Feature Selection on High Dimensional Big Data of Gens Expression Using Filter Based Feature Selection Methods
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.105-108, Feb-2019
Feature selection approach solves the dimensionality problem by removing irrelevant and redundant features. Recently, big data is widely available in information systems and data mining has pulled in a major thoughtfulness regarding analysts to transform such information into helpful learning. This implies the presence of low quality, questionable, excess and uproarious information which contrarily influence the way toward watching learning and helpful example. As follows, researchers require related big data utilizing feature selection methods. The process of feature selection is identifying the most relevant attributes and removing the redundant and irrelevant attributes. In this paper, find out the result of different feature selection methods based on a recognized dataset (i.e., gens expression dataset) and classification algorithms were used to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. In this study revealed that feature selection methods are capable to improve the performance of learning algorithms. Still, there are no any single filter based feature selection method is the best. Taken as a whole, Classifier AttEval, CorrelationAttributeEval, Principal Components, and ReliefAttEval methods performed better results than the others.
Key-Words / Index Term
Feature selection, Lung cancer, Gens expression, Classifier, Subset
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A. K. Shrivas, Prem Kumar Chandrakar, "Feature Selection on High Dimensional Big Data of Gens Expression Using Filter Based Feature Selection Methods", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.105-108, 2019.
Phytochemical Screening and In Silico Analysis of Some Crude Stem Extracts against Skin Diseases
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.109-113, Feb-2019
Curcumin is an important phytochemical present in curcuminoids (rhizome plants) essential; for control of skin diseases. The phytochemicals are more in Zingiber officinale followed by Aloe barbadensis, Curcuma longa and Curcuma angustifolia. Amino acids, Proteins, carbohydrates, tanins and terpenoids were almost present in all the selected plants. The plant Curcuma angustifolia aqueous extract has good composition of terpinoids and analysed for in silico studies of Curcumin with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes and Trichophyton rubrum proteins. Curcumin has shown good binding affinity with streptococcal superantigen (SSA) from Streptococcus pyogenes (-90.62 KCal/Mol) followed by exfoliative toxin B in Staphylococcus aureus (-85.01 KCal/Mol) and Aspartate Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase from Trichophyton rubrum (-82.96 KCal/Mol). Curcumin has shown good in silico activities against proteins/ antigens for skin diseases. Further isolation and identification through wetlab studies provide good scope in the field of phytochemistry
Key-Words / Index Term
Phytochemical screening, in silico studies, curcumin
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Surbhi Dubey, Shweta Sao, "Phytochemical Screening and In Silico Analysis of Some Crude Stem Extracts against Skin Diseases", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.109-113, 2019.
Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease using Combination Feature Selection Techniques and Classifiers
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.114-117, Feb-2019
The aim of the study is to predict significant features from dataset of Chronic Kidney Disease features. It represents the data in a tabular and graphical manner to form its clear understanding. This investigation helps in the crucial role of features and experimental features in the CKD dataset and their associations, their dependability for coming up with any classification system. It also shows that how CKD can be diagnosis by exploiting data mining techniques. The Data Mining algorithm is an inspirational force in detecting abnormalities in various data sets and with a good success utilized in various classification and feature selection task. The different kinds of Decision Tree-based classifiers like RF (Random Forest), J48 (C4.5), C5.0, and CART (Classification and Regression Tree) and their ensemble model have experimentally validated CKD dataset and our result is evaluated. Our result representation that the ensemble models classifier reached the most favourable performances on the identification of CKD dataset before and after the feature selection.
Key-Words / Index Term
Chronic Kidney Disease, Feature Selection Techniques, Classification, Random Forest, J48(C4.5), C5.0, CART, Ensemble model, Genetic Search, Greedy Stepwise
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A. K. Shrivas, Sanat Kumar Sahu, "Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease using Combination Feature Selection Techniques and Classifiers", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.114-117, 2019.
Customer Perception towards Shopping Malls in Chennai
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.118-121, Feb-2019
Consumer becomes a customer by a frequency of visits to shopping malls. The main objectives of the study are to identify and examine the perception of customer. Customer perception towards shopping malls in Chennai city is analyzed by the various factors such as ambience of the mall/shop, mall change the life style of consumers, mall enhances the consumer’s belief of want satisfaction, the physical facilities are visually appealing, perception way of shopping, identifying merchandise and convenience.
Key-Words / Index Term
Perception, Shopping Malls
[1] (The mall story 2.0/THE HINDU Business Line/20/09/2017).
