Survey on Enhancement of One Time Password as a Service (OTPaaS)
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.193-198, May-2019
the traditional way of authenticating a user via Username and password is very much popular in digital world, where as for more security OTP is used, One Time Password is the technique which is two way authentications. This OTP technique can be used as service is cloud to users as One Time Password as service, in OTP as a cloud service some of the cloud service providers will provide this OTP for different cloud users for their online application login and website authentication. Cloud users can register their different web applications in the different cloud service. This will enable for this users access for accounts using OTP verification without maintaining many other passwords and several OTP accounts. In this paper author has given architecture for secure, privacy-friendly and trusted OTP provider and authentication phases are given. The purpose of doing survey of One Time Password as Service is to understand the need on one time password as service for authentication its fundamentals along with drawbacks of different authentication
Key-Words / Index Term
One Time Password (OTP), Authentication, Cloud, Two-factor Authentication, Multi-factor Authentication, cloud based OTP, cloud-based authentication service
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Siddharth S. Gosavi, Gopal k Shyam, "Survey on Enhancement of One Time Password as a Service (OTPaaS)", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.193-198, 2019.
Mobile Charging On Coin Insertion
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.199-201, May-2019
The coin based mobile battery proposed in this paper provides services to rural where grid power is unavailable for large duration to charge their phones. Installation of battery charger is quick and easy. Urban population uses advanced technological mobile that have batteries with higher storage, while people in rural cannot afford such expense. Sources are direct power grid and solar energy respectively in rural areas.
Key-Words / Index Term
Microcontroller, UART Serial Channel, LCD, In-System Programmable
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Mylara Reddy, Sai Charan, Akshay R, Badrinath N, Rakshith S N, "Mobile Charging On Coin Insertion", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.199-201, 2019.
Preventing Privacy Leakage of Photo Sharing on Online Social Networks
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.202-205, May-2019
Photograph sharing is a tempting feature which popularizes online social networks. It might liberate user’s secrecy if users are agreed to post, tag, comment, mention a photo publicly. In this paper we address this problem and learn the case when a user posts a photo having individuals excluding her/him. To stop the security dropout of a photo we plot a system that permit everyone in a photograph be alert about the photo uploading action and join in the judgment of photo uploading activity. To achieve this motive FR system needed which identifies individuals in the photograph. However requesting extra security can restrain the quantity of photos freely accessible to prepare the Face recognition technique. To control such problem proposed system endeavors to utilize user’s personal photos for outline a individualized Face recognition system specifically made for distinct probable photo co-possessor with covering their secrecy. We evolve a distributed consensus system to minimize the computational miscellaneous and defend the personal instructing data.
Key-Words / Index Term
online Social networks, photo secrecy, FR system, support vector machine, collaborative learning
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Rekha, Venkatesh Prasad, "Preventing Privacy Leakage of Photo Sharing on Online Social Networks", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.202-205, 2019.
Android Attendances System Using Wifi
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.206-209, May-2019
In the recent years, many companies and organizations are using traditional biometric attendance system for taking attendance of it’s workers or employees. This will keep track of employee’s attendance i.e he has logged into the office or not but it will not keep track of whether the employee is present at the workplace or not. In this modern era, it is seen that after giving attendance many employees fly away from their workplace to escape from doing work. This paper focuses on Android Attendance system where an Android device will be used instead of Biometric Attendance System. Here, the entire workplace will be a wife zone. An android application will be developed in java and android and installed into employee mobile phone which connects to wifi whenever the employee enters the wifi zone. So connection or disconnection of mobile phone to the wifi will determine whether the employee is present in the workplace or not.
Key-Words / Index Term
Server, wifi, android attendances, admin, mobile phone
[1] Dhiman Kumar Sarker, Nafize Ishtiaque Hossain, and Insan Arafat Jamil, “Design and implementation of smart attendance management system using multiple step authentication” in Computational Intelligence (IWCI), International Workshop on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 91–95.
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Matle Venkata Anusha, Nagaveni M, Giraddi. R Satyaraddi, Anilkumar Ambore, "Android Attendances System Using Wifi", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.206-209, 2019.
