible devices, and offering countermeasures. Based on our results and discussion, it`s clear that Bluetooth is a widespread technology with significant security vulnerabilities in the real world today.
Key-Words / Index Term
Bluetooth,wifi-security,wireless protocal
[1] Bluetooth.org. New Bluetooth Specifications Enable IP Connectivity and Deliver Industry-leading Privacy and Increased Speed. Technical report, Bluetooth Special Interest Group, 2014. http: //www.bluetooth.com/Pages/PressReleases-Detail.aspx?ItemID=220.
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M. Dukitha, D. Harikrishnan, "A Study on Bluetooth Security Connection and Attacks", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.1-4, 2019.
A Study on GSM and GPRS Architecture and Design
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.5-9, May-2019
The General Packet Radio System (GPRS) is a new service that provides actual packet radio access for mobile Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and time-division multiple access (TDMA) users In addition, GPRS will allow improved quality of data services as measured in terms of reliability, response time, and features supported The main benefits of GPRS are that it reserves radio resources only there`s information to send and it reduces reliance on ancient circuit-switched network components. GPRS stands out mutually major development within the GSM normal that edges from packet switched techniques to supply mobile subscribers with the abundant required high bit rates for bursty data transmissions. It is potential on paper for GPRS subscribers to use many time slots (packet information channels) at the same time reaching a touch rate of concerning 170kbit/s. Volume-based charging is possible because channels are allocated to users only when packets are to be sent or received. Bursty knowledge applications create it attainable to balance a lot of expeditiously the network resources between users as a result of the supplier will use transmission gaps for different subscriber activities.
Key-Words / Index Term
Mobile telephony; Mobile data communications, GSM, GPRS,Packet radio, Telecommunications
[1].Shalu Chauhan,Ankit Tripathi,Vartika Anand “A study on the mac technology and access network over 3G systems”, IJCI,Vol.6,No.1/2,April 2017.
[2].Pankaj Verma,J.S.Bhatia,”Design and development of GPS-GSM based tracking system with google map based monitering”, IJCSEA,Vol.3,No.3,Jun 2013.
[3]. S.S.Kanase, S.A.Yadav, S.B.Jadhav, M.M.Kadam “GSM & GPS Based Vechicle Theft Control System”,IRJET,Vol.05,Issue.3,2018, e-ISSN:2395-0056,p-ISSN:2395-0072.
[4].Ekdahl, P. Johansson, T. “Another attack on A5/1”, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory -Proceedings 2001. p 160 (IEEE cat. n 01CH37252)
[5].Abid Khan,Ravi Mishra,”GPS-GSM based Tracking system”,IJETT,VOL.3,No.2,2012.
[6].M. Walker and T. Wright, Security. In F. Hillebrand, editor, GSM and UMTS: The Creation of Global Mobile Communication, pp. 385-406, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002.
[7]. R. J. “Bud” Bates, GPRS, McGraw Hill TELECOM, 2002.
[8].Kunal Maurya,Mandeep Singh,Neelu Jain,”Real time tracking System using GSM and GPS technology-An anti theft Tracking System”,IJECSE,Vol.1,No3,2014.
M.Dukitha, G. Jai surya, "A Study on GSM and GPRS Architecture and Design", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.5-9, 2019.
A Study on Image Processing and Techniques
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.10-13, May-2019
the objective of this project was to investigate methods to recover the maximum amount of available information from an image. Some radio frequency and optical sensors collect large-scale sets of spatial imagery data whose content is often obscured by fog, clouds, foliage and other intervening structures. Often, the obstruction is such as to render unreliable the definition of underlying images. Various mathematical operations used in image processing to remove obstructions from images and to recover reliable information were investigated, to include Spatial Domain Processing, Frequency Domain Processing, and non-Abelian group operations. These imaging techniques were researched and their effectiveness determined. Some of the most effective techniques were selected, refined, extended and customized for this project. Several examples are presented showing applications of such techniques with the MATLAB code included. A new advanced image processing technique was developed, tested, and is being proposed for the removal of clouds from an image. This technique has been applied to certain images to demonstrate its effectiveness. The MATLAB code has been developed, tested and appended to this report.
Key-Words / Index Term
Techniques, MATLAB Code, Operations, Stack Filters, Computational Approach
[1]. R. Gonzalez and R. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002.
