Product Aspect extraction in opinion mining: a Survey
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.16 , pp.113-116, May-2019
Today’s E-commerce development growths are very high in all fields such as online purchase, education, medical etc., the trend BtoC Business to Customer has been changed to CtoB Customer to Business, many customers like and preferred to buy the products on online shopping, due to time constrain, traffic, tracking system, discount, and also one advantages which is available in online not in traditional shopping, it’s very easy to compare with other products. Reviews play a vital role to customers and merchants, using the reviews merchants are trying to give the best quality product, best price and discount to the customers, so they can improve the profit and increase the number of customers. Customers while purchasing the product, it is very difficult and impossible to read all the reviews. There are many algorithms available to recommend and rank the product to the customer, but if the input given to the system is incorrect then the output will not be in accurate manner as per the user request, this survey overview the different aspect extraction techniques and approaches. And also identified the research gaps and propose a recommendation system for online purchase using customer reviews, the proposed system has four phases i. Pre-processing ii. Aspect identification (explicit and implicit) iii. Semantic classification and Aspect polarity identification iv. Efficient Product Aspect Based Ranking.
Key-Words / Index Term
Social Networks; Customer Reviews; Sentiment classification; Aspect Polarity
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Zafar Ali Khan, R Mahalakshmi, "Product Aspect extraction in opinion mining: a Survey", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.16, pp.113-116, 2019.
Dynamic Threshold Based Load Balancing and Server Consolidation in Cloud
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.16 , pp.117-121, May-2019
High power consumption in Cloud Data center leads to high emissions of carbon which is unsuitable for environment. Energy consumption in the data center can be reduced by balancing load among active physical nodes and minimizing the number of active servers which are lightly loaded. Static lower and upper thresholds are not suitable for dynamically changing resource usage of physical machines. Dynamic Threshold based load balancing algorithms are proposed: i)Upper threshold dynamically varied based on CPU utilization and the Lower Threshold is predefined. ii) The average utilization of all the machines in the datacenter is used to define Upper Threshold. System is monitored at regular intervals and whenever server load goes above the Upper Threshold or lower than Lower Threshold, system identified as in imbalance state and Virtual Machine migration is initiated for load balance and for server consolidation. Simulation results shows the proposed schemes can improve resource utilization and energy.
Key-Words / Index Term
VM Migration, Load Balancing, Server consolidation, Dynamic Threshold
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Effectiveness of Security in Software Defined Networks
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.16 , pp.122-125, May-2019
Software Defined Networks are the new standard in networking. ONF [Open Networking Foundation] contributes a high level architecture for SDN. It has three layers, they are Infrastructure layer, control layer and application layer.[1] From the ONF we gets a well-defined definition for SDN which is as follows, “In the SDN architecture, the control and data planes are decoupled, network intelligence and state are logically centralized, and the underlying network infrastructure is abstracted from the applications” [2]. The network security in the SDN architecture is improved by the centralized control over the network and controls the traffic in run time. This paper analyse and produce the importance and effectives of the SDN architecture for future networking.
Key-Words / Index Term
SDN , ONF, Network security
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B. Parvathi Devi, V. Vallinayagi, "Effectiveness of Security in Software Defined Networks", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.16, pp.122-125, 2019.
An Efficient Image Processing Methodology to Assess Quality in Food Grains
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.16 , pp.126-128, May-2019
Agriculture industry is the backbone of any emerging country, in developing countries like India the bulk of the rural population mostly depend on agriculture as their main basis of revenue. Several major crops grown in India are rice, wheat, maize, jowar etc. The primary focus of this paper is to present an efficient method to detect quality of rice grains and also to detect the dissimilar varieties of rice grains via various image processing methodologies. Commercialization of rice grains is mainly dependent on the quality analysis of rice grains which is further based on size of the grain kernel (full, half or broken) and rice varieties are recognized by human inspection. Results of the inspections may change depending on the expertise of inspectors and decisions made by inspectors according to external parameters. Furthermore, the decision making abilities of quality check inspectors are dependent on their personal characteristics such as exhaustion, annoyance, partiality etc. and identification of dissimilar varieties is carried out by applying traditional methods which are erroneous and consumes more time. Digital image processing techniques will help overcome the above issues, which offers quick, economical, and reliable solutions.
Key-Words / Index Term
Agriculture, Grain Kernel, Image processing, Feature extraction, Grain counting, classification of rice grains
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Feature Extraction Techniques in Hyper Spectral Data Sets for Classification Purpose
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.16 , pp.129-135, May-2019
A critical increment for utilization of proximal/remote hyper spectral imaging frameworks to contemplate plant properties, types, and conditions. Various budgetary and ecological advantages of utilizing such frameworks have been the driving constrain inside this development. This paper is worried about the examination of hyper spectral information for identifying plant sicknesses and stress conditions and ordering crop types by methods for cutting edge machine learning strategies. Primary commitment of the work lies in the utilization of an inventive order system for the examination, in which versatile component choice, curiosity recognition, and troupe learning are coordinated. Three hyper spectral datasets and a non-imaging hyper spectral dataset were utilized in the assessment of the proposed structure. Show critical upgrades accomplished by the proposed technique contrasted with the utilization of exact ghastly lists and existing arrangement techniques.