Recognizing Mouse events through Head/Hand movement
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.210-213, May-2019
Humans communicate with one another not solely through their vocal talents however additionally through the gestures that they create. A gesture will go an excellent approach in golf shot through our purpose and creating the opposite person perceive U.S. and computers are not any totally different during this and may be controlled and created to retort handy and head gestures employing a gesture recognition system. during this project a gesture recognition models is meant that acknowledge hand or head gestures that`s down ,up, left, right and cross, supported the signal from three-axis measuring device. Mouse management supported Gesture entomb action takes advantage of continuity and dynamics of the user’s movement of the hand to regulate the mouse movement. Once there`s any movement of the body there`s generation of signal however common supply is face or hand. This project presents the maneuver of mouse pointer and performs numerous operations like left click, right click, double click and gap and shutting a folder by blinking your eyes. Recognizing gestures may be advanced task that involves several aspects like motion modelling, motion analysis and pattern recognition. Therefore for recognizing the gestures numerous mouse events are performed.
Key-Words / Index Term
Gesture Recognition System (GRS), Three-axis accelerometer, Head Gesture
[1] Granit Luzhnica, Elizabeth Lex, Viktoria Pammer. A Sliding Window Approach to The Natural Hand Gesture Recognition using a Custom DataGlove. In: 3D User Interfaces (3DUI); 2016 IEEE Symposium on ; 2016 Mar 19 ; New York : IEEE; 2016 ; p.81-90.
[2] Ji-Hwan Kim,Nguyen Duc Thang,Tae-Seong Kim. 3-D hand Motion Tracking and Gesture Recognition Using the Data Glove. In; Industrial Electronics; 2009 IEEE International Symposium on; 2009 July 5; New York: IEEE; 2009 ; p.1013-1018.
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[6] Lee DH, Hong KS. A Hand gesture recognition system based on the difference image entropy. In: Advanced Information Management and Service (IMS), 2010 6th International Conference on; 2010 Nov 30; Seoul; New York: IEEE; 2010 ; p. 410-413.
[7] Dulayatrakul J, Prasertsakul P, Kondo T, Nilkhamhang I. Robust implementation of hand gesture recognition for the remote human-machine interaction. In Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE); 2015 7th International Conference on ;2015 Oct 29; p. 247-252.
[8] Tsai TH, Huang CC, Zhang KL. Embedded virtual mouse system by using the hand gesture recognition. In: Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW); 2015 IEEE International Conference on; 2015 Jun 6; Taiwan, Taipei; New York: IEEE; 2015; p. 352-353.
[9] Adnan Ibraheem and Rafiqu Izaman Khan, “Survey on Various Gesture Recognition Technologies and Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Applications p.0975 –8887 Volume 50 – No.7, July 2012.
Aruna Kumara B, T.Hashmitha, Swathi S.G, Swathi G, Vineeth P, "Recognizing Mouse events through Head/Hand movement", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.210-213, 2019.
Secured Data Sharing in Clouds
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.214-217, May-2019
Cloud cache is a use of mists that release associations from developing administrative information stockpiling frameworks. Be that as it may, distributed storage offers ascend to security concerns. If there should arise an occurrence of gathering shared information, the information faces particular cloud and ordinary insider dangers. Protect information distribution in a gathering conflict inside dangers vindictive clients is an essential analysis problem. We propose this system,which gives: 1) info hiding and trustworthiness; 2) get to control; 3) info distribution without utilizing register serious reencryption; 4) internal danger security; and 5) forward and in reverse access control. The Secure information partaking in cloud approach encodes a folder with a key with solitary encryption. Two diverse key offers for every client are created, with client just having one offer. The ownership of a solitary offer of a key enables this strategy to counter the insider dangers. The alternative key offer is put away by a confided in outsider, which is known as the cryptographic server. This philosophy is relevant to customary and portable distributed estimating situations.
Key-Words / Index Term
Access control, distributed computing, abnormal state Petri nets, displaying, Satisfiability Modulo Theory, Scythe.
[1] K. Alhamazani et al., “An overview of the commercial cloud monitoring tools: Research dimensions, design issues, state-of-the-art,” Computing, DOI: 10.1007/s00607-014-0398-5, 2014, to be published.
[2] A. N. Khan, M. L. M. Kiah, S. U. Khan, and S. A. Madani, “Towards secure mobile cloud computing: A survey,” Future Gen. Comput. Syst.,
[3] A. Abbas and S. U. Khan, “A review on the State-of-the-art privacy preserving approach esine-health clouds,IEEEJ. Biomed. HealthInformat., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1431–1441, Jul. 2014.
Sowmya Sundari L K, Pallavi K R, P. Bhavya Shree, P. Lakshmi Viharika, R. Hari Chandana, "Secured Data Sharing in Clouds", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.214-217, 2019.
