Recent Survey on Automatic Ontology Learning
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.143-147, Apr-2019
Semantic Web allows machine to understand the data, for that machine-readable semantic metadata is needed.Intelligence is necessary for the creation and processing of semantic metadata. Ontologies play an important role to implement the idea of the semantic web. Ontology is about the exact description of things and their relationships to represent the knowledge. Nowadays Automatic annotation based on artificial intelligence is required for gathering such knowledge. Manual ontology construction is labour-intensive, error-prone process, inflexible, expensive, time consuming and complex task. Ontology Generation or ontology learning includes the automatic extraction of domain’s terms and the relationships between the concepts from a corpus of text, and encoding them with an ontology language for easy information retrieval. Automatic Ontology generation and sharing it through the web make the web content more accessible to machine. Ontologies can be automatically extracted using various techniques. This paper describes the survey about automatic ontology extraction techniques and various methods used to extract the ontology.
Key-Words / Index Term
Ontology, Resource description Framework, ontology learning, Ontology Acquisition
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R. Manimala, G. MuthuLakshmi, "Recent Survey on Automatic Ontology Learning", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.143-147, 2019.
Human Computer Interaction: Simple Design and Principles
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.148-150, Apr-2019
Human-Computer Interaction explored the outline and use of computer technology, engaged on interface between people and the computers. This interface begins with the interaction between computers and human intends to show the powerful benefits of an user oriented approach to design the modern computer system. When the concept of interface begins to come into sight, it is universally understood as the hardware and software through which a human and computer can communicate. The interface can be taken as distinct or tangible, that developer can plan describe design, implement and append to the existing functions. Furthermore it balances, the technical and cognitive issues required for understanding the delicate interplay between people and computers, specifically in emerging fields like multimedia, virtual environment and computer supported cooperative work. Recent advancements in various signal processing technology such as speech, vision based gesture recognition, eye tracking, etc. are nowadays, successfully embedded to the systems. Still researches are going on to and needed for interpreting and fusing multiple sensing modalities in the context of HCI. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a discipline concerned with the design, analysis, and executes of interactive computing system, along with appropriate theoretical methods and models is described here. The basic design and its principles of HCI are discussed.
Key-Words / Index Term
Human Computer Interaction,Cognitive psychology
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M. Usha, "Human Computer Interaction: Simple Design and Principles", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.148-150, 2019.
Big Data Analytics in Health Care System
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.151-153, Apr-2019
In Health Sector real time decision making can save a person’s life. To treat the patient who has disease the doctor needs to know the history [both family and medical] of the patient. Timely decision making is very much important to increase the quality of health care.The patient details are scattered among various stake holders [doctor, scan center, Insurance, medical store] of health industry. Availability of patient data at one place can help the doctors to make diagnosis of disease easily. At the time of emergency doctors need not repeat lab test. Accumulation of patient details at one place which is collected from various resources must be stored in the format for analysis and the data extractedfor effective decision making. The accumulated data can be dealt with big data tools and techniques.The application of Big Data Analytics in Health Care helps to lower health service costs while improving patient care process. This paper deals with the dimensions of Big Data, Tools and Techniques of big data and a Model for Health Care using Big Data.
Key-Words / Index Term
Big Data, Health Care, Big Data Analytical Tools
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M. Vijayalakshmi, S. Kanagasankari, "Big Data Analytics in Health Care System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.151-153, 2019.
Overview of Edge Computing With Software Defined Networks
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.154-157, Apr-2019
Cloud Computing is a technology, which involves sharing the resources of both hardware and software to the customers through the Internet with the reduced cost and time. But still it has many security and time related issues. To overcome the difficulties faced by the cloud many new technologies are found. In that the new technology named Edge computing most over satisfy the customers need with secured manner and within the time constraint given by the customer. In Edge the data are not accessed in the main server of the cloud instead they process it in the nearby data centres, so the time saved and security is also maintain only in the prescribed range resources. This paper includes the architecture and functions of the Edge computing, which gives new ideas to the researchers in the Edge filed
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Data centre
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B. Parvathi Devi, V. Vallinayagi, "Overview of Edge Computing With Software Defined Networks", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.154-157, 2019.