Vehicle Emergency Service System
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.36-38, May-2019
The system of vehicle repair service is a problem that needs to research on the location of repair centres according to the service needs and available resource based on the maximal covering location and priority queuing theory. Considering the effect of waiting time due to rush jobs, this project proposes a model that maximizes the service covering, and restrains. Service level of uncovered zones. As we see people facing many problems related to vehicles and Most of the people use network services and offering online application service in order to create more benefit for users as well as service provider. So we will build the application of Management system with notification using app will be developed to resolve all the current problem related to the vehicle. Using which the person who is looking for vehicle repair service will get all the facilities of the vehicle in their own location. The scope of this project will focus on the user and service provider who will use this application via online service. This project will also be implemented in small stores. The proposed system will save the efforts and time of a user as well as improve the growth of employment.
Key-Words / Index Term
VESS, Location service
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Suwarna Wanarkar, Rohit Mahajan, Anjali Kungwani, Shruti Shende, "Vehicle Emergency Service System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.12, pp.36-38, 2019.
Automatic Toll Collection System (ATCS)
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.39-42, May-2019
A automatic toll collection systems have really helped a lot in reducing the heavy congestion caused in the metropolitan cities of today. It is one of the easiest methods used to organize the heavy flow of traffic. The system thus installed is quite expedient reducing the time and cost of the travelers. An automatic toll collection system is an advanced system. It is based on IOT and is fully automated. The system will use a raspberry pi board to control the hardware. Toll collection is considered as a hectic task. The collection of toll is a tedious as well as big task to do. The toll amount is to be paid by users manually. To do it in an easy way automatic toll collection system is introduced. This system will make the task of toll collection easy. The payment of toll will be done online with the ease of users. And when the vehicle will approach the toll center the camera will capture license plate and the amount will be deducted direct from user’s account. Through this approach the system will be fully automated.
Key-Words / Index Term
ATCS, Automatic toll collection, Image processing, Toll Authorities, Prepaid Account, Toll collection.
[1]. IJCSMC, Vol. 4, Issue. 2, February 2015, pg.216 – 224 Automated Toll Cash Collection System for Road Transportation. Ms. Galande S.D. UG Student, S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, Pune, MH, Mr. Oswal S.J. UG Student, S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, Pune, MH, India.
[2]. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278-8727Volume 9, Issue 2 (Jan. - Feb. 2013), PP 61-66 Automated Toll Collection System Using RFID. Pranoti Salunke, Poonam Malle, Kirti Datir, Jayshree Dukale.
[3]. IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011. Design of an Optical Character Recognition System for Camera based Handheld Devices. Ayatullah Faruk Mollah1, Nabamita Majumder, Subhadip Basu and Mita Nasipuri.
[4]. International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 2, Issue 3, 2015. Raspberry Pi Technology: A Review Harshada Chaudhari.
[5]. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Electronic toll collection system using passive RFID. PKHADIJAH KAMARULAZIZI, PDR.WIDAD ISMAIL.
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[7]. S.Lauren, B. Mariko (2007, June 20). Electronic Toll Collection [Online].
[8]. C.M.Roberts, "Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)," Computers Security,Elsevier, 2006.
[9]. P. Khali, C.W. Michael, H. Shahriyar "Toll Collection Technology and Best Practices", Project
0-5217: Vehicle/License Plate Identification for Toll Collection Application, January 2007.
Rajiv Israni, Damini Tichkule, Bhavna Gopchandani, "Automatic Toll Collection System (ATCS)", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.12, pp.39-42, 2019.
Smart parking system
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.43-45, May-2019
Parking issue is a big challenge to facilitate traffic network and ensure city life quality. Searching for parking space in most city area especially during the rush hour is difficult. For device the difficulty arises from not knowing where the parking space is available. This paper presents a review of various techniques which are already implemented to solve the parking issue. This paper also presents a mechanism to solve the issues. The aim of this project is to provide a user friendly reliable parking system application. The common method of finding parking space is manual where the driver usually find space in street through luck and experience this process take time and efforts and may lead to the worst case of failing to find parking space for the driver if driver is driving in the city with high vehicle density. Smart parking system typically obtains information about availability of parking space in nearby area and process real time data to place vehicle at available position. Smart parking system uses mobile application for automated mobile payments. Smart parking system is useful to solve the issue of parking traffic congestion.
Key-Words / Index Term
User Module ,Parking Space Module ,Real Time Data Module ,Booking Module ,Bill Generation And Payment Module
[1]. G.Revthi and V.R.Sarma Dhulipala‘Smart parking system and sensor :A Survey’ Anna University of Technology ,Tiruchirapalli ,Tamilnalu India.
