Use of Semantic Search to Enhance the Performance of Plagiarism Detection Tools
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.165-169, Jan-2019
Plagiarism is a breach of copyright in the academic world. It has become a serious issue after explosion of digital information as copying has become easier due to huge amount of source but detection has become more difficult. Plagiarism can be of two types: source code plagiarism refers to copying the code from proprietary software and text plagiarism which deals with copying from others text and pretending it as own. There are several tools to detect both type of plagiarism. In this paper we have concentrated mainly on text plagiarism discussed about algorithms used in software available like Turnitin, iThenticate or SafeAssign to detect plagiarism and how NLP techniques and parallel processing can improve them. Mostly all software determine a similarity score for each pair of document and use SCAM (Standard Copy Analysis Mechanism) algorithm to calculate relative measure of overlapping during comparison of common set of words. We have tried to establish how semantic similarity can improve TRUE POSITIVE and TRUE NEGATIVE detection and reduce FALSE POSITIVE and FALSE NEGATIVE detection in our work.
Key-Words / Index Term
Plagiarism, Semantic Similarity, Semantic Search, Turnitin, WordNet, Ontologies, Natural Language Processing
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A. Das, S.Shaw, "Use of Semantic Search to Enhance the Performance of Plagiarism Detection Tools", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.165-169, 2019.
Detection of Blackhole Attack Using RMBOPB Based Agent
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.170-178, Jan-2019
In this paper a novel technique has been introduce to detect black hole attack using Recursive Modulo 2 and Bitwise Operations of Paired Bits (RMBOPB) agent, where RMBOPB agent is fired from a monitoring nodes. The RMBOPB agent traverses throughout the network. If the RMBOPB agent reached to any Blackhole node then it will send the message to the monitor node for the malicious status signal to the monitor node. To implement Blackhole attack in Adhoc On Demane Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol is taken as MANET routing protocol, and Network Simulator 2 (NS 2.34) is taken as simulation tool. Simulations are done through various node densities and various scenarios. Number of packet receive, packet delivery ratio and throughput is taken as the metric for the compassion of performance of the network. After comparing the every simulation it is seen that the proposed method detect the black hole attack in the network and increase the performance of the network.
Key-Words / Index Term
RMBOPB, Blackhole Attack, MANET, AODV, NS2, Wireless Security, etc
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Khondekar Lutful Hassan, J.K. Mandal , Md Saquib Zia, Deepshikha Shaw, "Detection of Blackhole Attack Using RMBOPB Based Agent", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.170-178, 2019.
Metaheuristic Guided Secured Transmission of E-Prescription of Dental Disease
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.179-183, Jan-2019
This paper presents a novel and secured approach of transmission using the Cuckoo search metaheuristic algorithm. Dental disease is mostly caused by the colonization of the bacteria inside the oral cavity. Colonization of bacteria affects our teeth, gums, nerves, etc. Such patients are very common and to be cured appropriately. If left untreated, it may lead to severe damages inside the oral cavity. Cardiovascular and metabolic activities are also affected due to dental diseases. To transmit such information of any patient, here an encryption technique has been proposed preceded by generation of suitable key. Fittest session key has been generated by implementing the Cuckoo search metaheuristic algorithm. A mask matrix has been created for the proposed ciphering technique. Patient’s E-prescription proposed by the dentist would be fragmented into multiple fragments. In this paper, serial test has been used for testing the robustness of key and test results obtained reflects the good randomness in nature.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cuckoo Search, Fragments, Encryption
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Joydeep Dey, Sunil Karforma, Arindam Sarkar, Anirban Bhowmik, "Metaheuristic Guided Secured Transmission of E-Prescription of Dental Disease", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.179-183, 2019.
