An IOT Based Detection Model for the Level of Autism in a Context-Aware Health Care
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.152-156, Feb-2019
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or simply Autism a progression of deep-rooted neuron developmental issue which is basically a brain development disorder found in the kids when they are around eighteen months. The kids suffer from communication, social interaction and repetitive behavior problems and are very difficult to identify autism on a proper way. If Autism is remained undetected in children within the age of 1 to 3 years from birth there are chances of regeneration of the symptoms manifested by the autism in the adult stage which is generally noted to be after or around the age of 60 years. Through our paper, we have proposed an IoT based detection model to get data for five symptoms using different sensors and can be transferred to the destination machine for testing using the internet from a remote location. The goal of this paper is to review the Autism Spectrum Disorder problem by generating some IF-THEN rules and build a system to identify the level of Autism using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS).
Key-Words / Index Term
ASD, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, AOI, eye tracker, IoT
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Sipali Pradhan, Surajit Das, Samaleswari Prasad Nayak, J.K. Mantri, "An IOT Based Detection Model for the Level of Autism in a Context-Aware Health Care", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.152-156, 2019.
Impact of Breast Cancer in Women’s of Satna District, Madhya Pradesh
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.157-161, Feb-2019
Dynamic data is a common challenge in digital Image processing. It has played an important role in modern and previous era in community. In past, masses were using the process of Images processing in photogenic devices such as cameras, but as time changes technology changes. The camera has been replaced by Mobile Camera which is one of the convent resources. As the technology does not remain same and has been changed so far by new thoughts and ideas as different image processing, techniques, equipment’s, is programming tools. In research various programming language tools are used for manipulation of images processing (advance java, Mat lab, Scilab, Opencv, Artificial Neural Network). Medical imaging plays an important role in clinical study such as (x-ray, Ultrasound, Mammography, Computed tenography (C.T.), Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) are getting popular. In this context we have used agent–based coordinate between medical and research institution. In this paper we have studied the approximation of Image processing and proficiency applied for medical Image processing in Madhya Pradesh (M.P), India. In the first segment of our paper; we have given introduction of Satna district in Madhya Pradesh, Percentage of cancer patients in Madhya Pradesh and how it is affecting the people of Satna and about cancer research center and education in Satna. In second segment we have discussed digital image processing, techniques, equipment’s and some related work used in breast cancer diagnosis. In the third segment; we involve recent tools which are used for breast cancer diagnosis. Forth segment we have given list of observation that we have seen in the hospitals during our visit. In fifth segment conclusion of our work has been draw.
Key-Words / Index Term
Approximation; Masses; Cancer; Breast
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U. Sharma, B. Narain, "Impact of Breast Cancer in Women’s of Satna District, Madhya Pradesh", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.157-161, 2019.
Studyof Unsharp Masking and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization on CT Images of Emphysema
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.162-166, Feb-2019
Emphysema is a chronic pulmonary disease caused due to devastation of air sacs present inside the lungs. Emphysema symptoms can be slowed with medications but can’t be cured. Accuracy of diagnosis is very limited and there are several factors behind its misdiagnosis. Poor textural quality is one of thesignificant factors behind poor diagnosis of emphysema. In this article, emphysema images textural quality is enhanced using UnsharpMasking and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization. Result alsosupports a significant increase in contrast improvement of emphysema images.This method potentially suppresses noise and enhances the image contrast as well.
Key-Words / Index Term
Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE), Computer Tomography (CT),Contrast Enhancement(CE), Emphysema,UnsharpMasking(UM).
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Sibu Thomas, A. K. Shrivas, "Studyof Unsharp Masking and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization on CT Images of Emphysema", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.162-166, 2019.
Skill-Employability Development Models (SEDM) based on Academic Data Mining (ADM)
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.167-169, Feb-2019
10 scientific techniques are used to analyze the academic data in this paper. Hence the new factors are obtained to generalize the objective of academics. The illustration is given in this paper for applying this compact method to the academic institutes. New algorithm is proposed to execute the model. These big data have been unutilized mostly. The present study is proposed several model based on modern scientific and computing technique for utilizing these big data. The applicability, usefulness, significance and importance of these big data are studied in this project.
Key-Words / Index Term
Academic Data, Big Data
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Swati Jain, Vikas Kumar Jain, Sunil Kuamr Kashyap, "Skill-Employability Development Models (SEDM) based on Academic Data Mining (ADM)", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.167-169, 2019.
A Study on Water Resources Management by Water Resources Department in Chhatttisgarh
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.170-172, Feb-2019
This paper is focused on water resource management(WRM) with particular reference to responsibility and function of water resource department(WRD) Water is becoming a central issue in this new periods through this paper researcher can make aware common people and asses the possibilities of water resource development in water productivity and to save water is more highlighted .Environment is affected due to growth of population and degrading through uncontrolled expansion of urbanization, industrialization, intensified agricultural activities of human being. In India, due to rapid growth of population and expansion of development activities, environment is adversely affected. India is the second most populous country in the world having over 1.271 billion population (17.5%) of world’s total population determining that how much pressure of the population on environment and natural resources . There are many regions where our freshwater resources are inadequate to meet domestic needs, lack of adequate clean water to meet human drinking water. The role of storage of water by traditional and modern method to increase ground water level for irrigation purpose and solution of water crisis is discussed .From last 5 years, a crisis of water has been recorded in the state, in summer. This paper identifies those problems and try to solve them to create a more sustainable and desirable future. Few suggestions are given to common people through this paper. Data is collected with help of secondary method. Books, newspapers, magazines , journals and websites are used for data.
