Secure Data Storage Scheme using Blockchain for Federated cloud
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.51-55, Mar-2019
With the Internet technology development, the volume of data is growing immensely. To deal with huge volume of data, cloud storage has gained great attention from organizations and businesses because of its easy and efficient to adoption procedure. Traditional cloud storage has come to rely almost exclusively on large storage providers acting as trusted third parties to transfer and store data. Though, cloud Provider offers considerable security features, with increasing demands and usage, these centralized systems have become major targets for hacks and data breaches. This makes the data vulnerable and prone to tampering. In this paper, to address the above problems and proposed a distributed blockchain-based security scheme for storage in federated cloud, where users can divide their own files into fragments, encrypted those data fragments, and upload those encrypted fragments randomly into the federated clouds.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud storage, Security, Blockchain, Distributed Cloud computing, federated cloud
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Shaik. Munwar, K. Ramani, K. Madhavi, "Secure Data Storage Scheme using Blockchain for Federated cloud", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.51-55, 2019.
A Systematic Literature Review on Obstacle Detection for Visually Impaired People
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.56-65, Mar-2019
In general humans have five senses, among all vision is the most important and best gift given to the humans by GOD, but it is limited to some of the people due to their Visual Impairment issues. If vision is the problem then GOD will give the capabilities in other senses. The proportion of visually impaired and blind people in the overall world has become a very large. In a survey report given by WHO (World Health Organization) in 2010, they estimated nearly 285.389 million people are suffering with visual impairment problems across the globe. Many equipment’s (Ex: Cane, Assistive shoe, Spectacles) are developed by different authors for detection of obstacles by visual impaired people over the time. All these equipment’s are developed by using different techniques like IoT enabled smart cane, GPS/GSM based smart cane, Wearable devices like Assistive shoe’s and blind vision spectacles which detects the obstacles, Smart Phone based navigation technology , Image processing techniques based smart cane which uses the camera for capturing the images, ETA’s (Electronic Travel Aid’s), normal Ultrasonic sensor based smart canes, Sensors(Ultrasonic, LDR’s, Soil moisture and water detection) used smart cane and the most advanced smart canes which uses the Algorithms of Machine Learning and Deep Learning ANN, CNN, RNN. In this paper, we present a clear survey of the navigation systems of blind/Visual impaired people that are proposed by different authors highlighting various technologies used, designs implemented, working challenges faced and requirements of blind people for their autonomous navigation either in indoor or outdoor environment. Also we aims at presenting several existing literatures which are based on object detection by blind people. Due to the advancement in techniques and technology, study, analysis and evaluation of all these proposals by different authors will play a vital role. Hence this survey will concentrate on analyzing the process involved in detection of obstacles with different techniques.3
Key-Words / Index Term
Visual Impairment, IoT, Ultrasonic sensor, wearable devices, Image processing, smart phone, LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), Machine Learning, Deep Learning
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N. Veeranjaneyulu, K.K. Baseer, V.S. Asha, T. Madhu Prakash, "A Systematic Literature Review on Obstacle Detection for Visually Impaired People", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.56-65, 2019.
A Survey on Securing Cloud Service Data by Using Homomorphic Encryption
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.66-72, Mar-2019
In Recent trends shows Cloud computing technology is adopted by many IT companies as it reduces the investment burden for infrastructure, software, hardware or any reasonably resource in a company. However, one amongst the most important problems in implementing or adopting cloud is threats due to security breaches. To ensure security, countless ancient secret writing algorithms are used like various truthful cipher mechanisms, RSA, Homomorphic secret writing etc. however these algorithms are solely accustomed to convert plain text into cipher text during transit or at storage.Homomorphic encryption can be a particular type of encryption where mathematical operations on the cipher text is like mathematical operations on the corresponding plaintext. Homomorphic encryption (HE) is fascinating on account of the particular proven fact it can operate on big databases. In this paper discussed and studied the fundamental concepts of HE, along with various homomorphic encryption schemes andtheir possible implementation in cloud computing.
