Knowledge Through Digitalization: Innovation of IT Center & Lab in Rural Areas
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.1-4, May-2019
Today’s world is forwarding towards new technology to becoming smarter and advanced. Every person had a smartphone as well as laptop but some people, mainly in rural areas don’t know the actual use of a smartphone. They are only Accessing Social media. So the main purpose of this paper is to tell about that how the people from rural areas are aware by new technologies by the implementation of Information Technology centre and laboratory with different methodology. This Information Technology centre and laboratory change the set mind of the rural people. For this innovation, we want users and their innovation with experimentation and suitability of methodology created by us for the environment to reach to the goals.
Key-Words / Index Term
Information Technology, Vigyan Ashram, Internet, Android, Application, Telepresence
[1] Vigyan Ashram
[2] Review on Information Technology by Economics Times
[3] List of Application of Kishan apps
[4] Rural digitilazaion Wikipedia
[5] Smartphones records by statics
[6] Fab lab of Vigyan Ashram
Mohit Yadav, Omprakash Patel, Anurag Sharma, "Knowledge Through Digitalization: Innovation of IT Center & Lab in Rural Areas", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.1-4, 2019.
Optimization of Single layer Antireflection Coating for Infra-Red Spectrum on Silicon Substrate for Solar Cell Applications
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.5-7, May-2019
Antireflection (AR) coatings are widely applied on optical devices for not only reducing the undesired reflection loss from the surfaces of the devices, but also for improving the contrast of the image of optical systems. Without the application of AR coatings on optical devices, the partial reflected light from the surfaces results in the formation of ghost images on the image plane, which reduces the contrast of the optical image. In general, the construction parameters of the optimal AR coating design for substrates with different refractive indices are different, thus the substrates should be coated in separate deposition runs. For saving time and reducing cost, this is of practical importance for a commercial thin-film coating shop if different substrates need to be AR-coated. The present work has been carried out to investigate the optimum values of reflectance as a function of wavelength in the infra-red region. The reflectance has been reduced from 32% of silicon surface to less than 1% using ARC film.
Key-Words / Index Term
AR Coating, Optimum value, Refractive indices, Substrate etc
[1]Kentaroh Watanabe, Akio Higo, Masakazu Sugiyama and Yoshiaki Nakano, ―Self- Assembled Si02 Particle Coating on 2 Layer Anti-Reflection Films For Efficiency Enhancement of GaAs PV Cells‖, ©2010 IEEE.
[2]M. H. Kang, A. Ebong, B. Rounsaville, A. Rohatgi, and J. Hong, ―Silane-free PECV silicon carbon nitride (SiCxNy) passivation and anti-reflection coatings for high efficiency silicon solar cells‖, ©2010 IEEE.
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[5] Halyna Petrovska, Igor Demkovych and Yaroslav Bobitski, ―The Photothermal Method For Testing Of Parameters Of Thin-Film Coatings‖, C4OL 2005, Ukrane, ©2005 IEEE.
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Sunil Kumar, "Optimization of Single layer Antireflection Coating for Infra-Red Spectrum on Silicon Substrate for Solar Cell Applications", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.5-7, 2019.
Start Up India: An Exploration of Youth Technology based Entrepreneur Opportunities in Rural Area
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.8-15, May-2019
The goals of a startup are to be the boss himself and create work for others, which guarantee a lot of resistance and sacrifice. A large population with a high percentage of middle income groups, educated young people with technical training, IT proficiency, high internet and mobile penetration are some of the drivers that have offered the opportunity to spread the startup revolution in India. "Make-in-India" initiatives and other government programs have also pressed new companies with many people who have come into play. Starting a business is a well planned and disciplined exercise with due consideration of internal and external factors that can affect the sustainability of the company. The idea behind the company, the size of the market, the objectives of income and profit are some of the important factors that must be clearly defined before embarking on the journey. Time, teamwork and tenacity are important elements that determine business success. Businesses and entrepreneurship are the drivers of economic growth in rural areas of India. With the current challenges faced by traditional rural sectors, the future success of the rural economy is inextricably linked to the ability of rural entrepreneurs to innovate and identify new business opportunities that create jobs and income in rural areas. A rural entrepreneur faces many problems due to the lack of availability of the main services in the rural areas of developing countries like India. Lack of education, financial problems, insufficient technical and conceptual capacity is too difficult for rural entrepreneurs to create industries in rural areas. This paper seeks to discover the challenges and skills for the potential of rural entrepreneurship and their prospects of being a successful entrepreneur.
