A Survey on Underwater Fish Species Detection and Classification
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.95-98, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.9598
Fish species recognition is a challenging task for research. Great challenges for fish recognition appear in the special properties of underwater videos and images. Due to the great demand for underwater object recognition, many machine learning and image processing algorithms have been proposed. Deep Learning has achieved a significant results and a huge improvement in visual detection and recognition. This paper mainly reviews some techniques proposed in past years for automatic fish species detection and classification.
Key-Words / Index Term
Fish Recognition;Fish Classification;Feature ExtractionImage Processing;Neural Network;Deep Learning
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A Detailed Survey of Text Line Segmentation Methods in Handwritten Historical Documents and Palm Leaf Manuscripts
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.99-103, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.99103
The revolution of document analysis provides the handwritten palm leaf manuscripts and historical documents, epigraphic into digital. Digital document is available as auto recognition of those historical documents which is the second revolution in document research. Many algorithms are available from the period of the 19th century to the 20th century with the researchers across the world. In order to achieve auto recognition, the line segmentation is a foremost process. Though automatic segmentation of text lines is still a burning research, many technical issues remain unsolved yet. The present survey has been carried out as the survey of newly proposed and modified methods of text line segmentation in palm leaf manuscripts and handwritten historical documents published during the period 2008 – 2018. It could benefit the researchers who do research in handwriting recognition.
Key-Words / Index Term
pre-processing, path finding approach, performance measure
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R. Spurgen Ratheash, M. Mohamed Sathik, "A Detailed Survey of Text Line Segmentation Methods in Handwritten Historical Documents and Palm Leaf Manuscripts", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.99-103, 2019.
Big Data Computing and Analytics Business Value in - E-Commerce
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.104-107, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.104107
Big data is continuously creating new challenges and opportunities, all of which have been forged by the information revolution. The ecommerce industry are already using data sets to introduce a new level of strategic marketing and provide better customer service experiences .Data growth has undergone a renaissance, by ever lower computing power in the internet. It will be top method shift in the E-commerce sector; as data is no longer seen as by the product of their business activities, but as their biggest trademark providing: the needs of their customers, predicting trends in customer’s behavior, democratizing of advertisement to suits consumers varied taste, as well as providing a performance metric to assess the effectiveness in meeting customers’ needs. This paper provides the unique features that differentiate big data from traditional datasets. In this way the application of big data analytics in the E-commerce and its technologies that make analytics of consumer data possible is discussed. Improvement of technology usage, the methods to measure and collect data also increase. One of the methodsto understand our world is to study trends in behavior.
Key-Words / Index Term
Big Data Analytics, Computing
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M. Gandhimathi, "Big Data Computing and Analytics Business Value in - E-Commerce", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.104-107, 2019.
Future Generation Education on Augmented Reality
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.108-113, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.108113
Educator says that the learning process should be all about creativity and interaction. While teachers do not necessarily need to recruit all students into subject, their goal is to get them interested in a subject. Augmented Reality technology has the potential to blend both real and virtual environment to create an enhanced learning experience. Besides compared to paper-based solutions and conventional mobile applications, AR book system with scaffolding models they developed could help students to learn, particularly those with low reading ability. Objective of this paper is to highlight the applications and opportunities of research on AR applications in education.
Key-Words / Index Term
Augmented Reality, Education, Learning, Marker based
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Application of Nanotechnology in Civil Infrastructure
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.114-119, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.114119
In this paper, use of engineering in building materials on behalf of a spread of applied science mechanism is mentioned. Strength, sturdiness and different properties of materials are significantly affected underneath a scale of nano meter(10-9m).This paper in addition tells however the employment of nano technology makes concrete more stronger, sturdy and additional simply placed. differing kinds of nano materials used are mentioned with its wide applications. The properties like self-sensing, self- treatment, self-structural health watching are studied. Following this the analysis were applied in versatile structural composites together with its improved properties, low repairs coatings, higher properties of building material materials, reduction of the thermal transfer rate of fireside retardation and insulation, varied nanosensors, sensible materials, intellectual construction technology.
Key-Words / Index Term
Civil Infrastructure Application, Nanotechnology properties
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An In-Depth Study of Mobile Computing Devices Applications and Challenges
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.120-124, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.120124
The mobile computing is a computing organization in which a computer and all necessary accessories like files and software are taken outto the field. It is a system of computing through which it is being able to use a computing device even when someone being mobile and therefore changing location. The portability is one of the important aspects of mobile computing. The mobile phones are being used to gather scientific data from remote and isolated places that could not be possible to retrieve by other means. The expertsaremakingtoproceduremobiledevicesand web-based applications to scientifically explore interesting scientific aspects of their surroundings, ranging from climate change, environmental pollution to earthquake monitoring.Thismobilerevolutionempowersnew ideas and innovations to spread out more speedily andefficiently.Herewewilldiscussinbriefabout the mobile computing technology, its guessing, challenges and theapplications.
