Survey on User Group Revocation and Integrity Auditing of Shared Data in Cloud Environment
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.481-487, Dec-2018
The term ‘group Signature’ is inherited element of ‘digital signature’ that permits any group members to sign the messages on behalf of its group which they belongs too. The identity of original signer is hidden by this resulting signature. Subsequently, the identity of the original signer can be reveal by the group manager, who is only responsible to, open the signatures respectively. The efficient approach that combines the revocation mechanism into group signature schemes based on the robust RSA assumption. The security is an essential factor for a secure group signature scheme, and the third party introduction make the scheme more practical and simple than the previous schemes of this kind.
Key-Words / Index Term
Group signature scheme, Cloud computing, Revocation, RSA Algorithm
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Rohit Rai, Upasna Singh, "Survey on User Group Revocation and Integrity Auditing of Shared Data in Cloud Environment," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.481-487, 2018.
Issues and Challenges with Blockchain: A Survey
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.488-491, Dec-2018
Blockchain is one of the latest trends in Information Technology domain. It has changed a way of thinking for IT professional. Companies are focusing on implementation of blockchain with their services to ensure security and reliability. Still they are facing challenges and issues for development and implementation of blockchain based services. This paper discusses those issues and challenges to be considered in development and implementation.
Key-Words / Index Term
Blockchain, Smart contracts, Issues and Challenges (key words)
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Divyakant Meva, "Issues and Challenges with Blockchain: A Survey," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.488-491, 2018.
A Survey on Internet of Things
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.492-496, Dec-2018
Internet has made a significant impact on our economy and society. With the advances in information and communication technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as one of the most powerful communication paradigms of the 21st century representing the trend of future networking and is leading the wave of the IT industry revolution. Advancement in technology related to data collection, such as embedded devices and RIFD technology had led to increase in number of devices that are connected to the net and transmit the data continuously. The continuation of this trend is poised to evolve as an “Internet of Things” where the web will provide a medium for objects to become interactive. IoT makes internet more pervasive by extending the concept of internet to accommodate each and every object existing in this world or likely to exist in the coming future. These objects continuously generate information about the physical world, communicate with other objects and the seamless interactions among them lead to many different applications such as home automation, smart grid, smart city, traffic management, etc. This paper addresses different perspectives, challenges, applications and current world wide activities related to IoT.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of Things, IoT
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V.K.Bairagi, S.L. Joshi, S.H. Barshikar, "A Survey on Internet of Things," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.492-496, 2018.
A Study on Lung Nodule Segmentation and Classification using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.497-503, Dec-2018
Lung cancer is one of the dangerous and life taking disease in the world. However, early diagnosis and treatment can save our life. Although, CT scan imaging is best imaging technique in medical field, it is difficult for doctors to interpret and identify the cancer from CT scan images. Therefore computer aided diagnosis(CAD) can be helpful for doctors to identify the cancerous cells accurately. Many computer aided model using image processing and Machine Learning Technique(MLT) has been researched and developed. The main goal of this research work is to evaluate the various computer-aided model, analyzing the current best model and finding out their limitation and drawbacks and finally proposing the new model with improvements in the current best model. The model utilized that lung cancer detection model were sorted and arranged on the basis of their detection accuracy. The model were developed on each step and overall limitation, drawbacks were pointed out. It is found that some has low accuracy and some has higher accuracy, but not nearer to 100%. Therefore, this research targets to increase the accuracy towards 100%.
Key-Words / Index Term
Image Processing, Data Mining, Segmentation, Classification, Lung Cancer, Prediction
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K. Narmada, G.Prabakaran, R.Madhan Mohan, "A Study on Lung Nodule Segmentation and Classification using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.497-503, 2018.
A Comprehensive Survey of Dynamic Data Mining Process in Knowledge Discovery from Database
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.504-509, Dec-2018
Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases have been considered as an important research area in education and industry. This survey presents an overview, a description and future direction which denotes a standard for knowledge discovery using dynamic data mining process model. The paper mentions particular real-world applications, data mining techniques, challenges incorporated in real-world application of knowledge discovery, current and future research concepts in the field. The applications to both academic and industrial concerns are discussed. The major target of the survey is the integration of the research in this particular area and thereby assisting in improving the existing model by using dynamic data mining. The bonding between the knowledge discovery and dynamic data mining in real world is reviewed with appropriate examples. The survey critically evaluates the area of knowledge discovery database to inform users about various models and to develop various models using dynamic data mining. The knowledge discovery database management standards will help in promoting the industry growth and pushing the industry beyond the edge.
Key-Words / Index Term
Knowledge Discovery Database, Data Mining, Dynamic Data Mining Real World Application
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D. Ramana Kumar, S. Krishna Mohan Rao, "A Comprehensive Survey of Dynamic Data Mining Process in Knowledge Discovery from Database," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.504-509, 2018.