Key-Words / Index Term
Entrepreneurial issues, Problems, prospects of entrepreneurship, Economic development, Rural Development
[1] Anand, Paramjit, “ Opportunities for Startups in India”, Acreaty Management Consultant (P) Ltd ,The Entrepreneur,Feb,2016,
[2] Chaudhary, Varnana,“The Biggest Roadblocks Faced by Startups in India”,2015,
[3] Chokhani, Rohit, Principal Founder, White Unicorn Ventures, “Challenges and opportunities for Indian start-ups; Key points to note”, 2017. .
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[5] Grant Thornton Report- ‘Startup India’- An Overview,2015
[6] Griffith, Erin, “Why startups fail, according to their founders”,2014.
[7] India filings Report, “Challenges faced by Startups in India”,2016,
[8] Mittal Ashish, “ Indian Startups: Challenges and Opportunities”,Economic Times, 24.11.14,
[9] Nathani, Komal“How this Start-up has Realized the Dream of Buying a Holiday Home for Many Indians”, , Entrepreneur India, 2018,
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Sana Tak, "Start Up India: An Exploration of Youth Technology based Entrepreneur Opportunities in Rural Area", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.8-15, 2019.
"To Study the Impact of It Training In Cashless Banking in Sukma District of Chhattisgarh"
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.16-18, May-2019
Sukma district comes in “Red corridor” as it is affected by Maoists and struggling to get basic facilities like Railway network and Banking,due to lack of schools infrastructure and qualified teachers. Citizens are not that qualified to match other dominant societies so state government has taken initiatives for the development of IT skills in youth and made them skilled to open CSC (common service center) and Banking Kiosks centers that made it possible for Sukma district to become the first cashless district in Chhattisgarh in 2016.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cashless Banking, CSC (common service center), Banking Kiosks, Red corridor, IT skills, infrastructure
Anuj Kumar Narad, ""To Study the Impact of It Training In Cashless Banking in Sukma District of Chhattisgarh"", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.16-18, 2019.
E-governance: An Approach to advancing Rural Development through IT Sector
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.19-28, May-2019
Among the emerging Asian economies, India is a nation with 70% of the population living in rural areas, which puts pressure on the government to focus more on the development of rural India. Information and communication technologies or ICTs act as providers of great opportunities for rural livelihoods and contribute to poverty reduction. The productivity of rural areas can be improved through the use of ICT and through various electronic governance initiatives such as E-Choupal, Akashganga, Gyandoot, Tata Kissan Kendra, Kissan Call Center, etc. in electronic form. Through this, the government can guarantee greater transparency and better administration. In this research paper, it is tried to identify different basic components that have led to rural development through various ICT initiatives.
Key-Words / Index Term
e-governance, ICT, rural development, India; rural e-government projects; developing countries, IT sector
[1] Chambers, Robert. (1983). Rural Development: Putting The Last First, Robert Chambers, 147. London: Longman, 1983.Chariar, V.M. (2005), Rejuvenating Traditional Knowledge Systems of India” (unpublished).
[2] Singh, Katar.(1999). Rural Development: Principles, Policies and Management, Katar Singh (Second Edition), 21. New-Delhi, India: Sage Publications.
[3] The World Bank Report. (1997). Rural Development: From Vision to Action – A Sector Strategy. Washington D.C.
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[5] Cecchini, Simone and Christopher Scott. (2003). Can information and communications technology applications contribute to poverty reduction? Lessons from rural India, Information Technology for Development, Vol. 10, Issue 2 (2003): 73 – 84.
[6] Mitra, R.K. and M.P. Gupta. (2003). Evolution of e-Governance in India: Learning from Select Cases, Indian Management (August, 2003) A Journal of All India Management Association, New Delhi, India.
[7] Andersen, K.V. and H.Z. Henriksen. (2006). E-Government maturity models: Extension of the Layne and Lee model” Government Information Quarterly, Volume 23, Issue 2 (2006) : 236-248.
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[13] Kanungo, Shivraj. (2004a). On the Emancipatory Role of Rural Information Systems, Information Technology and PeopleVol.17, No. 4 (2004): 407-422.
[14] Garai, Atanu and B. Shadrach. (2006). Processes and Appropriation of ICT in Human Development in Rural India: Bridging the Research and Practice Gaps, In Taking ICT To Every Village, by AtanuGarai and B. Shadrach, 1-35. New Delhi: One world South Asia, 2006 (accessed in February, 2006 from groups/oneworld/ OneWorldSA/docs/TICTEIV_pdf.pdf) .
[15] Lee, R. (2001). Community Development and the Internet, Brussels: Research Centre `Communication for Social Change` (CSC). Paper prepared for presentation at the International Conference on Information Technology, Communications, and Development in Kathmandu, Nepal in November 2001.
