Implementation of Enhanced Energy Buffer Aware Reliable Routing Protocol in MANETS
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.261-264, May-2019
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are one of the most significant emerging research areas in wireless communication. Nodes in MANET undergo continuous self-configuration where power awareness is an essential issue to improve the communication for all the nodes. MANET nodes are miniature devices with limited energy, transmission range, memory and computational power. The energy efficient routing is one of the most important design criteria for MANETS, since mobile nodes will be powered by batteries with limited capacities. Power failure of a mobile node not only affects the node itself but also its ability to forward packets on behalf of others and thus affects the overall network life-time. Due to this, we propose a novel protocol called ENHANCED ENERGY BUFFER AWARE RELIABLE ROUTING (EEBARR) in WSN with more number of nodes to transmit the packets from source to destination. It improves the packet transmission, balances the energy and uses buffer management policy to mitigate packet losses and analyze the performance using the parameters like Energy consumption, Throughput, Packet delivery ratio, End to End delay and Reliability.
Key-Words / Index Term
[1] “Energy Consumption in Wireless Ad-hoc Network”, Praveen Gupta and Preeti Saxena.
[2] “Energy Efficient Reliable Route Selection (RRS) Algorithm for improving MANET lifetime”, Mr.Deshkar Rao Adkane, Mr. Umesh Lilhore, Mr. Ankur Taneja.
[3] “Enhanced AODV- An Energy Efficient routing protocol for MANET”, Uma Rathore Bhatt, Priyanka Jain, Raksha Upadhyay.
[4] “Minimizing Energy Consumption using Modified-Mecor Protocol in MANET”, Mr. Kuldeep Sonawane, Mrs. Ashwini Naik.
[5] “Network Connectivity based Energy Efficient Topology Control Scheme for MANET”, T.S.Asha,Dr.N.J.R.Muniraj.
[6] “Novel Approach for Reliable Communication Using Energy Aware Routing Protocol in MANET”, Akanksha Meshramt, M.A. Rizvi.
[7] "Performance Evaluation of Energy Consumption for AODV and DSR Routing Protocols in MANET", Mehdi Barati, Kayvan Atefi, Farshad Khosravi and Yashar Azab Dafia.
[8] "Performance Evaluation of MANET Routing Protocols with Scalability using QoS Metrics of VoIP Applications", Sumit Mahajan, Vinay Chopra.
[9] "A survey on energy efficient routing protocol for MANET", Mr.Siddhant Dodke,Dr. P. B. Mane,Mrs. M.S. Vanjale -2016.
[10] "An Energy Multi-path AODV Routing Protocol in Ad Hoc Mobile Networks", Said Khelifa,Zoulikha Mekkakia Maaza -2010.
[11] "A Low Energy Consumed Routing Multipath Protocol In MANETS", Sumant Kumar Mohapatra, Sushil Kumar Mohapatra, Lalit Kanoje, Sukant Behera.
[12] "A Novel method for Self -Management of the energy consumption of nodes dying out of low battery capacity in a NTP based routing environment of MANETs",Vaithiyananthan S, Edna Elizabeth N, 2010.
[13] "A QoS routing for Maximum Bandwidth in Ad Hoc Networks", Keming DU, Yahui YANG, 2010.
[14] "An Energy-based QoS Routing Protocol in mobile Ad-Hoc Network", Jin LIAN, 2009.
[15] “Applications, Advantages and Challenges of Ad-Hoc Networks", D.Helen and D.Arivazhagan, 2014.
[16] "Challenges and Issues in Ad-Hoc Network", Iqbaldeep Kaur, Navneet Kaur, Tanisha, Gurmeen, Deepi, 2016.
[17] "Current Research Work on Routing Protocols for MANET: A Literature Survey", G.Vijaya Kumar, Y.Vasudeva Reddyr, Dr.M.Nagendra, 2010.
[18] "Design and Implementation of Energy Sharing System for MANETs", Xiuzhi Zhao, 2012.
Murali G, Apoorva M Swami, Kruthika Kadam G, Kusuma G, Mandakini A Katwey, "Implementation of Enhanced Energy Buffer Aware Reliable Routing Protocol in MANETS", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.261-264, 2019.
