Research and Survey Practice for sugarcane farming using Internet of Things (IOT)
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.432-435, May-2019
The lack of adopting new technology in agriculture directly impact on countries GDP, to enhance agro products need to adopt IOT based techniques to increase crop survey, crops status, managing water resources etc. Internet of Things has more potential and transfers the way we do traditional agriculture into smart agriculture. The increasing global population will cross 12 billion by 2015, so, in order to feed food to this huge population the agriculture need to be automating using smart system such as IoT based systems and components. The demand of food has to meet many challenges in future such as change in climate, weather conditions, environment changes impact result into intensive farming practices, smart agriculture farming through IoT based system helps to farmers to reduce human manpower resources and generated very less agriculture waste. And enhance the crops productivity. IoT Based smart farming is a hi-tech system of growing crops using tools and techniques and automated systems. It uses ICT base hardware tools, applications and advance techniques in agriculture. To incorporate IoT based farming need to use of sensors, automated vehicle, automated hardware systems, control units etc. are key components of this system.
Key-Words / Index Term
IoT,ICT,IT,GDP,Automated Hardware
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Anilkumar Hulsure, P.V. Bhaskar Reddy, "Research and Survey Practice for sugarcane farming using Internet of Things (IOT)", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.432-435, 2019.
Machine learning Classifiers for Credit Card Fraud Detection: A Brief Survey
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.436-442, May-2019
Utilization of credit cards encourages individuals to buy products online via the Internet. Individuals tend to do much of purchasing online or offline by utilizing the credit card facility provided by the bankers to their customers. Credit cards have turned out to be the most prominent facility available to the people around the globe to encourage paperless trades at an enormous speed. Whenever any such trade happens in exchanges or net marketing by using a paperless framework, it is subjected under high risk of fraudulent transactions due to many pitfalls in the security system of the usage of credit cards on the networks. This paper presents a brief survey of important and basic linear and non-linear machine learning algorithms that are focused to predict the fraudulent transactions by studying the patterns present in the credit card transactional datasets. The authors provide the methodology of Random Forest (RF), Support Vector machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifiers to accurately classify whether a unseen credit card transaction is fraudulent or not.
Key-Words / Index Term
Credit Card Fraud Detection, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Artificial Neural Networks
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[20] Mrs.Vimala Devi. J , Dr.Kavitha,K.S Cambridge Institute of Technology, Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore-98 Fraud Detection in Credit Card Transactions by using Classification Algorithms 978-1-5386-3243-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
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[23] Cost Sensitive Modeling of Credit Card Fraud Using Neural Network Strategy Fahimeh Ghobadi Computer Engineering Department Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch Tehran, Iran 978-1-5090-5820-4/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
[24] Cluster Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks A Case Study in Credit Card Fraud Detection Emanuel Mineda Carneiro, Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias; Adilson Marques da Cunha 978-1-4799-8828-0/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ITNG.2015.25
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[27] Improved Fraud Detection in e-Commerce Transactions Jisha Shaji PG Scholar Department of Computer Engineering St. Francis Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India 978-1-5090-4381-1/17/$31.00 © 2017 IEEE
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Vidyashree V, Akram Pasha, Udayarani V, Vinay Kumar M, "Machine learning Classifiers for Credit Card Fraud Detection: A Brief Survey", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.436-442, 2019.
Application of Machine Learning in Employee Performance Prediction
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.443-447, May-2019
In emerging developing countries such as India, companies heavily rely on their human workforce for services. That is why employee performance management at the individual level is must and the business case for implementing a system to measure and improve employee performance should be strong. The concept of the project is: Today majority of the giant retail companies are facing a lot of issues in their current assessment planning of their employees. This wrong assessment planning leads to employees not being used to the fullest potential which causes loss to businesses and major capital loss in man hours, also this assessment planning requires a lot of manual strategies which are very costly and hence these assessment strategies then turn out to be costly, time taking, biased and working on mostly non relevant data. We used the Machine learning classification technique for the extraction of knowledge significant for predicting employee performance using a .csv file sourced from (INX Future Inc.).
Key-Words / Index Term
Employee Performance Analysis,SVM, Machine Learning, Algorithm K-NN algorithm, random forest
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Archana Boob, Sandeep Sharma, Saurabh Singh, Rafsan Ali, "Application of Machine Learning in Employee Performance Prediction", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.443-447, 2019.
