Three Class Classification Technique To Predict Road Accident Severity
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.380-385, May-2019
In recent years, road accidents are becoming more and more due to the larger growth in population. The growth of population and the increase in number of vehicles has led to a traffic congestion and sometimes may results in accidents. There are many factors that may lead to the road accidents and those maybe the driver’s carelessness, drunk and drive, road conditions etc. Using the technology, necessary measures can be taken in order to predict the accidents at prior and to prevent the occurrence of accidents. In this research paper we use Gretl tool to identify the factors that are significantly contributing to the accidents, applied the logistic regression classification technique to build the machine learning model in order to predict the accident severity using the predictors like number of vehicles involved, road conditions, weather conditions, light conditions etc. Here we consider the accident severity as a dependent variable which is of three classes that is slight, serious and fatal. The main objective of this paper is that the accident has already occurred, in which we are predicting the severity of that accident.
Key-Words / Index Term
[1] Tao Lu, Yan Lixin, Zhu Dunyao, Zhang pan “The traffic accident hotspot prediction: Based on the Logistic Regression method” The 3rd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, June 25 – June 28, 2015, Wuhan, P. R. China.
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[4] Rui Garrido, Ana Bastas, Ana de Almeida, Jose Paulo Elvas” Prediction of Road Accident Severity using the Ordered ProbitModel” ElseVier publication.
Ramesh M Chakrasali, Naganandini G, Ancy Thomas, "Three Class Classification Technique To Predict Road Accident Severity", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.380-385, 2019.
Smart Irrigation Using GSM Module and Microcontroller
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.386-392, May-2019
Agribusiness assumes a noteworthy job in our everyday life. In this paper, a review has been done about the run of the mill horticulture techniques utilized by ranchers nowadays and what are the issues they face. Ranchers face serious issues in watering their harvests underneath watering framework, over-watering framework that causes separating and loss of enhancement substance of soil. Also inundating water to the plant in overabundance will build the centralization of high soil content there are a few different ways to develop a solid yield however it requires a great deal of labor which is a weight these days. So as to make it a keen and self-ruling water system framework cloud innovation is being utilized. Microcontroller (MCU NODE), GSM module have been used. This strategy helps in controlling the exact state of the water dimension to the horticulture land dependent on the dampness substance and it routinely illuminates the rancher by means of SMS about the dampness substance, a rancher can likewise observe the constant dampness substance by an application installed in his phone.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud, MCU node, GSM module, Dampness , Application
[1] Ibrahim Mat, Mohamed Rawidean Mohd Kassim, Ahmad Nizar Harun, Ismail Mat Yusoff. “Smart agriculture using internet of things” IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS) 2018.
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Adarsh H.J, Akshay. A, Meghana. R, Anju Thimmaiah. M, Raghavendra Nayaka. P, "Smart Irrigation Using GSM Module and Microcontroller", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.386-392, 2019.
Android Accessibility Service: Bane or Boon
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.393-395, May-2019
Android is a huge platform available to a big audience. However, android is vulnerable to many attacks and attackers. Which violates the privacy and security of the data. This paper mainly focuses on demonstration of how accessibility service can be used to key log the events and send it to the hacker’s device using firebase (Real time database). This is a major vulnerability which needs to be addressed. The payload is installed as .apk file and some social engineering to convince the user to enable accessibility service. Our study estimates that this attack will work on most of the android versions.
Key-Words / Index Term
Android accessibility service , firebase , .apk ,payloads , android vulnerabilities
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Idris Shah Hyder, Nikhil S. Tengeli, "Android Accessibility Service: Bane or Boon", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.393-395, 2019.
Blockchain Enabled E-Voting System
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.396-400, May-2019
Innovation impactly affects that the numerous parts of our public activity. Structuring a twenty four hour comprehensively associated plan enables simple access to a scope of assets and administrations. One main such troublesome development is the Blockchain a keystone to cryptocurriences. One potential utilization of the blockchain is in e-voting plans. The target of such a plan is given a decentralized design to run and support a voting plot that is open, reasonable, and independently variable. In this paper, we propose a potential new e-voting convention that uses the blockchain as a straightforward polling booth. The convention has been intended to hold fast to crucial e-voting properties just as to offer a level of decentralization and to taken into account the voter to change/update their vote. This paper features the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing blockchain for such a proposition from a reasonable perspective in both the structure advancement and the utilization settings. Finishing up the paper is the potential guide for blockchain innovation to have the capacity to help the complex applications. The blockchain innovation is displayed as the distinct advantage for a significant number of the current advancements.
Key-Words / Index Term
Blockchain, E-voting, Ganache, Solidity, Metamask
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Dynamic Resource Adaptation in Cloud Computing
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.401-408, May-2019
The need for the cloud resources is increasing and with increase in demand the cost of these resources is also increasing. Cloud environment gives the flexibility of utilizing the resources as per the need and the customer would pay for his usage. The consumer need not invest on the resources and thereby the cost of investment is drastically reduced for the consumer. But since the demand for the cloud resource is increasing, the cost is rising high. This can be reduced with an approach as proposed in this paper. This paper mainly focusses on the optimal way of resource adaption and hence reduction of cost and power consumption. Based on the analysis, there are some open challenges for the optimal resource adaptation. The resource’s idle time is utilized by other consumer in need and hence reduces the cost and power consumption. This can be achieved by adopting k-means algorithm initially to segregate the different kinds of resources, then the idle time is calculated with time and at what time using some of the prediction algorithms. The idle time of the resources is then distributed using algorithms such as round robin, FCFS etc…
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud, Resource, adaptation, machine learning
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Jyoti Chalikar, Gopal K Shyam, "Dynamic Resource Adaptation in Cloud Computing", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.401-408, 2019.
