Prevention of Harassment of Women by Crime Detection, Analysis and Prediction
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.1-5, May-2019
Sexual harassment in public places is overwhelmingly experienced by women and girls. Sexual harassment is, in fact, the most common form of violence against women and girls and that young women are particularly targeted. Sexual harassment has significant and widespread impacts, both on individuals as well as on society. Sexual harassment in public reduces women and girls’ freedom to enjoy public life, and can negatively affect feelings of safety, bodily autonomy and mental health.This project proposes a data-driven method to analyze crime data and behavioral patterns using machine learning algorithms and thus predict emerging crime hotspots for additional police attention.Each community has different crime trends in different areas. These trends are analyzed using machine learning principles which help to predict how crimes against women have significantly increased in various areas of a community. It also helps in rapid visualization and identification of communities which are densely affected with crimes. This approach proves to be quite effective and can also be used for analyzing national crime scenario.
Key-Words / Index Term
K-means Clustering, Random Forest, Google maps GPS, stemming
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Bhavana M S, Bindu B K, Bindushree K, Chethana D N, Kiran Mensinkai, "Prevention of Harassment of Women by Crime Detection, Analysis and Prediction", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.1-5, 2019.
Aid for Blocked Car and Towed Car Using Interent of Things Techniques
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.6-10, May-2019
Internet of Things (IoT) plays an effective role in connecting the surrounding environmental things to the network and made easy access things from any remote location. Driving the vehicle which is blocked in the random parking areas is very difficult and time taking. The vehicle can be towed from anyone that is unknown to the driver until him/her return to the parking area. Structured modular concept is used to design the system. The system implemented using ultrasonic sensors, renesas microcontroller, GSM module, IR sensor and MATLAB. The proposed system gives the solution to drive out the blocked car and also recognized that car is towed.
Key-Words / Index Term
Structured modular design, MATLAB
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Anusha B.M, Anusha S.B, Deekshitha D, Deepa D, Hemanth Y K, "Aid for Blocked Car and Towed Car Using Interent of Things Techniques", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.6-10, 2019.
An Efficient Implementation of Distributed Storage Protocol for Large Number of Video Streams
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.11-15, May-2019
An ever-increasing number of installed surveillance cameras, higher network bandwidth requirements and larger storage space consumption are major considerations when designing a video surveillance storage system. Traditional file systems are not tailored for receiving and storage of large scale video streams. This project attempts to present vsStor, a PB-scale, network-based video surveillance storage system which is used for storing thousands of streams. Another major characteristics of vsStor is the scale-out architecture design which allows the performance to grow by adding more hardware. We make use of clustered architecture for connecting various machines and rely on the web service mechanism for communication between them.
Key-Words / Index Term
Video surveillance, storage system,Distributed file system, Big Data
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Amrutha B V, Ananya Jeevan, Bhumika R, Chaitra P, Dhanraj S, "An Efficient Implementation of Distributed Storage Protocol for Large Number of Video Streams", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.11-15, 2019.
Intelligent Accident Detection With Mobile Phone Using Internet of Things
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.16-20, May-2019
The Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing rapidly in recent years and widely used in variety of applications such as military, marine, smart home, intelligent transportation, smart health, smart grid and smart city domains. Due to the advancement in technology and increasing traffic, road accidents and traffic hazards have increased, causing more chances of loss of life due to lack of timely help facilities. This project is an attempt towards finding solutions for timely accident notification. The proposed project records the parameters of vehicle at regular intervals of time, through a smart device installed in the vehicle and sends these values onto the Android App, vehicle owner or a third party. The system will facilitate the users in a number of ways such as notification for immediate aid in case of accident, tracking the vehicle conditions in cases of accident and disabling the vehicle remotely. The hardware components include the smart device installed in the vehicle and a mobile phone for user interaction. The smart device installed in the vehicle does not interfere with the normal functioning of the vehicle or cause overheads.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of Things (IoT), Renesas Microcontroller, Global Positioning System (GPS), Accelerometer, Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), Android application, Global System for Mobile (GSM), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
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G Gouthami, Kavya B V, Kavya B R, Kavita, Sagar B, "Intelligent Accident Detection With Mobile Phone Using Internet of Things", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.16-20, 2019.
