Clustering Techniques and Hierarchical Distance Measure in Datamining
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.85-89, May-2019
Data mining is extracting information from huge set of data. Clustering is a process of organizing object into unknown group. it deals with finding a structure in a collection of unlabeled data. Similar objects are grouped in one cluster and dissimilar are grouped in another cluster. The documents clustering will aims to group in unsupervised way. Clustering analysis is one of the main logical methods in data mining. Which focuses on the current popular and commonly used k-means algorithm? Clustering can be classified into partition method, hierarchical method, density based method, grid based method, and model based method. In hierarchical method are based on different distance measures. In each type calculate the distance between each data objects and all cluster centers .this paper provides a broad survey of the most basic techniques and identifies.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data mining, Clustering techniques, K-means algorithm ,Hierarchical method, Partition method
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M. Angelin Rosy, D. Shyamala, M. Felix Xavier Muthu, "Clustering Techniques and Hierarchical Distance Measure in Datamining", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.85-89, 2019.
Emerging Applications of Augmented Reality System for Future Industry
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.90-95, May-2019
Augmented Reality (AR) makes the real-life environment about us into a digital interface by putting virtual objects in real time. It Augmented Reality Apps are software applications which merge the digital visual (audio and other types also) content into the user’s real-world environment. This project focus on the use of desktop display interfaces for applications of augmented reality (AR), there are including the games, education, business, medical, etc. This type of interface, the user is able to look at a screen and see the computer-generated graphics displayed above markers. In AR process overviews of desktop display interface alleviate most of the problems associated with head mounted displays (HMDs). AR applications also require removing real objects from the perceived environment in addition to adding virtual real objects environment
Key-Words / Index Term
Augmented Reality, Computer generated, 3D view, GPS, Construction industry, Education, Environment
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M. Angelin Rosy, L. Umarani, M. Felix Xavier Muthu, "Emerging Applications of Augmented Reality System for Future Industry", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.90-95, 2019.
Internet of Things Based on Arduino Heart Rate Health Care Monitor System
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.96-99, May-2019
Health care monitoring system is used to patients body temperature and heartbeat by using health care technique. The doctors to test the patients health conditions .In the world spread many diseases for the patients to spread some disease are cancer ,heart attack ,etc… , Many of people are death affecting families, communities and countries. Health care system is organization of the people institution and deliver health care services to meet the health needs of population .The doctor monitoring the system is provided by using delivery machine, blood pressure monitor ,heartbeat sensor .This system is to detect the abnormal conditions . The patient’s heart beat count the abnormal times to check the pulse using sensor monitoring .To circulate the blood in body in active mode or passive mode of the body temperature .In this paper introduce the IOT based health care monitoring system.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of things, Body temperature, Heartbeat sensor, Blood pressure monitor, Active mode or Passive mode
[1] Heart attack detection by heartbeat sensing using internet of things-e-ISSN:2395-0056p-ISSN:2395-00072 Dr.A.A.Gujara1,Neha A.Sarnaik2.
[2] Wireless sensor network application for IOT based health care system-JETIR(ISSN-2349-5162) Gurram Dheeraj Reddy1,Shashank Chutke2,M.Sri Venkat Rami Reddy3,Dr.D.Nageswara Rao.
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M. Inbavalli, N. Prameela, "Internet of Things Based on Arduino Heart Rate Health Care Monitor System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.96-99, 2019.
Security Issues in the Cloud Computing Environment : An Overview
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.100-103, May-2019
In Cloud Computing environment, Security issues is the hottest topic. Many tools and techniques are applied to secure the data in the cloud server. Although, the security providers focus on data storage of third party at risk to be maintain sensitive information. As the information grows day by day, Security control over the data should be more effective and adaptive to changing risk services. Protection of data manages how data is stored, how it is accessed and how it is handled. Taking lease of many servers and provisioning the resources for usage cost turns to a revolution. This paper reveals the outline of cloud computing, cloud security concepts, challenges and solutions for dynamically securing sensitive data of unlimited resources and services.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Computing, Security Issues, Sensitive Data, Service Providers, Services
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S. Rajalakshmi, P. Madhubala, "Security Issues in the Cloud Computing Environment : An Overview", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.100-103, 2019.
Social Networks in Organizations with Focus on a Company Management
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.104-108, May-2019
The present research had the objective of analyzes the impacts of social networks in organizations, focusing on a company Management and Outsourcing Services, comparing the views of employees with the director`s view. Whereas that people disclose their personal and professional information freely online, research aimed to analyze the organization`s current situation regarding the use of social networks, by comparing views of different hierarchies, and suggest adjustments that improve the ambient, aiming to optimize the results. The field research methodology was descriptive and quantitative, held through forms completed by employees and interview with director. The flexibility of opinion is essential, and for an appropriate interaction between staff and leadership, the company`s rules need to be concise and well defined. The employee needs to be properly guided on how to use social networks in a way that not denigrate the organization or himself. It is important that these rules be visible and easily accessible to the entire organization and why is extremely important fulfil them.
Key-Words / Index Term
Social networks, Impact, Rules
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M. Dukitha, K. Gayathri, "Social Networks in Organizations with Focus on a Company Management", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.104-108, 2019.
Wireless Security Network Using Authentication and Encryption
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.17 , pp.109-112, May-2019
The 21th Century is defined by human scientific breakthroughs. One of them is the global use of the Internet. Almost every educated person nowadays knows more or less about the internet. Thereby, a large percentage of the human populations make use of the internet on a daily basis. Wireless internet access is thereby made affordable and accessible for everyone and that has boosted human communication and economy development into a new era. However, along with benefits, wireless internet access also possesses several risks and threats of security. The Internet has become a fertile land for criminals of all kinds to operate. Most of the time what they try to take is personal information, some of them of extreme values and sensitivity, from naive and unaware users. In that sense, a comprehensive study on how cybercriminal carry out their attacks and how to avoid and actually prevent such attacks if possible would be beneficial for the righteous netizens.
Key-Words / Index Term
Wireless, WLAN, Security, Internet, Protection, Cyber threats
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M. Dukitha, G. Sheeba, "Wireless Security Network Using Authentication and Encryption", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.17, pp.109-112, 2019.