Using Adaboost AND Majority Voting Techniques For Detecting Fradulent Transcations In Credit Card
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.217-219, May-2019
Credit card fraud is a serious problem in financial services. Billions of dollars are lost due to credit card fraud every year. There is a lack of research studies on analyzing real-world credit card data owing to con dentiality issues. Nowadays digitalization gaining popularity because of seamless, easy and convenience use of e-commerce. It became very rampant and easy mode of payment. The experimental results positively indicate that the majority voting method achieves good accuracy rates in detecting fraud cases in credit cards. Inspired by the recent novel idea of Trerngad [1], we also quantize the released gradients to ternary levels {−B, 0, B}, where B is the bound of gradient clipping. Voting based prediction aggregation provides the final predictions. A hybrid technique of under-sampling and oversampling is carried out on the skewed data. Capsule Network (CapsNet) is adopted to further dig some deep features on the base of the expanded features, and then a fraud detection model is trained to identify if a transaction is legal or fraud.
Key-Words / Index Term
AdaBoost, classification, credit card, fraud detection, predictive modelling, voting
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S Sharath, Sherwin Sampath Doddamani, Lakshmikantha S, "Using Adaboost AND Majority Voting Techniques For Detecting Fradulent Transcations In Credit Card", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.217-219, 2019.
Implementation of Driver Drowsiness Alert and Automatic Vehicle Control System Using Arduino
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.220-225, May-2019
The model is about making cars more intelligent and interactive which may notify or resist user under unacceptable conditions, they may provide critical information of real time situations to rescue or police or owner himself. Driver fatigue resulting from sleep deprivation or Drunken driving is prevented is an important factor in the increasing number of accidents on today`s roads. In this paper, we describe a real -time safety prototype that stop vehicle ignition. The purpose of such a model is to advance a system to detect fatigue symptoms in drivers and control the vehicle to avoid accidents. In this paper, we propose a driver drowsiness detection and alcohol detection system in which alcohol detection sensor and image processing are used for detecting the driver. If the driver is found to have sleep, or driver in an alcoholic condition then buzzer will start and then turns the vehicle ignition off.
Key-Words / Index Term
Component, Formatting, Style, Styling, Insert (key words)
[1]. 1.Yuichi Saito, Makoto Itoh, Toshiyuki Inagaki, “Driver Assistance System With a Dual Control Scheme: Effectiveness of Identifying Driver Drowsiness and Preventing Lane Departure Accidents“ IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems March 21, 2016.
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[3]. 3. A. Mittal, K. Kumar, S. Dhamija, M. Kaur “Head Movement-Based Driver Drowsiness Detection: A Review of State-of-Art Techniques” 2
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[5]. 4. Alesandar, Oge Marques and Borko Furht “Design and Implementation of a Driver Drowsiness Detection System A Practical Approach”.
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[7]. 6. J. Ahmed, Jain–Ping Li, S. Ahmed Khan, R.Ahmed Shaikh “Eye Behavior Based Drowsiness Detection System”.
[8]. 7. A. Rahman, M. Sirshar, A. Khan ”Real Time Drowsiness Detection Using Eye Blink Monitoring” 2015 National Software Engineering Conference(NSEC 2015).
Akash Gowda BR, Dharmesh Bchavda, MD Ismail Zabi Ulla, Swetha N, "Implementation of Driver Drowsiness Alert and Automatic Vehicle Control System Using Arduino", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.220-225, 2019.
Improved Sequential Fusion of Heart-signal and Fingerprint for Anti-spoofing
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.226-231, May-2019
Biometrics is one of the most encouraging authentication systems in the recent years. However, spoof attack is one of the main problems with a biometric system. Spoof attack falls within a subset of what is called presentation attack. The heart is an emerging biometric modality which is getting attention for its robustness against presentation attacks. Introducing heart-signal into a fingerprint biometric system can yield promising results showing its robustness against spoof attacks with increasing the authentication accuracy. In this work, a sequential fusion method is improved for anti-spoofing capability. The idea behind the proposed system is the utilization of the natural liveness property of heart-biometrics in addition to boosting the heart-signal scores to increase the anti-spoofing of a multimodal biometric system. We have evaluated our proposed method with public databases of fingerprint biometric and heart-signal (ECG signal). The obtained results are very encouraging for the development of a robust anti-spoofing multimodal authentication system.