Private Web hosting for Confidential Data using Cloud
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.218-223, May-2019
Private web Hosting for Confidential information is a web application is mainly designed and developed to focus on cost management of various distributed cloud computing administrations and models that are utilized by business stages like DevOps/IT Organizations for using the web service like storage. In a distributed computing approach cost depends on measure of information stockpiling and hour of upkeep so cloud service provider will fix the expense for User information. In our application the cost of information will vary from text, picture ,video. Assume the user will upload image to the cloud, the service cost of image is higher when compared to text .The application also focuses on the key aspect of the application that is pay per use of the service the payments are done only for the resources that are utilized at specific duration by the user where overcoming the major drawback in the models that where designed earlier where the users had to take either the yearly plan or the monthly plan but now we have an advancement ie pay per use which is a major change that has been implemented in this application. The user can store possess information in distributed storage zone. They can see distributed storage information whenever from any place subsequently making it best and convenient application. The User should pay for the storage cost just which is having incorporated capacity and propelled security turns out to be progressively solid. This administration has just been fused of utilizing such administrations in numerous IT, business divisions for expansive capacity of business confidential information and completely annulling the future crisis with incredible administration and security
Key-Words / Index Term
centralized storage, confidential, Cloud Computing, Web Host, Storage
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N.S.Nikhil, Nonika Sharma, N. Prashanth, M. Harini, Chaithra M H, "Private Web hosting for Confidential Data using Cloud", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.218-223, 2019.
Machine Learning Approach for Cancer Detection
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.224-228, May-2019
Machine Learning has several applications in Healthcare Domain. It provides more efficient, faster, smarter ways to detect and cure various diseases. Machine learning approaches are widely used for cancer diagnosis. In our approach we classify cancerous and noncancerous Oral Cancer images. We focused on image pre-processing, segmentation using image segmentation app in Matlab to improve the image quality and thereby improving the accuracy of classification and cancer detection. This approach using Support Vector Machines (SVM) obtained an accuracy of 89.2%. This method can be easily adopted for early cancer detection.
Key-Words / Index Term
Machine Learning,Oral Cancer, Image Segmentation, Support Vector Machines
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Anooja Ali, Pooja G, Prajeela MP, Riddhi Rakesh, Tabassum Taj, "Machine Learning Approach for Cancer Detection", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.224-228, 2019.
Image processing and Controller Based Game Play Using Hand Gestures
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.229-233, May-2019
Hand gesture is one of the most primitive ways of communication and is an area of dynamic examination for computer based vision and AI. This is a zone with numerous potential applications, giving clients a simpler and extra normal approach to speak with robots/system interfaces, without the need of any additional gadgets. In this way, the main objective of hand gesture recognition connected to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is to shape frameworks, which may decide explicit human motions and use them to pass on data and control gadgets. For that, vision-based hand gesture interfaces need fast signal acknowledgments continuously. This paper proposes the utilization of hand gestures and the utilization of three dimensional (3D) pivot of hand motions as the reason for clients to communicate with a computer. This paper presents strategies for Game Play utilizing both Image Processing strategy and Arduino combined with a sensor.
Key-Words / Index Term
Gesture recognition, Image processing, Feature extraction, Human Computer Interaction, MATLAB, Controller, ADXL335 Accelerometer
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Shruthi G, Praharsh R, R Durga Sai Eswar, Ramya V, "Image processing and Controller Based Game Play Using Hand Gestures", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.14, pp.229-233, 2019.
Implementation of IoT Framework Utilizing Blockchain with Validation and Information Assurance with NFC Innovation
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.14 , pp.234-238, May-2019
In a square chain IoT condition, when information or gadget confirmation data is put on a square chain, individual data might be spilled through the verification of-work procedure or address look. In this paper, we apply ZeroKnowledge confirmation to a savvy meter framework to demonstrate that a prover without uncovering data, for example, open key, and we have contemplated how to upgrade secrecy of square chain for security insurance. In this paper, we present a simple to-utilize NFC-based arrangement approach for IoT gadgets that is verified by fitting safety efforts in programming and equipment. Since modern utilization of such a setup approach involves unexpected necessities in comparison to home use, we present and analyze three unique design forms. The relevance of our methodology is exhibited by two prototypical executions, just as an itemized security investigation. We additionally demonstrate that the forced overhead because of the actualized safety efforts is immaterial for most setup refreshes.
Key-Words / Index Term
Component Near Field Communication,Zero Knowledge Technology,Service Provider
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