Student Psychometric Analysis Through Machine Learning
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.1-3, Apr-2019
Psychology can be defined as the mental characteristic or attitude of a person, especially those affecting behavior in a context. Every psychological test has an objective and standardized measurement of a sample behavior. Here, sample of behavior refers to an individual’s response on a situation or task which is prescribed or predefined before the task. In order to make the psychological test cost, time, and efficiency effective, we focus on building a Machine Learning classification model which predicts if the student who took the survey belongs to an Introvert category or an Extrovert category. The questions in the survey will focus on an individual features to build a model and questions prepared by the domain expert will carry particular weight, and depending on the answers we will predict which category the person falls under. The performance of the model is predicted by taking Accuracy and confusion matrix into consideration. It is induced for the betterment or ease of analyzing a personality in order to enhance individual’s strength, enhancing professional and personal skills.
Key-Words / Index Term
psychology, behavior, machinelearning,skills
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Anagha Shailesh Kulkarni, Kumudavalli M.V, Vanitha, "Student Psychometric Analysis Through Machine Learning", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.09, pp.1-3, 2019.
IoT Technology and its Applications in Various Fields
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.4-8, Apr-2019
Now a day’s smart technology is replacing each and everything in the world. Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged powerfully as a more successful area to express new technologies. Current society is seeing a different flow in the number and domain of devices deployed and used in regular applications, including mobile phones, tablets, wearable devices, and other connected sensing devices, collectively referred to as the IoT. Internet of Things has grown into the lives of human being by allowing a communications between machines, objects and things along with people. The people, software systems and other machines are surrounded with IoT permitted objects which communicate about the present view of things. The world is becoming smarter in all aspect by using IoT technology. IoT features are provided in many of the applications like smart healthcare, smart homes, smart cities, smart energy, waste management, transportation and monitoring type. In IoT technology the physical objects are embedded with RFID, sensors and Internet protocols which allow object to communicate with each other. This paper highlights the application of IoT used in various fields and a review on the concept of IoT related technologies with the advantages and disadvantages that are encountered.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of Things, IoT Applications, Smart Devices
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Aruna Devi.T, Suman Narendra, Musani Poojitha, "IoT Technology and its Applications in Various Fields", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.09, pp.4-8, 2019.
A Comparative Study of Enabling Technologies for Autonomous Vehicles
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.9-11, Apr-2019
Autonomous driving technology is an upcoming and fast developing, and a future business booster in the automotive, smart cities, transportation, and other related sectors. The better usage of the concepts such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning in the field of automotive industry is a promising one. Certain automobile companies are investing billions of money on research and development of self-driving vehicles. In this paper the author broadly discuss about the autonomous vehicles and their working functionalities, adding to that, the pros and cons of LiDAR technology behind every autonomous vehicles. This paper also throws light on other enabling technology such as GPS, Video Camera, Radar, Position Estimator and Distance Sensors and compare with LiDAR technology.
Key-Words / Index Term
Autonomous Vehicles, self-driving vehicles, LiDAR, GPS, Video Camera, Position Estimator, Distance sensors
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BhavyaShree P, Sharon Thomas Takri, R. Gurunath, "A Comparative Study of Enabling Technologies for Autonomous Vehicles", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.09, pp.9-11, 2019.
Efficiency Analysis of Honey Encryption Algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.12-14, Apr-2019
In the field of cyber security, we have many algorithms that support cryptography. These algorithms are more prone to cyber-attacks and can be cracked easily by hash cracking tools. One of the methods to prevents these attacks is Honey Encryption technique that has gained popularity in recent years. This method provides another layer of protection when the intruder tries to hack an account with bogus data. In this paper, we are efficiently increasing the probability of Honey Encryption by generating more hash keys(password)using python programming approach. Honey encryption helps in minimization of vulnerability. We have designed an algorithm which eventually increases the buffer size for the randomly generated passwords.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cryptography, Security, Password
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Bhoomika R, Gowda Deepa Narsimha, Abhishek V, Bharathi H, "Efficiency Analysis of Honey Encryption Algorithm", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.09, pp.12-14, 2019.
An Analysis of Image Processing Techniques and Tools in Medical Images
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.15-20, Apr-2019
Due to the great growth in the usage of computer technologies, image-processing techniques have become one among the most significant as well as rapidly used one in a broad variety of applications, particularly in medical imaging. Medical images are mostly used as radiographic techniques in disease recognition, clinical examinations along with treatment planning. The basic idea of medical image analysis is to develop imaging content. A typical medical imaging system is composed of five major processing phases i.e., image acquisition, pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction/selection, and classification. Medical scan image usage machines are also constantly as fundamental. With these devices, it is possible to quicken and advance the errand of the examination of the diseases. Here, we have done a study on the present advanced techniques that have been used in various stages of medical image processing along with various medical image tools will be analyzed in a few directions. The essential focus of the assessment is to aggregate and examination on the medical apparatus in order to propose clients of different working systems on what sort of medical image devices to be utilized while investigating different kinds of imaging.
Key-Words / Index Term
Medical Imaging Tools, Pre-Processing, Segmentation, Feature Extraction, Classification
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S. Chithra, R. Vijayabhanu, "An Analysis of Image Processing Techniques and Tools in Medical Images", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.09, pp.15-20, 2019.
A Review on Text Classification Algorithms and their Applications
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.21-24, Apr-2019
Every day huge amount of text is generated online in vast quantities about the things happening in the world and in the minds of people. In order to generate meaningful business insights for organizations and analysts, the invaluable text data has to be mined. Extracting insights from unstructured text is costly and time consuming. Businesses use text classification to structure data in a fast and cost-efficient way to enhance decision making and automate processes. Text classification is a process of assigning tags according to the content with broad applications in sentiment analysis, spam detection, topic labeling and intent detection. This paper reviews the various text classification algorithms and their applications.
