Sanchar Kranti Yojana : An accelerator Program to connect Rural Sector to IT/Telecom sector with reference to Chhattisgarh State
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.49-52, May-2019
The Chhattisgarh state government has launched a new scheme in the state to fascilitate people with Smartphone. To remove the digital inequality among the inhabitants, the state government has decided to disrtibute Smartphone among the citizens of the state for free. The scheme namely Sanchar Kranti Yojna (SKY) is been implemented in august-september 2018. A new committee is formed by Chief Secretary to implement this SKY scheme across the state. The main objective of the scheme is to connect rural people through internet and also to encourage people to go cashless, make digital payments and also receive payments through net transfer. In this paper, the SKY scheme is focused which is recently launched with its positive and negative impact on people from rural area. This paper discusses the motivation, working, specification and achievements of the SKY scheme.
Key-Words / Index Term
Sanchar Kranti Yojna, Chhattisgarh, Rural, Urban, IT sector
[1] /chhattisgarh-sanchar-kranti-scheme-2018
[2] smartphone-scheme-hindi
[3] registration-chhattisgarh/
[4] free-smartphone-bpl
[5] smartphone-due-to-no-network-in-cg-3587310
[8] Pradhan, K C (2013): “Unacknowledged Urbanization: New Census Towns of India,” Economic & Political Weekly, Vol 48, No 36, pp 43-51.
[9] Chand, R and S K Srivastava (2014): “Changes in the rural labour market and their Implication for Agriculture,” Economic & Political Weekly, Vol 49, No 10, pp 47-54.
[10] Aggarwal, A and N Kumar (2012): “Structural Change, Industrialization and Poverty Reduction: The Case of India,” Development Papers 1206, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), United Nations, South and South-West Asia Office, New Delhi.
Gouri Upadhyay, "Sanchar Kranti Yojana : An accelerator Program to connect Rural Sector to IT/Telecom sector with reference to Chhattisgarh State", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.49-52, 2019.
The Thought of Smart villages based on Internet of Things and WSN
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.53-57, May-2019
the plan of Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Network is the expectations vision of technology. The basis following its working be the merger of network, web server, mobile and data or Information and connections tools. It enables a variety of devices or strategy in a scheme to converse and act together through every new to carry out their job in a pleasant-sounding method [27]. and the Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are work of fiction major wireless networks with the meaning and consist of distributed, low-power, small-size policy using sensors to helpfully bring together information from beginning to end infrastructure less ad-hoc wireless network[16] The rising population of the world makes it essential to smooth the progress of the cities and villages to role in a smart way. Hence, the thought or design of Smart cities came addicted to organism. These cities utilize the information or data from sensors and using a wireless sensor network technology, other remote devices and evaluate the data to take suitable events. This paper extends the plan of Smart cities to Smart villages and using an IoT and WSN. It focuses resting on the key areas of concern in the village viewpoint and evaluates the applications of IoT and WSN in those areas. It provides a wide-ranging vision in the midst of high opinion to development in the quality or excellence of life in villages or cities.
Key-Words / Index Term
Smart Villages, Internet of Things, Smart cities, Big data, Cloud computing, Information and Communication Technology, Wireless sensor networks, Email, Threat, Sensor node
[1] V. Suganya April 2016,” A Review on Phishing Attacks and Various Anti Phishing Techniques “ , International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 139 – No.1, April 2016.
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[5] Alireza Saberi, Mojtaba Vahidi, Behrouz Minaei Bidgoli 2007, “Learn To Detect Phishing Scams Using Learning and Ensemble Methods”, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM.
[6] Aanchal Jain and Prof. Vineet Richariya 2011,” Implementing a Web Browser with Phishing Detection Techniques” World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal, Vol. 1, No. 7, 289-291.
[7] Isredza Rahmi A HAMID, Jemal ABAWAJY, Tai-hoon KIM 2013,“Using Feature Selection and Classification Scheme for Automating Phishing Email Detection” Studies in Informatics and Control 22(1):61-70 • March 2013
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[9] Nilkesh Surana, Prabhjot Singh, Umesh Warade, Neha Sabe 2015,” Detection and Prevention of Phishing Attacks in Web” International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, ISSN 2319-8885 Vol.04,Issue.08, April-2015, Pages:1595-1598
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[13] John Paul Walters, Zhengqiang Liang, Weisong Shi, and Vipin Chaudhary” Wireless Sensor Network Security: A Survey” at Security in Distributed, Grid, and Pervasive Computing Yang Xiao,(Eds.) pp. – - –°c 2006 Auerbach Publications, CRC Press.
[14] I. F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, and E. Cayirci. A survey,on sensor networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 40(8):102–114, August 2002.
