Agriculture Portal for Decsion making, Plantation and Marketing of Crops
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.361-366, May-2019
India is said to be a land of agriculture. Engineering techniques in agriculture brings a lot of advantages to the farmer. The proposed system aims to provide support to farmers during all three stages of farming preprocessing, plantation and post production. Preproduction support includes providing the various crop demand information to farmers through android application. The plantation support includes the automation in monitoring of crops and post production support includes providing the information regarding the market rates for every crop. Preproduction support has an algorithm that calculates the crop demand in real time considering the crop demand input from the surveys and the crops grown by various farmers. This information will be made available to farmers to help them choose the crop that is in demand and hence get a good profit at the end. The plantation support includes automatic irrigation based on dryness of land. The other plantation support includes the intruder detection, providing temperature sensing, humidity sensing and intruder detection. The post production support includes providing information regarding the market rate for various crops on their android phones.
Key-Words / Index Term
Agriculture, pre-production, decision making, demand and supply of crops, crop maintenance, market rate
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Implementing and Evaluating the Performance Metrics using Energy Consumption Protocols in MANETs using Multi-Path Routing- Fitness Function
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.367-372, May-2019
The energy consumption plays a key role in Mobile Adhoc Network in a day to day life. Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) structure is a temporary network organized dynamically with a possible set of wireless mobile nodes without depending on extra any infrastructural facilities and central administration requirements additionally based on the solutions to overcome the minimal energy consumption issues. Nodes are battery operated temporarily does not operated on permanent batteries, so energy consumed by a battery depends on the lifetime of the battery and its energy utilization dynamically decreases as the nodes change their position in MANETs. Multi-path routing algorithm in MANETs provides a best optimal; solution to transmit the information in multiple paths to minimize the end to end delay, reduce energy consumption and also increases life time of the network. The research mainly focused on minimum energy consumption techniques in MANET is of a great challenge in industries. In this paper, the author highlights a novel approach Adhoc on Demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol to minimize energy consumption algorithm in MANET by incorporating the demand multipath distance and fitness function. The Adhoc on Demand Multipath Distance Vector-Fitness Function (AOMDV-FF) routing protocol short out the path that consumes minimum energy and the simulation performance is evaluated using network simulator 2 (NS2)tool. Two protocols are proposed in this work AOMDV and AOMDV-FF and compared their performance parameters such as energy consumption, throughput, packet delivery ratio, end to end delay, network life time and routing overhead in terms of speed, packet size and simulation time. The overall simulation results of the proposed AOMDV-FF method is considered a network with 49 nodes and the network performance factor-end to end delay 14.4358x10-3 sec, energy consumption 18.3673 joules, packet delivery ratio 0.9911 and routing overhead ratio 4.68 are evaluated the results show an improvement as compared to other methods AOMDV and AOMR-LM
Key-Words / Index Term
Energy Efficient, MANET, Multipath Routing, Fitness Function. Packet Delivery Ratio, Throughput
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A Literature Survey on Road Accident Automobile Detection Using Image Processing and IoT
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.373-376, May-2019
A lot of life loss due to road accidents every day because of careless drives of drivers, Human life most important to save and to know cause .A system with newer technology needs to be work effectively to save the life of the injured people. In this paper we have done survey over different method for road accident detection and proposed algorithm using IoT and Image technique .An intelligent accident detection system, when the accident is met the number plate of vehicle number is captured and converted to texted form and location is send it to the cloud and nearby police station.
Key-Words / Index Term
IOT, Raspberry pi
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Performance Evaluation of Unicast Reactive Ad-hoc Routing Protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.377-380, May-2019
UWC (Under Water Communications) will enable many safety, military, Environmental and scientific applications. Instruments can be remotely controlled in ocean observatories using wireless signal transmission which is crucial and coordination of autonomous underwater vehicles and robots will be enabled, which plays the role of mobile nodes in future ocean observation networks with their re-configurability and flexibility. Underwater applications can be made viable with efficient communication protocols among underwater devices which are based on acoustic wireless technology with distance over one hundred meters will be enabled to make underwater applications viable because of its high attenuation and scattering which will affect radio and optical waves. New efficient and reliable communication protocols are required to network multiple devices which are mobile or static over the multiple hops which are required for the unique characteristics of an underwater acoustic channel, such as time varying multipath, fading, distance and limited dependent bandwidth and high propagation delays. For packet transmission, MANETs use varieties of routing protocols which are classified as pro-active, re-active and hybrid routing protocols. In this paper, two on-demand unicast reactive routing protocols are considered namely Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) in order to evaluate their performance based on Quality of Service (QoS) for UWSN. Both AODV and DSR routing protocols are implemented on the basis of on-demand gateway discovery algorithm where each node can communicate with each other through the entry and exit point of a network as and when required. Through simulation with increasing the node density using ns2 network simulator, we perceive that the performance parameters of AODV and DSR routing protocols are analysed.