Application of Artificial Neural Network in Power System with Examples A Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.510-516, Dec-2018
Forecasting Power load is a prime function of power system planning and management. However, it has proved to be a complicated task because of many unstable factors. There are a substantial growth rate and application levels of neural network (NN) in the power system. This review paper explores the forecasting methodology derived from the specific neural network. The electric power industries are presently undergoing transformations and extraordinary reforms. The most exciting and probably profitable developments in recent times are growing Artificial Intelligence (AI) usage of techniques. Therefore, this paper takes an overview of NN techniques and their application in power sectors. According to NN growth rate statistics, in certain power system issues, this paper considers the load forecasting, security assessment, economic dispatch, fault diagnosis, and harmonic analysis. The various disadvantages and advantages of NN applications in this aspect, envisaging the major challenges in this field are explained while considering NN applications in the power system operations and control. The comparison is made regarding several published IEEE papers from 1990 onwards until the present date, which clearly showed that this subject has attracted the maximum awareness in the last one decade, concerning; Load forecasting; Fault diagnosis and fault location; Economic Dispatch; Security Assessment; and Transient Stability.
Key-Words / Index Term
Economic dispatch, Fault diagnosis, Harmonic is analyzing, Load forecasting, Neural network, Power system
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A Survey on Incremental Attribute Reduction Method for Dynamic Data mining Decision Systems
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.517-519, Dec-2018
In dynamic data mining situations, the attribute decrease issue has three issues: variety of protest sets, variety of trait sets and variety of property estimations. For the initial two issues, a couple of accomplishments have been made. For variety of the property estimations, current characteristic decrease approaches are not productive, in light of the fact that the strategy turns into a non-incremental or wasteful one sometimes. With the end goal to address this, we initially present the idea of an irregularity degree in a deficient choice framework and demonstrate that the property decrease dependent on the irregularity degree is proportional to that dependent on the positive area. At that point, three refresh procedures of irregularity degree for dynamic fragmented choice frameworks are given. At long last, the system of the incremental attribute decrease calculation is proposed.
Key-Words / Index Term
DIDS, mechanism in DIDS
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D. Ramana Kumar, S. Krishna Mohan Rao, K. Rajeshwar Rao, "A Survey on Incremental Attribute Reduction Method for Dynamic Data mining Decision Systems," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.517-519, 2018.
Analysis of Naïve Bayes Classification for Diabetes Mellitus
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.520-524, Dec-2018
Data Mining plays a major role in the decision making process of any application as in Health Care, Artificial Intelligence, military and weather forecasting. In particular, Classification is used to implement the real time Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) in health care industry. Thus the CDSS can be viewed as if it predicts the decisions through the supervised learning instances from the training dataset. Here a discrete set of algorithms and techniques are in vogue in the backdrop of classification through supervised learning and hence termed as classification algorithms. Among these classification algorithms, Naïve Bayes is the most familiar which uses the historical data as supervised learning instances. This paper surveys the application of Naïve Bayes classification in health care with specific pertinence to analyzing Diabetic Mellitus disease. It also focuses on the implementation of this specific algorithm in the Diabetic domain to expertise an application.
Key-Words / Index Term
Classification, Text Classification, Naïve Bayes, Semantic Analysis, Health Care
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A Comprehensive Survey of Dynamic Data Mining Process in Knowledge Discovery Database
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.525-530, Dec-2018
Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases have been considered as a significant research area in industry. This survey presents an overview, description and future directions which depict a standard for knowledge discovery and data mining process model. The paper mentions particular real-world applications, specific data mining techniques, challenges involved in real-world application of knowledge discovery, current and future research ideas in the field. The applications to both academic and industrial problems are discussed. The main target of the review is the consolidation of the research in this particular area and thereby helping in enhancing the existing model by embedding other current standards.
Key-Words / Index Term
Knowledge discovery database, data mining, real world application
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D. Ramana Kumar, S. Krishna Mohan Rao, K. Rajeshwar Rao, "A Comprehensive Survey of Dynamic Data Mining Process in Knowledge Discovery Database," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.525-530, 2018.
Gradient Feature based Static Sign Language Recognition
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.6 , Issue.12 , pp.531-534, Dec-2018
In this paper, the work carried out to design the gradient feature based static sign language is presented. Sign languages are the gestures used by the hearing and speaking impaired people for communication. The sign languages are classified into static or dynamic or both static and dynamic sign languages. In static sign languages, still hand postures are used to convey information. In the dynamic sign languages, sequence of hand postures is used to convey information. In the present work, efforts have been made to design the computer vision based static sign language recognition system for the American Sign Language alphabets. The images that represent the static sign language alphabets are grouped into training and test images. The training sign language images are subjected to preprocessing. From the preprocessed images, magnitude and direction gradient features are extracted. These features are used to train the recognition system. The test images are subjected to preprocessing and feature extraction. The extracted features from the test sign language images are used to test the designed sign language recognition system. To classify the static sign language hand gestures, nearest neighbor classifier has been used. Independent experiments are carried out to evaluate the performance of the gradient magnitude and the gradient direction features. The average recognition accuracy of 95.4% for magnitude gradient feature and 80.3% for direction gradient feature are obtained.
Key-Words / Index Term
Sign Language Recognition System; American Sign Language; Static Sign Language; Gradient Features
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M. Mahadeva Prasad, "Gradient Feature based Static Sign Language Recognition," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.12, pp.531-534, 2018.