Design ND Development of Knowledge Portal: Higher Secondary Education Sector
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.197-201, Feb-2019
Day by day utilities of portals are increasing. Portal is batter to the website. I decide that I will develop the knowledge portal for HSE sector. Higher secondary education sector is backbone of Indian education. Streams, syllabus, question papers, e-Books, Notes, video lectures, study tips etc. are major parts of the developing educational portal. The aim of this portal will share the knowledge to the students, teachers as well as parents. It will help to the learners of both Hindi and English mediums. HTML, PHP, CSS, Java scripts, XAMPP and My SQL are useful tools for design and development of this portal. The name of database is hses. sql. All web pages and images of this portal are stored in the CVRU directory. All secondary education requirements are arranging in this portal. In this research paper, we will identify the best higher secondary education.
Key-Words / Index Term
Streams; syllabus; question papers; e-Books; Video lecture
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Santosh Kumar Miri, Neelam Sahu, "Design ND Development of Knowledge Portal: Higher Secondary Education Sector", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.197-201, 2019.
Machine learning and Systems Approaches in Relation of Helicobacter pylori To Ageing Diseases
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.202-205, Feb-2019
Helicobacter pylori is one of the bacterial pathogen showing great effect and associations with ageing diseases. The complex data prediction was done with Weka software. When compared with data distribution between Males and Females in relation with class H.pylori, it is shown that females are more prone to ageing diseases (especially gastric and Obesity). Cluster Centroids method was predicted with more chances for people in Urban regions with family history suffers gastric, expiry due to heart stoke with gastric, drink tea, with tension and stress. AD Tree shown positive for H.pylori (N) showing stomach pain, family suffered previously and Age >29.5. Subset Evaluator method was shown that Stomach pain, Aging diseases and smoking are the attributes associated with H.pylori. The highest accuracy for the data was predicted with random Forest and K Star followed by J48, Bayes Net, Naive Bayes, LMT and Simple Cost.
Key-Words / Index Term
Helicobacter pylori, Ageing diseases, Systems approaches, Machine learning
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D. Santosh Kumari, DSVGK Kaladhar, "Machine learning and Systems Approaches in Relation of Helicobacter pylori To Ageing Diseases", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.202-205, 2019.
Substantiating the Relevance of Worklife Balance in Human Resource Management: A Literary Perspective
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.206-208, Feb-2019
Achievement can be viewed as motive of life while enjoyment is the fuel that drives that motive. Work cultures have often demanded a transformation from inflexibility to flexibility. There is a life at work and at home and also a life having space for leisure. With globalization becoming the norm of the day, these issues seem to have taken a back seat for quite a while. Worklife `imbalance` has over a period of time attracted concern because of increasing problems related to employee health, monotony at work place, declining levels of productivity and efficiency at the employee level. This paper aims to substantiate the appositeness of Worklife balance in human resource management as a crucial management function.
Key-Words / Index Term
Worklife Balance, Human Resource Management
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P. Shukla, S. S. Chakraborty , "Substantiating the Relevance of Worklife Balance in Human Resource Management: A Literary Perspective", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.206-208, 2019.
Comparison of Chess Engines: A Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.209-213, Feb-2019
The Chess engine alludes to a program that examines chess and chess variation positions. The first ever chess engine to have won against a human grandmaster was IBM’s DeepBlue in 1999. Since then multiple chess engines have emerged with improved search heuristics, hardware sets and dictionaries. Though in recent years many chess engines with a machine learning approach have produced striking achievements in comparison to the typical bruteforce chess engines. This paper aims to review the selected chess engines which generate counter moves automatically. Their respective specialties will be explained and compared to give insight on direction of research on chess game in modern world.
Key-Words / Index Term
Chess Engine, Pruning, Minimax
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Rajesh Kumar Singh, Satish Kumar Negi, Pusphendra Kumar Chandra, "Comparison of Chess Engines: A Review", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.209-213, 2019.