[2]. Shailendra Kumar Dewangan, “Human Authentication Using Biometric Recognition”, International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET), ISSN: 2229-3345, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 240-245, April 2015.
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[4]. Andrzej Cichocki Shun-ichi Amari, Adaptive Blind Signal and Image Processing Learning Algorithms
[5]. Sturt William Perry, Hau-San Wong and Ling Guan, Adaptive Image Processing A Computational Intelligence Perspective, CRC Press, 2002.
[6]. Marcin Andrychowicz, Misha Denil, et al., “Learning to learn by gradient descent “AdHoc Low Powered 802.15.1 Protocol Based Automation System for Residence using Mobile Devices”, by gradient descent”, arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.04474v2 [cs.NE] 30 Nov 2016.
[7]. Steve Mann, Intelligent Image Processing, John and Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002.
[8]. Jiecai Luo and Kenneth W. Tobin, “A novel method based combined color features for large scale spatial image data retrieval,” 37th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST), Tuskegee University, Alabama, 2005.
[9]. Jiecai Luo, “Automated Image Retrieval Based Large-scale Spatial Data Management and Analysis” 2003 Technique Report, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education and Image Science & Machine Vision Group at ORNL, ORNL/ORAU HBCU and MEI Summer Faculty Research Program, 2003.
M. Dukitha, M. Leka, "A Study on Image Processing and Techniques", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.10-13, 2019.
A Study on Mobile Development and Operating System Design
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.14-18, May-2019
Capability Of Mobile Devices And The Confides Of Organization To Integrate Them Into Their Business Processes represents an attractive target for criminals to attack A mobile operating system (Mobile OS) is a software platform on top of which other programs called application programs, can run on mobile devices such as personal digital assistant (PDA) , tablets, cellular phones, smart phones and so on specific application software targeted to mobile devices known as apps are gaining popularity. In specific we are referring to most used mobile devices belonging to the tablets and smart phones categories.
Key-Words / Index Term
operating system (Mobile OS), personal digital assistant, gaining popularity, Mobile devices, application programs
[1] Home security systems, home security products, home alarm systems - ADT. http://www.adt.com/.
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[3] H. Beyer and K. Holtzblatt. Contextual Design: Defining Customer-Centered Systems. Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.
[4] Open source - Apple developer. http://developer.apple.com/ open source/.
[5] J. Borchers, M. Ringel, J. Tyler, and A. Fox. Stanford interactive workspaces: A framework for physical and graphical user interface prototyping. IEEE Wireless Communications. Special Issue on Smart Homes, 2002.
[6] B. Brumitt, B. Meyers, J. Krumm, A. Kern, and S. A. Shafer. EasyLiving: Technologies for intelligent environments. In Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing, 2000.
[7] K. L. Calvert, W. Keith, E. Rebecca, and E. Grinter. Moving toward the middle: The case against the end-to-end argument in home networking. In HotNets, 2007.
[8] A. Chaudhuri, P. Naldurg, G. Ramalingam, S. Rajamani, and L. Velaga. EON: Modeling and analyzing access control systems with logic programs. In CCS, 2008.
M. Angelin Rosy, P. Ranjithkumar, M. Felix Xavier Muthu, "A Study on Mobile Development and Operating System Design", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.14-18, 2019.
Applications of Cluster Analysis
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.19-21, May-2019
Clustering is the process of grouping the data into classes or clusters, so those objects with in a cluster have high similarity in comparison to one another but are very dissimilar to objects in other clusters. Dissimilarities are assessed based on attribute values describing the objects. Clustering has its roots in many areas like data mining, statistics, biology and machine learning. We examine several clustering techniques organized into the following categories partitioning methods, hierarchical method, density based method, grid- based method, model-based method, frequent pattern based method and constraint clustering.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cluster, Matrix, Algorithm
[1] L. Jawadeekar, “ Data Mining concepts and Techniques”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, India,
[2] Jiawei han, Micheline Kamber, Jian pei “ Data Mining concepts and Techniques”, Publisher: Morgan Kaufman,
[3] Hand Amber pei i “ Data Mining concepts and Techniques”, Second Edition
[4] S. Mythili, E.Madhaiya,“An Analysis on Clustering Algorithms in Data mining”, IJCSMC, Vol. 3, Issue. 1, January 2014, pg.334 – 340.
