Parametric Evaluation of Responses on Single Degree of Freedom System
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.121-124, May-2019
Structures must be designed to resist a variety of loads. Some of the loads are static (e.g., gravity and snow loads) while others are dynamic (e.g., wind and earthquake loads). Every structure is a complex system. So during dynamic analysis initially simplify this structure into single degree of freedom system. The present research work will be focused on parametric study of single degree of freedom systems with theoretical validation based on the principles of structural dynamics. Generally responses are easy to determine for periodic forcing function but are quite complicated and cumbersome if the forcing function become arbitrary. In such case numerical integration techniques are adopted. Duhamel integral method finds very useful application in this regard. The present work will be directed in determining the response of a single degree of freedom system under different types of arbitrary forcing functions. Models representing single degree of freedom systems with known characteristic and specifications will be tested using the shake table. Different periodic and aperiodic forcing functions will be fed into the controller and the response of the model to such excitation will be noted and plotted using the software available with the shake table. The theoretical responses will be developed using Duhamel integral method for aperiodic vibration. Comparisons of these results will be performed to validate the experimental work.
Key-Words / Index Term
Duhamel Integral, SDOF System, Shake Table, Structural Dynamics
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S. Saha, M. Mondal, S. Bhanja, T. K. Dey, "Parametric Evaluation of Responses on Single Degree of Freedom System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.121-124, 2019.
Optimum Design of Multi-Storeyed Building With Respect to Aspect Ratio
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.125-127, May-2019
The Main Objective Of This Study Is To Investigate The Weight Of Total Required Reinforcement In A Building With Respect To Its Aspect Ratio. The Aspect Ratio Of The Building Is The Ratio Between Its Length And Breath. Thus The Main Objective Of This Project Is To Determine At Which Aspect Ratio The Steel Present In The Building Design Will Be A Cost Effective Approach. The Results Obtained For Three Building Designs Is Compared With Each Other And A Final Graph Is Plotted So That The Variation Of The Weight Of Reinforcement Can Be Clearly Distinct. So For This Reason The Reinforcements Present In The Slabs , Beams And Columns Are Being Calculated As Per The Intensity Of The Load Coming On Each Sections. So To Achieve This A Fixed Area Is Considered And All Of The Total Steel Present In The Superstructure Of The Building Is Estimated. As A Reason Of This The Aspect Ratio Of The Buildings Plays A Vital Role To Calculate The Required Weight Of Steel In The Building By Comparing It With The Aspect Ratio Graph Plotted.
Key-Words / Index Term
Component, Formatting, Style, Styling, Insert (key words)
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S. Halder, L. S. Maity, S. Sk, S.Basu, A.Roy, B.K. Ghosh, S. Majumder, "Optimum Design of Multi-Storeyed Building With Respect to Aspect Ratio", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.125-127, 2019.
A Novel Design of Automatic Grass Cutter Machine
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.128-131, May-2019
At present we are having grass cutter machines that controls manually by humans and after cutting grasses, again they have to give their efforts to collect the grasses from the field. The machines which are used to cut grasses are operated on diesel, which is a wastage of natural resources. So we make a machine that cut the grasses and at the same time it collects all the grasses by vacuum cleaner. The machine is operated on battery which is charged by using solar cell. The main features of the machine are, it is control by mobile phone and if there is any obstacle in front of the machine while cutting grasses then the machine automatically create a beep sound. From time immemorial, the sun has been the major source of energy for life on earth. The solar energy was being used directly for purposes like drying clothes, curing agricultural produce, preserving food articles, etc. Even today, the energy we originate from fuel-wood, petroleum, paraffin, hydroelectricity and even our food originates obliquely from sun. Solar energy is almost unbounded. So here in our machine we used a energy source which never ends.
Key-Words / Index Term
Blade, Vacuum cleaner, Battery, Solar cell, Arduino, Bluetooth module, Ultrasonic sensor, Buzzer, Dc motors, Wheels, Wiper motors
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Kousik Roy,Deep Chatterjee, Ankit Sadhu, Dharmendra Kumar Rana, Madhurima Nandy, Divya Suman, "A Novel Design of Automatic Grass Cutter Machine", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.128-131, 2019.
Dielectric Properties of Sodium Silicate-An Investigation Report
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.132-134, May-2019
The dielectric properties of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) (SS) have been investigated in a wide range of frequency and temperatures. A strong dielectric dispersion is found to exist in low-frequency region. The frequency dependent dielectric properties of SS follow universal dynamic response. The measured dielectric data strongly depends on dielectric dispersion and controls the basic relaxation property. However, the parameters that control the dielectric properties such as coupling of ions are found to have frequency and temperature dependency.