Biodiversity of Soil Fungi of Achanakmar Forest of Bilaspur
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.214-218, Feb-2019
The fertility status of soil depends not only on its chemical and physical composition but also depends of the occurrence of micro-organisms. During the course of study an extensive survey of area of forest of Achanakmar Bilaspur District (Chhattisgarh) was made to investigate the total microbial flora in relation to the seasonal trends in the forest appearance. Forty one fungal species were recorded from Achankmar forest of Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh state. The fungi from these soil samples were isolated in season I (June – July) and in season II (November – December). Both seasons different species belongs to various groups viz; Ascomycotina, Zygomycotina and Deuteromycotina were identified with the help of relevant literatures. Dominance of Penicillium and Aspergillus were also recorded from both seasons. The diversity indices of forest soil fungi over the two seasons were 3.061, 2.861 (Shannon- Weinner), 0.9011, 0.9032 (Simpson index) and 16.72, 14.92 (Fishers’s alpha), respectively. The soil nutrients were also analyzed . The macro nutrients such as N, P, K content were rich in after the raining season and organic content of natural soil was also increased.
Key-Words / Index Term
Soil Fungi, Diversity, Forest Soil, Seasonal Distribution, Soil Nutrients
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Pratiksha Pandey, Bhawana Pandey, "Biodiversity of Soil Fungi of Achanakmar Forest of Bilaspur", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.214-218, 2019.
Impact of ICT on Human Resource Management Practices (A Review of Literature)
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.219-223, Feb-2019
The objective of this study is to review some papers in the field of impact of Information and communication technology (ICT) in Human Resource Management (HRM) practices. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the process of sharing information by using all kinds of electronics devices like computers, telephones etc. ICT is an important tool for decision making and managing different managerial functions in the organizations. Information technologies have changed the entire process of operating a business process. Over the last decade ICT have been adopted by the HR department in different HR functions like recruitment, selection, training, performance management, and compensation functions as it contributes to the development and profitability of the organization by reducing costs, facilitating information flow and thereby helping the HR managers to take effective decisions and gain a competitive advantage. In the past few years ICT has been acting as an effective tool for organizational performance. The objective of ICT is to support creation, transfer and application of information related to human resources or employees in organizations. Thus, effective development and implementation of ICT (HRIS) requires a foundation in several rich literatures. This paper presents the functions, applications and various concepts of ICT (HRIS) with a focus on its potential role in an organization
Key-Words / Index Term
ICT, HRIS, organizational development, information flow, decision making, cost saving
[1] A. C. D. Alwis, “The Impact of Electronic Human Resource Management on the Role of Human Resource Managers”. E + M Ekonomie A Management, Vol. 4, p.p. 47-60. 2010.
[2] A.Ejaz, T.Saeed, A.I.Soomro, R.M. Aslam, “Human resource information system: role in hrm practices and organizational performance”, Cambridge Business & Economics Conference, p.p.1-11, 2015.
[3] A.M.I., Khashman, “The Impact of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Applications on Organizational Performance (Efficiency and Effectiveness) in Jordanian Private Hospitals”, Journal of Management Research, Vol. 8, No. 3, 31-44, 2016.
[4] A.S.M. Khaled, “Human Resource Information Systems and Their Impact on Human Resource Management Strategies: A Field Study in Jordanian Commercial Banks”, Journal of Management Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, p.p.99-108,2014.
[5] A.Vohra, A.Shrivastava, e.l., “Impact of Information and Communication Technology in HRM”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research, Vol.3, Issue.2, pp. 511-516, 2015.
[6] C. Tansley, T.Watson, “Strategic exchange in the development of human resource information systems (HRIS)”, New Technology, Work and Employment, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 108-22,2000.
[7] D. Shine, J. Jain, K. Jain, “Study of Human Resource Information System in Global Milieu”, International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research, Vol.2 (11), p.p.35-38, 2013.
[8] D.Karanj, “The Role of ICT in Kenya’s Public Universities Academic Management”, Journal of Education and Literature, Vol. 1, No. 1, 39-48, 2014.