Key-Words / Index Term
Component, Formatting, Style, Styling, Insert (key words)
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Radha N, Kavya N, Harsha A C, "Improved Sequential Fusion of Heart-signal and Fingerprint for Anti-spoofing", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.226-231, 2019.
Devops:A Culture, Not A Technology Continuous Integration for Digital Enterprises
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.232-234, May-2019
Devops is a collaboration of development and operation devised to stress on communication and integration between them. It is supported by a culture collaboration it helps an organization to grow with these help organization can produce software products and services. Organization associated themselves with devops to startup new methodology. Continuous development and innovation are required in an organization so devops training has been started in the orientation. Companies are focusing on the automation of the process this way timely deliver and quality results are achieved We also found that DevOps is supported by a culture of collaboration, automation, measurement, information sharing and web service usage. DevOps benefits IS development and operations performance. It also has positive effects on web service development and quality assurance performance. Finally, our mapping study suggests that more research is needed to quantify these effects.
Key-Words / Index Term
Technology, Digital Enterprises
Syeda Misba, Shilpa Biradar, "Devops:A Culture, Not A Technology Continuous Integration for Digital Enterprises", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.232-234, 2019.
Smart Drip Infusion Monitoring System and Electronic Valve System with Quantitative Control Using IoT
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.235-238, May-2019
In health care system environment use of IOT technologies bring convenience to both doctors and patients. This work proposes a method for drip infusion monitoring system. The system is designed to work in two modes viz Manual mode and Auto mode. The patient’s heart beat and body temperature are obtained using sensors. Based on these readings the flow rate of the glucose is determined by the doctor or nurse. While the glucose is being given to t he patient, it should be carefully monitored so that the glucose bag does not become empty. This is very much essential to prevent reverse blood flow. In this project the reverse blood flow is prevented using solenoid valve with quantitative control. The salient features of this project includes: Drip bottle weight monitoring using a load cell , Flow control using a electronic valve, Patient Monitoring using Sensors and Automation of Drip Process.
Key-Words / Index Term
Drip infusion, Health monitoring, Quantitative control, IOT
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Akash Das Gupta, Rakshitha J, Lavanya L.D, Meenakshi. M, Vijayalaxmi R. Patil, "Smart Drip Infusion Monitoring System and Electronic Valve System with Quantitative Control Using IoT", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.235-238, 2019.
V-MEET Android Application
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.239-242, May-2019
Android based applications are currently in trend. Several business use this android application to make their work more efficient. The applications are used in the fields like ordering food, medicine, booking tickets and also can be used to book appointment between student and lecturer which reduces their some work load. In this study presents an android application for booking appointment through mobiles where both students and lectures as to be in their respective mentioned at particular time. This application allows students and lectures to access the system by connecting through internet. It also have a feature like dropping a message which indicates the purpose of the meeting and also the student can set a time during the appointment booking. The application is developed using Java as scripting language and used My Structured Query Language (MySQL) for database. This application is cheap and capable of operating on various mobile devices and also user-friendly, very effective and efficient application which can be used by the institutions.
Key-Words / Index Term
appointment, android application, booking, academic institutions
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[6] X. Dai Online Clinic Appointment Scheduling M.Sc. Thesis in Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Lehigh University, pp. 1467, 2013.
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Bobby Shree G, Ambika V, Divya B, Bindu Madhavi T, Aditya Pai H, "V-MEET Android Application", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.239-242, 2019.
Hybrid Document Summarization using NLP
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.243-247, May-2019
Hybrid Document Summarization is the technique by which the huge parts of content are retrieved. The Hybrid Document Summarization plays out the summarization task by unsupervised learning system. The significance of a sentence in info content is assessed by the assistance of 3 algorithms. As an online semantic lexicon WordNet is utilized. Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is a critical and testing system in the territory of characteristic dialect handling (NLP). A specific word may have distinctive significance in various setting. So, the principle task of word sense disambiguation is to decide the right feeling of a word utilized as a part of a specific setting. To begin with, Document Summarization assesses the weights, keyword and parts of speech of the considerable number of sentences of a content independently utilizing the algorithms and orchestrates them in diminishing request as indicated by their weights. Next, as indicated by the given level of rundown, a specific number of sentences are chosen from that requested rundown.
