Internet of Things: Architecture, Security and Cryptdb : Monomi
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.47-49, Jan-2019
Cloud users demands security to their data which are stored in data repositories of cloud service provider. Thus the concept of Network Security can be applied over the cloud network, where several encryption algorithms are applied to provide integrity on the data. Such algorithms include Symmetric encryptions, Asymmetric encryptions, Hashing algorithms and Digital signatures. MONOMI is a system for securely executing analytical workloads over sensitive data on an untrusted database server. MONOMI works by encrypting the entire database and running queries over the encrypted data. CryptDB is a MySQL proxy that allows SQL aware encryption inside existing database management systems. To offer the best possible protecting while enabling the greatest computational flexibility it relies on a new concept called onions, where different layers of encryption are wrapped around each other and are only revealed as necessary. While its concept to improve database security looks fresh and interesting from an academic standpoint we wanted to examine the usability in practical application to determine if a real world productive use is desirable.
Key-Words / Index Term
Security, Internet of things, Crypt DB, Monomi
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G. Ambika, P. Srivaramangai, "Internet of Things: Architecture, Security and Cryptdb : Monomi", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.47-49, 2019.
Fuzzy Decision Trees as a Decision Making Framework in the Private Sector
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.50-57, Jan-2019
Systematic approaches to making decisions in the private sector are becoming very common. Most often, these approaches concern expert decision models. The expansion of the idea of the development of e-participation and e-democracy was influenced by the development of technology. The solution presented in this papers concerns fuzzy decision making framework. This framework combines the advantages of the introduction of the decision making problem in a tree structure and the possibilities offered by the flexibility of the fuzzy approach. The possibilities of implementation of the framework in practice are introduced by case studies of investment projects appraisal in a community and assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of private sector.
Key-Words / Index Term
Decision tree, Appraisal tree, Fuzzy set, Decision making, private sector
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M. Vijaya, M. Arthi, "Fuzzy Decision Trees as a Decision Making Framework in the Private Sector", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.50-57, 2019.
Manpower Levels for Business with Various Recruitment Rates in the Ten Point State Space System through Stochastic Models
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.58-61, Jan-2019
Aim of the present study is to find the steady rate of crisis and steady state of probabilities with different situations which may be manpower, in irregular situations of complete availability, moderate availability and zero availability inside the case of manpower, business and recruitment. The various states have been discussed under the different assumptions that the transition from one state to another both business and manpower arise in exponential time with different parameters.
Key-Words / Index Term
Steady state, Crisis rate, Markov chain
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R. Arumugam, M. Rajathi, "Manpower Levels for Business with Various Recruitment Rates in the Ten Point State Space System through Stochastic Models", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.58-61, 2019.
Energy Harvesting Multi-Relay Multi-Hop Models For Sustainable Wireless Sensor Network
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.62-68, Jan-2019
The load inequality of sensor node is a relentless issue for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this paper, we firstly propose a Multi-hop Multi-relay Network Model (MMNM) with Relaying Head (RH) to balance the load among sensor nodes. The evolution of recent energy harvesting delivers us the Energy accumulation Wireless Sensor Networks (EH-WSNs). Due to the indeterminacy of energy that can be harvested in ambient environment, study on energy management mechanism to achieve energy neutral is significant. We proposed a novel Sensor Nodes Pair (SNP) policy separate all the sensor nodes into two groups GSN and GSN’. With the function rotation of GSN and GSN’, we achieve continuous data transmission avoiding time delay. Also a Historical Harvested Energy Assigning Mechanism (H-HEAM) is proposed to ensure the energy neutral constrains and perpetual network operation. Extensive simulation results verify that our MMNM and H-HEAM are indeed able to improve the network overall performance on throughput, energy utilization efficiency and time delay.
Key-Words / Index Term
Energy Neutral, Energy Mechanism Management, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Energy Harvesting
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Arya K S, P K Manojkumar, "Energy Harvesting Multi-Relay Multi-Hop Models For Sustainable Wireless Sensor Network", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.62-68, 2019.
Discusses the Data Procedures in the Marketing Research and its Contribution for Decision Making
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.69-74, Jan-2019
Data age, stock up on limit, formulating power and systematic limit increment had made an advanced marvel named huge data that could make huge effect in innovative work. In the advertising field, the utilization of huge data in study can speak to a profound make a plunge buyerconsiderate. This article talks about the huge data exploits in the marketing info system and its commitment for basic leadership. It introduces a modification of primary ideas, the new potential outcomes of utilization and a reflection about its restrictions.
