Design and Implementation of Encrypted Negative Password
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.111-115, May-2019
Secure password storage is the essential feature in system based on password verification, which is most broadly used verification technique, despite its some security weakness. In this paper, a password authentication scheme that is designed for secure password storage and could be easily consolidated into present authentication systems. In this framework the client enters the plain password which is hashed through the cryptographic hash function such as SHA-256. This hash function isthen converted into negative password. Finally using a symmetric-key algorithm such as Advanced Encryption Standard the negative password is encrypted into an ENP(Encrypted Negative Password).So this method makes it difficult for the intruder to crack the password. ENP method overcomes pre computation attacks.ENP does not provide extra elements such as salt which is one of useful advantage.ENP is the first password protection scheme which integrates cryptographic hash function, the negative password and the symmetric-key algorithm in a successful way.
Key-Words / Index Term
Authentication, negative database, symmetric key algorithm
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Manasa N, Preethi P, Rakshitha R, Jyothi V, Lakshmikantha S, "Design and Implementation of Encrypted Negative Password", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.111-115, 2019.
Detection of Anomaly Actions on Social Networks using Machine Learning
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.116-121, May-2019
Social media is no doubt the richest source of human generated data. The user’s options, feedbacks and critiques provided by social network users reflect attitudes and sentiments of certain topics, products, or services. Every day, large quantity of messages is created, stored, commented, and shared by people on social media websites, such as Twitter, Instagram, Quora and Facebook. This in general acts as valuable data for researchers and practitioners in different application domains, such as data analytics, marketing, to inform decision-making. Extracting valuable social signals from the huge crowd’s messages is challenging, due to the dynamic crowd behaviors. These are the anomalies caused by a user because of his/her variable behavior towards different sources. Due to such risk parameters, it is always a great practice to have a mechanism to monitor each online social network user. This paper provides a way in which anomaly analysis can be implemented in social media such as Facebook. This work hence acts as a risk analyzer for the administrator of the Face book services so that they can formulate strategies to overcome the same.
Key-Words / Index Term
Anomaly detection,Social network,SVM,Data Analytics
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Mayur Jain, Prashanth A, Prabhudev B K, Sagar Reddy N J, Mangala C N, "Detection of Anomaly Actions on Social Networks using Machine Learning", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.116-121, 2019.
Real- Time Analysis And Simulation ofEfficient Public Transport Monitoring System
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.122-127, May-2019
This project proposed a method for safety measures which are necessary while driving vehicles. Road safety rules can be useful up to some extent to get away from accidents. If any misbehaviour occurs in vehicle due to driver, then a message will go to nearest police station along with the problem specification. That particular message includes the location of the bus where it is occurred. Our system can also detect alcoholic person who has been entering into bus. The alcoholic person may be driver or may be passenger. In our Project MEMS sensor is used to identify whether an accident takes place or not. If an accident takes place, a message will go to nearestpolice station.This project focuses on the implementation of a Real-Time bus Tracking System (RTBTS), by installing GPS (Global Positioning System)-module devices on buses which will transmit the current location on the GPS Receiver.We are using RFID based authentication for both passengersand driver. Fire sensor is used to monitor the fire in the bus if fire occurs in the bus send intimation to the owner and fire station. If this misconception occurs, then that message will go to nearest police station. In this way, we are indirectly providing safety to passengers and bus.
Key-Words / Index Term
RFID based authentication,real-time information, Real-Time Bus Tracking System (RTBTS), GPS module
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Masthan M, MdMosahid Raeen, Mirza Nasim Akhtar Begg, Veeresh Patil, "Real- Time Analysis And Simulation ofEfficient Public Transport Monitoring System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.122-127, 2019.
Intelligent Product Retrieval System
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.128-132, May-2019
It is desired (especially for young people) to shop for the same or similar products shown in the multimedia contents (such as online TV programs). This indicates an urgent demand for improving the experience of TV-to-Online (T2O). In this paper, a transfer learning approach as well as a prototype system for effortless T2O experience is developed. In this paper, a novel manifold regularized heterogeneous multitask metric learning framework is proposed, in which each domain is treated equally. The proposed approach allows us to simultaneously exploit the information from other domains and the unlabelled. In the system, a key component is high-precision product search, which is to fulfil exact matching between a query item and the database ones. The matching performance primarily relies on distance estimation, but the data characteristics cannot be well modelled and exploited by a simple Euclidean distance.
Key-Words / Index Term
TV-to-Online, distance metric learning, transfer learning, heterogeneous domains, manifold regularization, ranking-based loss.
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Manisha Sharma, Pavani S, Pooja R, Varshitha U, Sunanda V K, "Intelligent Product Retrieval System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.128-132, 2019.
Dispersion of Cheating Behaviours in Online Social Networks
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.133-137, May-2019
Social contact are know to be spread through human behaviours. The diffusion process on social networks has also been grip to spread the undesirable dispersion.The main attention is to attract the contagion of malicious or even criminal behaviors in online social networks. Here, we study the social contagion problem of cheating behavior found in the massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) that provides a lifelike environment with rich and realistic user interactions. It has a strong chance of being noticed by their friends and leading them to cheat themselves due to their abnormal behaviour. In this paper, we show the existence of the dispersion of cheating. We then explore various possible social reinforcement mechanisms after introducing several factors to quantify the effect of social reinforcement on the dispersion and analyze the dynamics of bot diffusion in an extensive user interaction log from a major MMORPG.