Key-Words / Index Term
Hyper spectral Data imaging, ND, plant monitoring, remote sensing, SVM
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Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.16 , pp.136-140, May-2019
The application of artificial intelligence involves the areas such as artificial intelligence, expert system, artificial neural network, fuzzy logic, image processing, natural language processing, speech recognition, robotics etc. Though these areas are not separate, at times two or more applications are contributes to enrich the library services. In this article, the authors have explored the various possible applications of artificial intelligence as mentioned above. In addition, authors explain the possible areas where few of these applications can be implemented which enhances the quality of services and thereby create the potential impact of AI on library services.
Key-Words / Index Term
Artificial Intelligence, Academic Libraries, Expert systems, Robotics, Machine Learning
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S. Vijayakumar, K.N. Sheshadri, "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.16, pp.136-140, 2019.
A Study on Applications of Cognitive Computing in the Internet of Things
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.16 , pp.141-147, May-2019
The introduction of the Cognitive Approach of Computing would lead to a comprehensive and better decision-making system. This approach of cognitive computing on the Internet of Things is called Cognitive IoT or CIoT. This paper focuses on various different kinds of applications of Cognitive Computing in the field of IoT. The goal of Cognitive IoT is to make computers understand people by trying to recreate how the neocortex in our brain works to make them think like humans. These fields are interdependent as the computer requires numerous data points. With a collection of other devices performing the same task, their results can be used as information for the system to learn. The Internet of Things` concept of a "system of systems" helps Cognitive Computing`s core plan to simulate the human brain move forward.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cognitive Computing, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data Analysis
[1] Charles Roe, 8 May 2014, A Brief History of Cognitive Computing
[2] Amit Fisher n.d, Cognitive IoT: What is Watson IoT?
[3] Sky Matthews, 24 March 2016, What is Cognitive IoT?
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[5] Dominique Ginard and Vlad Trifa, Hello, World Wide Web of Things,
[6] Wikipedia, World Wide Web,
[7] M. Alhuessein, G. Muhammad, M. S. Hossain, S. U. Amin, “Cognitive IoT-Cloud Integration for Smart Healthcare: Case Study for Epileptic Seizure Detection and Monitoring”, Mobile Netw Appl (2018), Vol. 23, No.,6, pp 1624-1635, 2018.
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[10] Colin Bristow, 28 November 2016, Six ways cognitive computing will impact banks,
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[12] 5 ways iot will help banking in 2018 and beyond,
[13] Cognitive computing and education sector,
[14] Leticia Lafuente Lopez, 2 October 2016, Watson: cognitive computing in education,
[15] Fueling global climate research with cognitive computing applications,
[16] Protecting the environment,
[17] Mrzimmerman, 27 May 2016, How cognitive computing can drive sustainability,
[18] Rodrigo Arias, Knud Lasse Lueth, Abhay Rastogi, 21 January 2018, The effect of the internet of things on sustainability,
[19] Laura Cox, 31 July 2018, 5 ways the lot is supporting sustainability,
[20] Dennis Gerson, 4 March 2014, IBM moves cognitive computing out of the lab and into the kitchen and food truck,
[21] Cognitive computing …. For farming? ,
[22] N. Mishra, C. Lin, H. Chang, “A Cognitive Adopted Framework for IoT Big-Data Management and Knowledge Discovery Prospective”, Vol. 11, No.,10, 2015.
[23] C. Savaglio, G. Fortino, M. Zhou, “Towards interoperable, cognitive and automatic IoT systems: An Agent-based approach”, 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2017.
[24] K. J. Sharma, V. Ramamohan, “Prospects of Congitive Computing Research”, International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Technology Research (IJSETR), Vol. 5, No.,2, pp 552-562, 2016.
Ashutosh Rao Chawan Umesh Rao Chawan, Parikshith Vallish, "A Study on Applications of Cognitive Computing in the Internet of Things", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.16, pp.141-147, 2019.
Mobile user location Prediction in cellular network using Agent Technique
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.16 , pp.148-154, May-2019
In mobile computing to determine the future location of Mobile user movement is used to manage communication and to provide the Quality of location based services. Mobile computing surroundings are considered by wireless links are not faster and comparatively below privileged hosts are battery powers were inadequate , inclined to frequent interruptions. Mobile hosts (MHs) caching a data in a wireless network helps to slove the problems related with slow, inadequate bandwidth wireless links, by plummeting preserving bandwidth. Battery power is preserved by plummeting the number of up-link requests. There are some problems due to incomplete wireless communication, partial client source, suspension of client and unobstructed mobility. So it is problematic to uphold the data cache and pre-fetch in mobile computing. Three key techniques, namely, FLA (Future Location Agent), PLA (Preceding Location agent) and CLA (Contemporary Location agent) have been designed and proposed the future mobile user location using the user movement history. These methods use log and thread harmonization Classical for data caching and prefetching conservation in site founded queries .This method consequences in abridged server workload saving of wireless bandwidth and abridged network traffic.
Key-Words / Index Term
mobile computing , Datacache , mobile cache , mobile agent
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G. Shanmugarthinam, "Mobile user location Prediction in cellular network using Agent Technique", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.16, pp.148-154, 2019.