Key-Words / Index Term
cloud computing,Homomorphic encryption, Security, Homomorphic Encryption in cloud computing
[1]. Ms. Parin V. Patel, Mr. Hitesh D. Patel, Prof. Pinal J. Patel, “A Secure Cloud using Homomorphic Encryption Scheme”, International Journal of Computer Science Research & Technology (IJCSRT) Vol. 1 Issue 1, June-2013.
[2].Maha TEBAA* ; Said EL HAJJI** University Mohammed V – Agdal, Faculty of Scienc “Homomorphic Encryption method applied to Cloud Computing” Abdellatif EL GHAZI Laboratory of Research – Institute of Vinci Rabat
[3].kamalkumarchauhan,Amit K.S Sanger ,Ajaiverma” Homomorphic encryption for data security in cloud computing”.
[4].PG Student, Maharashtra Institute Of Technology(MIT), Pune Maharashtra Institute Of Technology(MIT) Iram Ahmad 1 and ArchanaKhandekar” Homomorphic Encryption Method Applied to Cloud Computing”
J. Sai krishna, S. Muni Kumar, K. Venkataramana, "A Survey on Securing Cloud Service Data by Using Homomorphic Encryption", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.66-72, 2019.
A Brief Study on AES Technique With Double and Triple Block Cipher
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.73-76, Mar-2019
Cryptography plays an important role in data security. During digital exchange of data, it is important; data should not be access by an unauthorized user. Cryptography methods are based on symmetric and asymmetric encryption. It is challenging researchers to find out advanced encryption security development algorithm. Cryptography techniques are based on, symmetric key or private key and asymmetric key or public key. Researchers worked on secure and efficient data transmission and presented various cryptographic techniques. For secure and efficient data transmission over the network, it is necessary to use correct encryption method. Symmetric encryption is widely used technique. In this research work, we are presenting an efficient block cipher encryption techniques based on triple method and improved key. Proposed AESD method is based on block level symmetric encryption. The proposed AESD method is based on improve cubes. A pair of binary inputs are contains by each cell. The Cube can able to provide a various number of combinations, by that system will generate a strong cipher text. For efficient and strong cipher, proposed technique uses shuffling of bits in cube. Proposed AESD algorithm, performed a series of bit transformations, by using of S-BOX, operation XOR, and operation AND. The performance analysis of proposed encryption technique are compared with different existing symmetric encryptions methods, based on block cipher encryption, such as Data encryption standard, 3-Data encryption standard, Advance encryption standard, and blowfish fish, based on various comparison parameters such as encryption and decryption time, Avalanche effect and cipher text size. Simulation results clearly shows that proposed method performs outstanding in terms of encryption and decryption time, Avalanche effect and size, as compared to existing methods.
Key-Words / Index Term
Encryption, decryption, Block Cipher, DES, AESD, 3-DES, AES, Blowfish, and Encryption
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[10] Dharitri Talukdar, Prof (Dr.) Lakshmi P. Saikia,” A Review On Different Encryption Techniques: A Comparative Study”, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 3, PP 1622-1626,May-June, 2015.
[11] Obaida Mohammad Awad Al-Hazaimeh,”A new approach for complex encrypting and decrypting data”, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.5, No.2, PP 96-105, March 2013.
[12] Rajdeep Bhanot and Rahul Hans, “A Review and Comparative Analysis of Various Encryption Algorithms”, International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 289-306, 2015.
[13] Rashmi A. Gandhi,Atul M. Gosai,“A Study on Current Scenario of Audio Encryption”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) ,Volume 116, No. 7, April 2015.
[14] Pahrul Irfan, Yudi Prayudi,Yogyakarta,Imam Riadi, Image Encryption using Combination of Chaotic System and Rivers Shamir Adleman (RSA)”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 -8887)Volume 123 ,No.6, August 2015.
[15] Dhishan Dhammearatchi,” Particlemagic: need for quantum Cryptography research in the south Asian region”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA) Vol. 6, No. 5, PP 99-109, September 2015.
[16] Harsh Mathur, Prof.Zahid Alam,” Analysis In Symmetric And Asymmetric Cryptology Algorithm”, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science, Volume 4, Issue 1, PP 44-47,January-February 2015.
[17] Pranjala G Kolapwar,” An improved geo-encryption algorithm in location based services”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, eISSN: 2319-1163, Volume: 04 Issue: 05,547-551, May-2015.
