Enhanced Techniques using Dual watermarking for DWT, DCT and SVD
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.190-197, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.190197
Digital image watermarking (DIW)is the way toward embedding watermark into a digital image (DI) for validation and in this way protecting the DI from copyright encroachment. In this paper, a versatile undetectable watermarking plan is paper in dual watermarking process. It is expected that the simplicity with which advanced media can be replicated will prompt an expansion of copyright encroachment. The implement work calculation is depicted in subtle elements. The 2 transform and dual watermarking are useful in course in such an approach to misuse their appealing properties. In this method the wavelet coefficients of the cover image to embed the watermark. The four sub bands of wavelet coefficients can be used to watermark the image. The new DCT coefficients form the singular value decompositions triangular matrices. Then the inverse DCT transform is applied by the inverse DWT. Watermark embedded using this algorithm is highly imperceptible. This scheme is robust against all sorts of attacks. It has very high data hiding capacity.
Key-Words / Index Term
Digital image Watermarking, Dual watermarking, Image processing, DWT;DCT;SVD
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D.S. Somra, M. Gupta, "Enhanced Techniques using Dual watermarking for DWT, DCT and SVD," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.2, pp.190-197, 2019.
Design of Filter Bank Transmultiplexer System for Communication Using Different Modulation Technique
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.198-202, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.198202
In this paper, design and comparative analysis outline strategy for trans-multiplexer (TMUX) system for communication with different windowing techniques are analyzed. In this scheme four adjustable window techniques viz., Blackman window, Saramaki window, Kaiser Window and ultra-spherical windows with different modulation techniques are used for designing a multi-channel filter bank trans-multiplexer FB-TMUX. A comparative study of performance of these four windowing functions with different modulation techniques such as Cosine, sine, complex and Extended lapped transform (ELT) for the recommended roll-off factor (RF) and stop band attenuation (As) is designed for trans-multiplexer is presented. The objective functions of the design to reduce Inter-symbol-interference (ISI) and specifically inter-channel-interference (ICI).
Key-Words / Index Term
Multirate, Filter Bank Transmultiplexer, Filter Bank, Extended lapped transform, ultraspherical window
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Zaffer Iqbal Mir, Javiad Ahmad Sheikh, Mehboob ul Amin, G.M. Bhat, "Design of Filter Bank Transmultiplexer System for Communication Using Different Modulation Technique," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.2, pp.198-202, 2019.
Semantic Matching Concept Using Semi-Automated Semantic Algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.203-206, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.203206
Semantic matching is a kind of ontology matching technique that depends on linguistics info encoded in light weight ontologies to establish nodes that square measure semantically connected. Ontologies matching are associate operator that identifies those nodes within the two structures that semantically correspond to at least one another. Matching concept is assessed into two classes like Syntax and linguistics Structures. Syntax matching concept is mainly focuses on syntax supported to the acceptable compiler. Linguistics is the main accustomed resolve the given word victimization logical analysis. The main objective of this proposed work is to determine the probability of semantic word used in the e-content which is retrieved from the given document. These techniques used to stem and trim the word from the given document and classify based on the knowledge such as Factual, Procedural and Conceptual. These Classified words are reconstructed into tree structures, used to calculate the probability of outcome and evidence. These effective and effusive techniques mainly to reduce the time, memory utilization and efficiency based on the proposed SAS (Semi-Automated Semantic) algorithm.
Key-Words / Index Term
Semantic, Syntax, ontologies, Structures, stem
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Optimized Scheduling Procedure for Enhancing Resource Utilization in Hetrogeneous Cloud Enviornment
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.207-215, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.207215
Because of a phenomenal increment in the quantity of computing assets in various associations, compelling jobs scheduling algorithms are required for proficient asset use. Job scheduling in considered as NP difficult issue in parallel and disseminated registering situations, for example, group, matrix and mists. Meta-heuristics, for example, Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony, Cuckoo Search, Firefly Algorithm, Bat Algorithm and so on are utilized by researchers to get close ideal answers for work scheduling issues. These meta-heuristic algorithms are utilized to plan distinctive sorts of jobs, for example, BSP, Workflow and DAG, Independent undertakings and Bag-of-Tasks. This paper is an endeavor to give exhaustive review of prominent nature-enlivened meta-heuristic procedures which are utilized to plan distinctive classifications of jobs to accomplish certain execution targets.
Key-Words / Index Term
ACO, BAT, Cuckoo, genetic algorithm
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Clustering of Web Access Patterns for Segmenting Web Users Using a Fuzzy Based Cluster Estimation Method
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.216-222, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.216222
This paper presents a method for segmenting the web users based on their web access patterns. History of web pages visited by users includes informations like access sequences of web users and number of visits of web pages and reveals interest of users in particular pages. The web users’ access patterns can be segmented to group the users with similar interests. In this work, a simple, count based technique is used for preprocessing web access data so as to convert it into a database with fixed number of attributes. A novel approach based on fuzzy clustering principles for unsupervised clustering is extended to identify the number of web user groups based on their access patterns. This method starts by assuming that all the data points are initial clusters. Pairs of similar clusters are then merged based on fuzzy membership values. This paper also compare the cluster count obtained with this approach with the cluster count obtained with Cohonen’s unsupervised clustering algorithm. The tools available with IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1 are used to benchmark the quality of cluster estimation.
