A Review of Mining Activities on Land Cover and Land Use Detection Technique in Remote Sensing
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.535-541, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.535541
Land Use and Land Cover Change (LUCC) can reflect the pattern of human land use in a region, and plays an important role in space soil and water conservation. The study on the change of land use patterns in the world is of great significance to cope with global climate change and sustainable development. This paper reviews the main research progress of LUCC at home and abroad, and suggests that land use change has been shifted from land use planning and management to land use change impact and driving factors. The development of remote sensing technology provides the basis and data for LUCC with dynamic monitoring and quantitative analysis. However, there is no uniform standard for land use classification at present, which brings a lot of inconvenience to the collection and analysis of land cover data. Globeland30 is an important milestone contribution to the study of international LUCC system. More attention should be paid to the accuracy and results contrasting test of land use classification obtained by remote sensing technology.
Key-Words / Index Term
Remote Sensing, Land Use and Land Cover, Mining Activities, Classification
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P.Nithya, G. Arulselvi, "A Review of Mining Activities on Land Cover and Land Use Detection Technique in Remote Sensing," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.535-541, 2018.
Enhancement of Power System Stability using FACTS devices
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.542-546, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.542546
The dynamic system damping can be measured by using the rate of dissipation of transient energy. This paper deals with the different control methods for minimizing unwanted electromechanical perturbations and disturbances in power system with STATCOM (Static Compensator), SSSC (Static Synchronous Series Capacitor), and UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller). A SMIB (Single Machine Infinite Bus) was simulated under several variations of situations. The results concluded depicts the functionality and robustness of these devices on power system stability.
Key-Words / Index Term
FACTS, STATCOM, TCSC, UPFC, Stability, Generator output power, Rotor Angle
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Shailesh U. Kakaiya, Okumu Cephas, Geeta N. Paichaure, Bhupendra R. Parekh, "Enhancement of Power System Stability using FACTS devices," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.542-546, 2018.
Mobile Cloud Computing Authentication: Methods and Techniques with Capabilities, Limitations
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.547-552, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.547552
Today the capabilities of mobile devices have improved real world user friendly applications, storage and feature support. The storage capacity can tremendously be increased with the use of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a flexible, cost effective and proven delivery platform for providing services. Mobile cloud computing means the availability of cloud computing services in a mobile environment. There are various authentication techniques being used like password, log off system, Biometric techniques. This process serves as a protection against different sorts of attacks where the goal is to confirm the identity of a user and the user requests services from cloud servers. Multiple authentication technologies have been put forward so far that confirm user identity before giving the permit to access resources. Authentication in cloud was fully explained in this paper together with the existing methods and the factors with its limitations.
Key-Words / Index Term
cloud computing , mobile cloud computing, authentication techniques
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Manjusha Anant Shinde, Jadhav Shradha Ramesh, "Mobile Cloud Computing Authentication: Methods and Techniques with Capabilities, Limitations," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.547-552, 2018.
Security Testing on Web Based Application
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.553-557, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.553557
Prime objective of security testing [1] is to find out how vulnerable a system may be and to determine whether its data and resources are protected from potential intruders. Online transactions have increased rapidly of late making security testing as one of the most critical areas of testing for such web applications. Now a days, privacy and security play an important role. Software applications need to focus on data and its operations security which requires urgent attention, but it’s ignored. Security resembles the essential feature in software. In fact, our main intention is to focus on the web based testing which is one of the types of application testing with its importance, implementation and its methodologies that has been defined from developer’s point of view which is extremely helpful to the developers. Software Testing is an important process in SDLC [2] which provides assurance for quality to both software developer’s (Company) and users as well. Just like testing the performance of an application, it is also important to perform security testing before the app is open to real users. Security testing is performed to detect vulnerabilities in an application, while ensuring that the data is protected and that the application works as required .Web testing is a software testing practice to test the websites or web applications for potential bugs. It’s a complete testing of web-based applications [3] before making live. A web-based system needs to be checked completely from end-to-end before it goes live for end users [4]. By performing web site testing, an organization can make sure that the web-based system is functioning properly and can be accepted by real-time users. The UI design and functionality are the captains of website testing.
Key-Words / Index Term
Security Testing, Software Tesing, Web based Testing, Web-based Applications
[1] Gu Tian-yang, Shi Yin-sheng, and Fang You-Yuan, “Research on Software Security Testing”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 70, p 647-651, September 2010.
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[3] K.K. Aggarwal, Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, (3rd ed.), Copyright © New Age International Publishers, 01-Jan-2005.
[4] Yu Qi, David Kung and Eric Wong, ―Leveraging User-Session Data to Support Web Application Testing‖, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 31, no. 3, March 2005.
[5] Gencer Erdogan, Ketil Stolen, "Risk-driven Security Testing versus Test-driven Security Risk Analysis", First Doctoral Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems.
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[14] Suhel Ahmad Khan, Raees Ahmad Khan “Software Security Testing Process”, Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Recent Trends In Computing and Communication Engineering-- RTCCE 2013, p39-42.
[15] J. Viega and G. McGraw, Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way, Addison Wesley, 2001.