Performance Study of IPFS over Http(S) Using the Multi-Cloud Platform
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.409-415, May-2019
Recent researches have proved that existing internet protocols like HTTP have been used widely and extensively in our day to day life which has led to poor and inefficient performance of the web. This study focuses on a new network protocol that is Interplanetary File System abbreviated as IPFS.IPFS is distributed and peer to peer file system which stores files in a decentralized way unlike http as well as keeps a track of versions pretty much like Git. IPFS uses Distributed Hash Table for the purpose of routing, Merkle DAG Data Structure for establishing links between two nodes in the form of cryptographic hashes and Bit Torrent for the exchange of data in bits from different peers. These functionalities make it possible for IPFS to transfer data with high speed and reliability. The unique hash values ensure data immutability and prevents violation of data security. In other words IPFS is the replacement for HTTP which uses centralized server to download files leading to all time crashing of the server, slow internet and unreliability in all terms.
Key-Words / Index Term
Interplanetary File System, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Merkle Dag, BitSwap
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Crypto Currency Based 24/7 Online Food Delivery System
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.416-419, May-2019
everyone needs food to survive, usually people eat three times a day and there are some who needs a fourth meal. Basically food is the only thing that can be sold anywhere and everywhere. This industry is benefit able not only for hotel owners but also food chain suppliers and food chain manufactures as well as for the customers and according to the recent changes in this food industry, there are more and more complicated challenges and innovations that are getting evolved. Cashless payments are nowadays are becoming more popular and digital currencies like Bit coin, is not used for payments on transaction conformation. So we modified a Bit coin payment System for fast transactions. Today, we are looking at the number of online payments that are mainly going with cashless method. In last few years the online payment methods like BHIM, Phone Pe, Google pay Paytm have a simple look and the transactions are fast and safe money. These approaches commonly rely on central trust authority for processing. Bit coin transfer is a peer-to-peer network doesn’t rely on central trust but provides reliable money transfer. In this paper, we present a concept that improves the new technique of transferring money in bit coin network.
Key-Words / Index Term
24/7 online food ordering system, Database management, crypto currency wallet
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M Prem Sampat, P Sai Ganesh, Rajashekar C, P Nithyananda Reddy, Surendra Babu K N, "Crypto Currency Based 24/7 Online Food Delivery System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.416-419, 2019.
Sentiment Analysis on Twitter
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.420-423, May-2019
Twitter is an online miniaturized scale blogging and person to person communication stage which enables clients to compose short notices of most extreme length 140 characters (280 characters for confirmed records). This task tends to the issue of conclusion investigation in twitter; that is ordering tweets as indicated by the notion communicated in them: positive, negative or nonpartisan. It is a quickly growing administration with more than 500 million enlisted clients - out of which 330 million are dynamic clients and half of them sign on twitter once a day - producing almost 500 million tweets for each day. Because of this huge measure of use we would like to accomplish an impression of open assessment by breaking down the conclusions communicated in the tweets. Investigating the open slant is vital for some applications, for example, firms endeavouring to discover the reaction of their items in the market, foreseeing political races and anticipating financial wonders like stock trade.
Key-Words / Index Term
Social Network, Sentiment Analysis, Big Data, Applications
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Smart Speed Limit Sign Board for Changing Weather Conditions
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.424-428, May-2019
Digital road sign boards are an advanced solution for today’s static road sign boards which are incapable of handling dynamic situations under changing weather conditions. Internet of things (IoT) technology has enabled the interconnectivity between remotely distributed devices and can be centrally monitored and controlled. These digital roads sign boards can be accessed and controlled remotely using centralized control center. The speed limit of a particular road will be updated according to current weather conditions like rain, fog etc. The proposed system has been implemented using raspberry pi, matrix display and weather API.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of things (IoT), raspberry pi, matrix display
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Abhishek Rai, Farooque Azam, Anshul Kumar, Abhinav Bajpai, Ankesh Gaurav, "Smart Speed Limit Sign Board for Changing Weather Conditions", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.424-428, 2019.
Medibox –IoT Enabled Patient Assisting Device
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.429-431, May-2019
The health sector is one among the most important sector which must be given importance. This sector is critical part in human life due to which we must contribute a higher hand to it using IOT. This makes it important in developing an IOT device called Medibox which helps people in taking tablets or medication at right amount and at right period and tablets are dispensed according to user inputs. Medibox will help the elderly patients who usually have memory issue. This device also provide water to be taken along with the medicines which would make it easier for patients consume their medication easily. Medibox can be used by patients who travels regularly and has medications to be taken. This device also makes sure about the temperature and humidity that must be maintained for particular medicines. Medibox can be used in two modes one is online mode using a web age or offline mode using the graphical display on the Medibox. Medibox will also make sure that the medicines preserved with proper properties.
Key-Words / Index Term
MEDI BOX, Online mode, Offline mode, (key words)
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