A Dynamic Key Generation Scheme based on Metaheuristic Cuckoo Search
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.184-187, Jan-2019
Nature inspired food foraging features by the cuckoo species promotes the proposed methodology to generate a true random session key. To make more complex for the intruders, a key based on the behavior of cuckoo species creates the fittest solution out of the sample population. Metaheuristic based optimization algorithms are good enough to encapsulate information during the wireless communication in more secured approach. Statistical fitness function ensuring with randomized expansion of bits in the session key have been tested. The key which has been generated dynamically using cuckoo search passed through different statistical tests in order to synthesize the randomness. In this paper run test is used for examining the robustness of key and test result shows the good randomness.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cuckoo Search, Levy flights, Statistical tests
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Arindam Sarkar, Joydeep Dey, Anirban Bhowmik, Sk. Samim Ferdows, "A Dynamic Key Generation Scheme based on Metaheuristic Cuckoo Search", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.184-187, 2019.
A Symmetric Key based Secret Data Sharing Scheme
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.188-192, Jan-2019
Data security over the Internet communication is the prime concern in this technological fast era. One of the major and fruitful security techniques is data encryption with keys. The efficiency of the encryption depends on the resistance ability of the encryption key. This paper presents an attack resistant symmetric key encryption model. In this paper, the threshold cryptographic technique provides a reliable and robust key and cipher text management system. The novelty of this system is it reconstructs the key and cipher text even in the case of destruction of difference between total shares and threshold shares on the contrary end. Thus secret sharing with symmetric key provides a robust encryption technique. The implemented symmetric key is the unique group symmetric key. The existing techniques available in world lead to high computational complexity during both sharing and reconstructing of plain text. A proposed masking method, share generation using that mask and transmission has been deployed. The symmetric key is used to impose proposed authenticity of data by implementation of the proposed key expansion technique. A secret sharing technique along with conventional cryptography technique for symmetric key validation and management make this methodology more robust. Statistical type of test results proves the robustness of our technique.
Key-Words / Index Term
Secret Sharing, Key Expansion, Symmetric key encryption
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Anirban Bhowmik, Arindam Sarkar, Sunil Karforma, Joydeep Dey, "A Symmetric Key based Secret Data Sharing Scheme", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.188-192, 2019.
Cloud ERP: An Overview
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.193-200, Jan-2019
In the current market practice, cloud ERP application has gained momentum with the changing market scenario. Companies are evolving with cloud platform with low initial investment. This study aims to depict the current scenario of the cloud ERP market and their offerings and further implementing issues with a greater focus on strategic business process.
Key-Words / Index Term
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Cloud ERP, Cloud offerings
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D.Rakshit, P. Chatterjee, "Cloud ERP: An Overview", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.193-200, 2019.
Volatility spillover between Gold Spot & future market in India: An Experiment with Multi commodity Exchange
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.201-207, Jan-2019
In economics spillover effects are economic events in one context that occur because something else in a seemingly unrelated context. When more information about someone generates more information about people related to her and that information helps to eliminate asymmetries in information, then the spillover effects are positive. Spillover from disequilibrium in one market may influence effective demand in other market. In the present initiative we venture to investigate whether the volatility in the spot price have a spill over effect on futures price or vice-versa. As India is one of the largest market markets for gold and growing affluence is driving growth in demand, we focus on Gold spot and future market. We have collected daily data from MCX for the period from 1 st April 2008 to 31 st March 2018. Our basic objective is to investigate the spill over effect of spot market volatility on futures prices volatility or vice versa. In order to complete our experiment we have done descriptive statistics, unit root test, ARCH test, GARCH test on our sample data. Having completed our experiments and obtaining results on measurement of price volatility in both segments of the market we take further initiatives to run exponential GARCH (Nelson and Cao, 1991) and threshold GARCH (Zakoian,1994) models. The reasons behind our model selection are in the pursuit of usefulness in asset pricing Exponential GARCH (EGARCH). Threshold GARCH (TGARCH) is different from Jagannathan-Runkel GARCH (1993) only in one parameter. In TGARCH model specification is on conditional standard deviation instead of conditional variance. Our TGARCH has captured asymmetric effects of positive and negative shocks of the gold futures market in India. We are confident that our research contributes towards greater understanding of (i) direction of spill over effect and (ii) asset pricing and leverage effects in the gold futures market. The results of our experiment provided evidence that effect of negative shock have less effective than positive shocks. This result is quite contradictory to Barreto & Ramesh (2018) and Srinivasan & Ibrahim (2012). Besides the study results shows that spilllover of certain information takes place from future price to spot price. Our result is similar to Barreto & Ramesh (2018) and Mahalik et al (2009). However, unlike these two research papers our result claims spilllover of certain information takes place from spot market to future market. This is quite identical to the findings of Srinivasan & Ibrahim (2012).