Landmine Detection HC-05 Bluetooth controlled Robot (LDBR) using GPS and GSM Technology
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.448-452, May-2019
This paper outlines state-of-the-art solution for landmine detection that facilitates the detection of mine or possible explosives that are hidden. The latitude and longitude positions are then sent to the controller via SMS making it easier to locate and further to diffuse it as well. The major components used are Arduino Uno Board, HC-05 Bluetooth module, GSM SIM900A and copper coil. The result shown from this state-of-the-art proposed system provides better security and safety mechanism for the soldiers of our country.
Key-Words / Index Term
Arduino Uno, HC-05 Bluetooth, GPS, GSM, L29N Motor Driver, Metal Detector
[1] S. Sasikumar, K. Suganya, K. Santhosh Kumar, N. Karthikeyan, Prof. S. Kalpanadevi, “Multi Utility Landmine Detection Robotic Vehicle”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, Issue.3, pp.3862-3865, 2018.
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Suhiena Shazleem M. Ghouse, Syed Ejaz Ahammed, Tanmay, Zaid Ghori, Kiran M., "Landmine Detection HC-05 Bluetooth controlled Robot (LDBR) using GPS and GSM Technology", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.448-452, 2019.
Importance of Social Media Analytics During Elections: A Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.453-458, May-2019
The progress of 21stcentury can barely be anticipated without the indication of the part of social media in it. It wouldn’t be overstating to say that social media is ubiquitously present in all spheres of life, be it education, health care, business, disaster management, politics, tourism industry and of course the use of media sharing and entertainment needs no mention. In the wake of all such convenience provided by the social media, it too, does have a darker side to cast. Misuse of social media, the other side of the coin, also needs to be accounted. In the light of this and more so because of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in India, the authors of this report feel an urge to address the current status of knowledge, the research community possess regarding the use of social media during election. The paperdiscusses the basics of Social Media Analytics i.e., from its evolution and framework to tool and techniques and also some applications in brief. Finally, several studies on social media analytics during elections have been described. It is sought to contemplate the degree to which the result of an election can be predicted, public opinions be altered or its usefulness in campaigning for an election. Apart from this, the authors also hope that this study will be helpful for other researchers to analyse the social media data and yield productive outcomes that contribute to the development of society, government and the nation.
Key-Words / Index Term
Social Media Analytics, Political science, Elections, Social media
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P. N. Jain, N. V. Alone, "Importance of Social Media Analytics During Elections: A Review", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.453-458, 2019.
Security Enhancement Using pre-authentication and Proxy re-encryption
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.459-462, May-2019
Cloud computing on its own is a technology, arming many services with its resources on the internet, when we speak about big data context, as we have witnessed massive growth in the use of internet that indeed has increased the demand for greater storage capacities where now MB’s and GB’s are small talks in the fields of storage. When we talk about the cloud storage there are privacy and security concerns that we need to work upon for which as of in this paper we propose and use techniques such as pre-authentication, encryption and de- encryption policies. The pre-authentication and proxy re-encryption mechanisms combine the advantages of proxy conditional re-encryption multi-sharing mechanism It can simply be termed as privacy preserving approach to increase security of data on cloud.
Key-Words / Index Term
Privacy, pre-authentication, big data
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Sushma A, Sonisha S, M S Soumya Sree, Pooja M.S, Deekshitha G H, "Security Enhancement Using pre-authentication and Proxy re-encryption", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.459-462, 2019.
Camouflage Surveillance Robot
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.463-465, May-2019
These days, numerous costs are made in the field of protection in embracing crude safety efforts to shield the edge of the city from the people who wish to enter without authorization. Most of the military associations rely on a robot inthe hazard inclined regions which is difficult to achieve with armed force personnel. The existing Army robots are highly limited in scope with the audio/video, sensors, and metal identifier. The primary goal of our work is to disguise the robot including few add on parameters like Bluetooth for ongoing information handled by the visualization and PIR sensor to follow the interlopers. In this manner the proposed framework utilizing Bluetooth reduces the chances of any careless mistakes and assures the security from the threats posed by the enemy.
Key-Words / Index Term
Bluetooth Module, Army Robot, PIR Sensor, Wireless Camera and Colour sensor
[1] Premkumar .M “Unmanned Multi-Functional RobotUsing Zigbee Adopter Network For DefenseApplication” International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013.
[2] Akash Ravindran and AkshayPremkumar “Camoflage
Technology”International Journal of Emerging Technology in
Computer Science & Electronics (IJETCSE)
ISSN: 0976-1353 Volume 8 Issue 1 –APRIL 2014.