[16] Arora A., Sinha M. ―Web Application Testing: A Review on Techniques, Tools and State of Art‖, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 2, February-2012 ISSN 2229-5518.
[17] G. McGraw, “Testing for Security During Development: : Why We Should Scrap Penetrate-and-Patch,” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 13, no. 4, 1998, pp 13-15.
A. Punitha, D. Sukanya Bai, K. Lavanya, "Security Testing on Web Based Application," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.553-557, 2018.
A Hybrid Audio Steganography Method
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.558-562, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.558562
In this era of smartphones and gadgets assisted by high speed internet connectivity, the volume of data transmission and storage have gained a lot. As a result data security and confidentiality has become more important issue than ever. Steganography is one data hiding technique which helps to send some secret message to the receiver by concealing it in a cover file. In this paper, we have focused on the Audio Steganography method. The major challenge in audio steganography is to obtain robust high capacity steganographic systems. This paper presents a secure data transfer technique using Audio Steganography. Here we have proposed a hybrid method combining modified Least Significant Bit (LSB) and spread spectrum based audio steganography methods. We have implemented the proposed method and compared the results with the other methods using two quality measurement techniques, namely, Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE).
Key-Words / Index Term
Audio Steganography, confidentiality, Data security, Internet, Peak signal to noise ratio(PSNR), Mean Square Error(MSE)
[1] M. Zamani, A. B. A. Manaf, R. B. Ahmad, F. Jaryani, H. Taherdoost, A. M. Zeki, "A Secure Audio Steganography Approach", Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 9-12 Nov. 2009.
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[6] S. Roy, A.K. Singh, J. Parida and A. S. Sairam, “Audio Steganography Using LSB Encoding Technique with Increased Capacity and Bit Error Rate Optimization”, In the Proceeding of CCSEIT-12, India, 2012.
[7] H. Kumar, Anuradha, “Enhanced LSB technique for Audio Steganography”, In the Proceeding of ICCCNT`12, India, 2012.
[8] A. Mane, G. Galshetwar and A. Jeyakumar, “Data Hiding Technique: Audio Steganography using LSB Technique”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol. 2, Issue 3, 2012.
[9] P. P. Balgurgi, S. K. Jagtap, “Audio Steganography Used for Secure Data Transmission,” In Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing, pp. 699–706, India, 2012.
[10] K. Geetha, P. V. Muthu, “Implementation of ETAS (embedding text in audio signal) model to ensure secrecy,” International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1308–1313, 2010.
[11] M. Wakiyama, Y. Hidaka, K. Nozaki, “A Novel Phase Coding Technique for Steganography in Auditive Media”, In Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, IEEE 2011.
[12] Z. Kexin, “Audio Steganalysis of Spread Spectrum Hiding Based on Statistical Moment”, In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS-2010), IEEE, vol. 3, pp. 381-384, 2010.
[13] M. Nutzinger, C. Fabian, M. Marschalek, “Secure Hybrid Spread Spectrum System for Steganography in Auditive Media”, In Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing ,IEEE, pp. 78-81,2010.
[14] F. Rezaei, T. Ma, M. Hempel, D. Peng, H. Sharif, “An Anti-Steganographic Approach for Removing Secret Information in Digital Audio Data hidden by Spread Spectrum Methods”, In Proceedings of IEEE Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium , 2013.
[15] F. Djebbar, B. Ayad, H. Hamam, K. Abed-Meraim, “A view on latest audio steganography techniques,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT), pp. 409–414, United Arab Emirates, 2011.
[16] R. Kaur, J. Bhatia, H. S. Saini, R. Kumar, "Multilevel Technique to Improve PSNR and MSE in Audio Steganography" International Journal of Computer Applications , Volume 103, No.5,pp 1-4, 2014.
T. Acharjee, A. Choudhury, P. Kumar, "A Hybrid Audio Steganography Method," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.558-562, 2018.
Effect of Thermal Radiation on a Linearly Accelerated Vertical Plate with Variable Mass Diffusion and Uniform Temperature Distribution in a Rotating Medium
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.563-569, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.563569
A theoretical study has been done on the effect of radiative heat transfer on a linearly accelerated vertical plate with variable mass diffusion and uniform temperature distribution where the plate is placed in a rotating medium. A grey fluid is considered here, which has the tendency to absorb and emit radiation without any scattering. The dimension parameters of various quantities such as temperature, concentration, etc., are converted into dimensionless quantities. The converted dimensionless quantities are introduced and substituted in the governing equations with appropriate boundary conditions and an exact solution is obtained using the Laplace Transform technique for the complex velocity. In this paper, the effects of primary velocity and secondary velocity were scrutinized by varying various parameters such as radiation, thermal Grashof’s number, mass Grashof’s number, and rotational parameter. The temperature and concentration profiles of the plate were also studied in this paper by varying Prandtl number and Schmidt’s number respectively.
Key-Words / Index Term
Accelerated Vertical plate, mass diffusion, radiative heat transfer, uniform temperature, rotation, and concentration.