T. Aruna, "Applications of Cluster Analysis", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.19-21, 2019.
Authentication and Encryption in Cloud using Linear Algebra
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.22-24, May-2019
Cloud computing a new concept of Modern World and it combines all the service models and technologies together to deliver IT enterprise. The objective of this algorithm is to provide the security to end user to protect files or data from the unauthorized user. Privacy is an important issue for any technology through which unauthorized user can access your file or data in a cloud. I have presenting an encryption algorithm to deal with the privacy problems in cloud computing and protect the data stored in the cloud.
Key-Words / Index Term
Computing, Encryption, Decryption
[1]. Arjunkumar ,Byung Gook Lee , AnuKumari “secure storage and access of data in cloud computing” .IEEE on ICTC, 2012.
[2]. M.M .Auxilia and K. Raja, “semantic based access control for ensuring data security in cloud computing”, IEEE conference on reader, Communication and computing 2012
[3]. Meer SoheilAbolghasemi , MahadiMokkarmi “using location based encryption to improve the security of data access in Cloud computing”, IEEE conference on advances in computing communications and informatics,2013.
[4]. Rao Srinivasa and V .Nageswara Rao , “Cloud computing an overview “, computing,pp71-76,2009
[5]. Kulkarni .G “A security aspects in cloud computing”, Computer Engineering, IEEE,PP 547-550,2012.
T. Aruna, "Authentication and Encryption in Cloud using Linear Algebra", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.22-24, 2019.
Classification Techniques in Data Mining
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.25-28, May-2019
Data mining is a emerging field which has attracted a large number of information , industries due to huge volume of data managed in recent days. Classification techniques to improve business opportunity and to improve the quality of services provided. An classification is one of the most useful and important techniques. Classification techniques are useful to handle large amount of data. Various classification techniques covered in the paper is based on the decision tree. The regression tree based classification J48, CART and ID3.
Key-Words / Index Term
Classification, Decision tree, Regression, Naïve Bayes, J48, CART
[1]Saranya Vani.M,Dr.S.Uma,Sherin.A,Saranya.K “ Survey On Classification Techniques Used In Data Mining And Their Recent Advancements”(ISSN:2278-7798) IJSETR,vol.3,issue 9,september 2014.
[2]Mr.Sudhir M.Gorade,,Prof.Ankit Deo,Prof.Preetesh Purohit “A Study Of Some Data Mining Classification Techniques.”(e-ISSN:2395-0056,p-ISSN:2395- 0072)IRJET,vol 4,issue 4,april 2017.
[3] Neha Mida And Dr.Vikram Singh “A Survey On Classification Techniques In Data Mining.”(ISSN:2231-5268)IJCSMS,vol 16,issue 1,july 2015.
[4]C.Parimala,R.Porkodi “Clasiification Algorithm In Data Mining”(ISSN:2456-3307) ,IJSRCSEIT,2018,vol 3,issue 1.
M. Dukitha, R. Sindhu, "Classification Techniques in Data Mining", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.25-28, 2019.
Consequences on Network Security and Cryptography
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.29-32, May-2019
Network securities have become a gambol in our whole world. The need of network security is accelerate at the same speed of better internet usage. The first and prime thing of every network design, plan, build and operating a network is the importance of a strong security. Information security is the great basic issue in an assurance safe transmission of data. Network security and cryptography is a concept to protect network and data transmission over wireless network. More users connect to the internet is attracts a lot of cyber attacks. Data securities are the main feature of safe data transmission above changeable network. User chooses is assign an id and password and figure print or network authentication information that allows them access to information and program within their authority. The internet structure itself allowed for more security threats to occur.
Key-Words / Index Term
[1]A Review Paper On Network Security And Cryptography , Dr.Sandeep Tayal1,Dr.Nipin Gupta2,Dr.Pankaj Gupta3,Deepak Goyal4,Monika Goyal5.ISSN :0973-6107.
[2] Network Security With Cryptography ,Prof.Kukund R.Joshi,Renuka Avinash Karkade ISSN :2320-088x.
[3] Network Security In Digitalization:Attacks And Defence, Shruthi Prabakar ISSN: 2320-7345.
[4] Network Threats,Attacks And Security Measures:A Review,Ruzaina Khan,Mohammad Hasan, ISSN :0976-5697.
[5] Security Issues Of Firewall,Dr.A R.Pon Periyasamy,ISSN:2277-128.
[6] The Study Of Network Security With Its Penetrating Attacks And Possible Security Mechanisms, Monali S.Gaigole,Prof.M.A.Kalyankar,ISSN:2320-088x.