[9] E.W. Ngai, and F.K. Wat, “Human resource information systems: a review and empirical analysis”, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 297-314.2006, 00483486,DOI.10.1108/00483480610656702
[10] H. Gachung, K. Mburugu, "Effects of Human Resource Information Systems on Human Resource Management Practices and Firm Performance in Listed Commercial Banks at Nairobi Securities Exchange”. European Journal of Business and Management, Volume.6 (29), P.p-55, 2014.
[11] I. Altarawneh, Z. AShqairat, “Human Resource Information Systems in Jordanian Universities”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 5, No. 10, p.p.113-127, 2010.
[12] J. O. Adewoye, A.K. Obasan, “The Impact of Information Technology (IT) on Human Resource Management (HRM): Empirical evidence from Nigeria Banking Sector. Case Study of Selected Banks from Lagos State and Oyo State in Southwest Nigeria”, European Journal of Business and Management, Vol 4, No.6, p.p.28-38, 2012.
[13] J.Anitha, and M. Aruna, “Adoption of Human Resource Information System in Organisations”, SDMIMD Journal of Management, vol-4, p.p.5-15, 2013.
[14] K. Khoualdi, & A. Basahe, “The Impact of Implementing SAP System on Human Resource Management: Application to Saudi Electricity Company”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 9, No. 12, 2014
[15] K.A. Kovach, A.A. Hughes, P. Fagan, & P.G. Maggitti, “Administrative and strategic advantages of HRIS”. Employment Relations Today, 29, 43-8, 2002.
[16] M.Elhazzam, “The Effect of ICT on Human Resources Management Practices Case of Number of Organizations in Southwest Algeria (Bechar City)”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM),vol-2,p.p.35-38,2015
[17] M.Rakib, U.Bhuiyan, "Application of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in the Firms of Bangladesh and Its Strategic Importance, Australia" Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classification System, Volume 6(ISSN 9781-9920), Pp 1 10, 2013.
[18] M.Shahzadi, S.Muhammad, and N.R. Lodhi, “Impact Study of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in HRM Practices”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research,21 (1): 218-222,DOI:10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2014.21.01.2114,2014.
[19] S. Srivastav, "A Study on the Scope of Human Resource Information System in Present Scenario". Kanpur (U.P.), Journal of Indian Stream Research Journal, Vol.4, Issue-6, P.p.-9, 2014.
[20] S.C Kundu, R. Kadian, “Applications of HRIS in Human Resource Management in India: A Study”, European Journal of Business and Management , Vol 4, No.21, 34-41, 2012.
[21] S.M. Piabuo, E.N.Piendiah, N.L.Namshi, T.Guhong, “impact of ICT on the efficiency of HRM in Cameroonian enterprises: Case of the Mobile telephone industry”, Piabuo et al. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 7:7 DOI 10.1186/s40497-017-0063-5, 2017.
[22] S.Mamoudou, G.P Joshi, “Impact of Information Technology in Human Resources Management”, Global Journal of Business Management and Information Technology, Vol. 4, Number 1, pp. 33-41, 2014.
[23] S. Shiri, “Effectiveness of Human Resource Information System on HR Functions of the Organization; A Cross Sectional Study”, US-China Education Review, A 9, p.p.830-839, 2012.
[24] V. K. Jain, “Impact of Technology on HR Practices”, International journal of informative & futuristic research ,Vol.1, Issue -10, 2014
[25] W.D.Wihan, K.Eileen, “Exploring the Impact of Information Communication Technology on Employees’ Work and Personal Lives”, A Journal of Industrial Psychology, Vol.42, No.1, 2016.
[26] Walker, “Information for Human Resource Management, School of public Health”, University of the Western Cape Report.pp19-31, 1999.
M.Nanda, D.K. Mahalik, "Impact of ICT on Human Resource Management Practices (A Review of Literature)", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.219-223, 2019.