Key-Words / Index Term
Under Water Communication, Unicast, AODV, DSR, Ad-hoc
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Image Pattern Analysis Using Local Binary Pattern and Histogram Orient Gradient Methodology and Classification using K-NN
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.381-387, May-2019
Characterizationxofxtextureximages with various orientation,xbrightness and scale changes is a difficult issue in Computer vision. This venture proposes two descriptors and utilizations them together to satisfy such assignment for example Histogram Orient Gradient-Local Binary Pattern(HOG-LBP) include extraction. The proposed framework comprises of pretreatment, highlight extraction and grouping. Initial, a HOG-LBP highlight descriptor is proposed to speak to multi-scale, multi-edge signal data. The HOG segment gives the gesturexedgexgradientxinformation and the LBP gives the texture feature data, which can adjust for the absence of revolution invariance of a solitary element and improve the acknowledgment rate of motions at different scales and numerous edges. At long last, the K-NN classifier is used to understand the image characterization. Trial results on the Brodatz informational collections demonstrate that the proposed strategy can accomplish best accuracy than the other metods. Investigations on the Brodatz database likewise exhibit the execution of the proposed strategy, on the first picture apply create LBP and HOG. Also, log-polar (LP) change is connected on the first picture, and the energies of coefficients on detail sub groups of the log-polar picture these are taken as worldwide texture highlights. We meld the two sorts of highlights for texture order, and the exploratory outcomes on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed technique can accomplish preferable execution over other cutting edge strategies.
Key-Words / Index Term
orientation, HOG-LBP, K-NN, Brodatz, cutting edge
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Malicious node Detectionand Avoidance in IOT Smart home system by Considering QoS
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.388-393, May-2019
IOT Smart home system is becoming common now a days. In this ecosystem if a data packets are corrupted or manipulated by a faulty or compromised node, then detecting the faulty node is difficult because of multi hop mesh like network. The faulty Node might lead to wrong decision and operation failure of system thus impacting the Quality of Service (QoS) of different client devices. In this paper we first create a smart home ecosystem by usingIOT nodes like Raspberry pi and Node MCU models. We apply unsupervised learning technique on statistical data collected from these nodes to accurately detect faulty/Malicious nodes. We also provide alternate route depending up on the QoS of client device.
Key-Words / Index Term
IOT, Node MCU, Raspberry pi, smart home, unsupervised learning, QoS
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B.R. Susheel Kumar, Arun Biradar, "Malicious node Detectionand Avoidance in IOT Smart home system by Considering QoS", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.388-393, 2019.
Urban Traffic Congestion Avoidanceand Peer to Peer Vehicle communication system
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.394-399, May-2019
Traffic Congestion is increasingly becoming a major bottleneck for everyday life in smaller and bigger cities across the world.Due to increase in traffic road accidents have become common in contemporary world. Sophisticated and smart transportation system is need of the hour.This paper explains some of mechanism to avoid the congestion, accidents by communicating with peer vehicle or with any of the communicating devices mounted on the Infrastructure elements like traffic signal poles, Access points like fourth or fifth generation NodeB. Components like microcontroller, Encoder, Decoders and Driver circuits are used to perform the proof of concept.ItImprove the efficiency of existing transportation facilities and accommodate the growing traffic demand in bigger cities.
Key-Words / Index Term
Traffic Congestion, Raspberry Pi, Ultrasonic Sensor, Encoder, Decoder, Driver Circuit
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Basavaraj Kiragi, Chandan Raj B R, "Urban Traffic Congestion Avoidanceand Peer to Peer Vehicle communication system", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.394-399, 2019.
Soil characteristics analysis using IoT RM
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.400-403, May-2019
With the advance in IOT and Sensors have influenced Agriculture in better environment monitoring and rise in yields. Farmers need to know the field environment conditions before sowing during anyseason. Mixed farming and Crop rotation are practiced widely. In different part of the season the soil fertility characteristics would vary. Farmers facing several challenges related to knowing the nutrients of soil. In this work experiment existing models are reviewed and proposed a modelto demonstrate how soil characteristics can be instantly measured to accurate using sensors and monitored in real time. We have used IOT solutions using affordable sensors that reports Air temperature, Soiltemperature, Soil moisture and Water sensors. The collected data is automatically uploaded to cloud using Wi-Fi connectivity. Data analytics is carried out in cloud server and the report can be viewed in real time using Mobile application
Key-Words / Index Term
IOT, Smart Agriculture, Cloud,Node MCU
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[2]Dr P. Viswanathan Mahammad Shareef Mekala A Survey : Smart Agriculture IoT with Cloud Computing 2017 IEE
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[4] N. R. Kale K.A.Patil A Model for Smart Agriculture Using IoT IEEE 2016
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Mallikarjunaiah H B, Prasanna Kumar, "Soil characteristics analysis using IoT RM", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.400-403, 2019.
Smart Health Care Kit based on IoT
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.404-409, May-2019
the past few years have witnessed an increase in the development of wearable sensors for health monitoring systems. This increase has been due to several factors such as development in sensor technology as well as directed efforts on political and stakeholder levels to promote projects, which address the need for providing new methods for care given increasing challenges with an aging population. An important aspect of study in such system is how the data is treated and processed.This project provides a recent review of the latest methods and algorithms used to analyze data from wearable sensors used for physiological monitoring of vital signs in healthcare services. In particular, the project outlines the more common data mining tasks that have been applied such as anomaly detection, prediction and decision-making when considering in particular continuous time series measurements
Key-Words / Index Term
Wearable sensor,IoT,Health Monitoring, Raspberry Pi, Healthcare Kit, Blynk software, ADC, ECG, Pulse
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