M. Inbavalli, T. Ammulu, "Consequences on Network Security and Cryptography", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.29-32, 2019.
Honeypot in Information System Security
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.33-35, May-2019
This days security in information system is very challenging , so security for network security plays a vital role in all fields. A honeypot is a network-attached system set up as a decoy to lure cyberattackers and to detect, deflect or study hacking attempts in order to gain unauthorized access to information systems. The function of a honeypot is to represent itself on the internet as a potential target for attackers -- usually a server or other high-value target -- and to gather information and notify defenders of any attempts to access the honeypot by unauthorized users. Honeypot is a well designed system that attracts hackers into it. By luring the hacker into the system, it is possible to monitor the processes that are started and running on the system by hacker. In other words, honeypot is a trap machine which looks like a real system in order to attract the attacker. The aim of the honeypot is analyzing, understanding, watching and tracking hacker’s behaviours in order to create more secure systems. Honeypot is great way to improve network security administrators’ knowledge and learn how to get information from a victim system using forensic tools. Honeypot is also very useful for future threats to keep track of new technology attacks.
Key-Words / Index Term
Honeypot, hacking, security, forensic analysis of honeypots, network
[1]. Spitzner L.2001.The Value of Honeypots, Part Two: Honeypot Solutions and Legal Issues [Online] (Updated 23 October 2001) Available at : http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/value-honeypots-part-two-honeypot-solutionsand-legal-issues [Accessed 13 March 2010].
[2]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeypot_(computing)
[3]. Sutton Jr.,R.E DTEC 6873 Section 01:How to build and use a honeypot.
[4]. https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/honey-pot
[5]. Lakhani A.D., A dissertation on deception techniques using honeypots.Information Security Group Royal Holloway, University of London,UK.
[6]. Shuja F.A.,2005. Pakistan Honeynet Project Virtual Honeynet: Deploying Honeywall using Vmware [Online](Updated November 2005) Available at: http://www.honeynet.pk/Honeywall/roo/index.htm [Accessed 7 May 2010].
[7]. https://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/problems-and-challenges-honeypots
[8]. http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=30489&seqNum=2
N. Shoba, V. Sathya, "Honeypot in Information System Security", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.33-35, 2019.
Integrated Library Management System
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.36-39, May-2019
An integrated library management system (ILMS) is a computer based system that is used for monitoring the daily activities of a library. The ILMS manages borrowing and returning of books and other resources. It helps users for finding resources for teaching, reading and learning. The ILMS system is maintained by the librarian and library admin. The ILMS stores details like name, address, ID number, date of birth of members working in library and users who come to library. The ILMS provides exact information about the number of books that are taken by the users. This system can view reserve books and find out who is having that book. The Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) uses a fingerprint scanning for securing the datas stored in the library database. The fingerprint scanner is also called as Direct Fingerprint Reader (DFR).The ILMS contains several modules. The ILMS minimizes the redundancy of data, secures the data and provides fast transaction to the users.
Key-Words / Index Term
Integrated library management system (ILMS), computer-based system, modules, fingerprint scanner
[1] A.ThendralMary, S.Ramya, Mr.S.Krishnamurthy, Dr.A.Valarmathi ”Enhanced Library Management System” (ISSN:2320-2882),IJCRT,Vol 5, Issue 4, October 2017.
[2] Alwi Mohd Yunus, Irwan Kamaruddin Abdul Kadir, Ahmad Nazri Mansor, Mohd Razilan Abdul Kadir “Library Management System (LMS): Impact On Library Environments”(ISBN:978-0-9860419-7-6).
[3] Mohammed.I.Younis ”SLMS: A Smart Library Management System Based On RFID Technology” (ISSN 235637069)Vol 4 ,No.4,2010.
[4] Akansha Verma, Niharika Garg “RFID Library Implementation” (ISSN:2320-088x),Ijcsmc,Vol 3, Issue 4 ,April 2014.
[5] Chetan.J, Jadhav, Shivani S.Jadhav, Vijay M.Sancheti, Prof.Shailesh, S Hajare “Smart Library Management System Using RFID Technology” (E-ISSN:2395-0056,P-ISSN:2395-0072)IRJET,Vol4 ,Issue5 ,May 2017.
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M. Inbavalli, A. Chandana, "Integrated Library Management System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.36-39, 2019.