[2] J ay D. Lindquist /M.Joseph Sirgy “Consumer Behavior” 2009/Cengage Learning India Private Limited.
[3] Leon G.Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, “Consumer Behavior”2009/Pearson Education, Inc.
[4] Shaphali Gupta (2015)” Effect of Shopping Value on Service Convenience, Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: A Conceptual Framework” , SAMVAD: SIBM Pune Research Journal, Vol X, pp.78-85.
[5] Muzzafar Ahmad Bhat and AmitKumar(2016)” Customer Perception and its Implications in Modern Retail Sector: A Case Study of Big Bazaar”, International Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering, 6.123, Vol. 06, Issue 07, pp. 55-60.
[6] Shashikala.R.Mrs., Dr. A. M. Suresh Vishwakarma (2013)” Consumer Perception of Servicescape in Shopping Malls”, Vishwakarma Business Review, Volume III , 2, pp.68-75.
[7] IoanaNicoletaAbrudan, Dan-CristianDabijaa (2014) “ Emerging Market Queries in Finance and Business Measuring clients` satisfaction toward shopping centers - Empirical evidences from Romania” , Science Direct Procedia Economics and Finance 15, pp. 1243 –1252.
[8] Elangovan. D., Sangeetha. R (2016)” A study on customer’s perception and preferences towards shopping malls in Coimbatore”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp.296-298.
[9] Mullick Naushadul Haque, “Enhancing the image & brand equity of a shopping mall”, Studies in Business and Economics, pp.72-81.
[10] NikamHarshalDnyandeo (2014) “A Study of Factors Affecting on Buying Decisions & Customer Preference towards Phoenix Market city Pune”, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, Volume 2, Issue 12, pp. 60-67.
[11] ThitipannKernsom and Nopadon Sahachaisaeree (2011) “Compostional Design as Sale Strategy: Shopping mall window display”, Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies 1(1), January 2011 (Maiden Issue).
[12] Neelotpaul Banerjee (2012) “A Study on the attractiveness dimensions of shopping malls- An Indian perspective”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol.3 No.2 [Special Issue] 102.
[13] Ala`Eddin Mohammad Khalaf Ahmad (2012)” Attractiveness Factors Influencing Shoppers’ Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Word of Mouth: An Empirical Investigation of Saudi Arabia -Shopping Malls”, International Journal of Business Administration Vol. 3, No. 6; pp.101-112.
K.Girija, G.Ravi, "Customer Perception towards Shopping Malls in Chennai", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.118-121, 2019.
A Review on Impact of Deceptive Advertisement on Consumer Behaviour
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.122-124, Feb-2019
An influential tool nowadays for any organization is Advertisement, as it not only helps in communicating the information to the customers about new product launched in the market but also induces them to purchase them. Companies usually follow unethical means to advertise their products, the term used for it is Misleading Advertisements. Misleading or false Advertisements is the use of wrong statements in advertisements for influencing customers to purchase the products, but it may negatively impact many customers. Many governments around the world use regulations and frame policies to control false and misleading advertisements, as advertisements have the potential to induce customers to buy products. The concept of the advertisements was that all the necessary information related to the product should be provided to customers using a global media that is the advertisement. This study is conducted to comprehend the impact of advertisements on customers using Medias and what can be done to improve the effectiveness.
Key-Words / Index Term
Deceptive, Advertisement, Consumer Behaviour
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P. Shukla, B.Karmakar, "A Review on Impact of Deceptive Advertisement on Consumer Behaviour", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.122-124, 2019.
Application of Cat Swarm Optimization for Recognition of Handwritten Numerals
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.125-130, Feb-2019
Accurate recognition of optical handwritten numeral is still an open and demanding problem in present digital world. The basic objective of the present work is to develop a novel method for recognition of off line unconstrained handwritten Odia numeral using curvature feature and functional link artificial neural network (FLANN) based cat swarm optimization (CSO) technique. In this paper preprocessing and feature extraction steps are carried out before the recognition of numerals. For feature extraction curvature based approach is applied. For recognition of handwritten Odia numeral hybrid architecture has been proposed where the classification task is performed by FLANN classifier and cat swarm optimization is used for finding a suitable set of weights for the FLANN classifier. The proposed model is evaluated on database consisting of 4000 number of handwritten Odia numerals. The combined effect of curvature based feature extraction approach and FLANN based cat swarm optimization technique yielded a high accuracy which exhibits the effectiveness of CSO based FLANN optimization model (FLANN-CSO) for recognition of Odia handwritten numerals.
