Examination on Various Mining Techniques used in Healthcare Field for the Best Decision Making
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.98-101, Jan-2019
One among the quickest developing fields is health care industry. The medical industry contains vast measure of medical data which would not be "mined". The mined data helps in finding the shrouded data. Broad measure of data in medical database require the advancement of devices which are utilized to get to the data, examine the data, learning disclosure, and effective utilization of the put away information and data. The medical industry have huge measure of data gathered about the patient including the subtleties, determination and prescriptions. Transforming these data into valuable example helps in foreseeing with the new medications and medicines. This aides in the better analysis and therapy where the patients can achieve the great QoS (Nature of Administration). This paper includes the diverse data mining and warehousing procedures utilized in healthcare field for the best basic leadership.
Key-Words / Index Term
Medical Industry, Health Care, Warehousing
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J. Lavanya, "Examination on Various Mining Techniques used in Healthcare Field for the Best Decision Making", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.98-101, 2019.
Web Acceptance Mining Based Web Advocacy Systems-A Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.102-106, Jan-2019
Data mining for Web intelligence leads to formulate the Web a richer, friendlier, and more intelligent resource for users sharing and exploring. Web acceptance mining has become the accountable of all-embracing research, as its abeyant for Web-based alone services, anticipation of user abreast approaching intentions, adaptive Web sites, and chump profiling are recognized. In recent times, an array of advocacy systems to adumbrate user approaching movements through Web acceptance mining accept been proposed. Nevertheless, the superior of recommendations in the accepted systems to adumbrate user approaching requests in an accurate website is beneath satisfaction. Diverse efforts accept been fabricated to abode the botheration of advice afflict on the Internet. Web advocacy systems based on web acceptance mining try to abundance users behavior patterns from web admission logs, and acclaim pages to the online user by analogous the user’s browsing behavior with the mined actual behavior patterns.
Key-Words / Index Term
Web Acceptance Mining, Web advocacy, Web Log, Web Personalization
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P. Manivel, "Web Acceptance Mining Based Web Advocacy Systems-A Review", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.102-106, 2019.
A Study of Fuzzy Minimum Spanning Trees Using Prufer Sequences
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.107-110, Jan-2019
The fuzzy minimum spanning tree (FMST) problem, where the arc costs have fuzzy values, is one of the most studied problems in fuzzy sets and systems area. In this paper, we concentrate on an FMST problem on aPrufer sequence in which instead of a real number, is assigned to each arc length. The fuzzy Prufer sequences are able to represent the uncertainty in the arc costs of the fuzzy minimum spanning tree. Two key matters need to be addressed in FMST problem with fuzzy numbers. The other is how to determine the addition of edges to find out the cost of the FMST. The definite integration representation of fuzzy numbers is used here to solve these problems. A famous sequence to solve the minimum spanning tree problem is Prufer sequences, where uncertainty is not considered, i.e., specific values of arc lengths are provided. A fuzzy version of classical Prufer sequences is introduced in this paper to solve the FMST problem in the fuzzy environment. We use the concept of definite integration representation of the fuzzy numbers in the proposed algorithm.
Key-Words / Index Term
Fuzzy Minimum spanning tree problem, fuzzy number, Prufer sequences
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M.Vijaya, B. Mohanapriyaa, "A Study of Fuzzy Minimum Spanning Trees Using Prufer Sequences", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.107-110, 2019.
Frequent Mining Techniques In Bigdata : Study
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.111-116, Jan-2019
Big data is a collection of large amount of data with various types of data and usable to be processed at much higher frequency. Frequent Itemset Mining is one of the classical data mining problems in most of the data mining applications in big data era. In data mining, association rule mining is key technique for discovering useful patterns from large collection of data. Frequent itemset mining is a famous step of association rule mining. Many efficient pattern mining algorithms have been discovered in the last two decades, yet most do not hold good for Big Dataset. In association rule mining (ARM) a Frequent Itemset Mining (FIM) is a well-known step. In last two decades, many efficient pattern mining algorithms have been discovered, up till now most do not hold good for Big Dataset. The Apriori, FP-growth and Eclat algorithms are the most famous algorithms which can be used for Frequent Pattern mining. However, these parallel mining algorithms lack features like automated parallelization, fine load balancing, and distribution of data on large clusters. To overcome these problems various parallelized approaches using Hadoop MapReduce model are developed to perform frequent itemsets mining from big data. This paper gives overall study about frequent pattern mining in big data.
Key-Words / Index Term
Big data, Pattern Mining, Frequent Itemset Mining, Data Mining, ItemSets
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Muthamiz Selvi, P. Srivaramangai, "Frequent Mining Techniques In Bigdata : Study", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.111-116, 2019.
