Self-Awareness Dimension of Emotional Intelligence: A Predictor of Managerial Effectiveness
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.246-250, Feb-2019
The success of any organization depends largely on tapping the potential in the workplace who are committed to organizational goals, service quality, commendable behaviour and formulate the tasks according to the plans. Maxwell (1995) stated that many organizations fail because of they were not able to tap the potentials. The only reward they give their employees is a pay cheque. But successful organizations develop the relationship between employer and employee. Managers should deal with the challenging issues with subsist in Employees State Insurance Corporation. For subordinates or employees to commit themselves to the company’s vision, mission and goals, top level management promote a productivity culture in organization. In Employees State Insurance Corporation, they have significant roles which challenge for managerial effectiveness and direct job performance. It is apparent that evaluating the quality of performance of any establishment is an essential part to meet the beneficiaries’ needs and expectations. Managerial effectiveness in terms of realistic evaluation facilitate organizational development, analysing the system, implementation, transformation, building healthy work relationship to meet the needs of their clients through emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses. The managerial effectiveness is best measured in terms of actions taken with the objectives of promoting improvement and directions in ESIC. It is the process by which the organizational management system undergoes subsequent evaluation initiated by the managers, mechanisms to strategically run the organizations for efficiency and productivity to establish good camaraderie among employees of ESIC. In this study self-awareness a dimension of emotional intelligence determined to examine the impact on managerial effectiveness. For this study 400 employees of ESIV were chosen on the basis of purposive sampling.
Key-Words / Index Term
Self-Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, Managerial Effectiveness, healthy work relationship
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Priyanka Vyas, Ravindra Yadav, Jyoti Sharma, "Self-Awareness Dimension of Emotional Intelligence: A Predictor of Managerial Effectiveness", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.246-250, 2019.
Generalized Measure of Fuzzy Entropy in Various Parameter
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.251-255, Feb-2019
In the present paper, the fuzzy entropy measures are obtained by existing literatures. A generalized parametric fuzzy entropy in various parameter is defined. Fuzziness is one of the pandemic attributes of human thinking and objectives things whereas fuzzy set theory is one of the effective tools of researching and processing fuzzy phenomena in real world’s problems. Taking this fact into contemplate, we have introduced and investigated new generalized measure of fuzzy entropy based upon real parameters, studied their fundamental and desirable properties and presented these measures through graph.
Key-Words / Index Term
Fuzzy set, Fuzzy entropy, parametric fuzzy entropy
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Sangeeta Pandey, R.P.Dubey, P. Jha, "Generalized Measure of Fuzzy Entropy in Various Parameter", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.251-255, 2019.
Role of Emotionally Intelligence Leader in an Organisation: with special Reference to MSME Industries of Chhattisgarh
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.256-260, Feb-2019
The concept of Emotional Intelligence has gained significant consideration from academia, different organizations and main stream society. The concept of Emotional Intelligence with different construct conceptualized different models of Emotional Intelligence, with different corresponding measurement tools and has proposed various strategies for developing EI. Such scholarly work has made major contribution in the development of Emotional Intelligence but it has also given rise to a number of controversial aspects over which debates exist among different scholars and researchers. Therefore by looking at the existing controversies on Emotional Intelligence among the different scholars, thorough research is required in order to a bridge the gap and provide a single platform for achieving theoretical harmony in Emotional Intelligence and to effectively analyze the impacts of EI at workplace on leadership and teamwork level. The aim of the present paper is to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership to evaluate the tendency of emotional control of the working class both male and female at a managerial level. It revealed that emotional intelligence has great relationship with leadership styles and it combines with leadership skill which has been found statistically significant. A person with high age and high experience has better leadership skills. There is no impact of other two factors i.e. level of education and gender (male and female).
Key-Words / Index Term
Emotional Intelligence, Theoretical Harmony, Leadership Skills, Teamwork Level
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Shrawan Pandey, Rachana Pandey, Ashok K. Chandra, "Role of Emotionally Intelligence Leader in an Organisation: with special Reference to MSME Industries of Chhattisgarh", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.256-260, 2019.