Key-Words / Index Term
XRD, Dielectric loss, Dielectric constant (real & imaginary part)
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Sudhangshu Chakraborty, Kousik Roy, Md. Ayub Sheikh, "Dielectric Properties of Sodium Silicate-An Investigation Report", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.132-134, 2019.
A Case Study of RF Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor Network
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.135-139, May-2019
From conservation law of energy not possible to create or to destroy the energy but we can transform or change one form into another. The main purpose of this paper is to put light on the characteristics of radio frequency based energy harvesting systems. In all the cases mentioned above that the devices or the appliances can be operated without the usage of cables battery panels connectors which can make these devices more mobile and portable while operation and charging as well. These all can be achieved by RF energy harvesting system and the main reason for this is that it is accordingly free energy. The sources of RF based energy harvesting system are increasing day by day same as mobile based transmitters from which more and more energy can bring in. This paper more importantly focuses on parameters to design the system, methods, different frequency ranges that can be utilized and the respective circuitry for converting Low voltage output to High voltage for various applications using RF based energy harvesting.
Key-Words / Index Term
Wireless sensor network, RF energy, Harvesting
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Kousik Roy, Prabhakar Ranjan, Bhaskar Roy, A. Billaha, Bikash Mondal, Anu sinha, "A Case Study of RF Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor Network", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.135-139, 2019.
Dual Band Antenna for satellite Communication
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.140-143, May-2019
This paper describes the design and analysis of a novel dual band antenna (with a Rogers RT/Duroid 6202 laminate substrate having dielectric constant 4.4) for satellite communication. The antenna is being designed by taking the substrate height as 1.6 mm, the length of the patch as 27.5 mm and the width of the patch as 38 mm. The length and width for slot 1 and slot 2 were taken as 33 mm and 2.4 mm respectively. Similarly the length and width of slot 3 and slot 4 were considered as 11.4 mm and 1mm. We have considered the feed point location as (8.6, 8.6) from the origin. The simulation results of proposed antenna are achieved with the help of IE3D zeland software (V-12.0) using transmission line and cavity models. The results are analyzed in terms of current distribution, elevation pattern, return loss and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). This antenna finds C band (4 GHz to 8 GHz) and X band (8 to 12 GHz) applications where it can be effectively used for satellite communication.
Key-Words / Index Term
Dual band antenna, Wireless communication, S and C band, IE3D
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K. Roy, S. Pal, Anu Sinha, B. Roy, M.A. Billaha, B. Mondal, S. Chakraborty, P. Ranjan, "Dual Band Antenna for satellite Communication", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.140-143, 2019.
IOT Based Mind Controlled BOT
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.144-146, May-2019
Internet of Things (IOT) based mind-controlled bot is a software-hardware interface that deals with the interconnection between the hardware and the software. In this work, the hardware components are Arduino, Node Mcu etc. The software interfaces are the NI Instruments LabVIEW, html, and many others. Iot based mind-controlled bot is a total amalgamation of hardware and software. The Electroencephalograph (EEG) signals are sent to the LabVIEW software with the help of Neurosky (mind wave gear) by the Bluetooth Module HC 05. Firstly, EEG signals are differentiated into three types- concentration, meditation and attention. Secondly, it can be further differentiated into alpha, beta and delta signals in order to get more precise values. Since, the Arduino cannot take low values the signals are amplified in the LabVIEW software. From this software, the signals are sent to the Node Mcu which is basically connected to the bot. Here, the concentration has been used in order to pick and drop an object. A web page is also created in the IOT platform with the help of LabVIEW software where four buttons are created to move the total bot. This mechanism which can be used for picking and dropping of an object as an arm using neuro-signal can be very useful for any disabled person as it is acting as an artificial hand.
Key-Words / Index Term
Arduino, Artificial hand, internet of things, NI LabVIEW, Neurosky
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[3] “DESIGN AND OPERATION OF SYNCHRONIZED ROBOTIC ARM”, Goldy Katal, Saahil Gupta, Shitij Kakkar, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308, Volume: 02 Issue: 08 | Aug-2013.
[4] “Efficient Approach for Designing Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm”, Shivani, Shagun Gaur, Paresh Khaneja, Rashmi Sharma, Simranpreet Kaur, Mehakpreet Kaur, International Journal of Control and Automation, Vol. 8, No. 6 (2015), pp. 55-64, ISSN: 2005-4297 IJCA.
[5] “AUTOMATION OF OBJECT SORTING SYSTEM USING PICK & PLACE ROBOTIC ARM & IMAGE PROCESSING”, VISHNU R. KALE, 2V. A. KULKARNI, Proceedings of 3rd IRAJ International Conference, 5th January 2014, Mumbai, India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-51-1.