[2]. Dr. V.Kepuska ,Humaid alshamsi ‘Smart Car Parking System’ Florida Institute of Technology ,Melbourne FL,USA 3. A.L.C.De Cerreo ,”The Dynamic Of -Street parking in large central cities “,Transportation research record ,new York university Robert F. F.Wagner gradute school of public service ,2002.
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[5]. Gaurav ,kate ,et al. Android Application for S-park System . International Journal of research in Engineering and Technology 4.10(2015):107-110.print.
[6]. S.Yasunobu ,K.Kinoshita ,Development Of Intelligent parking support system for Welfare “;IEEE International Symposium on computational intelligence in robotics and automation ,pp.682-687,16-20july 2003 .
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Shubhangi Gawande, Shital Kamle, "Smart parking system", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.12, pp.43-45, 2019.
Removal of duplicate image on What’s App media
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.46-48, May-2019
An extreme transaction of what is the application that is multiple files duplicated or replicated. Where complete documents can be offered in different formats such as JPG, JPEG, PNG. These files can be copied to avoid delays / consumption of data to provide failover. The large databases of what application files stored in the effort to declassify with receiving folders. Copies of files are abundant in images in databases. In our discussion on the social network imaging line (What’s App), over 60% of the total data are exact duplicates. Due to re-sending by friends with connected together. In this algorithm to detect replicated files before storing them in the local database, check with a given hash index, which is more important in applications where What’s App data sources or groups of links received from many friends. Duplicating file deduction is very necessary to reduce consumption data at runtime, to improve data storage capacity with greater accuracy
Key-Words / Index Term
Detecting Duplicate, Copying Database Storing, Data Consumption, what’s app.
[1]. BRODER, A., GLASSMAN, S., MANASSE, S., AND ZWEIG, G. “Syntactic clustering of the web”, In Proceedings of the Sixth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW6’97) (Santa Clara, CA, April). 391–404.
[2]. GeorgiosKontaxis, IasonasPolakis, Sotiris Ioannidis and Evangels P. Mankato’s, “Detecting Social Network Profile Cloning”, 3rd International Workshop on Security and Social Networking, IEEE, 2011.
[3].SonaSahu, Prof. AditySinha Department of CSE, BITS, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India Sensing Identical Files and Eliminating SHA Base Algorithm (SIFE-SBA) for WhatApps.
[4]LavanyaPamulaparty Dr. C.V. Guru Rao Dr. M. SreenivasaRao, “LSBSM: A Novel Method for Identification of Near Duplicates in Web Documents”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017
[5]. Good child, M., and Gopal, S. (Eds.),, “Accuracy of Spatial Databases”, Taylor & Francis, London. 1989.
Harshada Atkar, Komal Satikosare, Sanjana Panjwani, "Removal of duplicate image on What’s App media", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.12, pp.46-48, 2019.
Automated upper dipper by Sensing light intensity
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.49-52, May-2019
Automatic upper dipper using light dependent resistor(LDR) while driving a vehicle in the night many drivers do not dip the head lamps of their vehicles in night while approaching. Several switching operation is used to dip the head light which may distract the concentration. one of the essential safety feature that need to be installed is automatic upper dipper control of headlight. Headlight of vehicles pose a great danger during night driving. The drivers of most vehicles use high, bright beam while driving at night. This causes a discomfort to the person travelling from the opposite direction and therefore experiences a sudden glare for a short time this is caused high intense headlight beam from the other vehicle coming towards the one from the opposite direction. In this project an automatic headlight dimmer which use a light dependent system (LDR) sensor has been designed to dim the headlight of on-coming vehicles to avoid human eye effected. This automatically switches the high beam into low beam, therefore reducing the glare effect by sensing the light intensity value approaching vehicle and also eliminates the requirement of manual switching by the driver which was not done at all time.
Key-Words / Index Term
Automatic control, headlight ,upper , dipper
[2] Udaya Sharma1 , Deepak Rasaily 2 , Tashi Rapden Wangchuk, 3 Ankita Pradhan 4 Kiratti Upashna ,”Automatic Dipper Circuit for Vechicle using AT89S52 Microcontroller” IJETT – Volume 33 Number 8- March 2016
[4] [5]
[7] basics/poles-and-throws-open-and-closed
[8]D. Roy Choudhary, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, 4th ed. New Age International Publishers ,p p 311-31
Chandni Raut, Komal Dhok, Parul Jha, "Automated upper dipper by Sensing light intensity", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.12, pp.49-52, 2019.
