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An algorithm for Construction of Infectious Viroid

A.K.Samanta 1 , Syed Mahamud Hossein2 , Susanta Mandal3 , Shankar Kumar Roy4 , Apurba Mondal5

Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal Paper
Volume-6 , Issue-9 , Page no. 90-96, Sep-2018


Online published on Sep 30, 2018

Copyright © A.K.Samanta, Syed Mahamud Hossein, Susanta Mandal, Shankar Kumar Roy, Apurba Mondal . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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IEEE Style Citation: A.K.Samanta, Syed Mahamud Hossein, Susanta Mandal, Shankar Kumar Roy, Apurba Mondal, “An algorithm for Construction of Infectious Viroid,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.9, pp.90-96, 2018.

MLA Style Citation: A.K.Samanta, Syed Mahamud Hossein, Susanta Mandal, Shankar Kumar Roy, Apurba Mondal "An algorithm for Construction of Infectious Viroid." International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 6.9 (2018): 90-96.

APA Style Citation: A.K.Samanta, Syed Mahamud Hossein, Susanta Mandal, Shankar Kumar Roy, Apurba Mondal, (2018). An algorithm for Construction of Infectious Viroid. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 6(9), 90-96.

BibTex Style Citation:
author = {A.K.Samanta, Syed Mahamud Hossein, Susanta Mandal, Shankar Kumar Roy, Apurba Mondal},
title = {An algorithm for Construction of Infectious Viroid},
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year = {2018},
issn = {2347-2693},
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RIS Style Citation:
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PY - 2018
DA - 2018/09/30
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An algorithm have been undergone growth which make able most good selection into line looking for between 2 order, one is question sequence and another is man giving food, room and so on order looking for homologues has become a regularly order operation of biological orders on a 32 bit person computer. The high degree of matching position on man giving food, room and so on order and question subsequence is to make out quickly and clearly a group of order that is given question order be part of to An Algorithm is presented that takes more chances of the high degree of homology between such orders to make an into line of the matching regions. It does not have need of knowledge of a starting homology band, neither complex memory square measure, even for orders of several kilo bases, and it can overcome complex opening, nothing in between or different bands. This is a small, able to be taken about, effecting on one another, front end road map person one is going be married to be used to get out the fields, ranges of matching between man giving food, room and so on order and question subsequence. Since this road map have been written originally in the C language, it is possible to run in other PCs with small changes. The road maps run on the IBM personal knowledge processing machine, has need of 512k, without addition of hardware expect for thin, flat, round plate drives and printer. The execution is quite tightly, all the operations are does in less than one of seconds, depending on the needed work and on the order measure end to end. The going round in circles RNA smallest units of potato spindle under earth stem viroid was used as a question order & normal plant such as plant with soft red yellow fruit plant used as a man giving food, room and so on order input facts for making clear by reasoning the operation of the road map. The facts in these records may be used in many applications in future. The knowledge base is ready either on magnetic tape, on hanging down, not stiff diskettes, or online form. The main try to discover the highly diseased special field, range of disease and keep from opening this field, range to keep safe from viroid interaction keyword homology.

Key-Words / Index Term



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