Key-Words / Index Term
Text classification, sentiment analysis, tags, spam detection, topic labeling, intent detection
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G. Jasmine Beulah, "A Review on Text Classification Algorithms and their Applications", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.09, pp.21-24, 2019.
Biometrics in Network Security
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.25-28, Apr-2019
Security has been a major interest for authentication over networking. In this modern society, mobile devices have a pertained importance with hundreds and millions users. With the help of pins, passwords there are weak authentication mechanisms which allow attackers to access the stored data. By implementing various methods for key exchange cryptographic can solve the problem of security. Identity verification is a developing and mesmerizes much attention. Biometric recognition mainly relates to the automatic recognition of individuals based on their behavioral characteristics. Almost appropriate is based on vein pattern is an approach that uses the vast network of blood vessels that lie underneath a skin. Vein pattern are unique and also difficult to duplicate even twin has an unlike and unique vein structure. Biometric security devices measure unique characteristics of a person, such as voice pattern, the iris or retina pattern of the eye and finger print. In biometrics, it is very difficult for someone to break into a system. Biometric security is a mechanism which is used to prove and provide access to a facility or system based on the automatic and direct verification of a single person’s physical behavior.
Key-Words / Index Term
Authentication, cryptography, networking
[1]. Kirat Pal Singh Senior Project Fellow Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO) CSIR-CSIO, Ministry of Science & Technology, Chandigarh-160030
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[3]. SURVEY OF BIOMETRIC RECOGNITION SYSTEMS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS 1 SULOCHANA SONKAMBLE, 2DR. RAVINDRA THOOL, 3BALWANT SONKAMBLE 1Asstt Prof., Department of Information Technology , MMCOE, Pune, India 411052 2Professor, Department of Information Technology, SGGSIE&T,Nanded, India -411017 3Asstt Prof., Department of Computer Engineering, PICT, Pune, India-411043
[4]. Himanshu Srivastava Department of Computer Science & Engineering Roorkee Institute of Technology, Roorkee (U.K.), India IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278-8727Volume 15, Issue 1 (Sep. - Oct. 2013), PP 22-29
[5]. Ravi Subban and Dattatreya P. Mankame A Study of Biometric Approach Using Fingerprint Recognition Lecture Notes on Software Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, May
[6]. Mohammed Nasir Uddin1, Selina Sharmin2, Abu Hasnat Shohel Ahmed3 and Emrul Hasan4, Shahadot Hossain5 and Muniruzzaman6 Shanto Mariam University of Creative Technology1, 3 ,Uttara University4,5,6 A Survey of Biometrics Security System IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.11 No.10, October 2011
Noor Fathima, Pallavi B N, Kavitha, "Biometrics in Network Security", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.09, pp.25-28, 2019.
Ascertaining Human Emotions using Blue Eyes Technology
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.29-33, Apr-2019
Blue eyes technology aims to create computational machines which can sense and understand human feelings and emotions. It uses camera, microphone and various sensors to recognize human actions and emotions and aid disabled people. There are many researches in this area, still they have some limitations. In this paper we have proposed on architecture for blue eyes technology which can identify human emotions through facial features and sensors such as Galvanic skin response sensor, heart pulse sensor, temperature sensor. This paper explores various image processing techniques such as noise removal, segmentation, image enhancement. Supervised classification technique such as artificial neural network with back propagation is used to predict emotions. This research involves many areas like Machine learning, Image processing and IoT.
Key-Words / Index Term
Human Computer Interaction, Facial Expression detection, Galvanic skin response sensor
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T. Kohila Kanagalakshmi, Vibha S, Prathibha K H, "Ascertaining Human Emotions using Blue Eyes Technology", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.09, pp.29-33, 2019.
A Smart Campus Communication System
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.34-37, Apr-2019
Notices, posters, digital panels, social media, and emails are the various means of communication within a campus today. Existence of multiple means leads to confusion and the information to be delivered can be missed or forgotten. To address this issue, we aim to create a steadfast workflow that will enable the individuals pertaining to an institution connect with one an-other, share information and participate in various events in a timely and a smart manner
Key-Words / Index Term
Smart Campus, IPFS, email, instant messaging, collaboration, document management, digital signatures
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Kruthika M.R., Adithya Kumar N.S., Abhishek S., Abhigna A., "A Smart Campus Communication System", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.09, pp.34-37, 2019.
Visual analysis of leading Cancer sites using SPSS Software
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.09 , pp.38-46, Apr-2019
Many diseases are arising depending upon the environment, culture, life style, etc. In many Diseases, Multiple types of cancer are increased in various region based on mouth, breast, cervix uteri, ovary, gall bladder, NHL, thyroid, Brain, Stomach, etc. Human of each organ is depending of the cell functionality. Each cell functionality is works our daily foods of sweet, sour, salty, etc. In our country many medical research centers are involved many research areas of Tuberculosis, Cancer, Diabetes, etc. Leading cancer sites data is one of the big tasks to region wise, gender wise, age wise, etc. The study of leading sites of cancer in various region wise, gender wise, age wise are easy to find the avoid the cancer to protect with any immediate solution. Visual analysis of data is easily exploring the details of Cancer leading site and analysis describes to how it is important to save our country for immediate treatment procedure.
Key-Words / Index Term
Visualization,Cancer, data mining, SPSS
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