Online Result Processing System for Secondary Schools
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.9 , pp.1-5, Sep-2022
Result Processing is a core academic activity carried out in the secondary school setting. The development of an online result procedure for secondary schools was motivated by the need for accurate and timely result calculation for secondary schools student. With the digitized system, the schools are ensured of a centralized online storage system for management and dissemination of student result. After careful observation and analysis the existing manual process, the manual method was converted into an automated system. The manual method of result computation was modeled with an object-oriented methodology and this resulting system was implemented with a scripting language (PHP), also MySQL was employed as the database management systems for the project. This provided a robust admin interface for the various key players in this sector to actualize their duties in a convenient and responsive system. The final output of this research work produced a system that automates result processing in secondary schools, which can be used in any secondary school in Nigeria.
Key-Words / Index Term
Secondary School, Result Computation, Web-based, Test and Exam Score
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Ezema Henry Kelechi, Blessing Ogbuokiri, "Online Result Processing System for Secondary Schools," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.9, pp.1-5, 2022.
Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System over Plant and Uploading into the Cloud
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.9 , pp.6-9, Sep-2022
The ultimate goal of this project is to create an IoT (Internet of Things) based system that monitors temperature, humidity, and moisture from the farm. Temperature, humidity, and soil moisture sensors measure and process environmental conditions from the Arduino microcontroller. The actuator in this uses a pump to water the plants and lower their temperature. The obtained data from the sensor and the status of the actuator are sent to the Thing Speak server via the node MCU and can be remotely monitored. With the help of a smartphone or any other device. The collected data can be evaluated for various purposes. The results obtained are the effects of moisture, humidity, and pump water on the plants.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Computing, Data Analysis, Temperature sensor, Moisture sensor.
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Flight Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.9 , pp.10-13, Sep-2022
This article will examine the issue of foreseeing air passages. To do this, a great deal of things has been distinguished, and you believe that the qualities of a typical airplane will influence the cost of aircraft tickets. Highlights are utilized in eight current AI strategies, used to foresee airplane costs, and model execution is thought about. As well as cautiously anticipating each model, this paper cautiously inspects the data used to distinguish carrier tickets.
Key-Words / Index Term
Machine Learning, Decision tree, Random Forest, K-Nearest Method.
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Effect of GMAW on the Tensile Strength and Hardness of Commercial Steel
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.9 , pp.14-20, Sep-2022
Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is very popular welding processes in the industry. The welding parameters that has significance in demonstrating the welding quality such as welding current, welding voltage, Gas flow rate, wire feed speed, welding speed and wire size. Taguchi`s design is considered an efficient and a powerful optimizing tool for better quality and higher output performance of manufacturing processes. In this study, GMAW has welded commercial steel under controlled parameters of base metal thickness, welding current and wire feed speed. The analysis using Taguchi`s design made on the influence of welding parameters on the strength of the welding, the tensile strength and hardness. Higher tensile strength and hardness were obtained at higher base metal thickness, lower voltage and wire feed speed (WFS). The hardness increased with the increased internal stresses. Higher base metal thickness obtained higher effect on the higher tensile strength and hardness according to the noise conditions analysis and also higher tensile strength and hardness results followed by lower wire feed speed. The optimal process parameters favorable for strong and effective welding are base metal groove shape V, 20 V and 5.9 m/min WFS. These settings are recommended when welding commercial steel (EN 10025-2) using mild steel filler in GMAW.
Key-Words / Index Term
GMAW, Commercial steel, Taguchi method, Tensile strength, Vickers microhardness
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Saleh Suliman Elfallah, "Effect of GMAW on the Tensile Strength and Hardness of Commercial Steel," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.9, pp.14-20, 2022.