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Attendance System for Face Recognition using GSM module

Kirti B Hubballi1 , Vandana S Bhat2

Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal Paper
Volume-6 , Issue-7 , Page no. 1180-1184, Jul-2018


Online published on Jul 31, 2018

Copyright © Kirti B Hubballi, Vandana S Bhat . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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IEEE Style Citation: Kirti B Hubballi, Vandana S Bhat, “Attendance System for Face Recognition using GSM module,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.7, pp.1180-1184, 2018.

MLA Style Citation: Kirti B Hubballi, Vandana S Bhat "Attendance System for Face Recognition using GSM module." International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 6.7 (2018): 1180-1184.

APA Style Citation: Kirti B Hubballi, Vandana S Bhat, (2018). Attendance System for Face Recognition using GSM module. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 6(7), 1180-1184.

BibTex Style Citation:
author = {Kirti B Hubballi, Vandana S Bhat},
title = {Attendance System for Face Recognition using GSM module},
journal = {International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering},
issue_date = {7 2018},
volume = {6},
Issue = {7},
month = {7},
year = {2018},
issn = {2347-2693},
pages = {1180-1184},
url = {},
doi = {}
publisher = {IJCSE, Indore, INDIA},

RIS Style Citation:
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TI - Attendance System for Face Recognition using GSM module
T2 - International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering
AU - Kirti B Hubballi, Vandana S Bhat
PY - 2018
DA - 2018/07/31
SP - 1180-1184
IS - 7
VL - 6
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The scenario of our Indian education system in our country has made compulsory for attendance to be recorded in the classroom .Today many Colleges of rural area are facing problem to have a record of attendance in the classroom and our education system in India arises a question to the department for their irresponsibility. Education department also seeks records of all the students which are very difficult to maintain. A keen idea to develop prototype development is to maintain the record of all the students. This led to the development of the project titled face recognition based attendance system using GSM Module exclusively caters to the need of Indian teachers. Face recognition is often referred; person’s face image input through a camera. A face recognition system using the SIFT (Scale invariant feature transform) algorithm was implemented. The algorithm is based on Image features approach which represents a SIFT method in which a small set of significant features are used to describe the variation between face images. Face recognition consists of two steps, firstly at input side camera capture the image. Then match and it with stored database. In the second step if the image is matched then LCD displays the student 1 is present. After that gsm module send a sms to authorize mobile number. The serial communication is used to interface between the GUI in matlab and arduino it allows input data transmission from matlab to arduino Uno. This project is very useful like in military, school, sport, health, industry, security, animal, and other areas.

Key-Words / Index Term

face recognition, GSM module, SIFT algorithm, LCD display, Arduino


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