Comprehensive Study on Big Data Analytics
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.265-269, May-2019
Big Data is termed has any type of datasets which are so vast and compound which becomes difficult to process them using traditional data processing applications. While handling vast dataset different challenges may be faced by the user. In recent times, the internet application and communication have observed a lot of growth and reputation in the field of Information Technology. These internet applications and communication are frequently generating the large size, different variety and with some authentic difficult multifaceted structure data called big data. As a result, we are now in the era of enormous automatic data collection. For example, E-commerce transactions include activities such as online buying, selling or investing. Thus they generate the data which are high in dimensional and complex in structure. The traditional data storage techniques are not adequate to store and analyses those huge volume of data. Many researchers are doing their research in dimensionality reduction of the big data for effective and better analytics report and data visualization. The technologies used by big data application to handle the massive data are Hadoop, Map Reduce, and Apache Hive. Hence, the aim of the survey paper is to provide the overview of the big data analytics, issues, challenges and various technologies related with Big Data.
Key-Words / Index Term
Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Hadoop, Map Reduce
[1] Yuri Demchenko, “The Big Data Architecture Framework (BDAF)”, Outcome of the Brainstorming Session at the University of Amsterdam 17 July 2013.
[2] Amogh Pramod Kulkarni, Mahesh Khandewal, “Survey on Hadoop and Introduction to YARN”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, May
[3] M. R. Berthold, N. Cebron, F. Dill, T. R. Gabriel, T. Kötter, T. Meinl, et al., “KNIME: The Konstanz Information Miner”, in Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 319–326, 2008.
[4] Sagiroglu, S.Sinanc, D.,”Big Data: A Review”,2013, 2024.
[5] Ms. Vibhavari Chavan, Prof. Rajesh and N. Phursule, “Survey Paper On Big Data”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (6), 2014.
Sarala N R, Gagana R P, Manisha R, Monisha P V, Roja L, "Comprehensive Study on Big Data Analytics", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.265-269, 2019.
A Novel Data AggregationTechnique for Removing Redundant Data in Hadoop
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.270-271, May-2019
Hadoop is the software framework which was developed by Apache Software Foundation.Hadoop framework is written in java with purpose to handle large amount of data. Hadoop manages huge volume of data.Hadoop runs the task under the MapReduce algorithm. MapReduce is a programming model suitable for processing of huge data. MapRe¬duc¬e framework has two phase, map phase and reduce phase.a mapredce job is usually splits the input data set into independent chunks,which is done by map phase.the framework sorts the output of the map which are input to reduce framework. To running frequent itemset require more resource and time consuming. To overcome this problem here we implementing the nobel data aggregation technique.
Key-Words / Index Term
herewe are grouping the frequent itemsetand remove the redundant data
[1]. Y. Xun, J. Zhang, and X. Qin, “Fidoop: Parallel mining of frequent itemsets using mapreduce,” IEEE Transactions on Systems,Man ,and Cybernetics: Systems, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2015.2437327, 2015.
[2]. J. Leskovec, A. Rajaraman, and J. D. Ullman, Mining of massive datasets. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
[3]. M. Liroz-Gistau, R. Akbarinia, D. Agrawal, E. Pacitti, and P. Valduriez,“Data partitioning for minimizing transferred data in mapreduce,” in Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems. Springer,2013.
[4]. T. Kirsten, L. Kolb, M. Hartung, A. Groß, H. K¨opcke, and E. Rahm,“Data partitioning for parallel entity matching,” Proceedings of theVLDB Endowment, vol. 3, no. 2, 2010.
Uday Shankar S V, AnveshNaik, Manoj C K, Praveen B, Yadush B R, "A Novel Data AggregationTechnique for Removing Redundant Data in Hadoop", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.270-271, 2019.
E-Institute Adminstrative System
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.272-274, May-2019
Although a lot of complaint registering website are already available for the students but still a more sophisticated website is required to provide secure two way communications. Thus this portal is proposed for registering valid student complaint about the inconvenience faced in the institution by creating a website and also provides the status of the complaint to the student and the parent. Here the web application is designed using php which uses xampp and wamp server.
Key-Words / Index Term
php, xampp,wampp
[1] TruptiBomble, RitikaRaut, RuchiKanekar (April 2015) “Android Based Complaint Management System For Municipal Corporation”, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN :2248- 9622, Vol. 5, Issue 4, ( Part -3).
[2] DevikaRadhakrishnan, prof. NisargaGandhewar, prof. RuchihaNarnaware, prof. PrayasPagade, Arpan Tiwari and pooja,prof. “Smart Complaint Management System.”, International journal of trend in research and development, Vol3, Iss. 6, ISSN: 23949333
Sampritha T S, Bhavya V, Poornima S, Durga Shree A M, Aditya Pai H, "E-Institute Adminstrative System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.272-274, 2019.