Business-To-Business E-Commerce with Open Buying On the Internet
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.53-55, May-2019
Internet based e-Commerce is flourishing, but mostly in the Business-to-Consumer world. The lack of well- accepted standards is hindering the success in promoting Business-to-Business e-Commerce solutions. Open Buying on the Internet standard is one of the promising efforts in bringing business-to- business e-Commerce into corporate purchasing. Today we have various options to buy a product online but sometime we pay more than the price of product and we found similar products in local market in less price. The only difficulty is to search for the product in local market. The only option is to visit each and every shop in local market to buy a particular product. Buying products online sometime leads as to very bad shopping experience and we face many problems related to return policy provided by the seller but buying from local market is something leads us to a good hands on experience on the products and its demo so we don’t have to worry about product quality The plus point of local market purchasing is ‘Bargain’. The only thing is matter is we have to search a lot for buying a product from local market because there are no way where we get all the details in one place. To overcome this problem we provide a solution where local seller show their products and details in category wise and user browse through it and then purchase it from the shop by visiting it.
Key-Words / Index Term
Main objective is allows local sellers for online purchasing platform using java technology
[1]. OBI Consortium, “Open Buying on the Internet (OBI) Standard, release V1.0”, May 1997
[2]. OBI Consortium, “Open Buying on the Internet (OBI) Technical Specifications, release V1.1”, June 1998
[3]. Junchen Li, “A Case Study of Alibaba and Tecent”, PKU Business Review, Nov, 2007, pp.133-134 (in Chinese).
[4]. Xiaohong Wang, Liwei Li, Ling Tian and JinghaiAo, “Business to consumer e-commerce enterprises analysis: A case study of”, Proc. 2008 International Seminar on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering (FITME 2008),IEEE Press, Dec. 2008, pp.98-101, doi:10.1109/FITME.2008.31.
[5]. FenheZhi, Ling Tian, JinghaiAo and Daozhi Chen, “Witkey Model E-commerce Enterprises Analysis: a Case Study of”, Proc. The Eight Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (WHICEB
2009), Alfred University Press, May 2009, pp.416-419.
Almas Fatema Khan, Mona Mulchandani, "Business-To-Business E-Commerce with Open Buying On the Internet", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.12, pp.53-55, 2019.
Secure Authentication For Data Protection In Cloud Computing Using color schemes
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.56-58, May-2019
Due increase in the usage of cloud based systems there is an increase in the amount of information on the cloud and as a result there is need for confidentiality. Most common method used for authentication is textual password. But these passwords are susceptible to shoulder surfing, dictionary attack, eavesdropping. Generally the passwords tend to follow patterns that are easier for attackers to guess. A literature survey shows that text-based password suffer this security problem. Pictographic passwords are provided as replacement to text based passwords. Pictographic passwords may prone to shoulder surfing. Pictographic passwords may suffer with the usability issue. This paper uses color code authentication which provides two step authentication to the user. Each time user logged in with generated one time password. This scheme is tested with different kinds of security attacks. User has to memorize only the sequence of three colors and three shades selected at the time of registration. This scheme is useful for secure authentication method for data protection on cloud.
Key-Words / Index Term
cloud; textual password; graphical password; pictographic; authentication; challenge response
[1] Morris, Robert, and Ken Thompson. "Password security: A case history." Communications of the ACM 22.11 (1979): 594-597.
[2] Blonder, G. "United States Patent 5559961." Graphical Passwords (1996).
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Gulafshan Shaikh Hasan, Pranjal Dhore, Monali Gulhane, "Secure Authentication For Data Protection In Cloud Computing Using color schemes", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.12, pp.56-58, 2019.
Secure Image Deduplication Using DICE Protocol for Reducing Storage Cost
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.59-62, May-2019
Data deduplication is an important aspect for Cloud Storage Providers (CSPs) since it allows them to remove the identical data from their storage successfully. Some techniques have been proposed in the literature for this research area. Among these techniques, the Message Locked Encryption (MLE) scheme is frequently mentioned. Researchers have introduced Message locked Encryption based protocols which provide secured deduplication of data, where the data is in text form. As a result, multimedia data such as images, which are larger in size compared to text files, have not been given much attention. Applying secured data deduplication to such data files could significantly reduce the cost and space required for their storage. This helps in reducing maintenance cost as well for the storage providers. There are several other techniques for Data deduplication. Few of those techniques are as follows SPSD (Secure Perceptual Similarity Deduplication), CSPD (Client Based Secure Provable Deduplication), Image Compression.
Key-Words / Index Term
Image Deduplication, Data Security, Cloud Storage
[1]. Ashish Agarwala, Priyanka Singh, Pradeep K. Atrey, “Client Side Secure Image Deduplication Using DICE Protocol” in 2018 IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval, New York
[2]. A. Agarwala, P. Singh, and P. K. Atrey, “DICE: A dual
integrity convergent encryption protocol for client side secure data deduplication,” in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Banff, Canada, 2017, pp.2176–2181.