Key-Words / Index Term
Water resources ,Water resource management ,water resource department
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Feature Selection and Classification for Sentiment Analysisof Amazon Product Reviews
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.173-177, Feb-2019
Online reviews provide accessible and plentiful data for relatively easy analysis for a given product.This paper seeks to apply and extend the current work in the field of Natural Language processing and sentiment analysis to retrieve information from Amazon Product reviews classify them using Naïve bayes classifier . This work presents a methodology that shows how text data can provide insight into various features of a product found in the customer reviews and feature selection method.
Key-Words / Index Term
Feature selection , Sentiment classification, Categorization
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Smita Suresh Daniel, Ani Thomas, Neelam Sahu, "Feature Selection and Classification for Sentiment Analysisof Amazon Product Reviews", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.173-177, 2019.
A Comparative Study of GPU Computing Techniques: A Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.178-181, Feb-2019
Nowadays, time is very important in computational field. Today every field in computer science has a huge amount of data, and we need to process data to get valuable information out of it. To reduce the processing time and using of maximum capacity of processor, we divide a large computation problem in to small chunks that is processed by individual processor. Recent microprocessors, becomes possible to utilize the parallelism using multi-cores which support improved SIMD instructions. In this paper we present the GPU based of Parallel Processing architecture, working and its applications for performing fast execution of a task.
Key-Words / Index Term
Parallel computing technique. GPU Architecture, Memory architecture
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Durgesh Kumar Keshar, Sanjay Kumar, V.K. Patle, "A Comparative Study of GPU Computing Techniques: A Review", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.178-181, 2019.
Work Life Balance & Job Satisfaction: A Literature Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.182-187, Feb-2019
The profitability and productivity of organization depends on the performance and commitment of its employees. Every employee has a personal and professional life; both of these are very difficult to separate. If an organization wishes to have better productivity and more commitment from employees then they have to be committed and satisfied. This can be achieved by an individual when have a fulfilled life inside and outside and his work and is accepted and respected for the mutual benefit of the individual and the organization. Organizations are social systems where human resources are the most important factors for effectiveness and efficiency and need effective managers and employees to achieve their objectives. Work life balance is partly employer’s and partly individual responsibility. The present article deals with surveying the past literatures on work life balance and job satisfaction in various sectors of Industries in India and abroad.
Key-Words / Index Term
Employee, Organisation, Work life balance, Job satisfaction
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A. K. Pathak, P. Dubey, Deepak singh, "Work Life Balance & Job Satisfaction: A Literature Review", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.182-187, 2019.
Novel Approach for Intrusion Detection Using Back Propagation Algorithm
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.188-191, Feb-2019
Intruders are available anywhere. They want to take the benefits of the hidden or confidential information of the user. They are trying access by the different – different techniques. Intruder finding is a big problem at the current time. So that security is important to secure our system or confidential information of any organization. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a popular technique for finding intruders that will be available on a network. We will use the KDD CUP 99 dataset for the training purpose of the Back Propagation based IDS model. BPN is an algorithm of the artificial neural network. KDD CUP 99 dataset are authentic dataset for the intruders. This data set will be collected by the UCI Repository.
Key-Words / Index Term
Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Backpropagation (BPN) algorithm, Cloud Computing (CC), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Network Intrusion Detection System
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[9] Bin Luo, Jingbo Xia "A novel intrusion detection system based on feature generation with visualization strategy", Elsevier, published the Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, pp 4139-4147, 2014.
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[12] Mahbod Tavallaee "Detail Analysis of the KDD CUP 99 Data Set", Proceeding of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Security and Defense application (CISDA 2009), 2009.
[13] Wikipedia,
[14] Data collection form Knowledge Discovery Dataset, UCI Repository
D.K. Singh, M. Shrivastava, "Novel Approach for Intrusion Detection Using Back Propagation Algorithm", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.188-191, 2019.
Genome Based Classification of Human Papilloma Virus Using Linear Discriminant Analysis
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.192-196, Feb-2019
Biological classification of Papillomaviridae leads to several hundred different genera (classes) of Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV) that are discriminated on the basis of more than hundred different characteristics. Statistical procedures of classification based on genome and gene size are being applied to biologically define different class labels for HPV. In this paper, Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis (LDA) has been used for classification of HPV on the basis of total genome size and gene sizes. Univariate and multivariate modes of classification have been employed to recognize two distinct classes of HPV viz., alpha- papilloma and beta-papilloma that cause cervical cancer in humans. The aim is to build a classification model so as to predict unknown samples. The accuracy of the proposed model has been measured on a sample dataset.
Key-Words / Index Term
Genome, Genes, HPV, LDA, Papillomaviridae, Multivariate analysis, and Univariate analysis
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S. Swain, M.R. Patra, "Genome Based Classification of Human Papilloma Virus Using Linear Discriminant Analysis", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.192-196, 2019.