Key-Words / Index Term
Document Summarization; Natural Language Processing; Word Net ; NLTK
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R Chandramma, N.P. Pandurangi, S.V. Jamadagni, Nikhil Chandran, Mohammed Abu Talha Ahmed, "Hybrid Document Summarization using NLP", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.243-247, 2019.
Evaluation of Student Performance based on Bridge Course
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.248-253, May-2019
Performance of the student is evaluated and estimated using various evaluation methods and parameters. Modern evaluation methods can have a tremendous impact on the student performance in their curricula. Some courses in the University curriculum has some prerequisites for particular courses and one such course in the University is Data Structures of computer science stream. Students haven’t studied C programming as a prerequisite for this course and the test has been conducted. The results of this test are not satisfactory and hence a bridge course is introduced to overcome the problem of prerequisite and also the pre-test for C programming is also taken for future analysis. The bridge course is conducted for 30hrs in a laboratorysince C is a programming course and post-test is conducted for both the courses. The improvement in results is identified and the performance of studentsis calculated. This research has been conducted on 58 students in the University, the null hypothesis is usedand performed t-Test distribution to analyze the performance of students. This paper tells how a bridge course is useful for the students to perform better and suggests the best suited methods for capturing and analyzing data by choosing the right metrics and performance indicators.
Key-Words / Index Term
Education Data Mining, Bridge course, Prerequisite, t-Test, Null Hypothesis, Pre-test , Post-test
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Geetha N, Piyush Kumar Pareek, Suhas G K, Sandhya Soman, "Evaluation of Student Performance based on Bridge Course", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.248-253, 2019.
A Survey on Service Oriented Scheduling for Big Data Cloud
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.254-256, May-2019
Big Data is an emerging data intensive computing technology to extract intrinsic information from large scale variety forms of rapidly growing data. Big Data Analytics is a data science paradigm, which employs several statistical and machine learning tools for effective and quick decision making. As Cloud computing technologies are coming into reality, several Cloud providers are offering large scale computing and storage facilities as services based on pay and consumption models to the end users. Due, to their service oriented delivery of Clouds, these are turning as back end infrastructure to address several big data mining problems in Big Data computing. As the convergence of Clouds and Big Data is turning into new area aka “Big Data Clouds”, there is a need to address several under pinning technical elements of Big Data computing in Clouds. In this paper, we discuss Service oriented scheduling mechanisms to serve Big Data Analytics in Clouds infrastructure as services. Our main focus is on scheduling aspects, which bring out the several issues, thus meeting the constraints, and Quality of Service (QoS) parameters. We initially, bring about several challenges in scheduling the Big Data problems over Clouds infrastructure, followed by offering the service oriented analytics deliver over Clouds based SLAs and the Quality of Service while considering the dead line, budget constraints.
Key-Words / Index Term
Scheduling, Big data cloud , Quality of service
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Tracking The User’s Behaviour in E- Commerce Website
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.257-260, May-2019
Online shopping is becoming more and more common in our daily lives. Tracking user’s interests and behaviour is essential in order to fulfil customer’s requirements. The information about user’s behaviour is stored in the web server logs. Absorbing a view of the process followed by user’s during a session can be of great interest to identify the behavioural patterns. The analysis of such information has focused on applying data mining techniques. Data mining is the process of sorting through large data sets to identify patterns and establish relationships to solve problems through data analysis. It is a process used by companies to turn raw data into useful information. By using software to look for patterns in large batches of data, businesses can learn more about their customers to develop more effective marketing strategies, increase sales and decrease costs. To address this issue, in this work we proposes a linear temporal logic model checking method for the analysis of structured e-commerce web logs.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data mining, e-commerce, web logs analysis, behavioural patterns, model checking
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Smriti Gupta, Komal Kumari, Latha A, "Tracking The User’s Behaviour in E- Commerce Website", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.257-260, 2019.