Key-Words / Index Term
Dispersion, SVM, Social influence model
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Shagufta Samreen, Shilpa. K.S, Sneha. K.B, Sneha Pal, Sagar. B, "Dispersion of Cheating Behaviours in Online Social Networks", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.133-137, 2019.
Customisable Bundling Approach for Online Supermarkets using Association Rules of Product Categories
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.138-143, May-2019
This research deals with the identification of customers and their buying behavior patterns. The aim is to sell the products which are least preferred by the customers so as to make a cost-effective sale by using bundling approach. A Customized bundling is a group of resources joined together in a single package that has an associated logical name. A bundle is a collection of products which are sold together for a single price. It is the well organized way to make the customer’s shopping self-satisfied. It is implemented by the integration of associative clustering and Support vector machine (SVM) with java.
Key-Words / Index Term
Bundling, Associative clustering, Support vector machine, Suggestions
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Vani V Nair, Vedashree V, Vimala B K, Yamuna M, ChetanaSrinivas, "Customisable Bundling Approach for Online Supermarkets using Association Rules of Product Categories", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.138-143, 2019.
Cloud Based Automated Identification and Development to Provide Compatibility and Security for Cross Browser in Web Application
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.144-147, May-2019
A good Website is more than just something to look at, it is functional interactive and flawless. As technologies are becoming smart so we need to be smarter enough to utilize them. With the rapid evolution of web technologies, the complexity of web applications has also grown up. Specially making a web application that works well with cross browser is a great challenge. Clearly, cross-browser means something works with all versions of all browsers to have existed since the web began. By this paper we have pointed out some reasons why applications behave or appear differently in different browsers because if you know the cause, you can get a solution.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud computing ,Cross browser compatibility, Data security
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Roshne M K, Shaikh Afreen Md Sardar, Tulsi K, Varshini Dayanidhi C, Vinod H, "Cloud Based Automated Identification and Development to Provide Compatibility and Security for Cross Browser in Web Application", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.144-147, 2019.
Progressive Digitalization of Public Agencies
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.148-152, May-2019
Big data could be a potential instrument to vary standard association into perceptive association. There are a long discourse and visit on the usage of big data for the distinction in customary open relationship to present day and fast open relationship within the academician, experts, and policymakers. This examination hopes to analyze the sensibility and significance of large data for sharp association of open work environments. Creating layout demonstrates that numerous models have been created to clear up sharp association however correct analysis on the reputability and significance of monumental information for perceptive association of open affiliations is `in the not too distant past lacking. This article fights that the usage of big data for marvelous association within the comprehensive network division will expand the capability of the general open affiliations fastest open association transport, pushing ahead straightforwardness, decreasing open issue and serving to the change into a pointy affiliation. This paper to boot battles that execution of large data for good association contains a essential add lucky, goof free, real and cost effective advantage development to subjects that prompts the practical money connected distinction during a nation. We applied ECC algorithm for security purpose to prevent the data.
Key-Words / Index Term
Component, Formatting, Style, Styling, Insert (key words)
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Communication for Motor Neuron Disease Patients Via Eye Blink to Voice Recognition
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.153-158, May-2019
Inthispaper, we present a real time method based on some video and image processing algorithms for eye blink detection. The motivation of this researchis theneed of disabling whocannotcommunicatewithhuman. A HaarCascadeClassifieris appliedforface andeyedetectionforgettingeyeandfacialaxis information. In addition, thesame classifier is used based on Haar-likefeaturesto find out the relationship between the eyes and the facial axis for positioning the eyes. An efficienteyetrackingmethodis proposedwhichusesthepositionofdetected face. Finally, an eye blinking detection based on eyelids state (closeoropen) isused forcontrollingandroidmobilephones.The methodisusedwith andwithoutsmoothingfilter toshowthe improvement ofdetectionaccuracy. Theapplication isusedin realtime forstudyingthe effectoflightand distance between the eyes andthe mobile device in order toevaluate theaccuracy detectionandoverallaccuracyofthesystem. Testresults show that our proposed method provides a 98% over all accuracyand 100% detection accuracy for a distance of 35 cmand an artificial light.
Key-Words / Index Term
Face recognition ; Haar cascade classifier ;open cv
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Ramya V, Riya Roy, Sriraksha K J, Swathi K, Supritha N, "Communication for Motor Neuron Disease Patients Via Eye Blink to Voice Recognition", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.15, pp.153-158, 2019.
Medical Image Analysis using Machine Learning Techniques
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.15 , pp.159-163, May-2019
Image Processing has been a growing field for the biomedical images. MRI, CT scans and X-Ray are the different types ofimages used in this technique. All these techniques helps to identify even a minute deformity in the human body. The main purpose of medical image processing is to extract meaningful information from these images. MRI is the most reliable form of biomedical image available to us asit does not expose the human body to any sorts of harmful radiation. Once the MRI is obtained it can be processed, and the part of brain affected by tumor can be segmented. The complete process of detecting brain tumor from an MRI can be classified into four different categories: Pre-Processing, Segmentation,Feature Extraction and Tumor Detection. This survey involves analyzing and taking help of the research by other professionals and compiling it into one paper.
Key-Words / Index Term
OpenCV, Image Processing, Active contour, Machine Learning, Segmentation, Feature Extraction
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