Big Data Analytics and its Tools
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.876-880, Apr-2019
In current scenario the Big Data has a rapid growth and has become a most popular term in the world of internet. The size of generated data is so huge and complex that traditional data processing application tools and platforms are inadequate to deal with it. This article is a result of a systematic analysis that discusses Big Data concepts and applications in various domains. The goal is to explore and understand the current research, opportunities, and challenges relating to the utilization of Big Data and analytics. The contribution of this paper is to provide an analysis of the available literature on big data analytics. Accordingly, some of the various big data tools, methods, and technologies which can be applied are discussed, and also shows the strength and limitations of Hadoop and HPCC systems based on some specific criteria.
Key-Words / Index Term
Bigdata, Bigdata Analytics, IoT.
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Deepak Kumar Verma, Ashakti, "Big Data Analytics and its Tools," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.876-880, 2019.
Review on Various Face Artefact Detection Mechanism
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.881-887, Apr-2019
To automatically recognition of face is wide utilized in a few applications like confirmation of portable payment. Programmed face recognition has raised issues concerning face artefact detection (biometric sensor introduction assaults), in which a photo or video of an approved individual`s face will be utilized to pick up access. There are assortments of face attack discovery strategies are proposed, their speculation capacity has not been sufficiently tended to. The goal of this paper is to review and recognize various face attack detection ways and to sort them into entirely unexpected classes.
Key-Words / Index Term
face attack, image processing, DCT
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Amanpreet, Anil Kumar, "Review on Various Face Artefact Detection Mechanism," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.881-887, 2019.
Information Technology in Education Sector in Jammu and Kashmir
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.888-889, Apr-2019
With the development of technology and increase in knowledge of society, our state requires learning skills that could help it to hold pace with the development of technology. Educational structures in a community and consequently schooling will not be capable of becoming independent from other social institutions. Education within the twenty-first century is the middle from which all changes and trends arise. Information generation in schooling desires a tradition. This change needs to be found at the side of the use of hardware assets. The machine wishes to be knowledgeable to use facts technology; otherwise, purchase and switch of era and funding could be nothing but losing sources. Although these technologies aren`t unbiased in any experience they need to be used as method for communicating records, in the present social structures. However, because the procedure of change and transformation is within the nature of human social establishments, the academic device is also vulnerable to a few changes. But the essential trouble is that what techniques ought to be adopted so that schooling systems in developing countries do not only follow advanced international locations but develop and progress base on their very own needs within the course of development. In this paper, after explanation about the role of Information Technology and its place in training in underdeveloped states of India, Jammu and Kashmir, a discussion is presented on a way to input the sector of facts society and the way to use Information technology.
Key-Words / Index Term
Information Technology, academic, hardware, development and Jammu and Kashmir.
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Naira shah1 and Wasim Akram Zargar, "Information Technology in Education Sector in Jammu and Kashmir," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.888-889, 2019.
Mobile Apps Revolutinizing Indian Agriculture
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.890-893, Apr-2019
Agribusiness is one of the primary source of income throughout the world. In fact, we all depend on agriculture directly or indirectly. Communication and Information matters a lot in the development of any field, In agriculture also right Information at the right time matters a lot to the farmers. Modern ICT tools have fulfilled this dream. Smartphone is one of the most popular modern ICT tool that is playing a strategic role in the development of modern farmer. Smartphone and its applications has come with great innovations. Several mobile applications have been developed by government, private companies and non government organization to help farmers to reduce stress, acquire relevant information on good agriculture practices, weather, quality input, markets tendency, etc. This study focuses on how techie our Indian farmers are, and how mobile apps are helping them in easing their daily farm related tasks and increasing their income.
Key-Words / Index Term
Mobile apps , Modern ICT , Digital agriculture
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Ranjita Rathore, Manju Mandot, "Mobile Apps Revolutinizing Indian Agriculture," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.890-893, 2019.