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[16] Mukesh Kansari & Mrs.Shikha Pandey “Wireless Sensor Network Security Model for D2P Attacks Using Zero Knowledge Protocol”, at Global Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyNetwork, Web & Security Volume 12 Issue 17 Version 1.0 Year 2012, Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA), Online ISSN:0975-4172 & Print ISSN 0975-4350
[18] Lei CHEN, Mitchell TSENG, Xiang LIAN. Development of foundation models for Internet of Things. Front. Comput. Sci. China 2010, 4(3): 376–385
[19] Su-bin SHEN, Qu-li FAN, Ping ZONG. Study on the Architecture and Associated Technologies for Internet of Things. Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Natural Science).2009, 29(6):1-11.
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[22] Duan, Yane. "Research on Integrated Information Platform of Agricultural Supply Chain Management Based on Internet of Things." JSW Journal of Software 6.5 (2011). Web.
[23] Rathore, M. Mazhar, Awais Ahmad, Anand Paul, and Suengmin Rho. "Urban Planning and Building Smart Cities Based on the Internet of Things Using Big Data Analytics." Computer Networks (2016). Web.
[24] Giovannella, Carlo, et al. "Scenarios for active learning in smart territories."IxD&A 16 (2013): 7-16.
[25] Abdoullaev, Azamat. "Keynote:" A Smart World: A Development Model for Intelligent Cities"." The 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT). 2011.
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[27] Karandeep, Kaur "The idea of Smart villages based on Internet of Things (IoT)." International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May-2016.
Mukesh Kansari, Anurag Sharma, "The Thought of Smart villages based on Internet of Things and WSN", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.53-57, 2019.
Virtual Reality
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.58-60, May-2019
This thesis is described about VR and functions. virtual reality (VR) is a amazing and interesting topic at the current time. This is not really new. It defines the advantage and disadvantage of VR and uses of VR in various field. Virtual Reality (VR) literally makes it possible to experience anything, anywhere, anytime. It is the immersive type of reality technology and can convince the human brain that it is somewhere it is really not. We discuss here about VR, uses, history, application, advantage , disadvantage of VR
Key-Words / Index Term
VR, web3D, environment, 3D, application, imagine
Umesh Singh, Deepika Sahu, "Virtual Reality", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.58-60, 2019.
"To study the impact of Technology on the Academic Achievement of Tribal Children of Higher Secondary School of Chhattisgarh"
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.61-63, May-2019
Rural Education System needs implementation of e-learning technologies. In 2004 Edusat was launched by ISRO to support education by presenting the education videos. Indian government is making efforts to connect villages to the internet through platforms like e-Panchayat. There are schemes for rolling out inexpensive tablets called ‘Aakash’. It has become increasingly clear during the past decade that the general level of academic achievement of higher secondary tribal students is increasing. “The destiny of India is now being shaped in their classrooms”
Key-Words / Index Term
Academic Achievement, Technology, IT, students
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[10]. Dhull, Jitender(2013). A comparative study of achievement in science in relation to intelligence, academic anxiety and reading interest of the 10th grade students.
Navneet Kaur Narad, ""To study the impact of Technology on the Academic Achievement of Tribal Children of Higher Secondary School of Chhattisgarh"", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.61-63, 2019.
A Survey on Impact of AI and Social Media for Rural Development
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.64-68, May-2019
Today’s era is considered as an age of science, technology, communication, intelligence, education and economy. The human being is tried to develop the society by implementing and adapting these concepts, especially in villages, city and town and turn them into Smart Village, Smart city and Smart Town. So, the objective of this survey paper is to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence and social media in rural areas for the development purposes, which is located outside of cities or town which is also known as villages. This paper puts light on the relationship of AI and Social media with rural development, that how to improve the rural areas by implementing various technology related to AI and social media.
Key-Words / Index Term
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Social Media, Rural Development, Smart Villages
[1]. Census 2018, Govt. of India Publication.
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Smruti Smaraki Sarangi, Gyanendra Singha, "A Survey on Impact of AI and Social Media for Rural Development", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.64-68, 2019.
Augmented Reality v/s Virtual Reality
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.69-71, May-2019
This paper presents an impression of basic aspects of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality(VR). It defines the main fields in which Augmented and Virtual Reality is applied nowadays and importance of AR and VR devices. Some differences and similarities of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality will be discussed and this paper will provide an outline of them. Technology is advancing at a abrupt pace as many things that were not possible a few years ago are possible now. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are a part of these progressive and innovative forms of technologies that were thought as a part of fiction even a few years ago but now they are an important part of the everyday reality.
Key-Words / Index Term
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, AR, VR, AR device, VR device
[1] ty#cite_note-1
[2] ted-reality-AR
[3] ment/a/Applications-Of-AugmentedReality.htm
[7] Kirsner, Scott, "Adding a level of reality to online shopping". The Boston Globe. Retrieved May 23, 2016.
[8] Sagar R. Chavan, ISSN: 2278 – 1323 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2016
[10] -reality-pros-and-cons/
Nitish Mahato, "Augmented Reality v/s Virtual Reality", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.69-71, 2019.