[18] Rupinder Kaur, Dr. Madhu Goel,”Effective Symmetric Key Block Ciphers Technique for Data Security: RIJNDAEL”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 7,PP 224-228, July 2014.
[19] Soheila Omer AL Faroog Mohammed Koko, Dr.Amin Babiker A/Nabi Mustafa,” Comparison of Various Encryption Algorithms and Techniques for improving secured data Communication”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, Volume 17, Issue 1, Ver. III, PP 62-69, Feb. 2015.
[20] Neha,Paramjeet Singh, Shaveta Rani, “Optimal Keyless Algorithm for Security”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887),Volume 124 - No.10,PP28-33,, August 2015.
P. Lakshmi Devi, K. Madhusudhan Reddy, "A Brief Study on AES Technique With Double and Triple Block Cipher", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.73-76, 2019.
A Review on Data Fusion and Integration
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.77-81, Mar-2019
A standout amongst the most critical and valuable element of independent versatile robots is their capacity to receive themselves to work in unstructured condition. Today robots are performing self-sufficiently in mechanical conditions, and in addition in swarmed open places. The essential necessity of a clever portable robot is to create and keep up confinement and mapping parameters to finish the unpredictable missions. In such circumstances, a few difficulties emerge because of the errors and vulnerabilities in sensor estimations. Different systems are there to deal with such commotions where the multi sensor information combination isn`t the remarkable one. Amid the last two decades, multi sensor information combinations in versatile robots turn into a prevailing worldview because of its potential favorable circumstances like decrease in vulnerability, increment in precision, and decrease of cost. This paper exhibits the detail survey of multi sensor information combination and its applications for self-ruling versatile.
Key-Words / Index Term
Autonomous Mobile Robots, Multi sensor Data Fusion, Multi sensor Integration
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T. Roja, A. Murali Mohan Kumar, "A Review on Data Fusion and Integration", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.77-81, 2019.
A Review on Evolution of Cryptocurrencies using Blockchain
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.82-86, Mar-2019
Cryptocurrency, which operates as a Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System. Cryptocurrency has a potential to be a major means of payment for e-commerce. In Cryptocurrency the word -"Crypto" refers to various encryption algorithms and cryptographic techniques are employed. Cryptocurrency has numerous latent value propositions and long-term use cases including Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Blockchain innovations. This technology is not issued by any central authority and it is theoretically not effecting to any Government interference. The first Cryptocurrency based on Blockchain was Bitcoin, which is still the most popular and valuable. The success of Bitcoin brought number of competing Cryptocurrencies like -Altcoins. For example Altcoins are- Litecoin, Namecoin, Ethereum, Peercoin, Dogecoin, Monero, EOS, and Cardano etc., At present there are literally thousands of Cryptocurrencies in existence, with an aggregate market value around $200 billion. But the future of Cryptocurrency is impossible to predict, and although it is unlikely that Cryptocurrency will eliminate trusted intermediaries like Financial Payments, Settlements, Clearing, Supply Chain, Agriculture, Voting, Data Protection Mechanisms, Crowd-funding, Decentralized business applications and Services. There may be benefits of Cryptocurrencies towards hype-financed research and development in DLT and Blockchain infrastructure. The main purpose of this study is to narrate the evolution of Cryptocurrency using Blockchain Technology. The study also includes the growth of technology and the challenges that are faced at the time of development. However there are inherent difficulties in regulating the cryptocurrency market, which will be discussed in detail in this paper.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Blockchain Technology, Distributed Ledger Technology, Financial Payments
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K. Hema, A. Ravi Prasad, J. Kishore Kumar, "A Review on Evolution of Cryptocurrencies using Blockchain", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.82-86, 2019.
