Employing Design and Development Research (DDR) Approches in Traceability Model For Test Effort Estimation To Support Software Change Management
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.6 , pp.1-8, Jun-2022
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v10i6.18
In the last decade, the management of software projects has become a challenging task. The latest published figures on the status of software projects indicate a large failure rate, which has created a crucial challenge for project managers. In software maintenance, the impact of software changes is an important aspect due to the evolving environment of the software development life cycle. Many of the current traceability approaches and tools are devoted to and restricted to high-level objects such as specifications but fewer capabilities are made available to handle lower-level artefacts such as classes and codes. While test effort estimation has been in place for decades, it remains a major challenge for software project management to make accurate estimates and, ultimately, to successfully complete the software project. This article proposed a novel traceability model for test effort estimation to support software change management employing Design and Development Research (DDR), which may assist software project managers in making more informed decisions on software change management. In this paper will show two phase Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) and Nominal Group Technique (NGT) result. The both results in FDM and NGT showed that the key components and elements are located at acceptable level and can be applied whilst the score of more than 70% is achieved. Hence, the evaluation results proved that the proposed model and its prototype are acceptable and significant to support software change management.
Key-Words / Index Term
Design and Development Research (DDR), Traceability Model, Test Effort Estimation, Change Management
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Mazidah Mat Rejab, Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil, "Employing Design and Development Research (DDR) Approches in Traceability Model For Test Effort Estimation To Support Software Change Management," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.6, pp.1-8, 2022.
An Improved Model For Baby Gender Guide Predictive System Using K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.6 , pp.9-15, Jun-2022
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v10i6.915
In almost every homes, having the desired gender of baby present could also foster the joy needed for the coexistence between couples in the family whereas in some instances, not having the desired gender of baby becomes the root cause of every other family problems. This research focuses on: “An Improved Model for Baby Gender Guide Predictive System using KNN classification algorithm”. The model uses the trained dataset for prediction directly. The predictions were made by going through the trained dataset to obtain a new instance (x) for nearest neighbors and displaying the result of K instances. The new system was designed using object oriented analysis and design.methodology and was implemented using Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language and MySQL as the database software. The result of the new system indicates that the accuracy of the gender of babies predicted prior-to and within the first trimester of conception had a higher degree of accuracy of 92% which is superior to the sonographic system with an accuracy of 54%.
Key-Words / Index Term
Improved, Model, Computerized System, Effective, Baby, Gender Guide and Validation
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Ezikwa Tenas God’swill, Ezikwa Victoria Tenas, "An Improved Model For Baby Gender Guide Predictive System Using K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.6, pp.9-15, 2022.
A Machine Learning Based Diabetes Prediction Using Stacking and Stacking With Hyperparameter Tuning
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.6 , pp.16-21, Jun-2022
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v10i6.1621
Due to the high blood sugar or blood glucose, the problem of diabetes will occur, and it`s also referred to as a metabolic disorder. Long-term high blood glucose levels can result in several heart-related disorders, strokes, renal illness, vision difficulties, dental problems, nerve damage, and other problems. The latest recent information about diabetes worldwide may be found in the IDF Diabetes Atlas, ninth edition 2021.There are 537 million adults facing the problem of diabetes according to the measurement of 2021 year. And we are guessing that there will be total diabetes patients will number 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045. To predict the diabetes, we generally use machine learning algorithms. Here we have executed various machine learning algorithms like K-Nearest Neighbor, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Stacking and Stacking with Hyperparameter Tuning. Each model will have different accuracy in compared to other models. The most accurate result can be achieved by the stacking and stacking with hyperparameter tuning.
Key-Words / Index Term
Machine Learning, Diabetes, Random Forest, Stacking, Hyperparameter Tuning, LogisticRegression
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Invisible Watermark based Image Authentication System with 5/3 Integer Wavelet Transform
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.6 , pp.22-26, Jun-2022
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v10i6.2226
The authentication techniques deals with the originality of an object. It may be image, text, audio etc. Image authentication widely use watermarking techniques both in spatial and transform domain, especially discrete wavelet based techniques are preferred for features like multilevel analysis and lossless reconstruction. Again, integer wavelets has added advantage of generating only integer coefficients which further make computation simpler and faster. This work initially used forward 5/3 integer wavelet transform (IWT) on cover image to generate sub bands. A watermark image is taken and its SHA256 hash code is generated. The watermark and hash code are embedded in two different sub bands using dynamic random position map and the sub bands are inverse 5/3 IWT transformed to generate stego image. During extraction, the opposite process is adopted and the hash code of extracted watermark is computed and compared with original hash code for verification of authenticity. The experimental observation of the proposed method revealed around 61.5dB peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), near zero mean square error (MSE) and very high structural similarity index measure (SSIM) with 8448 bit payload and PSNR 55 dB with 33024 bits of payload.