Enhancement of Stability in Manet Using Proposed Algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.224-228, Feb-2019
As we know stability in ad hoc network is very much essential for soldiers during fight, So that they can send message and receive message fastly to reach their target. Mobile ad hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes. In this paper, we have simulated our proposed algorithm using MATLAB and we have analyzed our proposed algorithm using the standard performance measures such as convergence time and pause time and we have observed that the proposed algorithm is linearly scalable in terms of convergence time and convergence time is reduced as node density and pause time increases which leads to increase of stability in MANET.
Key-Words / Index Term
Convergence Time, Pause Time, MANET, AODV, Crash Fault,Value Fault
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“Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Managerial Effectiveness” (A Case Study)
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.229-233, Feb-2019
With the advent of the 21st century, the role of emotional intelligence is important to provide their services in the perspective of managerial effectiveness. In this study, the researcher has attempted to examine the impact of emotional intelligence on managerial effectiveness in Employees State Insurance Corporation.. This sector is very vital to protect the employees and very much conscious about their social security. An amplified reliance on computerized technology, tele-working, self-regulated work and team work; all these changes move towards a more flexible and elastic personnel management, both in number of increasing human power and in their skills and competencies. The adjustments with the changing conditions of work and employment are responded by significantly. With the growth of information technology, leaner & flexible processes have increased the demand for competent managers for handling the multi – task. For this study total 400 employees of Employees State Insurance Corporation were selected to examine the impact of emotional intelligence on managerial effectiveness.
Key-Words / Index Term
Emotional Intelligence, Managerial Effectiveness, Work and Employment, Competency
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Priyanka Vyas, Ravindra Yadav, Jyoti Sharma, "“Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Managerial Effectiveness” (A Case Study)", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.229-233, 2019.
Novel Algorithm Based Upon Reinforcement Learning to Better Improve Energy Consumption in WSN
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.234-240, Feb-2019
Nowadays, Wireless sensor network is highly potential area in various sectors like industry, research, medical, education and IOT. Sensor nodes are generally equipped with tiny battery to perform various operations. The key area is to save energy consumption of WSN node. In this research study, we have proposed a novel algorithm to better improve the energy optimization using reinforcement learning. The reinforcement learning technique is based upon state, action, policy and certain learning and discount factors. We have simulated the proposed algorithm in mat lab and compared the findings with state of the art algorithm like RL-CRC [26] to better improve energy consumption and other performance parameters.
Key-Words / Index Term
Wireless Sensor Network, Reinforcement Learning, State, Action, Policy, Learning and Discount factor
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Santosh Soni, Manish Shivastava, "Novel Algorithm Based Upon Reinforcement Learning to Better Improve Energy Consumption in WSN", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.234-240, 2019.
Role of Emotionaly Intelligence Leader in an Organization with Special Reference to MSME Industry of Chhattisgarh
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.241-245, Feb-2019
The concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI) has gained significant consideration from academia, different organizations and main stream society. The concept of (EI) with different construct, conceptualized different models of Emotional Intelligence, with different corresponding measurement tools and have proposed various strategies for developing (EI). Such scholarly work has made major contribution in the development of (EI) but it has also given rise to a number of controversial aspects over which debates exist among different scholars and researchers. Therefore by looking at the existing controversies on EI among the different scholars, thorough research is required in order to a bridge the gap and provide a single platform for achieving theoretical harmony in EI and to effectively analyze the impacts of EI at workplace on leadership and teamwork level. The aim of the present paper is to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership to evaluate the tendency of emotional control of the working class both male and female at a managerial level. It revealed that emotional intelligence has great relationship with leadership styles and it combines with leadership skill which has been found statistically significant. A person with high age and high experience has better leadership skills. There is no impact of other two factors i.e. level of education and gender (male and female).
Key-Words / Index Term
Emotional Intelligence, Theoretical Harmony, Leadership Skills, Teamwork Level
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Shrawan Pandey, Rachana Pandey, Sumita Dave, "Role of Emotionaly Intelligence Leader in an Organization with Special Reference to MSME Industry of Chhattisgarh", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.241-245, 2019.