[3] George Bekey,” Autonomous Robots: From Biological Inspiration toImplementation and Control”, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005.Mr. M. Arun Kumar, Mrs. M. Sharmila ”Wireless Multi AxisROBOT for Multi-Purpose Operations”, Department of ECE,
SVCET & JNT University Anantapur, India.
[4] Robotic Systems Joint Project Office- Unmanned Ground SystemsRoadmap by Materiel Decision Authority (MDA):Macro USA,McClellan, CA, February2012.
Sudhindra O.S, Sughosh. G, Sai Prakash Reddy, Yash Sokalla, Bindushree D.C, "Camouflage Surveillance Robot", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.463-465, 2019.
REVA University Campus Tour using Virtual Reality
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.466-470, May-2019
Stepping into the magical world of Virtual Reality gifts an experience unlike any other. All around us all things are bright and beautiful. By this state-of-the-art work, we aim to give our users/stakeholders/visitors the experience of visiting the REVA University campus virtually, from any place at any desired time. We would be able to achieve this by a Head Mounted Display (HMD), here we used the VR Box. Once the user wears the VR Box, on it will be mounted a display which is the key tool in transporting the user virtually to the campus. It will make you feel like you are there mentally and physically. When you turn your head, you can able to see the 360-degree world turns with you, so the illusion created by whatever world you are in is never lost. There are several types of virtual reality from fully-immersive and non-immersive to collaborative and web-based. Here, we have used the fully-immersive variation because this is the explorable and interactive 3D computer-created world that can take you around the campus. The user will be able to experience Virtual Reality tour with a full satisfaction of having visited the REVA University without having to physically walk around the entire campus.
Key-Words / Index Term
REVA University, Virtual Reality, Unity, VR Headset
[1] R. F. Rahmat, Anthonius, M. A. Muchtar, A. Hizriadi and M. F. Syahputra, “Virtual reality interactive media for universitas sumatera utara – a campus introduction and simulation”, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series (2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics), doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012101, 2018.
Lipika Sreedharan, M. Sneha, Lisha Kamala K, Jennifer Susa Sen, Kiran M., "REVA University Campus Tour using Virtual Reality", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.466-470, 2019.
Illusion Pin: Authentication Using Zero Knowledge Protocol
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.471-473, May-2019
we have used Illusion PIN(IPIN) to solve the problems regarding shoulder_surfing attacks on authentication schemes.PIN -based authentication are practically used on touch screen devices. PIN works on the principle technique of hybrid images.The hybrid images are been merged to keypads. These keypads are ordered to different digits.Thus,making the user to see the device and enter the password whereas the attacker would see another password as the attacker is not as close as the user.The keypads are been shuffled to avoid further attacks,if the attacker is able to remember the position of the keypads.To increase the reliability and security of illusion pin,we worked on algorithm based on human visual perception and calculatimg the minimum distance from attacker and the user.We evaluated our calculations with 84 simulated shoulder-surfing attacks that were obtained from 21 different people.All of the 84 attacks were unsuccessful and we evaluated the minimum distance that a camera cannot capture the necessary data from use’s keypad.. According to our analysis,surveillance camera were not able to capture the PIN of a touchscreen user when Illusion PIN is used.
Key-Words / Index Term
PIN, touch creen devices, Analysis surveillance
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[11] E. Hayashi, R. Dhamija, N. Christin, and A. Perrig, “Use your illusion: secure authentication usable anywhere,”
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Soubhagyalaxmi V Nerabenchi, Sanjana B, Shaik ajith, Siddalinga Navadagi, "Illusion Pin: Authentication Using Zero Knowledge Protocol", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.471-473, 2019.
Proactive Web Security
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.474-478, May-2019
Key benefit of this paper is to provide solution to reduce the time gap between the attacker to compromise the organization and organization to detect it has been compromised. It can be done through real time monitoring the organization data activities. These activities can be from the network assets such as firewall, servers, active directory, IPS, IDS, etc. Studies show that on an average this time gap will be 4 to 6 months, by this time the attacker would have caused severe potential damage to the enterprise which might bring us huge financial loss, confidential data might be breached. To Proactively protect enterprises from such threats It is necessary to have a security operational center which helps organization in real-time monitoring and proactive analysis.
Key-Words / Index Term
Splunk, system logs, correlation, CSV-comma separated values
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Venu S N, Shilpa N R, Krishna Badiger, "Proactive Web Security", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.474-478, 2019.