Enabling Efficient Consumer Revocation for Identity based Cloud Storage Auditing for Shared Big Data Records
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.21-26, May-2019
Cloud storage auditing schemes for shared facts refer with checking the integrity of cloud facts shared via a collection of customers.User revocation is commonly supported in such schemes, as customers may be issue to organization or may misbehave.Previously, the computational overhead for consumer revocation in such schemes was linear with the entire quantity of document blocks possessed by a revoked consumer. In this paper, we advise a singular storage auditing scheme that achieves consumer revocation unbiased of the full variety of file blocks possessed via the revoked consumer in the cloud. This is carried out through exploring a novel approach for key era and a brand new personal key replace method. By using this approach, we realize consumer revocation via simply updating the non revoked customers’ personal keys rather than authenticators of the revoked consumer. The integrity auditing of the revoked consumer’s data can nonetheless be efficaciously achieved when the authenticators aren`t updated. Meanwhile, the proposed scheme is based totally on identification-base cryptography, which gets rid of the complex certificate control in conventional Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) structures. the safety and efficiency of the proposed scheme are confirmed through both evaluation and experimental consequences.
Key-Words / Index Term
Revocation,Key Generation,Cloud Computing
[1]. Hui Cui, Robert H Deng, Joseph K Liu, Xui Yi, “ Server-Aided Attribute-Based Signature With Revocation for Resource-Constrained Industrial-Internet-of-Things Devices” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume: 14 , Issue: 8 , Aug. 2018
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[4]. G. Yang, J. Yu, W. Shen, Q. Su, F.Zhang, R Hao ,”Enabling Public Auditing for Shared Data in Cloud Storage Supporting Identity Privacy and Traceability” ,April 2016
[5]. J. Yu, K.Ren, C. Wang,“Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing with Verifiable Outsourcing of Key Updates” , August 2016.
[6]. H. Wang , “Proxy provable data possession in public clouds” , vol. 113, pp. 130-139, 2016.
[7]. J. Yu, K. Ren, C. Wang, V. Varadharajan ,”Enabling cloud storage auditing with key-exposure resistance”, 39(10), 9359–9366, Sept 2018.
[8]. Y. Luo, M. Xu, S. Fu, D. Wang, and J. Deng, “Efficient Integrity Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud with Secure User Revocation,” IEEE Trust com/Big DataSE /ISPA,pp. 434-442, 2015.
[9]. J. Yu, K. Ren, and C. Wang, “Enabling Cloud StorageAuditing with Verifiable Outsourcing of Key Updates,”IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 11, no.5, pp. 1362-1375, 2016.
[10]. J. Yu and H. Wang, “Strong Key-Exposure ResilientAuditing for Secure Cloud Storage,” IEEE Transactionson Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no.8, pp.1931-1940, 2017.
[11]. J. Yu, H. Rong, H. Xia, H. Zhang, X. Cheng, and F.Kong, “Intrusion-resilient identity-based signatures: Concrete scheme in the standard model and generic construction,” Information Sciences, vol. 442-443, pp. 158-172, 2018.
[12]. J. Yu, R. Hao, H. Zhao, M. Shu, and J. Fan, “IRIBE:Intrusion-resilient identity-based encryption,”InformationSciences, vol. 329, pp. 90-104, 2016.
[13]. W. Shen, G. Yang, J. Yu , H. Zhang, F. Kong, and R. Hao, “Remote data possession checking with privacy-preserving authenticators for cloud storage,” Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 76, pp. 136-145, 2017.
[14]. F. FatemiMoghaddam, P. Wieder, and R. Yahyapour, “Federated PolicyManagement Engine for Reliable Cloud Computing,” in IEEEInternational Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN2017), 2017.
[15]. F. FatemiMoghaddam, P. Wieder, and R. Yahyapour, “PolicyManagement Engine (PME) - A Policy-Based Schema to Classify andManage Sensitive Data in Cloud Storages,” J. Inf. Secur.Appl., vol. 36,pp. 11–19, 2017.
[16]. W. Shen, J. Yu, H. Xia, H. Zhang, X. Lu and R. Hao, “Light-weight and Privacy-preserving Secure Cloud Auditing Scheme for Group Users via the Third Party Medium,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications,vol. 82, pp.56-64, 2017.
[17]. M. Sookhak, A. Gania, M. K. Khanb, and R. Buyyac, “Dynamic Remote Data Auditing for Securing Big Data Storage in Cloud Computing,” Information Science, vol.380, pp. 101-116, 2017.
[18]. L. Rao, H. Zhang, and T. Tu, “Dynamic Outsourced Auditing Services for Cloud Storage Based on Batch-Leaves- Authenticated Merkle Hash Tree,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Available online 26 May 2017 DOI:10.1109/TSC.2017.2708116.
[19]. J. Yu and H. Wang, “Strong Key-Exposure Resilient Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no.8, pp. 1931-1940, 2017.
Ayushi P Bohara, Chethan A, Haripriya B, Harshitha V, Arun Biradar, "Enabling Efficient Consumer Revocation for Identity based Cloud Storage Auditing for Shared Big Data Records", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.21-26, 2019.