Key-Words / Index Term
Spillover effect, Gold Future, Price volatility, GARCH (1,1), EGARCH, TGARCH
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A. Saha, S. Chakraborty, G. Mitra, "Volatility spillover between Gold Spot & future market in India: An Experiment with Multi commodity Exchange", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.201-207, 2019.
Object Oriented Modeling of Optimal LSB-based Steganography for Secure Transmission of E-learning Documents
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.208-214, Jan-2019
In an e-learning system, all communications take places through Internet. When sender sends some secret documents to the receiver hiding them into the cover image, the image incorporates some sort of distortion, at the time of decompression. This LSB based steganographic approach will help the sender to send the documents after making compression and the receiver will receive the documents without having any sort of distortion. Here the proposed model has been wrapped in object oriented models to achieve the benefits of the object oriented approach.
Key-Words / Index Term
e-Learning, LSB-based steganography, Use case diagram, Timing diagram
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Soumendu Banerjee, "Object Oriented Modeling of Optimal LSB-based Steganography for Secure Transmission of E-learning Documents", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.208-214, 2019.
Object-Oriented Modelling Of Kerberos Based Authentication Process In E-Banking Transaction
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.215-219, Jan-2019
The exponential growth and the success rate of different electronic application areas like E-Services, E-Governance, E-Payment, E-Banking, E-Shopping etc is enormously dependant on security, authenticity and integrity of the most confidential information which is sent across the network by the sender. With the increasing menace of several cyber threats, the sender has to feel safe in sending across their identity details over the communication medium. On the other hand, the receiver must receive the same, without any loss or tampering of information as there are several intruders or eavesdroppers waiting to steal the financial data/information. The security parameters cannot be compromised at any cost. Hence, to combat the pilferage of data, different types of authentication protocols and mechanisms have been in use. For example, the banking sector often uses a two-factor authentication, e-commerce merchants go for different layers of authentication and so on. This paper focuses on the use of the most popular authentication protocol, Kerberos, which could be applied for logging in for e-banking system, in order to achieve the highest level of security. Furthermore, we have tried an attempt to use object-oriented modeling to show the working of the authentication with the help of Kerberos and IDEA encryption algorithm as an added level of protection.
Key-Words / Index Term
Authentication, Object-oriented modeling, Kerberos protocol, IDEA, E-Banking
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A Comparative Study of Three IR models for Bengali Document Retrieval
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.01 , pp.220-225, Jan-2019
In this paper, we studied and examined some selected information retrieval approaches for Bengali information retrieval. These approaches used keyword to describe the content of each document. We choose three models to understand their working mechanisms and shortcomings. These models are TFIDF Vector Space model, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) model, and BM25 model. This understanding is important to overcome these shortcomings. These models are examined on our created Bengali dataset and Bengali queries and the results are stated in the result section in this paper. Our study reveals that Okapi BM25 model performs best among the three IR models studied for Bengali document retrieval.
Key-Words / Index Term
Information Retrieval, Bengali language, LSI, BM25, probabilistic, Query
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Soma Chatterjee, Kamal Sarkar, "A Comparative Study of Three IR models for Bengali Document Retrieval", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.01, pp.220-225, 2019.