Creating Multimodal Interactive Environment Using Augmented Reality and Natural User Interface
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.72-74, May-2019
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is one of the most important issues when designing any real-time interactive system. An ideal augmented reality system must be able to combine the virtual information with the real information in a user friendly way as well as allow users to interact with the system naturally. The main objective of this article is to explore the multimodal augmented/mixed reality interfaces when designing innovative applications along with the use of Natural User Interface.
Key-Words / Index Term
Natural User Interface, Augmented Reality, Gesture based Interface, Human Computer Interaction, Headset and Smart Glasses, Multimodal Interaction System
[1] Md Riyadh "Emergence Of Natural User Interface"
[2] Sara João Cardoso Ferreira "Natural User Interfaces"
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[4] R. Silva, J. C. Oliveira, G. A. Giraldi "Introduction To Augmented Reality"
[5] Business Finland, Neogames Fivr "Mixed Reality Report 2017"
[6] Deloitte University Press "Mixed Reality : Experiences Get More Intuitive, Immersive, And Empowering"
Preeti Bhushania, "Creating Multimodal Interactive Environment Using Augmented Reality and Natural User Interface", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.72-74, 2019.
A Survey Paper on OSN User Wall to Filter Unwanted Messages
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.75-77, May-2019
One fundamental issue in today On-line Social Networks (OSN’s) is to give users the ability to control the messages posted on their own private space. To avoid that unwanted content is displayed. Until now OSN provides little support to this requirement. To fill this gap, in this project, we propose a system that allows a user to create our own blacklist, in this user get insert unwanted words which they don’t want on our wall. We provide user to customize the filtering criteria to be applied on to their walls.
Key-Words / Index Term
Online Social Networks (OSN`s), unwanted, blacklist, filtering criteria
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Nasarin Bawane, Manisha Pise, "A Survey Paper on OSN User Wall to Filter Unwanted Messages", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.75-77, 2019.
A Survey paper on Rural Smart Village using Internet of Things
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.78-80, May-2019
This paper is about the IOT usage in developing smart rural villages which need the prime focus in terms of development, growth, and progress. Rural villages have too many scope of development which provides a way to implement different innovative ideas which change the face of rural India. Different technique provides the idea about different innovation in the field of IOT. In this paper we also tell about what is IOT and how it is implemented in development of smart villages.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of Things
[1] IOT Based Smart VillageFebruary 2016 Mumbai International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)
[2]Rural Smart Village based on the Internet of Things using Cloud Data Analytics2017International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET) 7
[3] P.AbinashInternet of Things (IoT) for Smart VillageICAETS-2018 7
[4] IMPLEMENTATION OF IOT BASED SMART VILLAGE FOR THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT August 2017International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) 5
[5]The idea of Smart villages based on Internet of Things (IoT) May-2016 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 4
[6] "Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT) “, July 2014.
[7] Dogo, E. M. et al. "Development of Feedback Mechanism for Microcontroller Based SMS Electronic Strolling Message Display Board." (2014).
Rakhi Seth, "A Survey paper on Rural Smart Village using Internet of Things", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.78-80, 2019.
A Survey Paper on Impact of Information Technology on Development of Rural Area of India
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.11 , pp.81-84, May-2019
Human society is developing with a rapid momentum and achieved various successes for making always a better livelihood. The civilization is witness for various changes related to its development through different catalysts like industrial development, green revaluation, science and technology, etc. India has more than 72% of its population living in villages. Near about seven decade had been passed since India got freedom, but the scenario in villages in our country is still unchanged. On one side India has recently selected 100 cities for Smart City project and ready to adapt all the advanced technologies for these smart cities and on other hand villages in our country are still struggling for getting basic amenities like 24 x 7 electricity. On the other hand 4G internet technology is being utilized all over the urban areas but on other hand villages in our country are still searching for genuine mobile networks. Our Governments are joining hands with developed countries like America, China, Japan to run bullet trains to connect big cities in India whereas villages in our country are still disconnected and are lacking with basic facilities like drinking water, healthy food, sanitization, toilets, transportation, education, etc. The technology that we use here can be availed to the people living in rural areas to help in improving their lifestyle. This paper summarizes such efforts which can definitely help us to introduce various technologies in these neglected parts of our country fulfilling our responsively to build up our nation. Thus new concept of smart villages can be introduced to make heaven in the heart of our India, because real Bharat is recognized by the villages in our country.
Key-Words / Index Term
Information Technology, Rural, Smart Village
[1] Bhatnagar, Subhash and Robert Schware (2000), Information and Communication Technology in Development: Cases from India, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
[2] Website Maintained by Department of Information Technology of Government of India and ITC, Other Websites Running by State Governments of India.
[3] Evans, Peter (1995), Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation, Princeton: Princeton University
Sutapa Nayak, Rakhi Seth, "A Survey Paper on Impact of Information Technology on Development of Rural Area of India", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.11, pp.81-84, 2019.