[6] “DESIGN AND OPERATION OF SYNCHRONIZED ROBOTIC ARM”, Goldy Katal, Saahil Gupta, Shitij Kakkar, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308, Volume: 02 Issue: 08 | Aug-2013.
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[13] Lauren Wellons, New Jersey Governor’s School of Engineering and Technology 2014.
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D. Sur, S. Roy, A. Basak, S. Mitra, A. Paul, S. Nayna, A. Chakraborty, "IOT Based Mind Controlled BOT", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.144-146, 2019.
Microcontroller based Earthquake indicator and measurement system
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.147-150, May-2019
“Prevention is better than cure”. This statement goes perfect with the events whose probability of occurrence is highly possible. Earthquake is one of such disaster that comes as an evil fate and sweeps away precious human lives and civilization, it is that unpredictable phenomenon whose occurrence cannot be avoided, but at least we can take measures to minimize the adverse effect of its consequences. The main objective of this research paper is to design a circuit which will acts as an earthquake indicator and prevents further damage. Arduino microcontroller and a highly-sensitive ADXL335 accelerometer are used to accomplish the circuit.
Key-Words / Index Term
Earthquake, Microcontroller, ADXL335 accelerometer
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Siddharth Das, Sumanta Chatterjee, Apurba Paul, "Microcontroller based Earthquake indicator and measurement system", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.147-150, 2019.
Design Methodology of a Sensor Based Robotic Wheelchair For Physically Disabled Community
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.151-156, May-2019
In this paper, an intelligent low cost wheelchair system is being developed which not only ponder on the mobility of the physically disabled persons, but also to change their daily life. By using this system they can control their home appliances by sitting in the wheelchair without any external remote control. A prototype mobile robot have been designed which is equipped with accelerometer, micro-electro-mechanical based sensor. To solve the problem of safe navigation an assistive obstacle avoidance method based on ultrasonic sensor has been incorporated. Additionally, dual tone multi-frequency signaling used for operating the wheelchair via mobile phone. For implementing hand gesture recognition for the physically challenged people this is a simple but efficient method. Using these gestures, it is possible to control the wheelchair in an efficient way. Besides controlling by a computer, which is a difficult task here all the methods used in this proposed system for controlling the wheelchair are natural and convenient by involving of micro-electromechanical sensors, micro-controllers and the wheelchair for the prototype. Based on the data from either the accelerometer, DTMF or the ultrasonic sensors, the movements of the wheelchair are controlled and this system will be highly efficient as compared to the other conventional methods as because it is not only controls the movement of a wheelchair but also detects the barrier coming in its path and take necessary action to overcome it.
Key-Words / Index Term
Wheelchair, Accelerometer, Ultrasonic Sensor, RF Data Transmission, Microcontroller
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Aditi Shriya, A. Billaha, B. Roy, B. Mondal, K. Roy, "Design Methodology of a Sensor Based Robotic Wheelchair For Physically Disabled Community", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.151-156, 2019.
Variation in the Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure Level from Cellular Mobile Base Station Antennas to its Vicinity- A Study
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.18 , pp.157-160, May-2019
Men made atmospheric exposure of Electromagnetic radiations (EMR) are now increasing almost exponentially in the last few decades. With rapid development in the field of communication, the mobile base station antenna and its associated health hazards are now led to growth of public concern for human exposure to Electromagnetic field (EMF) and its various health effects. The Electromagnetic Pollution (EMP) levels are now reaching alarming proportion for the whole biological system. The present study were aim to investigate the variation in the electromagnetic radiation exposure level from mobile base station antenna to its vicinity in terms of power density and electric field. Measurement was carried out with the help of three axis electromagnetic field strength meter. Three different cases were considered. The EM radiation exposure level from mobile Base Transceiver Station (BTS) was measured at a distance of 10m, 15m and 20m for the first, second and third cases respectively at different co-ordinate positions. Results are tabulated in terms of Power Density (PD) and Electric field. It has been observed that the electromagnetic radiation exposure level from mobile BTS varies with distance from BTS tower at different co-ordinate position. However the measured values of Power Density and electric field were well below the maximum permissible exposure level set by the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) authority. The outcome of our study reveals that the EM radiation exposure level from BTS varies with distance and reached to its optimum value at a particular region (most sensitive zone) thereafter again the radiation level decrease gradually with distance from BTS at different co-ordinate positions.
Key-Words / Index Term
Base Transceiver Station, Electromagnetic radiation, Power density, Electric field, Health Consequences
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Jyotirmay Tewary, Pratik Dey, Amitesh Das, Kousik Roy, Susanta Kumar Parui, "Variation in the Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure Level from Cellular Mobile Base Station Antennas to its Vicinity- A Study", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.18, pp.157-160, 2019.