Imputation of Missing Data using Fuzzy-Rough Hybridization
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.226-231, Jan-2019
Missing data imputation has a significant impact in data mining task. Data mining algorithms cannot be executed effectively due to missing attribute values. Improper handle of missing values affects the data mining and classification accuracy. Imputation based preprocessing approach is very effective technique for handling missing value. In this paper most similar object used to impute missing value. For searching similar object core attributes have to give highest priority after that reduct attributes. In the proposed method to fill missing value concept of core and reduct attributes has been used. Rough set is most suitable to handle discrete data. Fuzzy set can handle continuous data in a better way. Hybridization methodology like fuzzy-rough set are more powerful to deal with imprecision and uncertainty for discrete as well as continuous data. Detail study has been given to impute missing value. Fuzzy rough set based fuzz- rough core reduct based (FRCRB) algorithm has been proposed for missing value imputation.
Key-Words / Index Term
Missing value, Imputation, Rough set, Fuzzy set and fuzzy-rough set, data analysis.
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Pallab kumar Dey, "Imputation of Missing Data using Fuzzy-Rough Hybridization", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.226-231, 2019.
Comparative Evaluation of Students’ Performance in Campus Recruitment of a Technical Institution through Fuzzy-Multi Criteria Decision Making Techniques
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.232-236, Jan-2019
In today’s world Campus placements at any Technical college in India and in the life of any student/graduate are very defining moments that students look up to and prepare themselves thoroughly to score high and well but as well as to impress their potential future employers. It is the one time that students get a precise chance to make that practical application of their technical and employable soundness to the representatives of the corporate management of the particular industry they opted for or chose in the first place. Campus Placement is a process of performance evaluation of each selected candidates with respect to some pre-assigned specific criteria by the experts. For these, an attempt has been made here to assessment of some criteria by (TOPSIS) “Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution” and (AHP) “Analytical Hierarchy Process” under Interval Type-1 fuzzy environment (IT1F) and Interval Type-2 fuzzy environment (IT2F). These factors for Placement system are identified through the different company’s placement procedure. Here several experts gave their opinion on the basis of students’ performance. The result showed that the proposed model yields more realistic way to evaluate the performance for each student according to pre assigned criteria.
Key-Words / Index Term
IT1F set, IT2F set, AHP, TOPSIS, Group Decision Making and Spearman Rank Correlation Method
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Sukarna Dey Mondal, Dipendra Nath Ghosh, "Comparative Evaluation of Students’ Performance in Campus Recruitment of a Technical Institution through Fuzzy-Multi Criteria Decision Making Techniques", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.232-236, 2019.
Quantum Mechanics Inside Quantum Communication and Quantum Bit Error Rate(QBER)
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.237-244, Jan-2019
The quantum cryptography has changed the landscape of the conventional cryptography theory and the field of security itself. The Quantum cryptography differs from the classical cryptography in the sense that data and the information are kept secret by the properties of quantum mechanics without importing any extra formulation. In case of classical cryptography the security is based on the conjecture difficulty of factoring and computing a special mathematical function. The first Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocol was proposed by C H Bennet and Brassard in 1984[1](BB84). In course of time many variants of QKD protocols have been proposed, all are basically based more or less in the same principle. In this paper role and the beauty of the Quantum Mechanics behind the QKD protocol have been unfolded and explained. The pros-and cons of the protocol have been analyzed in details. The quality of the QKD protocol is measured through a factor called QBER (Quantum Bit Error Rate). The bit error rate is an essential phenomena during the transmission of quantum bit along the quantum channel. Both quantum mechanical and mathematical analysis of QBER have been discussed in the paper. An empirical formula for QBER has been proposed too.
Key-Words / Index Term
Quantum mechanics, quantum cryptography, light(photon), eavesdropping, quantum bit error rate(QBER)
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Susmita Nayek, Utpal Roy, "Quantum Mechanics Inside Quantum Communication and Quantum Bit Error Rate(QBER)", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.237-244, 2019.
A Framework of Software Defect Prediction By Data Mining Techniques Using Historical Data Set and Intelligent Agents
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.245-248, Jan-2019
Defect prediction for a software system is a technique that is used extensively nowadays to predict defects from historical database. But only a good data mining model is not enough to extract defect from software bug record. Intelligent agents are helpful in this case by making the decision process easier at some point. This paper describes frame work to generate software defect from the historical database and also propose one algorithm that is used find policy to forecast software defects efficiently than the current methods.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cost, Classification, Intelligent agents ,Data mining, Database, Defect, Testing
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Amitava Bondyopadhyay, "A Framework of Software Defect Prediction By Data Mining Techniques Using Historical Data Set and Intelligent Agents", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.245-248, 2019.
Securing e-Learning Transactions using Digital Signature
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.249-256, Jan-2019
E-Learning is one of the most effective applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In e-Learning environment participants such as Teacher, Student and Administrator perform their transaction electronically through Internet which is inherently insecure. During transaction process intruders may manipulate the message. Digital signature may be used to detect any change caused by intruders. To ensure information authenticity, the digital signature is the most suitable replacement of hand written signature. In this paper, we have applied ElGamal Digital Signature Algorithm (ElGamal DSA) combined with Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) to check the authenticity of the sender and we have also used International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) to impose security of digital document during transaction between student and administrator of an e-Learning system. The proposed model accommodates security of ElGamal Digital Signature Algorithm in combination with SHA-256 as hashing technique and IDEA encryption technique. The performance of the proposed model is analyzed with the help of supporting tables and charts.
