Survey of Feature Selection and Text Classification Methods for Genetic Mutation Classification
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.933-937, Apr-2019
Genetic testing and precision medicine have changed how a disease like cancer is treated. It`s a very time- consuming task where a clinical pathologist has to manually review and classify every single genetic mutation based on evidence from text-based clinical literature takes up a considerable amount of human efforts and time. In this paper, we survey different machine learning models with an intent to automate the mutation classification. Additionally, to speed up the learning process while maintaining accuracy, Jeffreys-Multi-Hypothesis (JMH) divergence method is used to select words with large discriminative capacity for classification of text. Text Encoding Schemes like BoW (Bag-of-Words), TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency, and Graph-based TW-IDF (Term Weight - Inverse Document Frequency) is used to encode text to numerical form. Macro-based F1-score is used to score performance during feature selection and model evaluation. This paper surveys the specified methods based on comparisons and tries to conclude which turns out to be better.
Key-Words / Index Term
BoW, TF-IDF,TW-IDF, JMH Divergence, Precision, Recall, F1-Score
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Varun Saproo, Rujuta Upadhyay, Manisha Valera, "Survey of Feature Selection and Text Classification Methods for Genetic Mutation Classification," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.933-937, 2019.
A Study to Investigate the reasons for Nirav Modi scam in Banking Sector
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.938-940, Apr-2019
Nowadays frauds have become common in many countries. These frauds are started affecting many organizations as per their businesses. Smaller organizations think that fraud won’t affect their business and fail to take the necessary steps to prevent their money and assets. Preventing fraud is important to every organization, it prevents from financial condition of any business, as well as the name and fame of the organization. Larger frauds in any organization may affect their employees by losing their jobs, or even the organization collapses. To prevent fraud blockchain technology is the best example and nowadays it’s gaining in the market. This paper analyzes how to prevent fraud by using blockchain technology.
Key-Words / Index Term
Nirav Modi, Scam, Bitcoin, Blockchain,LoU, Smart Contract
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Poonam Popat Magar, Sudeshna Roy, "A Study to Investigate the reasons for Nirav Modi scam in Banking Sector," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.938-940, 2019.
A Review on CP-ABE for Big Data Access Control in Cloud Computing
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.941-943, Apr-2019
Cloud computing be a model for enabling on-demand network access to a collective pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly released. Cloud attempt adjustable and cost effective repository for big data but the major problem is to deal with big data access control. classical encryption techniques are used for confidentiality and integrity over transmitted data. ABE is a fascinating explication for data access control in cloud. ABE methods encrypt attributes to a certain extent than the whole data. This paper comparative surveys the possibility of different ABE methods.
Key-Words / Index Term
: Access Control, Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption, Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption, Hidden Policy Attribute Based Encryption
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Ruchika Katariya, Amit Dangi, "A Review on CP-ABE for Big Data Access Control in Cloud Computing," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.941-943, 2019.
Recommendation System for Crop Prediction
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.944-948, Apr-2019
The focus of the paper is to recommend crops to farmers based on their geographical location, soil and weather conditions. India is a country where agriculture employs a significant amount of the country’s population. Regardless of that agriculture contributes only about 15-17% of the country’s total Gross Domestic Product. Also the suicide rates of farmers are increasing in India due to lack of information or less produce or no produce. Some reasons for this are growing crops that are incompatible with the type of soil, the weather conditions or the water content. Another reason is the inexperience of novice farmers in the field of agriculture. One solution to solve this dwindling produce is to use a crop recommendation system that recommends crops to farmers using filtering techniques like collaborative filtering and content-based filtering and machine learning algorithms. By doing this the farmers would be recommended crops that would maximize their crop yield and grow healthier crops.
Key-Words / Index Term
Farming, Agriculture, Machine Learning, Recommendation System, Filtering Techniques.
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Bushra Bankotkar, Sudeshna Roy, "Recommendation System for Crop Prediction," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.944-948, 2019.
An innovative methodology for automated ATM surveillance system using skeleton-based action recognition neural networks and IoT
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.949-953, Apr-2019
The criminal offences in the ATM kiosk are happening very commonly in recent days. A fully automated ATM surveillance system is the need of present era intended for detecting suspicious actions in the surveillance system and to trigger the proactive steps before the incident to occur. An innovative methodology proposed in this paper, which deals an automation of video surveillance in ATM kiosk and detect any type of potential criminal activities. In this system, an innovative methodology is proposed for automated ATM surveillance System using skeleton-based action recognition neural networks and IoT sensors. Multiple layers of detection techniques used to confirm the activity as suspicious. Skeleton-based action recognition by part-aware graph convolutional networks is used for detecting suspicious human action using the NTU RGB-D data set. Aadhar enabled finger print scanner which is integrated with ATM is used to fetch the demographic information from aadhar server. IoT proximity sensor is used to recognize any trial to block the vision of surveillance camera. Similarly, any physical attack made on ATM will be identified using IoT pressure/gas sensors. Suspicious sound generating during the criminal offence is also considered to confirm the activity as suspicious. Once, the activity is confirmed as suspicious, demographic information of the suspect will be fetched from aadhar server maintain by unique identification authority of India (UIDAI) and initiate the proactive steps and warning procedures.