Key-Words / Index Term
Mobile Computing, Mobile Sensing, Applications
[1]R. Les Cottrell, “The internet, mobile computing and mobile phones in developing countries” published in “m-Science sensing, computing and dissemination” Editors: E. Canessa and M. Zennaro, ICTP (2010), ICTP Science Dissemination Unit
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A. Rajeswari, "An In-Depth Study of Mobile Computing Devices Applications and Challenges", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.120-124, 2019.
Automated Detection of High Exudates and Cotton Wool Spots in Diabetic Retinopathy
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.125-128, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.125128
Diabetic Retinopathy is the damage caused to the retina of the eye due to the diabetes. There are a large number of people, who are suffering from Diabetic Retinopathy that leads to blurring of vision or even blindness, if not treated at an early stage. Hence it is important to detect Diabetic Retinopathy at an earlier stage and provide treatment otherwise it may lead to vision demages. This paper presents to identify or earlier detection of the High Exudates and Cotton Wool Spots in Diabetic Retinopathy through Color transformation and Image Enhancement using FFT.
Key-Words / Index Term
High Exudates ,Cotton Wool Spots,FFT etc
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S. Ponnammal, "Automated Detection of High Exudates and Cotton Wool Spots in Diabetic Retinopathy", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.125-128, 2019.
Survey on Image Compression Techniques
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.129-132, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.129132
The goal of this paper is to survey about various image compression techniques. Image compression is a very important to implement in digital image processing. It is the case of converting an image file in such a way that it consumes smaller space than the original file. Compression technique that reduces the size of an image file without disturbing or degrading its quality to a greater extent. The main intention of the compression is to minimize the amount or unnecessary data.The goal behind is to save the amount of memory required to save the images or to make practical network bandwidth in efficient manner.
Key-Words / Index Term
Image Compression, Run length encoding, Entropy encoding, LZW
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[3]. Mrs.Bhumika Gupta, “Study Of Various Lossless Image Compression Technique”, IJETTCS, volume 2, issue 4, July- August 2013.
[4]. David Jeff Jackson & Sidney Joel Hannah, “Comparative Analysis of image CompressionTechniques,” System Theory 1993, Proceedings SSST ’93, 25th Southeastern Symposium,pp 513-517, 7 –9March 1993.
[5]. Malwinder Kaur, Navdeep Kaur, “A Litreature Survey on Lossless Image Compression”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 3, March 2015.
[6]. Mridul Kumar Mathur, Seema Loonker, Dr. Dheeraj Saxena, “Lossless Huffman Coding Technique For Image Compression And Reconstruction Using Binary Trees”, IJCTA, Vol 3 , Jan-Feb 2012.
[7]. Jagadeesh B, Ankitha Rao, “An approach for Image Compression Using Adaptive Huffman Coding”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 2 Issue 12, December – 2013.
[8]. Xiaoqiang Ma ,Chengdong Xu ,Pengfei Zhang ,Chunsheng Hu, “The Application of the Improved LZW Algorithm in the Data Processing of GNSS Simulation”, Fourth International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences 2012.
[9]. JayavrindaVrindavanam ,SaravananChandran, Gautam K. Mahanti, “A Survey of Image Compression Methods” International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) 2012.
C. Jenifer Kamalin, G. Muthu Lakshmi, "Survey on Image Compression Techniques", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.129-132, 2019.
Natural Language Understanding of Malayalam Language
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.133-138, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.133138
Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is really challenging sub domain of language processing as far as any highly agglutinative and morphologically rich south Indian Languages are concerned. It requires highly complex procedures and techniques to extract its inflections and grammatical information, thereby make a computer to understand the real sense of the language as human beings does. This paper aims not only providing insights into natural language understanding but also gathers information about the various existing techniques in Malayalam Language. Natural language Understanding refers to the understanding of any language by a machine with the help of an intermediate representation. Here we have briefed the various techniques and algorithms used with Morphological Analyzer, POS tagger, chunking, Parsing, Named Entity Recognition, and Word Sense Disambiguation which are the inevitable components for understanding any Natural Language.
Key-Words / Index Term
Natural Language Understanding, Lemmatization, Suffix stripping, Sequence labelling, Stemming, POS tagger, Hidden Markov Model, Support Vector Machine, Morphology, Parsing, Chunking, Sandhi Splitter, Named Entity Recognition, Word Sense Disambiguation
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Suspicious Activity Detection in Surveillance Video Using Fully Convolutional Networks Segmentation
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.08 , pp.139-142, Apr-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7si8.139142
In Recent Years, suspicious activity detection is used to detect traffic in different surveillance videos with high accuracy and high speed in daytime. This surveillance video detection method includes Adaptive Background, Object Modeling, Object Tracking, Activity Recognition, and Segmentation. The semantic segmentation using suspicious activity detection techniques plays a major role in the segmentation of the surveillance video. U-Net is one of the popular Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) which is applicable for image segmentation. This method could found the different anomalies activity from the videos.
Key-Words / Index Term
Segmentation, FCN, Object Modeling, Suspicious Activity Detection, Surveillance Video
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S. Santhiya, T. Ratha Jeyalakshmi, "Suspicious Activity Detection in Surveillance Video Using Fully Convolutional Networks Segmentation", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.08, pp.139-142, 2019.