A Framework for Efficient Healthcare Resources Utilization using Semi-supervised Machine Learning Algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.894-900, Apr-2019
Electronic Health Records are providing high amount of genetic data and clinical information through the exceptional advances in biotechnology and health sciences. The application of machine learning and data mining methods in biosciences is crucial, more than that very important to transform cleverly all available information into precious knowledge. Diabetes mellitus is defined as a collection of metabolic disorders exerting major pressure on human health worldwide. Large amounts of data generated due to the widespread researches in all areas of diabetes. This study is to present a systematic approach of the applications of machine learning algorithm along with data mining techniques and tools in the field of diabetes research especially in Health Care Resource Utilization (HCRU). There were so many machine learning algorithms used here. Supervised machine learning algorithm, unsupervised machine learning algorithm and Semi-supervised Machine Learning Algorithm (SMLA).This research shows that SMLA such that Transductive Support Vector Machine (TSVM) fits the best for the research in healthcare resource utilization by considering the type of diabetes patient’s medical datasets.
Key-Words / Index Term
Diabetes mellitus, Machine Learning, Healthcare resource utilization, Support Vector Machine
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C.Natarajan, J.M.Gnanasekar, N.Janorious Hermia, "A Framework for Efficient Healthcare Resources Utilization using Semi-supervised Machine Learning Algorithm," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.894-900, 2019.
Energy Storage Devices and Its Hybridization for Designing Supply System
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.901-909, Apr-2019
Energy sources undergo large momentary changes in power input/output monthly or even annual cycles. Electricity production need not be drastically scaled up and down to meet momentary consumption. Therefore, in order to become these sources completely suitable as primary sources of energy, energy storage is an essential factor. There are storage devices that are used for very large energy storage (i.e. pumped hydro, CAES) or for comparatively smaller storage (i.e. batteries, UC, flywheel, fuel cell). A large range of storage technologies exists with each one possessing different peculiarity and are proposed for different applications. Also, it is highly uneconomical and inefficient to design any energy storage system only based on peak power demand. So, hybrid combination of such devices would lead to availability of a secondary source which in turn will play role in different parts of demand profile and can also work as the primary source for time being.
Key-Words / Index Term
Load profile, Energy storage, hybridization
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Kriti K. Arora, C.D.Kotwal, "Energy Storage Devices and Its Hybridization for Designing Supply System," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.901-909, 2019.
Rail Fence Cipher Based Encryption Technique For Secure Data Transfer
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.910-914, Apr-2019
Network security has become one of the major talking points in today’s technological world. Although several research activities were carried out pertaining to security in order to ensure confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, non-repudiation etc., there remained some loopholes which need to be taken care of. There are chances that cyber attackers or hackers may tamper or alter the texts and cause a severe leakage of confidential information of IT organizations, business firms, etc. Hence, it is of utmost importance to protect vital information from such attackers or hackers by using some standard techniques. In our paper, we have discussed the cryptographic techniques with proper encryption and decryption. We have suggested the use of Rail Fencing Cypher along with ASCII codes and mapping tables for end to end encryption of plain text comprising of several characters and then decrypting the encrypted text into plain text.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cryptography, Rail Fence Cipher, Mapping, Encryption, Decryption
[1] Sudipta Sahana, Asmita Bhattacharya, Rittik Mondal, Rohan Chattopadhaya, Titas Das, “SECURING AND HIDING TEXTS USING ARCHIMEDEAN SPIRAL TECHNIQUE WITH IMAGE STEGANOGRAPHY”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume IX, Issue IV, ISSN 2321-3469
[2] Sudipta Sahana, Goutami Dey, Madhurhita Ganguly, Priyankar Paul, Subhayan Paul, “Adaptive Steganography Based Enhanced Cipher HidingTechnique for Secure Data Transfer”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 2, Ver. V, PP 55-60
[3] Sudipta Sahana, Madhusree Majumdar, Shiladitya Bose, Anay Ghoshal, “Security Enhancement Approach For Data Transfer Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography And Image Steganography”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication EngineeringVol. 4, Issue 4, April 2015
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[6] Ujjwal Barman, Suchismita Gupta, Sudipta Sahana, “Substitution Technique Based Noble Approach Towards Base64 Crypting System Incorporating Rail Fence Cipher”, CCET JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING EDUCATIONCCET JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Vol. - 3, Page-60-65, Year-2018, ISSN 2455-5061
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Debolina Dalui, Sudipta Sahana, "Rail Fence Cipher Based Encryption Technique For Secure Data Transfer," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.910-914, 2019.