Key-Words / Index Term
Watermarking, Lifting Scheme, IWT, Randomization, Authentication
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Bibek Ranjan Ghosh, Siddhartha Banerjee, Deepro Sarkar, "Invisible Watermark based Image Authentication System with 5/3 Integer Wavelet Transform," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.6, pp.22-26, 2022.
Python Based Image Processing and Machine Learning for Plant Disease Detection
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.6 , pp.27-31, Jun-2022
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v10i6.2731
Although plant diseases pose a major threat to food security, the lack of necessary infrastructure makes it still difficult to quickly identify plant diseases in many parts of the world. The combination of increasing global technology penetration and recent advances in machine vision made possible by machine learning has paved the way for diagnosing illnesses using python. Machine learning technique to identify 14 crop species and 26 diseases (or their absence) using a public dataset of 54,306 diseased and healthy plant leaf images collected under controlled conditions Train the network. The trained model achieved 99.35% accuracy in a sustained test set, demonstrating the feasibility of this approach. Overall, the approach of training machine learning models with increasingly large and publicly accessible image datasets represents a clear path to the diagnosis of global plant diseases.
Key-Words / Index Term
Digital image processing, Agri-farm plant disease, Machine learning, Plant disease detection.
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B. Aishwarya, R. Vadivel, "Python Based Image Processing and Machine Learning for Plant Disease Detection," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.6, pp.27-31, 2022.
Introduction to Computer Vision: An End-to-End Guide for Beginners
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.6 , pp.32-36, Jun-2022
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v10i6.3236
Images are very easy to understand and remembered by humans. The human brain can understand if the image belongs to a dog or a cat by just having a look at it. Computer vision is one of the subjects in artificial intelligence that made it possible for a machine to visualize objects like a human brain. Although, the machine can visualize objects like human brain but still the path is so long to reach the accuracy of a human brain. The amount of data we collect today, which is subsequently utilised to train and improve computer vision, is one of the driving drivers behind its rise. Computer vision is the science by which various objects can be detected in fraction of time with the help of neural networks. Early computer vision investigations began in the 1950s, and by the 1970s, it was being used commercially to discern between typed and handwritten text. Today, computer vision applications have evolved tremendously. In this paper, a general introduction to computer vision is provided with an understanding of all the concepts of computer vision. A basic neural network is implemented from scratch for the same. The basic neural network developed achieves an accuracy of 89.13% when trained on Fashion MNIST datas¬¬et.
Key-Words / Index Term
Computer Vision, Image Processing, bounding Boxes, Object Detection, Image Segmentation
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Study on Theoretical Aspects of ontology-based and Virtual Data Integration in medical intelligence process and its Applications
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.6 , pp.37-45, Jun-2022
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v10i6.3745
Lack of fast, accurate, reliable and intelligent software solutions that can help healthcare practitioners make decisions that would solve urgent, and in some cases, complex medical problems in real-time. Cost of processing and analyzing large volumes of data in a medical environment is high most especially in terms of time consumption. Application model for enhanced medical intelligence process were developed in this paper and it can be applied in healthcare centers, clinics and maternities in Nigeria. The healthcare centers, clinics and maternities, etc can link the application model developed to their database servers so that the application will connect the platform to the database server in other to carry out disease control procedures using ontology-based (OBDI) and virtual data integration (VDI) techniques as the have the ability to ensure abstraction of data that comes from multiple sources in varying schemas, syntactic accuracy and to have a seamless transition from data into information, then into action. The objective of the design is to develop an application model for enhanced business intelligence process which was achieved using ontology-based data integration (OBDI) system, application model uses intelligent agent to guide doctors accurately by carrying out disease control procedures. Test results on the new system using confusion matrix shows a significant positive impact 88% accuracy in medical intelligence process as against 60% of accuracy by the existing system, and hence a significant improvement on overall operating efficiency. The model is therefore recommended for use by Physicians, government, hospital administrators and patients.
Key-Words / Index Term
OBDI, Hospital administrators, database, VDI, DV and Physicians
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Asogwa E.C., Amanze B.C., Ngene C.C., Belonwu T.S., Chukwuogo O.E., "Study on Theoretical Aspects of ontology-based and Virtual Data Integration in medical intelligence process and its Applications," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.6, pp.37-45, 2022.