Design of the IoT Based Operation Management System
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.275-283, May-2019
This period would be tended to as the Internet of things (IoT) time where a great many gadgets, sensors, vehicles and people are associated and responded together. Utilizing IoT in inventory network the executives and coordination could be considered as one of the promising IoT applications as it can upgrade both expense and working time. This work proposed a casing work for following holders utilizing physical gadgets as GPS tracker, GSM modem and Internet as association media to improve its voyage cost and time. The first considered demonstrates that manual arrangement of following holders caused numerous issues, for example, nonappearance of honesty and proficiency. If there should be an occurrence of utilizing the manual information documenting framework numerous issues emerge, for example, incomplete requesting demand, false demands, unclear areas, trouble in picking proficient appropriation procedure and doling out assignments to drivers. Likewise, the sat idle due to checking accessibility of holders, lost driver searching for the conveyance area, deferred refreshes about compartment status (accessible, must purge), obscure holder area. This paper proposes an answer that dependent on IoT to associate and control remotely every one of the items includes in compartment following, for example, GPS tracker, GSM modem with a guide of versatile base application to issues arranges in a streamlined way, sparing both time and cost. The present work utilizes a bunching method to improve dispersing and overseeing development dumping holders. Mechanizing the way toward disseminating and checking the compartments utilizing IoT based arrangement have numerous experts, for example, sparing organizations` money related assets, sparing workers time, serving clients better.
Key-Words / Index Term
IoT, calculated administration, Clustering Techniques; Mobile Platform; PAM; Google Map; GPS tracker. GPS modem
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Chethan RM, Suma CC, Aditya Pai H, Chimaya Dash, Prakash Behera, "Design of the IoT Based Operation Management System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.275-283, 2019.
Software Defect Prediction Using Data Mining Techniques
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.284-287, May-2019
The accomplishment of any software framework completely relies upon the exactness of the consequences of the framework and whether it is with no blemishes. Software deformity prediction issues have an incredibly gainful research potential. Software defects are the serious issue in any software industry. Software defects diminish the software quality, increment costing yet it additionally suspends the improvement plan. Software bugs lead to off base and discrepant outcomes. As a result of this, the software ventures run late, are dropped or become untrustworthy after sending. Quality and reliability are the real difficulties looked in a protected software improvement process. There are real software cost overwhelms when a software item with bugs in its different segments is conveyed next to client. The software distribution center is generally utilized as record keeping vault which is for the most part required while including new highlights or fixing bugs. Numerous information mining strategies and dataset store are accessible to foresee the software defects. `Bug prediction procedure` is a significant part in software building territory for most recent multi decade. Software bugs which identify at beginning period are straightforward and cheap for redressing the software. Software quality can be upgraded by utilizing the bug prediction strategies and the software bug can be decreased whenever connected precisely. Needy and autonomous variable are considered in Software bug prediction. To anticipate deformity dependent on software measurements software prediction model are utilized. Measurements based characterization sort part as faulty and non-inadequate.
Key-Words / Index Term
Software defects, bugs, prediction, quality, reliability
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Swathi K, Arun Biradar, "Software Defect Prediction Using Data Mining Techniques", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.284-287, 2019.
IoT based Smart Parking System
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.288-292, May-2019
Advancement in industrialization leaves the parking management system out-dated. Traffic congestion at parking lots have become very often and people cannot even find a place to park their vehicles where first come first serve method is used. Traditional parking lots can be converted to smart ones by introducing Internet of Things (IoT) which in turn resolves the current parking issues. Problems such as, traffic congestion, limited car parking facilities and road safety can also be resolved by IoT. In this paper, the proposed Smart Parking system primarily consists of IoT module that is used to signalize the state of availability of each single parking space, the NFC technology is used to differentiate between registered and unregistered vehicles as they have separate parking areas, and a Mobile Application that provides the end users to view if the slots are occupied or empty. One of the main challenges in a college environment is students rushing to college just before the college begins. This causes a lot of congestion. Students end up parking in areas not reserved for parking or in such a way that it becomes difficult for others to remove their vehicles. Thus there is need for implementing a smart parking system in college environment which regulates all these issues using the above mentioned technologies.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of Things, IoT, Smart Parking System, NFC
[1] Abhirup Khanna & Rishi Anand (2016, January). IoT based Smart Parking System, 2016 International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (IOTA)(pp. 266-270). IEEE.
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[14] L. Baroffio, L. Bondi, M. Cesana, A. E. Redondi, and M. Tagliasacchi,“A visual sensor network for parking lot occupancy detection in smart cities,” in Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 745–750.
[15] M. Suresh, P. S. Kumar, and T. Sundararajan, “Iot based airport parking system,” in Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS), 2015 International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 1–5.
Anuradha G, Bhavana L S, Bindushree H A, Deeksha B Jadesh Darshan K R, "IoT based Smart Parking System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.288-292, 2019.