Hybrid crypto system for cloud storage security using MECC and Native bayes classifer A Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.87-90, Mar-2019
The global ubiquity of cloud computing may expose consumer’s sensing personal data to significant privacy and security threats. A critical challenge for the cloud computing industry is to earn consumers’ trust by entering adequate privacy and security for sensitive consumer data. Regulating consumer privacy and security also challenges government enforcement of data protection laws that were designed with national borders in mind. In this paper, we present a hybrid cloud architecture which combines public cloud, private cloud computing and cryptography to minimize the bank’s operational costs, maximizing the flexibility, scalability, availability and reliability of the services provided by the bank and guarantees the privacy, confidentiality and safety of the client’s record. A smart card which contains a secret key is produced for each client upon creating a new account. A smart card which contains a pair of public/private keys is produced for each bank. A smart card which contains a secret key is produced for the auditor to decrypt the database of the banks’ public/private keys for auditing purposes. The secret key is used to encrypt and decrypt the client’s account data. The bank uses its public key to double encrypt the client’s data that are temporarily stored in the bank’s private cloud before being transmitted to be stored permanently in the public cloud. In order to perform any transaction on a client’s account, the client’s record must be retrieved from the public cloud and stored temporarily in the bank’s private cloud in order to be decrypted with the bank’s private key and then decrypted using the client’s secret key in order to perform the required transaction in the private cloud.
Key-Words / Index Term
Online banking, Hybrid cloud, Cryptography, Security
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P Munichandra Reddy, "Hybrid crypto system for cloud storage security using MECC and Native bayes classifer A Review", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.06, pp.87-90, 2019.
Facilitating Security Using Third Party Auditing Based on Fragmentation
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.91-94, Mar-2019
In Cloud computing, which is a evolving technology, security requirement is very essentials when the services are provided by the third party venders.This paper concentrates on a well-connected association between secure cloud storage and network coding. To overcome the problem of old cryptography encoding and to provide cloud surroundings with a reliable third party. This can prevent the possibility of all information about getting hacked at one time and additionally provides access management and safe removal file. Homomorphic digital signature makes use of better technology to facilitate access to authorized users only. The proposed protocol is highly economical and provides a reasonable intrusion from an anonymous party. Hence, the overall outcome expected from these tasks is to provide information access to cloud environments. The proposed systems reduce the time required to secure the new systematic structure of the Cloud Storage Protocol and provide security in uploading and downloading files.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud storage auditing, network coding, security, fragmentation, user anonymity, third-party public auditing
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Review Paper on Usage of Data in Cloud Computing Applications
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.95-98, Mar-2019
Cloud computing is a generally ground-breaking innovation which performs enormous scale and complex processing. It takes out the prerequisite to keep up expensive registering equipment, committed space necessity and related programming. Huge development in the size of information or enormous information created through cloud registering has been distinguished. Idea of enormous information is a testing and time-requesting errand that requires a vast computational space to guarantee fruitful information preparing and examination. This paper incorporates definition, qualities, and arrangement of enormous information alongside a few dialogs on distributed computing are presented. The similitude between enormous information and distributed computing, enormous information stockpiling frameworks, a few major information handling methods and Hadoop innovation are additionally talked about. The term `Huge Data` characterizes inventive strategies and innovations to catch, store, convey, oversee and break down peta byte-or bigger measured datasets with high-speed and extraordinary structures. Huge information might be organized, unstructured or on the other hand semi-organized, bringing about ineptitude of customary information the board strategies. Information can be created from different applicable sources and can store in the framework at different rates. So as to break down these a lot of information in a cheap and effective way, parallelism method is utilized. 2015 was the year that Big Data went from being something that a larger part of associations were either doing or at the least effectively considering. The development of cloud based Enormous Data administrations has made Big Data examination an achievable reality for associations everything being equal
Key-Words / Index Term
Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Map Reduce, Hadoop, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)
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A Study on Secure Cloud server System using Proxy Re-Encryption Model
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.06 , pp.99-102, Mar-2019
A cloud storage system, consisting of a collection of storage servers, provides long-term storage services over the Internet. Storing data in a third party’s cloud system causes serious concern over data confidentiality. General encryption schemes protect data confidentiality, but also limit the functionality of the storage system because a few operations are supported over encrypted data. Constructing a secure storage system that supports multiple functions is challenging when the storage system is distributed and has no central authority. We propose a threshold proxy re-encryption scheme and integrate it with a decentralized erasure code such that a secure distributed storage system is formulated.
Key-Words / Index Term
Architecture, Construction of Secure Cloud Storage Systems
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