[3]. M. Bellare, S. Keelveedhi, and T. Ristenpart, “Messagelocked encryption and secure deduplication,” in Advances in Cryptology – 32nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Athens, Greece, 2013, pp. 296–312.
[4]. F. Rashid, A. Miri, and I. Woungang, “Secure image deduplication through image compression,” J. Inf. Secur. Appl.vol. 27, no. C, pp. 54–64, 2016.
[5]. D. Li, C. Yang, C. Li, Q. Jiang, X. Chen, J. Ma, and J. Ren, “A client-based secure deduplication of multimedia data,” in IEEE International Conference on communications, Paris, France, 2017, pp. 1–6
[6]. X. Li, J. Li, and F. Huang, “A secure cloud storage system supporting privacy-preserving fuzzy deduplication,” Soft Computing, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1437–1448, 2016.
[7]. Mihir Bellare, Sriram Keelveedhi, Thomas Ristenpart, ” Message-Locked Encryption and Secure Deduplication” Eurocrypt 2013.
[8]. M. Bellare and S. Keelveedhi, “Interactive message-locked encryption and secure deduplication,” in Public-Key Cryptography – 18th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 2015, pp. 516–538.
[9]. E. Torres, G. Callou, G. Alves, J. Accioly, and H. Gustavo, “Storage services in private clouds: Analysis, performance and availability modeling,” in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, Budapest, Hungary, 2016, pp. 3288–3293.
Ketakee Dangre, Amit Pampatwar, Raana Syeda, "Secure Image Deduplication Using DICE Protocol for Reducing Storage Cost", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.12, pp.59-62, 2019.
Improving Forecasting Efficiency Using Machine Learning and IoT
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.63-66, May-2019
Forecasting can be defined as prediction of what is going to happen in the future by analyzing the past and current available data. It can be done for power, weather, business, company management, economics, investors etc. Although it varies based on the area for which it is going to be applied. Forecasting has technical and business impacts. If it is not done properly, it can cause inefficient usage of resources. In traditional load forecasting, predicting future demands is a quite time consuming and sometimes it results in the incorrect output. To overcome these challenges, new generation technologies should be utilized such as internet of things, cloud computing, and machine learning. It can also help in improving existing established systems. The purpose of this study paper is to know, participation of new technologies in improving the efficiency of forecasting. Forecasting using machine-learning and IoT would really help to achieve high forecast accuracy. In machine learning forecasting, processors learn from mining loads of cloud data without human intervention to fulfill the demand. While doing this paper, by the manner of literature review, first, the trend of improvement, diversification and the new characteristics of the system will be evaluated. Then, the forecasting technology will be reviewed and analyzed from two different aspects, elementary analysis and application research. This review paper study will help to create a new system idea that would provide more accurate forecasting with reduction in time consumption.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of Things, machine learning, cloud data, forecasting, load
[1] A. Yousuf Saber, “IoT based Online Load Forecasting”, 2017 Ninth Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference, Denver, CO, USA 978-1-5090-4535-8, 2017.
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Manisha Gaidhane, Mona Mulchandani, Priyanka Dudhe, "Improving Forecasting Efficiency Using Machine Learning and IoT", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.12, pp.63-66, 2019.
Review on Mobile Application for E-Land Information System
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.12 , pp.67-70, May-2019
The proposed system describes “penetration of mobile phones has been incredible and has reached every nook and the corner of the country and has laid the foundation for economic growth, social empowerment and grassroots innovations. Mobile phone has permanently transformed the socio economic strata of the society. Mobile phone has allowed a lot of application to be developed and implemented for the benefit of the society. The smart phones have opened a plethora of opportunities and one such area is the land office which caters to provide and regulate the details of land, its sale and purchase etc. A mobile application can be developed which allows the smart phone user to obtain the land record and the details of the owner’s that to at the touch of the finger. This application can simplify the land office functioning and allows the user to get the information about the land at the comfort of his home instead of going to the land record office and struggle to get a piece of information”. Mobile communication technology has quickly become the world’s most common way of transmitting voice, data, and services in the developing world and given this change the mobile applications (Android Apps) in general have a tremendous potential to provide access to information to millions of people that to in a hassle free manner. The mobile system has allowed developing GPS based application for navigation and mapping and easily provides the location information from anywhere. The Land Map Android Application & Web Server are proposed in this work which is capable of providing land information along with the owner certificates.
Key-Words / Index Term
Mobile E-land application, Android, Global position system (GPS), Google Maps
[1] Vikky, EkoSediyono and AdiSetiawan. “Analysis ofLand Area Caltulation Using of GPS Technology. “, Vol. 9, No. 1, Juli 2017[ 978-1-5090-1648-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE]
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