Agricultural Intelligence Decision System Using Big Data Analysis
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.27-31, May-2019
Using hadoop in big data technologies into agriculture presents a significant challenge; at the same time, this technology contributes effectively in many countries’ economic and social development. In this work, we will study environmental data provided by precision agriculture information technologies, which represents a crucial source of data in need of being wisely managed and analyzed with appropriate methods and tools in order to extract the meaningful information by providing decision making support to the farmers.
Key-Words / Index Term
big data technology, hadoop, environmental data, decision making
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Harshitha P Patil, Gokul D, Dharmatej M, K V Rajashekhar Reddy, Chandan Raj B R, "Agricultural Intelligence Decision System Using Big Data Analysis", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.27-31, 2019.
Development of Machine Learning-Based Predictive Models for Air Quality Analysis and Prediction
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.32-35, May-2019
One of the biggest environmental problems right now is air pollution. Air quality is needed to be consistently monitored and assessed to ensure better living conditions. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses the air quality index (AQI) to standardize the air quality. However, AQI requires precise and accurate sensor readings and complex calculations, making it not feasible for portable air quality monitoring devices. The aim of this paper is to find an alternative way of monitoring and characterizing air quality through the use of integrated gas sensors and building predictive models using machine learning algorithms that can be used to obtain data-driven solutions to mitigate the risk of air pollution.
Key-Words / Index Term
AQI(Air Quality Index),Data Cleaning, Softmax Function
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Deduplication of Image at Client Side Using DICE Protocol
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.36-42, May-2019
With the approach of distributed computing, verified information de-duplication has picked up a ton of fame. Numerous methods have been proposed in the writing of this continuous research territory. Among these procedures, theMessage Locked Encryption (MLE) conspire is regularly referenced. Analysts have presented MLE based conventions which give verified de-duplication of information, where the information is by and large in content structure. Thus, sight and sound information, for example, pictures and video, which are bigger in size contrasted with content documents, have not been given much consideration. Applying tied down information de-duplication to such information documents could essentially decrease the expense and space required for their capacity. In this paper we present a safe de-duplication conspire for close indistinguishable (CI) pictures utilizing the Dual Integrity Convergent Encryption (DICE) convention, which is a variation of the MLE based plan. In the proposed plan, a picture is disintegrated into squares and the DICE convention is connected on each square independently as opposed to on the whole picture. As a result, the hinders that are normal between at least two CI pictures are put away just once at the cloud.
Key-Words / Index Term
De-duplication, Storage system, DICE protocol, Cloud storage
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Akshay R, Ankith A K, Amith B, Jayanth R, Kiran Mensinkai, "Deduplication of Image at Client Side Using DICE Protocol", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.36-42, 2019.
Implementation of Web Based Environmental Pollution Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi 3 Model
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.43-48, May-2019
In recent day scenario, the incessant increase in air and sound pollution prove to be an alarming problem. It has become mandatory to control and appropriately monitor the situation so that the required steps to curb the situation can be undertaken. In this project, an IOT-based method to monitor the Air Quality Index and the Noise Intensity of a region, have been proposed. The recommended technology comprises of four modules namely, the Air Quality Index Monitoring Module, the Sound Intensity Detection Module, the Cloud-based Monitoring Module and the Anomaly Notification Module. Firstly, the Air Quality Index is measured considering the presence of the five criteria air pollutants. Then the sound intensity is detected using respective sensor. After that, the Cloud-based Monitoring Module ensures the process of acquiring the data with the help of Wi-fi-module present in Raspberry Pi which fulfils the objective of analysis of information on a periodical basis.
Key-Words / Index Term
MQTT Protocol, Noise Pollution Level
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Aishwarya S, Apoorva M J, Divya Vani M, Indushree S, Prasanna Kumar M, "Implementation of Web Based Environmental Pollution Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi 3 Model", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.43-48, 2019.
Maner: Managed Information Dispersal Plan for GPRS IoT Enabled Wildlife Monitoring System
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.49-53, May-2019
In today’s world, wildlife is an important factor in maintaining natural balance of any nation’s environment. One of the important and vital roles is played by the forest department. There are many concerns regarding the safety of wildlife, so for their security is of main concern for this purpose instrument may be mounted on them to view the present location. Bio-sensor systems comprise various types of small physiological sensors, transmission modules and processing capabilities. Hence, sensor networks can collect, transmit, and store vast volumes of environmental data, which may be used in research or monitoring wildlife.GPS used to log the longitude and latitude so that direction can be known easily. These devices are being added to them will explore the possibility of embedding GPS devices so forest department official can track their animal’s movements in real time.So by using these equipment’s we are trying to implement the basic life- guarding system for wild life in low cost and high reliability.
Key-Words / Index Term
Global Positioning System,Radio Frequency
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Anju V, Deeksha A S, Deepika B U, Lochana K, Anusha K L, "Maner: Managed Information Dispersal Plan for GPRS IoT Enabled Wildlife Monitoring System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.49-53, 2019.