Key-Words / Index Term
Odia numeral recognition, FLANN, CSO, Preprocessing, Feature extraction, classification
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Puspalata Pujari, Babita Majhi, "Application of Cat Swarm Optimization for Recognition of Handwritten Numerals", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.125-130, 2019.
Review of Big Data Science and its relation with Cloud Technology
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.131-133, Feb-2019
Big data science is the new emerging term in the field of computer technology. During the emergence of computer science the database is used to store the data but with the emergence of social networking sites the data is generated exponentially that is not able to store in the conventional method of storage so the new technology is derived that is used to store data in cloud technology. Cloud technology is a technology that is used to store data in a safe and secure manner. And it also gives the opportunity to use the data when required. We can mine the data with data mining algorithm and take decisions on the basis of that data.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Technology, Big data, Virtualization
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R. Milan, K.K. Pandey, D. Shukla, "Review of Big Data Science and its relation with Cloud Technology", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.131-133, 2019.
A Study on The Factors That Influence the Acceptance of LMS’s In Higher Educational Institution’s
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.134-140, Feb-2019
This study is designed to investigate the acceptance of Learning Management Systems (Moodle) in Higher Educational Institutions (HEI’s) of Oman. Due to the technological developments the importance of using learning Management system in Higher Educational Institutes (HEI’s) are increasing day by day. This study is to investigate the acceptance of Learning Management Systems in different HEI’s of Sultanate of Oman. To investigate the factors that influence the use of LMS’s in HEI’s the 5-point likert questionnaire has been made and distributed electronically through e-mail and Social media applications. The questionnaire sent to the students of different HEI’s of Sultanate. Data were collected from 137 respondents belongs to various HEI’s in which 132 are the valid responses. The questionnaire consists of 5 demographic question and 13 survey questions. The variables used in this research are perceived playfulness, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use, attitude, and intention to use. The research is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The Structural equation modelling (SEM) technique is used to evaluate the causal model and to extreme the validity of model. This research paper tested the 7 hypotheses.
Key-Words / Index Term
Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), Higher Educational Institutions, learning Management system, E-mail, Technology acceptance model, Structural equation modelling
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Ashish, "A Study on The Factors That Influence the Acceptance of LMS’s In Higher Educational Institution’s", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.134-140, 2019.
Current System of Banking: An Analysis in Reference of Capital Raipur of Chhattisgarh State
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.141-144, Feb-2019
The proposed work is based on questionnaire base primary data and its analysis through numerically and linguistically terminology. The resultant is found as banking is an optimized principle known by the public as per essential but not as generalized. This paper proposed a new model of banking for the future prospective. We presented a new function based on economical & transaction application. There are some variants in banking found in the paper. These e variants will be formulated for the future banking is suggested as the resultant.
Key-Words / Index Term
questionaire, banking, numerically, linguistically
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Ruchi Gupta, Sunil Kumar Kashyap, "Current System of Banking: An Analysis in Reference of Capital Raipur of Chhattisgarh State", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.141-144, 2019.
A Fault Tolerant Model for Geometric Patterns of Swarm Agents
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.03 , pp.145-151, Feb-2019
Swarm robotics is based on the characteristics displayed by the insects and their colony and is applied to solve real world problems utilizing multi-robot systems. Research in this field has demonstrated the ability of such robot systems to assemble, inspect, disperse, aggregate and follow trails. A set of mobile and self-sufficient robots which has very restricted capabilities can form intricate patterns in the environment they inhabit. However, coordination of multiple robots to accomplish such tasks remains a challenging problem. Pattern formation is one of typical problems in the field of multi-robot cooperation. Compare to traditional multi-robot coordination algorithm, the method based on swarm robots to solve the issue of pattern formation has better scalability and dynamic adaptability and robustness. The swarm robots have only local perception and very limited local communication abilities, so one of the challenging tasks while designing swarm robotic systems with desired collective behaviour is to understand the effect of individual behaviour on the group performance. So fault tolerance is another issue to deal with. This paper reviews the background knowledge and some noticeable achievements in the field of pattern formation and fault tolerance.
Key-Words / Index Term
Swarm robotics, pattern formation, swarm intelligence, particle swarm intelligence, fault tolerance
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S.K. Rakesh, M. Shrivastava, "A Fault Tolerant Model for Geometric Patterns of Swarm Agents", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.03, pp.145-151, 2019.