Insider Threats Detection Methods : A Survey
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.915-923, Apr-2019
We are living in the age of advanced digital era. We could not even have thought of living without digital gadgets. Almost all the public and private sectors are working with digital data. There is a need to secure this confidential digital data from insider and outsider cyber-attacks. This research paper includes the survey of insider threat detection methods. Insider threats detection are more difficult because insiders are having all privileges or credentials to access the resources and no one will suspect on them. It is easy to transfer the digital data and access can be given to handle this data remotely through compromised insiders. Insider threats results in digital data theft, data leakage and data loss which impacts on profit level and damage the organization image in the market. Survey covers emerging technologies used for detection of insider threats. This research paper identifies the trends of tools, methods used for insider threat detection. It presents information year wise in statistical tabular format. This paper gives insight for future work and challenges to mitigate the cyber-attacks by insider threats.
Key-Words / Index Term
Insider threats, cyber-attacks, detection methods
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Map Reduce concept based Sentiment Analysis Approach
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.924-927, Apr-2019
In the digital word there produce a large amount of data every second related to web based content or blogging data or the data generated from reviews. When we want to do the analysis of any data we need to know about the sentiments of the user who are directly or indirectly in the use of related data for this type of data processing we need sentiment analysis in fast manner, by the use of Map reduce architecture we split the related collected data into small clusters and analysis the data in very less time. Micro blogging locales have a great many individuals sharing their contemplations every day due to its trademark short and straightforward way of articulation. We propose and research a worldview to store the assessment taken away a prominent ongoing micro blogging administration, Twitter, spot clients present constant responses on and sentiments around everything. This paper mainly focuses on the concept of twitter sentiment analysis, here we have presented a system architecture how we can collect the data from the different sources and can process the data. We have focused the concept of Hadoop Map Reduce architecture for data processing in our research work. In the result section we have presented the analysis of sentiments collected from different source in tabular format as well as the graphical representation is given. A contextual analysis is introduced to represent the utilization and viability of the suggested framework.
Key-Words / Index Term
Twitter,Sentiment anlysis,blogging,Hadoop,Map-reduce
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Bhavya Makkar, Ayush Kaushik, Bhanu P. Lohani, Vimal Bibhu ,Pradeep K.Kushwaha, "Map Reduce concept based Sentiment Analysis Approach," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.924-927, 2019.
Hybrid Optimized Algorithms for Solving Clustering Problems in Data Mining
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.7 , Issue.4 , pp.928-932, Apr-2019
In this paper, Cluster analysis is a group objects like observations, events etc based on the information that are found in the data describing the objects or their relations. The main goal of the clustering is that the objects in a group will be similar or related to one other and different from (or unrelated to) the objects in other groups. Extracting relevant information from large database is attaining huge significance. Clustering of relevant information from large database becomes difficult. The major objective of this work is to proposed novel clustering methods for solving clustering problem. It is used to separate the data set into a significant set of reciprocally limited clusters with respect to relationship of data and it is used to create the more number of data in the same manner surrounded by a group and extra various among groups. Data clustering is a vital concept of mining as it partitions the given dataset into meaningful set of clusters based on data similarity. This concept enhances the computation efficiency in the data analysis processes
Key-Words / Index Term
Clustering, ABC Algorithm, PSO and FA Algorithm, MOSSSA-HAC, MOSSCS-MHAC Algorithms
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S. Karthikeyan, A.Dhakshina Moorthy , "Hybrid Optimized Algorithms for Solving Clustering Problems in Data Mining," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.928-932, 2019.