Intelligent Stove using NodeMCU
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.293-295, May-2019
Internet of things is the network of devices and home appliances that contain electronics, software, actuators, and connectivity which allows these things to connect, interact and exchange data. The recent advances in sensor technology empower adaptable smart systems targeting safety. Smart sensing in ambient systems enables to enhance safety during cooking which is very important for people. The Intelligent Stove is an IOT based project which aims at automating the operations of gas stove and notifies the user about status of the stove with the help of mobile application. The main problems using gas stove is the failure of gas leakage detection, overcooking and people forgetting to turn it off. To overcome these problems we have designed a system which detects gas leakage and rotten smell. The system consists of smoke sensor, gas sensor, buzzer and a motor attached to knob of the stove and a Wi-Fi module to connect to the mobile. It also has an automated knob which can be controlled with the help of mobile application. The knob is automatically turned off in case of gas leakage and the buzzer is activated and a notification is sent to the mobile so that quick action can be taken by the user. The knob can also be controlled through the application.
Key-Words / Index Term
gas leakage, IOT, NodeMCU, sensors
[1] IoT based Gas Leakage Monitoring and Alerting System with MQ6 sensor, submitted by Rohan Chandraa Pandey1, Maneesh Verma2 , Umesh Kumaar Sahu3 , Saurabh Deshmukh4 © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 January 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882.
[2] IoT based Gas Leakage Detection System with Database logging, Prediction and Smart Alerting, submitted by IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Chaitalee Bagwe1 , Vidya Ghadi2 , Vinayshriee Nayak3 , Neha Kunte4.
[3] IoT based Smart Gas Monitoring System, submitted by Anandakrishna S, Deepesh Nayar IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) e-ISSN: 2278- 1676, p-ISSN: 2320-3331, PP 82-87
[4] Intelligent Stove for Gas Leakage Detection, submitted by: Sriirsath Shradha, Somvamshi Snehaal, Chavan Ameya, Tambe Rahuu, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2016.
[5] Smart Kitchen using IoT, submitted by Mr. Gourav V Tavale-Paatil, Miss. Kalyaani H Kulkarani, Miss. Puja U Kuvad, Miss.Puja R Pawar, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (E-ISSN: 2321-9637) Special Issue National Conference “NCPCI-2016”, 19 March 2016.
[6] Smart Gas System for Kitchen using Internet of Things, submitted by J. Damodhar et al. (IJITR) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH Volume No.4, Issue No.4, June – July 2016, 3306 – 3311.
Gowtham Bhatta K, Jayateertha R Adki, Manikanta V H, Meghana G, "Intelligent Stove using NodeMCU", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.293-295, 2019.
An Innovative Approachto Perform Software Defect Prediction
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.296-303, May-2019
identifying defective substances from existing software frameworks is an issue of extraordinary significance for expanding both software quality and the proficiency of software testing related exercises. We present in this paper a novel methodology for anticipating software defects utilizing fuzzy decision trees. Through the fuzzy methodology we plan to all the more likely adapt to clamor and loose data. A fuzzy decision tree will be prepared to recognize whether a software module is defective or not. Two open source software frameworks are utilized for tentatively assessing our methodology. The acquired outcomes feature that the fuzzy decision tree approach beats the non-fuzzy one on practically all contextual investigations utilized for assessment. Contrasted with the methodologies utilized in the writing, the fuzzy decision tree classifier is appeared to be more effective than the greater part of the other machine learning-based classifiers.
Key-Words / Index Term
Software defect prediction,Machine learning,Decision tree, Fuzzy theory
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Prakash Behera, Chimaya Dash, R Chandramma, Prakash Behera, Piyush Kumar Pareek, Aditya Pai H, "An Innovative Approachto Perform Software Defect Prediction", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.296-303, 2019.
A Mathematical Model toAssessFailure due to Longer Lead Times in SMEs in IT Sector
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.304-308, May-2019
The Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) uses a lead time to complete the work in the estimated time period. The longer lead time is the fault in which the SMEs take longer time period to complete the work. The reason for this discussed in this paper which are termed to be as ‘waste’ phenomenon. This phenomenon can be assessed using failure mode effective analysis (FMEA). The paper discusses on the causes behind the wastes using the survey and analysis of the responses from the survey. Then the failure modes identification using FMEA, followed by the mathematical model to assess the failures.
Key-Words / Index Term
SMEs, FMEA, Lead Time, Waste
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Aditya Pai H, Prakash Behera, Chimaya Dash, Piyush Kumar Pareek, "A Mathematical Model toAssessFailure due to Longer Lead Times in SMEs in IT Sector", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.304-308, 2019.