Key-Words / Index Term
Marketing Field, Stockpiling, Marketing Information System
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S. Beschi, "Discusses the Data Procedures in the Marketing Research and its Contribution for Decision Making", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.69-74, 2019.
HR Management Using Big Data Analytics
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.75-79, Jan-2019
In any organization’s talent management is becoming an increasingly crucial method of approaching HR functions. Talent management can be defined as an outcome to ensure the right person is in the right job. Human talent prediction is the objective of this study. Due to that reason, classification and prediction in data mining which is commonly used in many areas can also be implemented in this study. There are various classification techniques in data mining such as Decision tree, Neural networks, Genetic algorithms, Support vector machines, Rough set theory, Fuzzy set approach. This research has been made by applying decision tree classification algorithms to the employee’s performance prediction. Decision tree is among the popular classification technique which generates a tree and a set of rules, representing the model of different classes, from a given data set. Some of the decision tree algorithms are ID3, C5.0, Bagging, Random Forest, Rotation forest, CART and CHAID. In this paper give the overview of C4.5 algorithms.
Key-Words / Index Term
HR Analytics, Talent, Prediction, Decision Tree, Algorithm, C4.5, Classification, Data Mining, Big Data
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S. Chitra, P. Srivaramangai, "HR Management Using Big Data Analytics", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.75-79, 2019.
Analysis of Functionality and Major Issues in Data mining
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.80-85, Jan-2019
Database mining can be characterized as the way toward mining for understood, once unidentified, and possibly basic data from horrendously enormous databases by proficient information disclosure strategies. The protection and security of client data have turned out to be critical open strategy tensions and these nerves are getting expanded enthusiasm by the both open and government administrator and controller, security advocates, and the media. In this paper we centers around key online protection and security issues and concerns, the job of self-control and the client on security and security insurances, data assurance laws, administrative patterns, and the standpoint for protection and security enactment. Normally such a procedure may open up new presumption measurements, recognize new attack examples, and raises new data security issues. Ongoing improvements in data innovation have empowered accumulation and preparing of tremendous measure of individual data, for example, criminal records, online shopping habits, online banking, credit and medical history, and driving records and essentially the administration concerned data.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data mining, Security, Privacy
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J. Jones Mary, P. Srivaramangai, "Analysis of Functionality and Major Issues in Data mining", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.80-85, 2019.
Fingerprint Minutiae Identification Using RLC Method
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.86-89, Jan-2019
This paper is aimed to design a scheme to mark and extract minutiae of fingerprint using Run-length Coding technique. Minutiae extraction takes vital role in fingerprint based authentication and identifications systems. The scheme comprises of binarization, thinning, minutia marking and extraction. The scheme is tested using the FVC database and real time fingerprint datasets. The Experimental results are presented.
Key-Words / Index Term
fingerprint, minutiae, filter, preprocessing, binarization, thinning, Gabor
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K. Kanagalakshmi, "Fingerprint Minutiae Identification Using RLC Method", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.86-89, 2019.
A Fundamental Analysis of Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention System in Network
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.90-94, Jan-2019
The spread of data networks in networks and associations have prompted an every day immense volume of data trade between various networks which, obviously, has brought about new threats to the national associations. It very well may be said that data security has turned out to be today a standout amongst the most difficult zones. At the end of the day, deformities and impediments of computer network security address unsalvageable harm for undertakings. Along these lines, ID of security threats and methods for managing them is fundamental. Yet, the inquiry brought up in such manner is that what are the systems and approaches to manage security threats that must be taken to guarantee the security of computer networks? In this unique situation, the present investigation plans to complete an audit of the writing by utilizing prior looks into and library approach, to give security solutions despite threats to their computer networks. The aftereffects of this examination can prompt additionally comprehension of security threats and approaches to manage them and help to execute a safe data stage.
Key-Words / Index Term
Network Security, Threats, Privacy
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A Review on Cancelable Biometrics
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.02 , pp.95-97, Jan-2019
The Cancelable biometrics is a recent development in biometrics based authentication and identification system. In order to avoid the theft of biometric patterns and to improve the security, it is necessary to adopt non- invertible and cancellable biometric templates. There are some methods with Cancelable and irrevocable nature. This paper is aimed to review the literature on the cancelable biometrics template generation methods. Iris biometric has been considered particularly for the further progress based on the methods of from review.
Key-Words / Index Term
Biometrics, Cancelable biometric templates. Image Embedding technique, Non-invertible Transformation Technique
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K. Kanagalakshmi, K. Lakshmi Priya, "A Review on Cancelable Biometrics", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.02, pp.95-97, 2019.