[16] S.Kumar , “E-Governance in India”, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2(2), 2016, 482-491.
[17] CSR Prabhu, E-Governance: Concepts and Case Studies, (New Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited, 2004).
[18] A.M. Abramson and E.G Means, E-Government, Price water house Coopers Endowment for the Business of Government, (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc, 2001).
[19] World Bank, Issue Note: E-Government and the World Bank, 2001.
[20] V.B. Singh and N. Yadav, “E-Governance: Past, Present and Future in India”, International Journal of Computer Applications, 53(7), 2012, 36-48.
[21] A. H.Rizvi, “A Study Of E-Governance Educational Projects In India”, Global Journal For Research Analysis, 5(1), 2016, 37 -38.
[22] H. Misra, "Managing rural citizen interfaces in e-governance systems : a study in Indian context", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, 2009.
[23] M. Wilson, “Understanding the International ICT and Development Discourse: Assumptions and Implications”, M.Phil diss., in Development Studies at Oxford, U.K, 2006.
[24] Annamalai, Kuttayan and Rao, “What Works: ITC‟s e-Choupal and Profitable Rural Transformation Web-Based Information And Procurement Tools For Indian Farmers”, Jointly published as “What Works Case Study” by World Resources Institute, Digital Dividend and University of Michigan, 2003. Delhi.
Zubair Ahmed Khan, "E-governance: An Approach to advancing Rural Development through IT Sector", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.19-28, 2019.
Iot: A Boon for Farming
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.29-34, May-2019
Agriculture plays a very important role in the development of any country. As in India, about 70% of the population depends upon the farming and 1/3rd of the capital comes from agriculture. Now the agriculture area in India is diminishing day by day, which is affecting the production capacity of the ecosystem, development of the country, capital of the country and mainly farmers of India. The main purposes of this article to overcome these problems which come directly, indirectly in farming by using the recent technology called IoT (Internet of Things) and provide a perfect solution. IoT has shared a network of an object embedded with electronics, software, sensor and many more with the internet for collecting and exchanging the data. One of the important application of IoT is Smart Farming. In Smart Farming, we discuss the implementation of IoT in Irrigation System, Large Farming Operation, Organic Farming, Family Farming, Production System, Monitoring System to analyze the Weather, Crop, Soil condition.
Key-Words / Index Term
IoT, Internet, Software, Data, Technology, Bluetooth, WI-FI, GPS, RFID, AI, Farming, Crop, Production, Application, Android, Software, Hardware, Sensor, METO, Pycno, Hygrometer, Soil, Weather, Greenhouse, Transistor
[1] IoT in agriculture;DRONES
[2] IoT in agriculture;greenhouse
[3] IoT in agriculture;Agri-Tech
[4] IoT in agriculture;Livestock
[5] Smart Farming,
[6] SmartAgriculture,
Mohit Yadav, Priya Singh, Anurag Sharma, "Iot: A Boon for Farming", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.29-34, 2019.
IoT Based Security System for Smart Homes
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.35-38, May-2019
The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the electronic devices to be interconnected by a network. A smart home can be considered to be a residence enabled with communication networks, home appliances and sensors that can be controlled as well as remotely accessed by the home owner. The concept of smart home has developed into a form of an artificial intelligence service that can be operated by self-understanding the behaviors of the residents. This paper has tried to propose a smart home system which will help to monitor the internal environment of the home such as temperature , gas leakage and also will help the owner to take care of the plants by watering them with the help of a remote device.
Key-Words / Index Term
Aurdino, Internet of Things, Smart Homes
[1] Maheshwari D G, I M Umesh, A Study on Internet of Things based Smart Home, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798
[2]Zeinab Kamal Aldein Mohammed , Elmustafa Sayed Ali Ahmed, Internet of Things Applications, Challenges and Related Future Technologies, World Scientific News 67(2) (2017) 126-148
[4] Saranya C. M., Nitha K. P., Analysis of Security methods in Internet of Things. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Volume 3, Issue 4; April 2015.
[5] Sapandeep Kaur, Ikvinderpal Singh. A Survey Report on Internet of Things Applications. International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology Volume 4, Issue 2, Mar - Apr 2016.
[6]Anjum Sheikh,Tushar Uplanchiwar, Implementation Of A Low Cost Wireless Sensor Network For Internet Of Things, International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, ISSN: 2320-2106, Volume-5, Issue-5, May-2017
[7]L. Atzori et al., “The Internet of Things: A survey, Comput. Netw. (2010),” doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2010.05.010
[8]V.Jyothi1 , M. Gopi Krishna2 , B. Raveendranadh3 , Debashree Rupalin, IOT Based Smart Home System Technologies, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, Volume 13, Issue 2 (February 2017), PP.31-37
Anjum Sheikh, "IoT Based Security System for Smart Homes", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.35-38, 2019.