Key-Words / Index Term
Electronic Learning, Public Key Cryptography, ElGamal Digital Signature Algorithm, Secure Hash Algorithm, International Data Encryption Algorithm, Data Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption Standard, Message-Digest Algorithm.
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Anup Pasari, Kh Amirul Islam, Sunil Karforma, Sripati Mukhopadhyay, "Securing e-Learning Transactions using Digital Signature", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.249-256, 2019.
Computer Algebra System and Ancient Indian Mathematics
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.257-261, Jan-2019
Computer science and Mathematical science go hand in hand in the current ongoing scenario. Arithmetic operations are the base of any digital circuit. The present era of digitization focuses on the increment in the speed of digital circuits as well as reduction in size and power consumption; thus increasing the efficiency of the entire digital circuit. The contribution of Ancient Indian Mathematicians in this regard is of significant importance. They provided unique techniques of speedy computation in the form of Sutras. These sutras are actually algorithms. This paper describes some of the salient features and Sutras on Fundamental Arithmetic Operations of the Ancient Indian Mathematics.
Key-Words / Index Term
Ancient Indian Mathematics, computer Algebra System, Base, Vinculum, 10’s complement
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Uttam Das, Chitralekha Mehera, "Computer Algebra System and Ancient Indian Mathematics", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.257-261, 2019.
Discoveries of Research Genealogy from Large-Scale Academic Dataset: Issues, Challenges and Application
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.262-267, Jan-2019
Genealogical research is the tracing of an individual’s ancestral history using historical records, both official and unofficial. Challenges about genealogy problem like spelling names, legacy of a researcher can be measured not only in terms of his/her publications and scientific discoveries, in terms of the formation of other researchers. Now, research work is improving than oldest research. So population of researcher and scientist is increasing rapidly and it was more important now a days that to finding out who is better among all researcher. Author ranking can be solved this problem. Author ranking will not be perfect due to some causes, like naming disambiguation problem and uses of multiple name in paper. In Academic genealogy, is the relationship between advisor and advisee. Research area of advisor is more popular than his advisee research area may be good. From there we can do future prediction of an author. Another problem of author name disambiguity can be solved using genealogy tree hierarchy, as there are less chances of conflict in identifying an author based on his unique academic records. Another important challenge is that how much level (generation) we can visit from the genealogy tree. From the big dataset, we extract different metrics for an author. In this paper, we extract data of a particular author and from there we have analyze effects of an author rank.
Key-Words / Index Term
Genealogy tree, Author name disambiguation, Citation
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Sovan Bhattacharya, "Discoveries of Research Genealogy from Large-Scale Academic Dataset: Issues, Challenges and Application", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.262-267, 2019.
Using WordNet-based Semantic Relatedness Measure for Reducing Redundancy and Improving Multi-document Text Summarization
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.268-273, Jan-2019
Multi-document text summarization (MDS) is a task to generate a single summary from a set of articles related to the same topic or event. Since each input article is related to the same topic or event, the generated summary contains redundant sentences or the sentences that contain almost similar information. This paper presents a sentence similarity measure for reducing redundancy in multi-document summary. Our proposed similarity measure combines the WordNet based semantic sentence similarity measure with the traditional cosine similarity measure. We have conducted our experiments using DUC 2004 benchmark multi-document summarization dataset to judge whether the proposed similarity measure is useful for redundancy removal and improving multi-document text summarization performance or not. Our experiments reveal that our proposed similarity measure is effective for reducing redundancy and improving multi-document text summarization performance.
Key-Words / Index Term
Text Summarization; WordNet; Semantic Relatedness measure; Hybrid Sentence Similarity Measure; Redundancy Removal
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Santanu Dam, Kamal Sarkar, "Using WordNet-based Semantic Relatedness Measure for Reducing Redundancy and Improving Multi-document Text Summarization", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.268-273, 2019.
Analyzing Trust Categories and Generating Trusted Network Path of MANET using Fuzzy Credibility Distribution Function
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.274-279, Jan-2019
Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is one of the significant approaches with highly decentralized and dynamic configured architecture. For transferring packets from one node to another node in MANET security is a big challenge. Trust between two consecutive nodes is a prime important factor for secure data transmission through a trusted network path. As we all know trust of any particular node observed by other one varies with time for different constrains. Here we try to depict the variation of trust with fuzzy mathematics where trust value for each node is represented with triangular fuzzy number. Using fuzzy credibility distribution function we convert the triangular fuzzy trust value in interval based form and represent the trust variation in much more reliable format. These interval based trust values are used to generate direct, indirect trust value in interval based matrix format and from them we prepare overall communication trust matrix to generate the secure network path to send data from particular source to destination.
Key-Words / Index Term
fuzzy credibility distribution, inverse credibility distribution, triangular fuzzy number, membership value
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S.Bandyopadhyay, S. Karforma, "Analyzing Trust Categories and Generating Trusted Network Path of MANET using Fuzzy Credibility Distribution Function", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.274-279, 2019.
A New Approach to Retrieve the Structured Data from a Big Data Set using R
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.280-282, Jan-2019
The present research paper computes a step-by-step approach to retrieve the requisite data from big data set, which is heterogeneous in nature. This is done by using R language. Also the process of cleaning, updating, sorting and merging dataset is been explained in this paper. We feel that the comprehensive idea of this research work will be helpful for the researchers, working in the area of big data analysis. Our main goal is to understand the R packages and commands used to analyze big data
Key-Words / Index Term
R language, SPSS, Big Data, R Packages, R Sql Statements, Classification Tree
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Sumanta Ray, "A New Approach to Retrieve the Structured Data from a Big Data Set using R", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.280-282, 2019.