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S. Mohana Murali, A.R. Vijayalakshmi, "Effect of Thermal Radiation on a Linearly Accelerated Vertical Plate with Variable Mass Diffusion and Uniform Temperature Distribution in a Rotating Medium," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.563-569, 2018.
Machine Learning Tools and Toolkits in the Exploration of Big Data
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.570-575, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.570575
Machine learning (ML) is the best way to make progress towards human level artificial intelligence, which allows software applications to become more accurate in predicting results. It is the most promising technique that has profound realization in reorganizing practices pertaining to various fields viz. healthcare, education world industry, retail and manufacturing sectors, traffic and urban planning etc. The compilation and storage followed by specific training of the stored data are some of the salient features of the machine learning process that has tremendous scope in discovering novel output in various relevant fields. There are plenty of tools in ML that may help in the training of data without being explicitly programmed. Tools are categorized into- framework, platform, library, and interface. For the successful development and effective execution of ML, one can categorically manipulate various related tools. Working through such tools advances the process as applied to the various applications. In the present study, we intend to exploit recommendation engines for the development of tools that can handle the huge quantity of data. The usage of the overwhelming quantity of multimodal data and streamlining the same for its personalized usage are some of the unique features of the study. We also focus on the evaluation of a toolkit with loads of data and furthering several ML tools along with their features and use for the desired application in the relevant field.
Key-Words / Index Term
Big data, Application Programming Interface (API), Command Line Interface (CLI), Graphic User Interface (GUI), Machine learning, Tool, Toolkits, Platform, Library, Interface
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Afreen Khan, Swaleha Zubair, "Machine Learning Tools and Toolkits in the Exploration of Big Data," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.570-575, 2018.
Operating Systems for Mobiles until late 2018: A Comparative Survey and Overview
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.576-581, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.576581
Smart phones and other latest technologies have been, and continue to be emerging in today’s world. The same has been observed to be showcased by the operating systems that supplement each of the said technologies. There are multiple operating systems available today and some of the select operating systems have been made compatible across various devices. For instance, macOS developed by Apple Inc for their lineup of Mac products can synchronize seamlessly with the iOS for other products from the same manufacturer while still promoting collaboration between their phone and laptop lineups. A universal platform was proposed by Microsoft to function across their range of laptops and smart phones. Also, Android which began for smart phones has now been extended to its own version for automobiles. At the same time, there are millions of new releases, both familiar and unfamiliar directed towards dominating the market today. All of these advancements raise questions as to which operating system is to be relied upon and for which application has the ability to outperform one another. This paper is dedicated specifically towards mobile operating systems employed by leading manufacturers followed by a parallel analysis of the same.
Key-Words / Index Term
Smartphones, Android, iOS, Mobile Technology, Mobile Operating Systems
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[20] Rina , “A Comparative Analysis of mobile Operating Systems”, Internatinal journal of Computer science and engineering , Volume-6 , Issue-12 , Page no. 70-74, Dec-2018.
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Boppuru Rudra Prathap, "Operating Systems for Mobiles until late 2018: A Comparative Survey and Overview," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.576-581, 2018.
An Overview of Data Mining Techniques and its Realtime Applications
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.582-587, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.582587
Data mining, also prevalently referred as Knowledge innovation from data, is the robotic or expedient withdrawal of patterns representing information implicitly hoard or confined in huge databases, data warehouses, the web, the data streams or other enormous information repositories. Data mining is the expertise that congregates up to the dispute of solving our pursuit for acquaintance from these cosmic data burdens. It affords us with a client oriented loom to novel concealed prototypes in data. This paper accomplishes a prescribed assessment of the perception of data-mining, the typical tasks engross in data-mining, its relevance in day to day field, techniques and methodology. In additional to that, this paper affords insight for concerning the data mining to vindicate the patterns and trends to be utilized suitably and to be a supportive for beginners in the research of data mining. The core intention of this manuscript is to congregate more interior perceptions and skills in data mining.
Key-Words / Index Term
Artificial Intelligence, Time series analysis, Regression, Prediction
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K. Chitra Lekha, S. Prakasam, "An Overview of Data Mining Techniques and its Realtime Applications," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.582-587, 2018.
Hemodynamics Effects on Blood Movement through an Artery
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.588-593, Dec-2018
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v6i12.588593
Mathematical simulation of blood movement in the arterial system certainly provides the nature and physiology of the creature body. Hemodynamic play the main role to build arterial single or multiple stenoses in the body, which indicate to the abnormalities of the cardio system. Blood functioning, especially in the diseased arteries can be identified by mathematical simulation. Applications of mathematical simulation can be used in surgical planning and configuration of medical devices. The arteries are such organs which can accept the change in varying hemodynamic conditions. In some cases, unusual hemodynamic impacts make an abnormal clinically response. The stenosis becomes the reason for turbulence and flows choking. In the arrival time, the investigation of arterial blood movement will give the prediction of hemodynamic movements in any patient. The advancement of clinical tools to identify the disease and modeling of devices will give better results.
Key-Words / Index Term
Hemodynamic, Stenosis, Artery, Blood Flow
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Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Jyoti Singh Raghav, "Hemodynamics Effects on Blood Movement through an Artery," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.588-593, 2018.