Modern ICT for the Rural Growth and Development
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.39-41, May-2019
Information and communications technology (ICT) mention to all the technology used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, network-based control and monitoring functions. Networks have combined the services of telephone, television and computer networks requiring different infrastructure and channels into a single communication network. Modern information and communication technologies created a "smart village," in which people can communicate with others across the world as if they were living next door. Objective of proposed paper is to focus on growth and development of rural area with ICT.
Key-Words / Index Term
ICT, Rural Development, Technologies, Communication, Empowerment
[1] Ankur Mani Tripathi, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Arvind Kumar, Information and Communication Technology for Rural Development. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
[2] Pinak Ranade , Sunil Londhe ,Asima Mishra, SMART VILLAGES THROUGH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – NEED OF EMERGING INDIA. IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT).
[3] Suhasini Srivastava, Role of ICT in E-governance and Rural Development : An Indian Scenario
[5] content.aspx?id=761&type=C&news=mission-e-choupal.Indiresan, P.V., “Technology planning for rural development”, IASSI quarterly, 8 (1), 52-63, 1989.
Deepti Verma, Asha Ambhaikar, "Modern ICT for the Rural Growth and Development", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.39-41, 2019.
Object Recognition Based Smart Digital Processing Using Fuzzy Logic
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.42-44, May-2019
Object recognition can be viewed as a part of a computer vision system in which the image patterns will be converted into a feature space and in turn this will be transformed into the classification of various objects to be identified. Object recognition requires a prior knowledge of the object description. Typically these descriptions include shape, texture, color, and size of the occurrence of such objects in an image. For identifying image different approaches are followed such as similarity based approach and discontinuity approach. Since these approaches does not give better results hence we have applied Fuzzy logic-K means for identifying different objects in an image. The model accuracy is tested on MATLAB.
Key-Words / Index Term
Object recognition, Fuzzy Logic, K means, Digital Image, Cluster
[1] Tiu Lin and Edwin, Digital Image processing Using Matlab 3rd Edition, 2016.
[2] Abhimanyu, "Computational strategies for object recognition," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 34, No.1, March 2017.
[3] Linder Swapnil," Theory of edge detection," Proc. of Royal Soc. London B. 207, pp.187-217, 2014.
[4] Yasir Meri, Pattern Recognition with fuzzy objective function algorithms, Plenum Press, NY, 2015.
[5] Anil Kumar and Sanjeev Pathak, Fuzzy models for graph recognition, JIER, 2017.
Guddi Singh, "Object Recognition Based Smart Digital Processing Using Fuzzy Logic", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.42-44, 2019.
Rice Crop Disease Identification and Classifier
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.45-48, May-2019
many papers have been referred, covering the work on rice plant diseases and other different plants and fruits, and present a survey of few papers based on important criteria. These criteria include size of image dataset, no. of classes (diseases), preprocessing, segmentation techniques, types of classifiers, accuracy of classifiers etc. Utilize this survey and study to propose a work on detection and classification of rice crop diseases.
Key-Words / Index Term
plant Dieses, Rice Crop, SVM, preprocessing, Feature extraction, wireless sensor, k-mean
[1] R.Rajmohan, M.Pajany,R.Rajesh,D.Raghu Raman, U. Prabu, “ SMART PADDY CROP DISEASE IDENTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT USING DEEP CONVOLUTION NEURAL NETWORK AND SVM CLASSIFIER” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 118 No. 15 2018, 255-264
[3] Malti K. Singh, Subrat Chetia,”Detection and Classification of Plant Leaf Diseases in Image Processing using MATLAB”, International Journal of Life Sciences Research ISSN 2348-3148 (online) Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp: (120-124), Month: October - December 2017
[4] Sachin Khirad, A. B. Patil,” Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing”, IEEE ICCUBEA.2015.153
[6] Q. Yao, Z. Guan, Y. Zhou, J. Tang, Y. Hu, and B. Yang, Application of support vector machine for detecting rice diseases using shape and color texture features," in Engineering Computation, 2009. ICEC`09. International Conference on IEEE, 2009, pp. 79{83.
[7] G. Anthonys and N. Wickramarachchi, An image recognition system for crop disease identification of paddy fields in sri lanka," in 2009 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS). IEEE, 2009, pp. 403{407.
[8] AI and IoT methods for plant disease detection in Myanmar from website:
Vishakha Lahu Bansod , "Rice Crop Disease Identification and Classifier", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.45-48, 2019.