A Review of Golden Days of Deep Learning Process
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.144-149, Mar-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si6.144149
The finish of Moore’s law and Dennard scaling has prompted the finish of fast enhancement all in all reason program execution. Machine learning (ML), and specifically profound learning is an appealing option for designers to investigate. It has as of late altered vision, discourse, dialect understanding, and numerous different fields, and it guarantees to help with the fabulous difficulties confronting our general public. The calculation at its center is low-accuracy straight variable based math. Accordingly, ML is both sufficiently wide to apply to numerous areas and sufficiently tight to profit by space explicit models, for example, Googles Tensor Processing Unit (TPU). In addition, the development sought after for ML registering surpasses Moore’s law at its pinnacle, similarly as it is blurring. Consequently, ML specialists and PC modelers must cooperate to plan the registering frameworks required to convey the capability of ML. This article offers inspiration, proposals, and alerts to PC draftsmen on the best way to best add to the ML insurgency.
Key-Words / Index Term
Machine Learning, Moore’s Law, Different Fields, Googles Tensor Processing Unit
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K Jyothi, K Sunitha, "A Review of Golden Days of Deep Learning Process", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.144-149, 2019.
Survey on Recent Trends in Bio Metrics as Authentication
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.150-153, Mar-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si6.150153
In this paper, With the raise of rapid innovation in current biometric technology field, new uses are appearing to make the process of authentication more convenient and secure. These innovative and useful processes of human identification are increasing in frequency with every year. As these users are increasing enormously, they are also creating some trends or ways and restructuring the way we identify humans. Passwords can’t be used that much extensively as they are easily guessed and prone to guess attacks or brute force attacks. Of all the trends we see in the field of biometric technology, most are focused on finding a better and more efficient way of authenticating a person based on “Who they are.” Of course, there are still the traditional ways of identifying a person including personal identification numbers (PINs), ID cards, and passwords but these methods identify a person based on “what they have” or “what they know.” Two Factor Security or Multi factor security measures are quite applicable to some of the domains / ideas. None of them identifies a person with the most important factor, which is “Who they are.” As biometric traits are personal and unique, this is perhaps the most accurate way of identifying a person.
Key-Words / Index Term
Biometrics, Two Factor Security, Authentication, Iris Scan, Palm Vein Technologies
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D. Vinitha, P.V Ramesh, "Survey on Recent Trends in Bio Metrics as Authentication", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.150-153, 2019.
Cyberbullying Discovery on Social Networks: A Study
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.154-158, Mar-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si6.154158
The fast improvement of relational cooperation is upgrading the development of advanced tormenting works out. Most of the general population connected with these activities have a place with the more energetic ages, especially youngsters who are the most exceedingly terrible circumstance are at more risk of pointless undertakings we propose a fruitful predator and harmed singular ID with semantic enhanced thought little of de-noising auto-encoder approach to manage distinguish advanced tormenting message from online life through the measuring plan of a component of decision. We present a graph model to expel the cyberbullying framework, which is used to perceive the most unique cyberbullying predators and abused individuals to situating counts the present channels generally work with the clear catchphrase look moreover, can`t grasp the semantic noteworthiness of the substance. So we propose Semantic-Enhanced Marginalized De-noising Auto-Encoder. (smSDA) is created by methods for a semantic development of the notable significant learning model stack de-noising auto-encoder. The semantic expansion includes semantic dropout clatter and sparsely necessities, where the semantic dropout bustle is organized in perspective of zone data and the word embeddings framework. The test demonstrates practical of our strategy.