Cloud Security System With Sequel Homomorphic Encryption and Diffie-Hellman Algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.117-120, Jan-2019
A set of resources and services offered over the Internet, is called cloud computing. These computing services are delivered from data centers located across the world. Cloud computing consumers benefited by providing virtual resources via internet such as Platform, Infrastructure and Software as a Service. The consequential challenge in cloud computing are the privacy and security issues caused by its multi-tenancy nature and the outsourcing of infrastructure, sensitive data. It is available on Pay-Per-Use model. Various malicious activities from illegal users have threatened this technology such as data misuse, inflexible access control mechanism. The occurrence of these threats may result into spoil or illegal access of critical and private data of end user and business user. In this paper, we identify the most vulnerable security issues or attribute in cloud computing architecture, which will enable both end users and vendors to know about the key security threats associated with cloud computing and propose relevant solution directives to strengthen security in the cloud computing environment. We propose secure cloud architecture by using sequel homomorphic encryption scheme with diffie-hellman algorithm for organizations to strengthen the security mechanism.
Key-Words / Index Term
[1] Aditi Soral, “Achieving Fully Homomorphic Encryption in Security -A Survey”, SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (SSRG-IJCSE) , Vol.3, Issue.2, pp. 2348 – 8387.
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K Kuppuswamy, M.R. Nagarajan, "Cloud Security System With Sequel Homomorphic Encryption and Diffie-Hellman Algorithm", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.117-120, 2019.
Analysis of Intrusion Detection System in Data mining
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.121-125, Jan-2019
It ends up being logically basic to separate interferences with cloud precedents to guarantee our business from digital psychological warfare dangers. This paper presents information digging advances planned therefore; SmartSifter (special case area engine), ChangeFinder, AccessTracer. All of them can learn quantifiable instances of logs adaptively and to perceive interferences as verifiable characteristics concerning the insightful precedents. We rapidly graph the measures of these engines and demonstrate their applications to sort out intrusion distinguishing proof, worm revelation, and impostor acknowledgment.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data mining, Security, IDS
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P. Mangaiyakarasi, "Analysis of Intrusion Detection System in Data mining", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.121-125, 2019.
A Novel Approach for Security in Cloud Environment
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.126-133, Jan-2019
Cloud registering is one of the present most energizing advances, since it can lessen the expense and intricacy of uses, and it is adaptable and versatile. These advantages changed cloud registering from a marvelous thought into one of the quickest developing innovations today. As a matter of fact, virtualization technology is based on virtualization technology which is an old technology and has had security issues that must be tended to before cloud technology is influenced by them. What`s more, the virtualization technology has limit security abilities so as to anchor wide zone condition, for example, the cloud. Along these lines, the improvement of a powerful security framework requires changes in conventional virtualization engineering. This paper proposes new security design in a hypervisor-based virtualization technology so as to anchor the cloud condition.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Computing, Threats, Attack
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M. Prithika, "A Novel Approach for Security in Cloud Environment", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.126-133, 2019.
Data Protection Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.134-138, Jan-2019
Cloud computing is a network-based service that provide sharing of resources such as virtual machine, storage, network, software and applications etc. It helps to reduce capital costs since that cloud users only need to rent resources according to their requirements and pay the services they use. It is very flexible since users can access its service in any place through intranet. However, a variety of security concerns such as integrity, availability and privacy act as barriers for cloud users to adopt the cloud service. Among all of these concerns, security of data is key concern holding back cloud adoption for individual or companies. The main purpose of this paper will introduce a method to protect data by using Elliptic Curve cryptography algorithm, how this algorithm works, and using ECC in data security of cloud computing.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Computing, Security, Algorithm, Elliptic Curve, Challenges, Encryption, Decryption
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A Literature Survey on Internet of Things security issues
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.139-141, Jan-2019
In day-to-day life, IoT plays a major role . The functionality of IoT is deployed in hospitals, banking sector and also in homes. The work of IoT starts from preventing fires at homes and also supports for the changes in environment. Apart from those benefits, security and privacy is also considering factor. In terms of IoT, the devices connected may not be of the same type which includes type of devices, network used , protocols followed etc. When such variations occur, the security issues cannot be considered in general. Based on the type of device, the security concern has to be independent. An Analysis of various existing protocols and mechanisms are discussed to secure communications in IoT applications. In this paper, Survey of various heterogeneous devices connected to IoT and the security issues related to IoT applications are discussed. Such a survey will be helpful in identification of security issues for different types of IoT applications.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of Things, Security, Privacy
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V. Suganthi, P.K. ManojKumar, "A Literature Survey on Internet of Things security issues", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.139-141, 2019.
A Survey On Network Layer Attack Detection And Isolation Techniques In MANET
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.142-145, Jan-2019
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is an emerging trend through self configuring independent network environment consists of nodes and links. Due to this spontaneous configuring nature, it is more vulnerable to many attacks. Security is the vital concern in MANET. There are lot of attack strategies are vulnerable in the MANET. In this various attacks, the network layer attacks cause more vigorous. In network layer, the nodes are connected with the nodes in that range and the network formation and data transmission will be done through the multi hop wireless based routing scheme. The detection and mitigation of these attacks makes more complex when it deals with the n number of nodes and links. The detection and mitigation techniques are developed to isolate the attacks and not to make any impact to the legitimate nodes. This paper describes the network layer attacks and its detection and mitigation strategies with their performance. In this paper, the detection strategies are also compared with one another through the results provided from the references.
Key-Words / Index Term
MANET, Attack Detection and Mitigation
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R. Sujatha, P. Srivaramangai , "A Survey On Network Layer Attack Detection And Isolation Techniques In MANET", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.142-145, 2019.