Key-Words / Index Term
Fuzzy Clustering, Web access pattern, Fuzzy Logic, k-means clustering, c-means clustering
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A Trust Election based Mechanism for finding selfish node and preventing them from Attack
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.223-229, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.223229
Wireless sensor network is an important communication resource in wireless area. It enable to recognize many resources and file data such as temperature, humidity and many other dynamic functional data which needed observation. In many remote areas where the different terminology adaption is difficult while dealing with opposite situations wireless sensor network help in establish a proper communication between them. A proper network and communication also get disadvantage of intruder and anomaly within the network. WSN deals with attack resistance and finding such node which participate in such activity. Many algorithm used for finding such selfish attack nodes and preventing data from them. In this paper the proposed algorithm shown is proposed for the selfish node detection and prevention. The approach is performed using NS-2 simulation tool with dynamic node number selection model. The observe outcome while running the script observe high performance over existing scenario.
Key-Words / Index Term
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), MANET (Mobile AD-Hoc Networks), Selfish node, network failure, data packet transmission
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Capsule-Networks: Towards Object-Detection Capsule Object-Detector (COD)
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.230-236, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.230236
Although Convolutional Neural Networks performed better in object detection, CNNs does not care about spatial relationships existing in an image. In this paper, we try describe "capsule network based object detection" model COD based on the VGG16 model (as a base network), which presents a substantial result in many sections of object detection over Convolution Neural Network based model by achieving the problem of spatial relationships. We used matrix capsules and dynamic EM routing to classify object from different viewpoints. The whole model is grounded on "dynamic routing between capsules", which is suggested by Geoffrey E Hinton. Both proposed theories use capsules that maps feature properties of an object as information for detecting that object which is extracted by capsules and Dynamic routing groups the capsules of lower level into parent level capsules by an iterative dynamic routing process. We train and test our model on Pascal VOC 2007 and dataset. We implement this in python using Keras (Tensorflow as backend) and train our model in Google cloud compute engine. COD achieves an accuracy of 67.3 mAP on Pascal VOC-2007 dataset and performing a comparable performance with Fast R-CNN.
Key-Words / Index Term
Object Detection, CNN, Capsule Networks, VGG16
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Android Based Student Feedback System for Improved Teaching Learning
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.237-243, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.237243
The process used to collect the student’s feedback is manual and takes more time to complete its analysis and report generation. As technology is changing at fast rate, maximum numbers of android application are available for educational purpose. In recent years the android technology with web services has brought many drastic changes in the mobile application development field. In this paper we proposed a system which provides a simple interface for collection and analysis of student’s feedback. It can be used by educational institutes or colleges to maintain the records of student’s feedback. Valuing and asking for feedback has recognized benefits for both faculty and students. For faculty to develop and improve teaching skills. Using this application, students can fill their feedback through any android based mobile. Once they submit it, their feedback will be analyzed quickly and feedback report can be generated within very short span of time.
Key-Words / Index Term
Students Feedback System, Adndorid, Online Feedback
[1] Rajvee Patel, Omkar Agrawal, Yash Gangani, Ashish Vishwakarma, “College Feedback System”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume: 05 Issue: 01, pp. 1351 – 1353, 2018
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Modelling of Wireless Power Transmission
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.244-248, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.244248
In this paper wireless power transmission (WPT) technique has been projected for transmitting the power in the electrical system.Transmission of electrical energy from source to load for a distance without any conducting wires or cables is called as wireless power transmission. In this paper renewable energy (electrical power is generated from solar panel) has been used as a source for the proposed technique. Then the generated electrical power is fed to DC-DC converter, hence the voltage is increased. After that the increased voltage has been fed to class E power amplifier. The output of class E amplifier i.e., 90V, 13.56 MHz is transmitted through transmitter to the receiver. One of the Near-field wireless power transfer techniques is opted i.e., (Magnetic resonance coupling). Magnetic Resonance coupling technique has been utilised for the transmission of power between transmitter and receiver. Then the Power from receiver has been fed to the rectifier circuit & converted into DC voltage around 75.6 V from that it has been given to DC load.
Key-Words / Index Term
Wireless power transmission, Magnetic Resonant coupling, Class-E power amplifier
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Energy Optimization in Cloud Computing: A Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.2 , pp.249-256, Feb-2019
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i2.249256
Nowadays, modern computing environment, having lots of challenges towards flexibility and processing capabilities. So Data Centers are required. Each data center provides physical wires by which enormous compute, network and storage resources are connected. Data centers are responsible for computation, space, network points and their effective and efficient operations. Therefore, enhancing the performance of the system likes total productivity, reliability and availability having the requirement to minimize the energy consumption of Data Centers. So, energy Consumption reductions are not only to enhance the system performance but also optimize the cost. Thus, an energy optimization is becoming a challenging task due to speedy growth in data and computing applications. In this paper we critically studied about the different energy based proposed methods and comprehensive survey along with a taxonomy of network topologies, either used in commercial data centers, or proposed by researchers
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Computing, Energy Consumption, Energy Saving, DCN Topology, Energy Architecture
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