Key-Words / Index Term
Detection, Cyberbullying, Social-Networking, De-noising
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Study and Review on BDAAS in OWL-S Based Secure Clouds Using Bigdata
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.159-161, Mar-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si6.159161
Development of Information Technology moves all business associations to advanced business. Associations treat information as a benefit since it tends to be characterized as a gathering of put away realities that are available to translation and control for authoritative forms. Value-based, social, portable, cloud and sensor information accessible now a days offer tremendous possibilities in hierarchical handling. Database, enormous information and business knowledge innovations collaborate to make another business innovation. The advancements are progressively getting to be information driven. The accessibility of information procurement, accumulation and putting away stages are turning into a need since focal capacity of information in a database lessens information repetition, information disconnection, and information irregularity and permits for information to be shared among clients of the information. These extensive datasets, prominently known as Big Data, are hard to oversee utilizing conventional processing advancements. Distributed computing Cloud processing kills the need to keep up costly figuring equipment, devoted space, and programming. In this exploration paper the specialist examinations the execution of Big Data as an administration in cloud conditions and distinguished the elements to be considered actualizing Big Data-as-a-Service on the cloud.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data ,Processing, Big Data, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing
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A Study on Secure Sharing of Application Data in Cloud Computing
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.162-166, Mar-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si6.162166
Cloud clients utilizes "Cloud storage" administration to have their information in the cloud. Get to control benefit gave by cloud is accustomed to giving assurance against unapproved access to information. Cipher text-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) is generally considered for information get to control in distributed storage. The current CP-ABE is hard to apply in multi-specialist distributed storage because of the characteristic repudiation issue. The proposed revocable multi-specialist CP-ABE plot gives answer for the characteristic denial issue. The proposed plot refreshes the segments of the disavowed quality just and produces most recent mystery keys for the repudiated credit and advances it to the non renounced clients who have the properties as denied traits. The Backward security and Forward security is kept up. On the off chance that the repudiated client goes into the framework again by doing the enlistment procedure implies, the specific client is recognized by means of the character card detail in the renouncement rundown and they are not permit in the framework, so that these clients are halted at the enrolment stage itself.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Storage, Security, Cloud, Privacy
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P. Kiran Kumar Naik, GV. Ramesh Babu, "A Study on Secure Sharing of Application Data in Cloud Computing", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.162-166, 2019.
Study on Securely Digitalizing Crime Records by using RSA Algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.167-169, Mar-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si6.167169
Crime Records are exists in Police Stations. Crime Records are enable to find crimes and their involved criminals. In the existing system they are using a FIR for maintain the crime and criminal details. It contain a less security and easy to perform fraud. The record has been updated manually every time. The main objective of this system is providing security to data, by using the RSA algorithm. It contain the two keys based security. In this, crime and involved criminal details are stored in database in the form of encrypted data. Criminal details such as (name, address, etc,) are stored in the Ciphertext format. So that we can speed up investigation process as soon as possible. Highly impossible to decrypt data who are unauthorized to access crime data. Through the using this system witnesses can easy to access and generate the reports. We can providing a security to witnesses data by using RSA algorithm. If any person performing misleading activities to on crime data they can’t access plain text and difficult to change cipher text to plain text.
Key-Words / Index Term
RSA, Encrypt, Decrypt, Ciphertext, Crime, Criminlas
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A study on Scalable and Secure Intrusion Detection in Network Security
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.170-172, Mar-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si6.170172
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has a gigantic scope of uses, for example, front line, reconnaissance, crisis protect activity and savvy home innovation and so forth. Aside from its intrinsic requirements, for example, restricted memory and vitality assets, when sent in threatening ecological conditions, the sensor hubs are powerless against physical catch and other security limitations. These limitations put security as a noteworthy test for the analysts in the field of PC organizing. This paper reflects different issues and difficulties identified with security of WSN, its security engineering. The paper likewise gives an exchange on different security instruments conveyed in WSN condition to beat its security dangers.
Key-Words / Index Term
Sensor network, security, Denial of Service (DoS), Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Authentication
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Shaik. Arifa, E. Kesavulureddy, "A study on Scalable and Secure Intrusion Detection in Network Security", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.170-172, 2019.
A Study of Farmers Buddy App Development
Technical Notes | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.174-175, Mar-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si6.174175
Agriculture is a way of life, a tradition, which, for centuries, has shaped the thought, the outlook, the culture and economic life of the people of India. The advent of modern technologies at the beginning of the last century has brought in development of various technologies, which has substantially increased the yields of various crops.It is an agricultural portal which gives solutions to the farmers and students of agricultural studies in India. Farmers Buddy aims to disseminate useful information about improved technology to the farming community and service providers in the rural areas. The major focus of Agriculture sector presently in the in this portal, is pertaining to Agricultural Credit, Policies & Schemes, Agricultural Bank loans, Market Information, Agricultural Best Practices, On & Off Farm Enterprises and various Products & Services.
Key-Words / Index Term
App development, Agricultural, Architecture
P. Haseemun, K. Somasekhar, "A Study of Farmers Buddy App Development", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.174-175, 2019.