Key-Words / Index Term
ATM, part-aware graph, convolutional networks , NTU RGB-D data set, Surveillance System
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Jaimon Jacob, Sudeep Ilayidom, V.P.Devassia, "An innovative methodology for automated ATM surveillance system using skeleton-based action recognition neural networks and IoT," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.949-953, 2019.
Comparative Study of Methodologies for Home Automation System A Survey
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.954-958, Apr-2019
A home automation system involves controlling and monitoring entertainment systems, security systems, appliances, lights and more. The Home Automation industry is growing rapidly. This is because people prefer automatic systems over manual systems at home so that their daily chores can be reduced and they can concentrate more on their area of interest. This led to the development of different methodologies to implement a home automation system. There are many home automation methodologies available, each of which has its own implementation methods, advantages, and limitations. However, it is up to the end-users to select their own choice of methodology for automating their home. The specific parameters being considered by the end-users for opting a specific methodology is relatively low. Therefore, in this paper, a comparative study of home automation methodologies such as GSM, Voice recognition, Bluetooth and IoT is presented from the end-users view to fill the empty space regarding the choice of methodology to be taken. The readers can expect to choose a methodology that suits their best after the study of this paper.
Key-Words / Index Term
Home Automation System (HAS); Micro Controller; Arduino Uno; GSM; Bluetooth; Voice Recognition; Internet of Things (IoT); Wi-Fi;5G; Network Slicing
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[21] Bruno Dzogovic; Bernardo Santos; Josef Noll; Van Thuan Do; Boning Feng; Thanh van Do, “Enabling Smart Home with 5G Network Slicing”, In the Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS 2019), Singapore, pp.1-6,2019.
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Sangeetha S.P, Snigdha Sen, "Comparative Study of Methodologies for Home Automation System A Survey," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.954-958, 2019.
Vector Similarity Measure for ASAG
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.959-963, Apr-2019
Automated Short Answer Grading (ASAG) has been an area of active research for quite some time now. Several theories and implementation have come up, but a stable method, suitable for all genres of answers is yet to be standardized. The most accurate results for short answer grading have been found for substantially longer texts which have scope for information retrieval. Smaller answers however suffer on this front and have been a bottleneck of sorts. This paper presents a simple method to evaluate very short answers, using cosine similarity method between students’ answers and model answers prepared by subject experts. The proposed method is simple, fast and easy to implement and returns scores having fair correlation with human evaluated scores.
Key-Words / Index Term
ASAG, Students Answer, Model Answer, Cosine Similarity
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Chandralika Chakraborty, Udit Kr. Chakraborty, Bhairab Sarma, "Vector Similarity Measure for ASAG," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.959-963, 2019.
Breast Cancer Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.964-968, Apr-2019
Breast cancer is a fatal disease causing high mortality in women. By applying data mining techniques people can work on the extraction of hidden, historical and previously unknown large databases. The development of the technique have promised towards intelligent component in medical decision support systems. Here efficient information have been mined from the machine learning. ANN has been widely used in breast cancer diagnosis. In the proposed system the desired output were chosen and applied to ANN for preprocessing, classification and so on. The breast cancer data set from UCI data sets will be used to demonstrate different activities.
Key-Words / Index Term
ArtificialNeuralNetwork, ANN, DataMining, BreastCancer
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V.Ambikavathi, P.Arumugam, P.Jose, "Breast Cancer Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.964-968, 2019.
Popular Place Prediction and Image Recommendation Using Hierarchical Multi-Clue Modeling for Tourist
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.969-972, Apr-2019
Tourist trip design problems are occur in our modern age, but with the help of mobile application and web service can solve this problem by recommendation of popularity POI sequences. In this paper proposed system represent personalized POI tourist information recommendation by using hierarchical modelling. Multiple tourist information with personalized POI prediction is very essential for users. There are differe4nt factor in trip recommendation such as location, updated information, weather prediction, image recommendation and route recommendation. This proposed system provides the online questionnaire for previously visited places. Users focus on recommend the popular image by using MHH algorithm. This personalized POI recommendation design by using multidimensional preference collection system. Existing system extended with automatic trip planning. The research demonstrates a high usability of this proposed system and recommends the popular place with multiple images according to user POI.
Key-Words / Index Term
Tourist, Recommendation, POI(Point of Interest), Place, MHH(Motion History Histogram)
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Rashmi A. Wahurwagh, P. M. Chouragade, "Popular Place Prediction and Image Recommendation Using Hierarchical Multi-Clue Modeling for Tourist," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.969-972, 2019.
Facilitating Secure Cloud Based Mobile Healthcare Application using Encryption Techniques
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.973-977, Apr-2019
Cloud computing comes with higher potential in improving the healthcare services provided to patients and also promises increase in the access of qualitative healthcare services and reduction in the healthcare expenses. Even though cloud computing puts an end to the concerns regarding investment in hardware infrastructure and its maintenance by hospitals, expenses by patients and faster access of health records by both patients and doctors without interruption in service, it is still discerned as unsafe because of the security threats it faces. The patient’s health information is prone to loss, unauthorized access, misuse, coercing and altering. This can be avoided by encrypting the data before handing it over for cloud storage. This paper comprises the study of various encryption schemes which can be put to use for securing the patient’s sensitive health information on cloud along with the implementation and performance analysis of a mobile healthcare application which encrypts the health records of patients before outsourcing it for storage over cloud and ensures effective access control, secrecy and integrity of health information.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud computing, healthcare, encryption, mobile healthcare application, integrity
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